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Posts posted by myboybuzzy.5809

  1. Wolf has good cc. I've also been messing with marsh drake, I wouldn't say either of them are on the level owl was, but marsh drakes attack is 900 range and i use it a lot for cleave or when i have someone rooted, it hits pretty hard. Wolf has a lot of utility with fear and knockdown. Cant go wrong with siamoth either, love me some plasma. If your running poison master, you'll want hawk for the very short CD on f2. Cheetah is another fun one. Get wierd and experiment. I use to get a kick out of jaguar killing people and then cant even see it, haven't ran it in a while tho.

  2. Deathmatch should be an option all the time, however i have to say i enjoyed 2v2 better than 3v3. It was actually manageable to carry solo q on 2v2, 3v3 is another story. The other thing is most matches feel pretty lopsided as many of my matches are not going the full 5 rounds, where with 2v2s they were. All in all it's nice to have more options. With the current state of super sustainy cc condi balls just isnt very fun to play or play against, but to each their own. That is just my opinion.

  3. I got into plat on de last season. For conquest just abuse shadow portal, and run s/d as your off hand. The counters to rifle are los and blocks, which s/d handles great. Also only use deaths judgment when you know they are out of dodges, it is the most telegraphed skill in the game and easily dodged with a long cast time anand self reveal. You'll just be wasting time...


    But the main thing is understand your role. You are still a thief which means your job is to create outnumbered situations. Some great ways to do this is just eliminate a particular player or two from the match, delete necros, kill people in roads, and of course the standard decap and +1. A lot of the time motioning a decap is enough to pull a player off the team fight, so you can quickly come back and flip the fight. For 3v3 I'd say it probably isnt a good choice, but I may play with it for the memes.

  4. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > 1. That's not what makes meta. What makes meta is simply the classes/builds that currently perform the 4 job roles the best: "team fighter" "support" "+1 Decap Roamer" "Side Node Duelist"

    > > 2. I want a DPS meta to return. People asked for "DPS to be lowered", they do not ask for "DPS to be halved intra-class wide". The truth is that DPS metas are just more enjoyable than sustainy metas. There is so much more room for high skill ceiling and counter-play during DPS meta.

    > >

    > >


    > I want a DPS meta where everybody plays a zerker core ele...no stealth...no 1500 pewpew.....no pet....no clones....no teleports.....no chain blocks etc etc....let's see how many would love "DPS meta" in that case.


    > I call it BS when people say to love DPS meta when playing a class with several in built defense mechanisms, I'd take all these people ..put them into an arena and force them to play core zerk FA ele.


    > -A mesmer-thief-ranger main : " I love DPS meta"....yeah great kitten effort in saying that


    But fresh air ele does have defenses... 2 invulns, mad projectile hate, ample amount of cc, and a teleport that is comparable to blink, instacast but not technically a stunbreak. Dont get me wrong you are squishy as fuck, but I'd argue that damage to survivability it is comparable to burst mes. At the end of the day if your smart about positioning and matchups it is very playable.


  5. > Itd be a shame if they didnt, especially since D/P has become a boring backstab build as a result, but I wouldnt be surprised. They nerfed it for no reason in the first place.


    Yup, you used to get value out of the entire weapon set. Now its 3k backstabs and heartseeker heroes. Then they'll kill that and we wont equip weapons, and only have shadow portal as our utility skill. So we can focus on our true purpose, decap monkey.

  6. I recently came back to wvw. I left just after pof release because I mainly roamed and didnt enjoy the sic em soulbeast and perma stealth deadeye fights or playstyles. So I got really into pvp for a bit.


    Upon returning it seems roaming is so dead it can take hours to get some good fights. The fights when they do happen have been sick, but really it takes forever to find them. However there is a lot of activity on the map in the form of larger groups. So I was wondering with the changes in the meta if a build like this could be viable in larger scale? http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAUhrlVwkYXsNmJOuW/vdA-z1IY8om/MSRBkuEwpzi7PbA-w

    The concept is essentially with the changes to choking gas, you get aoe soft cc, poison, potential for aoe immob, and might share, as well as good down cleave.

    Would appreciate any input.

  7. I dont think holo is to overpowered, they just bring a lot of cc and have good damage reduction, but if someone is telling you its op they probably cant play it and dont know what too dodge.


    Coro said some really good stuff. Fighting holo on core engi is really hard due to a lack of stab and stunbreaks but it isn't an unwinnable fight. I destroy soulbeasts core ranger, but cant say that about core mesmer and mirage, that fight is brutal.


    With all that said is I personally dont like holo cause it felt like warrior meets necro and it's all about knowing when to pop into holo mode (shroud) and then pop out. Although I am one of those wierd people stuck on core engi trying to make it work XD

  8. Hi,

    I recently find myself playing engi again. I main thief, but am pretty over it recently due to a variety of reasons.


    I used to play a celestial kit engi, both scrapper and core. The other night I tried med kit instead of healing turret. I am still knocking the rust off with engi and was not getting everything out of healing turret I should have so I thought why not try med kit. I found it actually worked really well, i was roaming with my friend who was playing a glassy grenade kit build so a few times I saved his ass which turned some fights. Has anyone else tried med kit roaming?


    The build looks kinda like this, http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASnsTBlchtbBmYBEqiFLjS8YCgvjOvf76esDegFA-j1xHQBMb/BAcBAmjSwlo8rm6ASk6PD4BAQKgIGaB-we

    I recently swapped to evasion runes cause it means I have perma vigor and swiftness, if I go core swap hammer to rifle, grenade kit to bomb kit, and take explosives over scrapper trait line.


    However with celestial gear in the current state of the game I just hit like a wet noodle and it takes forever to 1v1 a holo or spellbreaker. I was wondering if anyone else runs a kit engi in wvw anymore and what gear stats they are using. Currently thinking of swapping my armor to Marshall's, but dont want to do it right away cause swapping back to cele takes forever with the charges quartz bullshit.

  9. > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > If you played a real spec like core s/d you'd be > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > They put counter to stealth in wvw and thieves are mad. What a surprise.


    Considering our only defense is stealth and evades yeah kinda frustrated. Now essentially you gotta play s/d which is just as much cheese as deadeye, but people dont realize that cause they can see you.


    Dont get me wrong perma stealth is bad for the game, but two seconds is a little short, that second can be the difference from hitting a critical backstab from the back or wasting it on the front and hitting for less that an auto cause dagger hits like a wet noodle anyway.

  10. > @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:

    > since our main defensive and stealth access usage has been endangered patch after patch


    > its time for devs to give defensive boons access to thieves via traits and skills,


    > its time for us to have a reliable access to protection, stability and resistance


    > i daresay remove stealth, but give us those boons


    For real,

    The other night I was winning a 1v5 on a core backstab build. Popped shadow refugee for secure stomp and to reposition, a sentry reveals me, I get the stomp but now am just fucked and dead.

  11. > @"Scenic.6408" said:

    > Hello, I'm a returning player and in metabattle I only see core S/d builds. I'm currently in pvp and I want to know If it's viable to do a burst damage with d/p or d/d with a core thief (I only have the standard edition).


    > Also what gear I get?, I was thinking a full berserker armor+ full Valkirie trinkets (almost 16k hp) for WvW


    > Thanks you!


    I pretty much only play d/d you can run burst builds on all the specs.


    Here is one of my core builds



    This is a fun daredevil build



    And this a a cool deadeye build that doesn't totally rely on stealth.



    You can easily swap roll for initiative for assasins signet, but I like having an extra oh shit button, and I also consistently get 10k backstabs on the core and daredevil builds and 12-18k on the deadeye without assasins signet.


    For wvw I run marauder armor and zerk/valk trinkets, and valk weapons.

  12. > @"Czerny.6530" said:

    > So while we're at it in this thread, can anyone give me some basic on counters to scourge? Is it just heavy condi pressure + interrupt heal + don't stand in circles?


    Dont stand I circles, kite them off point, Kill them in roads. Most scourge players are braindead as hell, they will spam everything and then you just blow them up when they are out of cooldowns. If they aren't babysat by a firebrand they are easy to outplay. If they are babysat by a firebrand you gotta break out your inner lion and separate them like a baby water buffalo from its mom.


    But I main thief so whenever I'm against a scourge heavy team I'll swap to deadeye and problem solved. If you aren't deadeye they are pretty easy to kill with shortbow as well.

  13. > @"Karma Crimzin.5079" said:

    > Hello everyone I just got back into gw2 and wanted to take the game more seriously as my main mom and wanted to start WvW on my thief to see what's going on. I made a build that I think could be good as a solo play roaming since I dont have any one to play with currently. I wanted to know if you guys who do play WvW a lot could give me some advice on it? If its good or bad and what I should change to make things a bit easier on me.


    > Thanks in advance.


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAsY6al0MhinYhTw0Jw/EL7E2WAo20mmPgRwLo3SIKcFA-jFCFQBKU5HAeCAC4kAcRlgpR/g+UTJk7PUIVLCAcAcezbezDO/8zP/8zb6zP/8zP/8zP/+7LFggKjA-w


    > Edit: needed to paste build.


    Looks pretty chillen to me, I may change runes and add a little more condi cleanse cause everybody has crazy boons now and there are tons of condi players out there. Other than that I prefer shortbow to p/p but that's a personal preference, there's a lot of projectile hate out there tho.

  14. The main difference comes from survivability, with power you have to have crit chance and crit damage ( precision and ferocity) with condi you dont need those so you can be tankier with stats like dire and trailblazers.


    The other difference is with builds like condi mirage and condi evade spam daredevil you get rewarded offensively for using defensive actions, for example the condi dodge trait on daredevil or ambush attacks on mirage. This promotes a braindead type of play, especially at lower levels because people with blow all thier skills and not hit yoh while you put 20 stacks of confusion on them.


    However good players will destroy you, except if your a good condi mirage, since condi mirage has so many evades, distorts stealth, and break target skills. Not complaining tho cause I main thief and rarely have issues with them :)

    Back on topic good players will know when your out of Dodges because you spammed them and your other defensive utilities.


    You shouldn't get flamed for condi, especially engineer, it's cool to see core engi trying to make a comeback, I still try to make core 3 kit work every now and then.


    Final point thing is if your having trouble with a one shot build, play it a little. They are super easy to counter as most of them are telegraphed, and after you done thier burst they have nothing. Exception being some one shot deadeyes in wvw, but that's not even really fun to play.

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