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Posts posted by OnizukaBR.8537

  1. Of course WoW is more balanced. Do you have meaningfull gear choices, stats and skill there? No, so there is way easier to balance. As a warrior I can use mace, hammer, GS, axe... choose from many traits, stats, runes, sigils... in WoW i can choose between 3 specs, and everyone in that spec is the same. Way boring and way easier to balance, thank god GW isnt like that.

  2. I dont think 7% is so imbalanced as you make it sounds. First in fractals you have agony so you are hit you wont be healing, in raids there a lot of hard hitting attacks that you wont be able to heal by just 7% of outgoing damage. Just look at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invigorating_Precision if that was the case a full daredevil 10 man would faceroll raids/99 CM/100 CM ignoring mechanics. Another example would be https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Parasitic_Contagion

  3. I think they should remove agony affecting barrier, and at least in PvE give us 2 second before barrier start decaying. Better heals coeficcient and lower base would be a good way to balance support scourge, and i loved the lifesteal suggestion.

  4. > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > @Feanor.2358 said:

    > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

    > >

    > > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.


    > Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".


    > I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


    Then there isnt any dps meter, and you are insta kicked everytime you join a T4 for being a scourge, a spellbreaker, a power mesmer... While you are pretty experienced with those and can pull the highest dps of the party.

    So no dps meter would be a lot of worse, because elitism would still be the same and you wouldnt have a tool to prove you are pulling more then your weight

  5. No, you propably getting group with people that are testing new specs and are not good with them. For me i'm getting luck with pugs in the last 3 days, i play SP D/D PS on fractals and i think yestarday i did my fastest T4 swamp where we burned the boss so fast at the last 25% phase that he died before he recovered from the breakbar at the start.

  6. SP would never be a raid tank. What you bring while tanking? A full ministrel FB can bring perma quickness, a lot of might, aegis, healing and cond cleanse while tanking. A herald tank can provide perma fury, might/protection and healing cond cleanse. Even reaper tank can tank better without giving much dps in the process and have a party heal in transfusion, while providing god tier CC.

    So yeah even if there wasnt chrono warrior is probable the worst tank.

  7. Elite is way better the way it is, it gives build diversity. Without the weapon limit of elites, every class would just pick the best weapon for the type of damage ( power or condition ) and never use another thing. For example every cond necro would use torch, now we have cond reaper that use off hand dagger and cond scourge that use off hand torch.


    Without this kind of limits there isnt diversity because you just pick the best in slot.

  8. I dont think its fine for an elite being design for PvP only. Why? Because if so when everyclass have an elite design for pvp there will be no choice because you will always pick that elite for pvp making pvp builds boring. And if you dont play pvp which a lot of people dont then its a -1 elite. So a loss-loss scenario.


    Elite should be designed to focus something like Support, DPS, Tanking, Healing etc... Not elite for PvP or elite for PvE.

  9. > @Paladine.6082 said:

    > > @OnizukaBR.8537 said:

    > > Your character is not your property. If arena net decide to shut down guild wars 2, they can and you lose acess to it. So if your character is not your property then anything related to it is not private information.


    > That makes no sense legally. The New York Times is not my property but data on how I use it is personal data as established by case law all over the world, not just the EU.


    So go ahead take to a judge your character as personal data and see he laughing at you. If arenanet wanted to delete your character right now they could, this is just how much power and ownership of your character you have.

  10. > @TheSwede.9512 said:

    > > @Cyninja.2954 said:


    > > > @Foxraging.1269 said:

    > > > I too, run this for my firebrand and it works great using mace/sh and axe/torch. I kill little mobs easy and vets and champs cant beat the sustain.

    > >

    > > Sorry to say, but any 4 stat set with condition damage will perform well on Firebrand. Try running Trailblazer instead of Marshal to see how big a difference it will make. You'll be tankier and have more damage.


    > Trailblazer will not out-damage Marshal though, that's downright impossible. A little Expertize (That won't even affect burning as they probably cap it with runes, food and sigils) won't help much considering the low amount of Bleeding they do, and you lose all that Power and Precision. Only Sinister, Viper and Grieving would be a Damage increase to Marshall (Maybe Rampager too, though you'd overcap Crit Chance easily.)


    > You would be much tankier, ofc.


    Trailblazer will out-damage Marshal by a HUGE margin lol. It have cond dmg and expertise, it give the same cond damage as viper without the power part. Axe AA does a lot of burning and F1 skills. So yeah marshal probably would less than half of the Trailblazer dmg.

  11. I just wanted to create a topic to show appreciation for the new hero challenge icons, they show empty and a "+" if you never done it with your char, or empty with an infinity symbol if you didnt do it that day. Its such a good QoL for those who like to do the hero points daily ( and they actually give decent reward for the time you take ).

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