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Posts posted by Ardyth.9286


    > The beginning is a little over the top! Our guild doesn't recruit in open chat like you normally see.


    > We do require 100% rep due to specific reasons. We don't recruit vets, mostly new players and we raise them. It is our time spent doing this and the candidate is made full aware of why.


    > I pretty much gave up on this due to the last one. Got them their espec, geared fully Ascended and...boom, they said they beat the game and quit playing.


    > I would prefer to have 10-15 people in our guild and know each one of them instead of 500 that are doing their own thing.


    > So your analysis can go both ways.




    I'd be interested to know what your guild name is. I have a lvl 80 DH/FB Guardian but for all intents and purposes, I'm very much a beginner who can't seem to coordinate movement and attacking.

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > There’s a difference between representing a guild just for the time that you’re trying to use a feature (e.g. guild bank, claiming in WvW, check out MOTD, guild hall feature, etc) versus representing a guild 100% of the time.


    Is it acceptable to switch to the non-100% rep Guild while using the Guild Bank, etc., and then switch back to the 100% rep Guild?

  3. I now belong to two guilds and I find that I cannot interact with the respective Guild Treasurer unless I am representing that guild, which I can only do by clicking on one or the other. Is it ok to do this, i.e., switch representation between guilds? What does "100% representation" mean, then?

  4. > @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

    > I suggest making a build that heals, tanks and supports other players, then you can just do your own thing and not really care that much about dodging because of high healing and mitigation potential.


    > Then the game is mostly about being close enough to teammates to share boons and heals, which is a lot easier to manage than playing a high risk damage dealer.

    > As a support tank, you can even decide where the whole crew is gonna fight at and don't have to chase anything at all.


    > Support gameplay is also more about reacting to things happening instead of doing skill rotations endlessly, which imo is funnier and lets you improvise a lot more.

    > After a few practice runs, you will actually know when damage spikes happen and can prepare for those in advance :)


    Interesting suggestion. I will look into this.

  5. I find it very difficult to use WASD and then move my fingers to 1-5 attack keys and back to WASD. It is not intuitive for me, although my gamer son has been trying to teach me. I've always used the mouse to move while keeping my fingers on the attack keys. I'll keep at it, though.

  6. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > @"Ardyth.9286" said:

    > > My griffon is my "go-to" mount, but I also use springer and skimmer quite a bit.


    > I used to use the griffon a lot, before the skyscale. But Ive seen almost no use for it now. Theres only few maps where you can take advantage of its superspeed when flying, and the fact you need a high place to dive from.

    > But once you get used to the skyscale, its difficult to find much use for the flappyburd anymore. Especially because you dont need to constantly tap space to flap, and theres a lot more places for the skyscale to shine. Like navigating verdant brink with sublime ease for one.

    > Also, a nod to the skyscale, ls4 and ISB maps comes with long trails of volatile magic or karma orbs that is made for the skyscale. As eating one resets your flight stamina.

    > Jahai Bluffs for example is crisscrossed by lenghty trails of volatile magic orbs intop of the map that lets you constantly dash your way across the map if you are capable of aiming for the next orb in the trail.

    > Though it should be noted when your hit the daily alotment of orbs of a type, they disappear.

    > In contrast, so far in IBS, its been far less generous with karma orbs. But there is trails here and there that you can activate and go all pacman on.


    I don't have a skyscale yet, but I can imagine it'll be my new best friend when I do.

  7. With a lvl 80 Guardian with builds for both Dragonhunter and Firebrand, I had visions of finally breaking out of solo PVE. I joined a guild, thinking I would participate in guild missions, and the Raid Academy to train for raids. I worked on my keybinds so I could become more adept at moving and combat using just the keyboard, practiced endlessly on low-level NPCs to coordinate my finger movement, tried to memorize Snowcrow rotations, etc. It was an abject failure. After watching raid training videos and joining a guild mission for all of 20 seconds, I realized I can't play with others in such settings. Maybe it's my age (60-ish), maybe my brain is slowing down, maybe it's an issue with extreme visual overload, but I find I simply cannot press keys fast enough in a particular order nor can I figure out how to move and attack at the same time using just keys. Hell, I can't even keep up with a group. I can't wrap my brain around things like "when Sword of Justice is on cooldown, hit them with Whirling Blades followed by Mantra of Fire, then go back to Sword of Justice..." (this is a made-up example) while dodging and strafing. It's just too much.


    So, I've decided to stick with solo PVE. It's my comfort zone, and I'd rather be able to relax and have fun than try to measure up to someone else's expectations. What a relief!


    I did learn how to kill swarming pocket raptors with Firebrand AOE, so that's something...8 )

  8. > @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

    > Make sure you are running your guild XP booster, birthday/celebration boosters if you have them, and utilities and foods. The food and utilities XP boost is generally from from kills, so make sure you're killing the white and yellow mobs. Also, don't forget about the raptor, springer, skimmer, and jackal mount treats. You get mastery experience for eating ONE while on each mount each day in the desert maps. On my alt account, it worked out to over 40k free XP per mount each day.


    > So the first question is, do you have any achievements in those maps left to complete? Don't forget map completion. For me, Dragonfall was the the fastest map for me to complete the skimmer training.


    Ok, I have to ask...How do you get food/utilities to boost XP and the treats? I'm anxious to achieve masteries on my new griffon mount.

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