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Posts posted by memausz.7264

  1. > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > Recently there have been a few complaints on Rev specifically Rev damage.


    > First, I would like to point out that rev still has the LOWEST power damage and LOWEST power burst of ALL classes in a PVE environment. Yet, with that being the case rev still has pvp specific damage and CD nerfs to even further lower this damage.


    > Second, there are very few Revs that are playing consistently at high skill rating. If you are going to call something out for being OP pertaining to Rev you might as well from now on just say “XXX out skilled me and I want him nerfed.”


    > As we all know rev has the MOST EXPLOITABLE weaknesses of all classes. It’s quite easy to win against rev just by playing a certain way or a certain spec.


    > So for the sake of keeping things short; maybe from now on don’t call out rev. Call out the specific rev that farmed you, and state why this specific person is OP. No need to cry against Rev *insert laughing emoji*.


    I'm sure the MAT's Ventari Rev bunker sitting on a node for 1 min on such low HP is "outskilling" other top-tier DPS class players. Yep...

  2. They have Game Masters and the thing is, a Game Master needs to actively be present, spectating a match for their to be any cause of action for suspension/bans. Also, like Avatar said, this thread will likely be deleted because they would prefer to blame people who do not have 2 Factor Authentication (who are not hacking) rather than fix the problem and suspend and/or ban the hackers. That's the hard truth.

  3. Bad balance, overworked and understaffed Customer Support Team that apparently has not suspended a certain user for blatantly n-bombing and f-bombing (the slur) PvP map chats multiple times for weeks now, an inability to respond effectively to people using port hacks, people blatantly win-trading for meaningless titles, and general toxicity (where a player on your team AFKs the ENTIRE MATCH from the start, then when you call the player out, the player claims that YOU are toxic XD). There is no punishment for AFKers, slurrers, or hackers, and slow balance improvement, so yeah, people just move on to PvE or WvW or other games.

  4. This has been a bug at least since Swiss Tournaments were introduced into PvP - if you have even one item to pick up from the Trading Post (Orichalcum Ore, etc.) - you do not receive a notification of your tournament rewards at all, at least until you pick up the goods at the Trading Post. This leaves the player with the impression that the rewards have not been received and are not at all recoverable. How can a bug like this not be fixed for months and months and months? It is known to anyone who does PvP, even to the casual PvP players who complete automated tournaments just for AP or gold.

  5. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > > > I thought we were done with amulets that granted players more than 500+ toughness... seems not to be the case if Rabid amulet is still going to be around. It allows condi revenants and condi rangers to sit and bunk nodes even against two direct dmg dps players for extended periods of time with not much effort.

    > > > >

    > > > > It needs to go, in my opinion.

    > > >

    > > > You need to actually think about the amulets that have been removed if "it has more than 500 toughness!1!1!" is your reasoning

    > >

    > > Well that's literally the reasoning for deleting all the other amulets with lots of toughness or lots of toughness and vitality. Barbarian amulet - gone. Paladin amulet - nerfed. Cavalier's Amulet - deleted. Knight Amulet - deleted. YEah, there's precedent for it. Not this inconsistency of "Oh, let's nerf CC direct dmg to zero... except Lightning Rod, Fear, etc. This inconsistency screws with the balance if there is no consistent design philosophy.

    > >

    > > So yes, 100% justified in deleting an amulet based on precedent. If you don't like it, petition for knight's amulet to return.


    > Still ignores the real reason; primary verses secondary stats, as well as the other stats that come with the amulet. i.e healing power with vitality is fine but healing power with toughness isnt.


    > There's nothing inconsistent when you look at what had actually been removed.


    > The three that got removed main stat defensive. Paladin got nerfed since it had both defensive stats and cele got removed since it had all 3.


    > Removing rabid for its toughness means you would need to remove valk for its vit.




    Yeah and there's an argument to be had about Valkyrie, too.

  6. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > > > I thought we were done with amulets that granted players more than 500+ toughness... seems not to be the case if Rabid amulet is still going to be around. It allows condi revenants and condi rangers to sit and bunk nodes even against two direct dmg dps players for extended periods of time with not much effort.

    > > > >

    > > > > It needs to go, in my opinion.

    > > >

    > > > You need to actually think about the amulets that have been removed if "it has more than 500 toughness!1!1!" is your reasoning

    > >

    > > Well that's literally the reasoning for deleting all the other amulets with lots of toughness or lots of toughness and vitality. Barbarian amulet - gone. Paladin amulet - nerfed. Cavalier's Amulet - deleted. Knight Amulet - deleted. YEah, there's precedent for it. Not this inconsistency of "Oh, let's nerf CC direct dmg to zero... except Lightning Rod, Fear, etc. This inconsistency screws with the balance if there is no consistent design philosophy.

    > >

    > > So yes, 100% justified in deleting an amulet based on precedent. If you don't like it, petition for knight's amulet to return.


    > Barbarian had only vitality, so the hypothesis doesn't hold much value. Besides we still have Valkyrie and Carrion.


    > Look carefully, we have the option to delete traits and multipliers from a class or delete what causes any class to be OP with those traits. Let's keep damage in.


    They can just play Wizard's or Carrion. I shouldn't adjust because the game is rewarding such lazy builds. And yeah the theory holds up because that was still the reasoning behind it - super high sustain builds. With Barbarian, you could legit have a 35K base HP Necro. Think of shroud with that - that's an addition -50% incoming direct dmg and condi dmg - a permanent Spectrum Shield. Add to that all the sources of protection.... and for a little less HP, also having access to Eternal Life... and you've got yourself a trait tank that's unkillable.

  7. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > Ask yourselves this question - why is it that no other condis in the game and no other direct damage attacks in the game, even combined, match burn dmg? That's how I know all of you are wrong.


    > Yikes, bad take. Burns are generally much lower duration and have limited access. Guardian compensate for having no cover condi by having the strongest damaging one. Bring cleanse and stop wasting it.


    Cleanse does not matter if you get spiked by condi - which, btw, has a +50% duration increase with Smoldering Sigil and Baelfire or Balthazaar Runes. You can't cleanse fast enough. And the chances of being tether pulled are quite high. It does so much damage that if you have two mediocre burn DHs in a game, one can sit at mid, one can sit at home and the rest of the team will just rotate between them and unless the enemy team has core necros, there's not much you can do. One counter build isn't very balanced at all. You have to look at damage output, mobility, time-to-kill, sustain, kiting potential, and so on when looking at this and when you do, you realize that asking players to switch their professions to such a limited set of builds to counter one stupid snapping turtle of a build that just sits on node all game is a terrible way of going about balance.

  8. > @"Insomnus.9185" said:

    > https://imgur.com/ZHcPUGQ


    > I've been experiencing problems with queues in recent weeks.


    > Normally I would give up on waiting after 10-15 minutes. Some days I can't get any games. I've tried relogging, req-ing etc with no change. Today I decided to wait it out and got a game about 2 minutes after this screen was taken. Half an hour of queueing time for one match that lasts 10-12 minutes on average in a boring meta barely worth playing is intolerable even for casual play. I can't help but wonder what the kitten is going on.


    Again, it's because the balance is not fun and lazy condi builds get you much farther than they should in ranked and ATs. I don't want to fight that. People who are even moderately competitive DON'T want to fight that. So yeah, once this season is done, enjoy your condi + CC + bunker sandwiches. That's what you people wanted - no direct damage (but somehow you make an exception for renegade)... so there you go. Very little direct dmg in the game now. That's what you wanted, right? Don't come here complaining if you don't recognize the source of the problem.

  9. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > I thought we were done with amulets that granted players more than 500+ toughness... seems not to be the case if Rabid amulet is still going to be around. It allows condi revenants and condi rangers to sit and bunk nodes even against two direct dmg dps players for extended periods of time with not much effort.

    > >

    > > It needs to go, in my opinion.


    > You need to actually think about the amulets that have been removed if "it has more than 500 toughness!1!1!" is your reasoning


    Well that's literally the reasoning for deleting all the other amulets with lots of toughness or lots of toughness and vitality. Barbarian amulet - gone. Paladin amulet - nerfed. Cavalier's Amulet - deleted. Knight Amulet - deleted. YEah, there's precedent for it. Not this inconsistency of "Oh, let's nerf CC direct dmg to zero... except Lightning Rod, Fear, etc. This inconsistency screws with the balance if there is no consistent design philosophy.


    So yes, 100% justified in deleting an amulet based on precedent. If you don't like it, petition for knight's amulet to return.

  10. I thought we were done with amulets that granted players more than 500+ toughness... seems not to be the case if Rabid amulet is still going to be around. It allows condi revenants and condi rangers to sit and bunk nodes even against two direct dmg dps players for extended periods of time with not much effort.


    It needs to go, in my opinion.

  11. > @"Zephoid.4263" said:

    > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > The number of people defending 30,000 burn dmg per death for every single death here is unconscionable. No skill should be able to output THAT much damage in ANY scenario. You can at LEAST dodge high spike direct dmg attacks. You can't do that with burns once they've been applied, and dodging the first two spikes means there are still burn spikes that will happen because of the passive application of burns. And there's no anti-condi dmg state in the game available to all classes aside from Hoelbrak Rune - and Resistance Rune doesn't protect you from the spike once your actual resistance boon goes out. YOu will still die to 30K burn dmg. Literally nothing else in the game can spike damage that high.


    > How do you think guards generate burning? There is only ~4 skills that actually do burning damage. Almost all applications of burning come from F1. That means you need to generate 20-30 hits to generate a burning stack spike. If you were getting hit by 20-30 hits from most power classes in a single spike, you would probably also be dead. Guard's numbers are significantly lower in order to facility burn damage.


    > You know what burn guard are really good against? Bunkers. You know what this meta is? Bunkers. We are starting to get to the point of no class being able to kill bunkers 1v1. Burn guard is one of the last now that grenades got nerfed. How about we buff things back to reasonable levels rather than nerfing everything into no bunkers only.


    That's actually a better solution. I have no idea why Rabid Amulet is still in the game. And C Revs LOVE to abuse that amulet (because their sources of resistance take care of the condition damage).


    And what of the elites that got nuked? "Chilled to the Bone" and Prime Light Beam need their damage back. That would help fight some bunkers. Especially when the balance team seems to think revs spamming Jade Winds every 10 seconds are okay.



  12. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:


    > > But think about it this way- engis have to waste a dodge to proc this and this is in combat so they need to force defensive resources for the bonus offensive pressure.


    > Totally wrong way to look at it.


    > They aren't "wasting a dodge" for offensive gain like Mirages do with IH.

    > They are gaining an offensive bonus for using a dodge.


    > Holo is being put in the spotlight here because they already have plenty of offensive capabilities without Explosives traitline, as shown with already existing builds like Prot Holo.


    > Factoring in Explosives traitline, Explosive entrance gives them bonus damage, Barrier and blind, off just using a dodge.


    > That's basically rewarding a dodge with a bonus attack, which ALSO gives bonus defensive aftereffects.


    > If yu are spam dodging as Engi to use Explosive Entrance then I have nothing to say other than yu deserve to get killed.



    Prot holo doesn't exist anymore, dude...

  13. I'm going to elaborate it here because you people apparently do not want to hear the truth.


    Low rewards - not enough gold per ranked match.


    Fighting unfun builds - renegade (busted), burn guards (skill-less build that does way too much dmg), and bunker necros who have perma spectrum shield via shroud, other bunkers (Druid, hammer warrior, barrier ele, crev w/ rapid amulet, etc.).


    Toxic PvP culture that can't stand when you point out their nonsense and sends you hate unprovoked.

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