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Posts posted by Victros.8154

  1. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > If I were to suggest a class for low situational awareness or reaction, I'd pick Reaper (necromancer) or Daredevil (thief).


    > Reaper is obvious, you can roll your face on a keyboard and still win most pve fights. I've tried, just don't slobber on the keyboard like I did.


    > Daredevil has spammable dodges of two flavours - mobility or damage - and a trait that lets you leech life on crit. Mashing staff 5 on groups of enemies, you can basically heal through most attacks that won't 100-0 you.


    > Don't worry about other people, so long as you're doing something people won't pick on you.


    Thanks. Is this what you mean by Reaper?



  2. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Parasite.5389" said:

    > > here's a couple of posts that should help

    > > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59653/old-and-slow-is-there-hope-for-me](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59653/old-and-slow-is-there-hope-for-me)

    > > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96492/easy-and-slower-class-and-build-for-pve](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96492/easy-and-slower-class-and-build-for-pve)

    > > pretty sure the information is still valid


    > Interestingly, both of which are created by the same OP as here. The info should still be valid


    > Warriors, Guardians and Necros are still strong survivalists without requiring too much finger dexterity. Guardians probably need a bit more thought in their builds, but there's pretty much nothing they can't do to keep themselves alive. A great solo and group support profession should you ever wish to branch out a bit


    > There is of course the classic "bearbow" ranger. Using a longbow weapon at range whilst the bear pet tries to keep the mob occupied. For casual, open world play I think it's still valid, although I've never actually used it myself. The further back you are, the less dodges you are going to be making as well


    Thanks! Yeah, I've been considering playing for a long time. I'm on a couple of meds that cause brain fog and memory issues. I forgot that I even posted this before.


    Does the open world game still get much more difficult with the expansion content, or has that been balanced?

  3. After my other post about dodging, I think that I'm going to be able to pull it off (just doing solo world content, nothing difficult), but I also think I'm not going to be great at it. Would someone be so kind as to suggest a class and build that will have very high survivability, something that will be very forgiving if I miss dodges? The simpler the description, the better. I bought the game years ago but never played much, and I don't understand the complexities of builds yet.


    Thanks for any help!

  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Victros.8154" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > @"Victros.8154" said:

    > > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > > > @"Victros.8154" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > > > > 1) It can be quite tight, although dodging in advance does give you a second or so of grace period in terms of it counting. More important to be aware is that In solo and light grouping open world you will get plenty of tells on the floor when something devastating takes place - ie a big attack you need to dodge will show as a red area or circle on the ground. That will give you a small window to decide whether to dodge, move, block or just suck up the damage. Plus if you get knocked down in a group, most players will get you up if they can and it is safe to do so

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > 2) Warriors have blocks. Guardians are good at blocking and keeping heals and boons going for surviving. Thieves get the daredevil espec which gives extra dodges. Rangers get an extra dodge on the shortbow. Necromancers have minions to take the brunt of attacks. There are plenty of options across all classes.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > 3) Player population is strong - at least in pve/open world. Expansion 3 is due this year and it'slikely a big one to be followed by more content. It's not at its peak, but it's not anywhere near its death either

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Thank you! With block, do Warriors and Guardians have to dodge at all? How often do Necros have to dodge? Are pets as effective at drawing aggro and absorbing damage as they are in a game like WoW?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Aggro is complicated here. It doesn't work like traditional mmos.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > All toons need to dodge, it's just all down to how you build your toon. Warriors need to dodge more if you build them with heavy dps in mind and thus sacrifice HP and toughness

    > > > > >

    > > > > > My warrior dodges less than my other toons - he uses mace, shield and armour with high vitality and toughness. That means he has a long shield block (with projectile reflect when traited), a mace block and a full counter block as he is also a spellbreaker. If the blocks are on cooldown (and that will happen a lot), his high HP pool and armour can absorb a lot. However the trade off is rubbish dps. I use dodging when I know I can't counter the damage another way or if I am getting bombarded from multiple successive attacks

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There's no right answer. Dodge learning is key, but is more forgiving in open world play. It all comes down to practise, but for someone strugglig with the mechanics, all classes will have ways to help mitigate damage.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > One thing to mention is that dodging can be done by pressing V or double tapping space. Whilst I am fully used to double tapping space and is more convenient for me, in general the V button (or whatever you bind dodge to) is much quicker and more responsive

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you learn to dodge when the attacks are clearly telegraphed it will make a difference, but precision timiung and expert use is not essential in open world

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > OK, this is a big help. If I double press V or Space to dodge, what direction will I dodge in? Or does it matter?

    > > >

    > > > Sorry, I don't mean double tap space, I meant double tap the directional keys (ie double tap W to dodge forward, double tap S to dodge back)

    > > >

    > > > (sorry I've got wrestling running on my second screen so not paying full attention).

    > >

    > > No problem, I appreciate the help! One thing I'm sure I'll have trouble with is trying to figure out which direction to dodge in and pulling off the dodge in time. Do you need to dodge in a specific direction, usually? Or is it OK to, say, always dodge left? In my level of content, I mean.


    > Most dodges can be wherever you want. If you dodge an attack, you dodge an attack no matter what direction you go in


    > However, there is an advantage to doding away from an enemy attack. So if a red enemy attack circle is on the ground, dodging out of the circle will give you breathing space to maybe switch to ranged or evaluate your attacks.



    OK, thanks again!

  5. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Victros.8154" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > @"Victros.8154" said:

    > > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > > 1) It can be quite tight, although dodging in advance does give you a second or so of grace period in terms of it counting. More important to be aware is that In solo and light grouping open world you will get plenty of tells on the floor when something devastating takes place - ie a big attack you need to dodge will show as a red area or circle on the ground. That will give you a small window to decide whether to dodge, move, block or just suck up the damage. Plus if you get knocked down in a group, most players will get you up if they can and it is safe to do so

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 2) Warriors have blocks. Guardians are good at blocking and keeping heals and boons going for surviving. Thieves get the daredevil espec which gives extra dodges. Rangers get an extra dodge on the shortbow. Necromancers have minions to take the brunt of attacks. There are plenty of options across all classes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 3) Player population is strong - at least in pve/open world. Expansion 3 is due this year and it'slikely a big one to be followed by more content. It's not at its peak, but it's not anywhere near its death either

    > > > >

    > > > > Thank you! With block, do Warriors and Guardians have to dodge at all? How often do Necros have to dodge? Are pets as effective at drawing aggro and absorbing damage as they are in a game like WoW?

    > > >

    > > > Aggro is complicated here. It doesn't work like traditional mmos.

    > > >

    > > > All toons need to dodge, it's just all down to how you build your toon. Warriors need to dodge more if you build them with heavy dps in mind and thus sacrifice HP and toughness

    > > >

    > > > My warrior dodges less than my other toons - he uses mace, shield and armour with high vitality and toughness. That means he has a long shield block (with projectile reflect when traited), a mace block and a full counter block as he is also a spellbreaker. If the blocks are on cooldown (and that will happen a lot), his high HP pool and armour can absorb a lot. However the trade off is rubbish dps. I use dodging when I know I can't counter the damage another way or if I am getting bombarded from multiple successive attacks

    > > >

    > > > There's no right answer. Dodge learning is key, but is more forgiving in open world play. It all comes down to practise, but for someone strugglig with the mechanics, all classes will have ways to help mitigate damage.

    > > >

    > > > One thing to mention is that dodging can be done by pressing V or double tapping space. Whilst I am fully used to double tapping space and is more convenient for me, in general the V button (or whatever you bind dodge to) is much quicker and more responsive

    > > >

    > > > If you learn to dodge when the attacks are clearly telegraphed it will make a difference, but precision timiung and expert use is not essential in open world

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > OK, this is a big help. If I double press V or Space to dodge, what direction will I dodge in? Or does it matter?


    > Sorry, I don't mean double tap space, I meant double tap the directional keys (ie double tap W to dodge forward, double tap S to dodge back)


    > (sorry I've got wrestling running on my second screen so not paying full attention).


    No problem, I appreciate the help! One thing I'm sure I'll have trouble with is trying to figure out which direction to dodge in and pulling off the dodge in time. Do you need to dodge in a specific direction, usually? Or is it OK to, say, always dodge left? In my level of content, I mean.

  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Victros.8154" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > 1) It can be quite tight, although dodging in advance does give you a second or so of grace period in terms of it counting. More important to be aware is that In solo and light grouping open world you will get plenty of tells on the floor when something devastating takes place - ie a big attack you need to dodge will show as a red area or circle on the ground. That will give you a small window to decide whether to dodge, move, block or just suck up the damage. Plus if you get knocked down in a group, most players will get you up if they can and it is safe to do so

    > > >

    > > > 2) Warriors have blocks. Guardians are good at blocking and keeping heals and boons going for surviving. Thieves get the daredevil espec which gives extra dodges. Rangers get an extra dodge on the shortbow. Necromancers have minions to take the brunt of attacks. There are plenty of options across all classes.

    > > >

    > > > 3) Player population is strong - at least in pve/open world. Expansion 3 is due this year and it'slikely a big one to be followed by more content. It's not at its peak, but it's not anywhere near its death either

    > >

    > > Thank you! With block, do Warriors and Guardians have to dodge at all? How often do Necros have to dodge? Are pets as effective at drawing aggro and absorbing damage as they are in a game like WoW?


    > Aggro is complicated here. It doesn't work like traditional mmos.


    > All toons need to dodge, it's just all down to how you build your toon. Warriors need to dodge more if you build them with heavy dps in mind and thus sacrifice HP and toughness


    > My warrior dodges less than my other toons - he uses mace, shield and armour with high vitality and toughness. That means he has a long shield block (with projectile reflect when traited), a mace block and a full counter block as he is also a spellbreaker. If the blocks are on cooldown (and that will happen a lot), his high HP pool and armour can absorb a lot. However the trade off is rubbish dps. I use dodging when I know I can't counter the damage another way or if I am getting bombarded from multiple successive attacks


    > There's no right answer. Dodge learning is key, but is more forgiving in open world play. It all comes down to practise, but for someone strugglig with the mechanics, all classes will have ways to help mitigate damage.


    > One thing to mention is that dodging can be done by pressing V or double tapping space. Whilst I am fully used to double tapping space and is more convenient for me, in general the V button (or whatever you bind dodge to) is much quicker and more responsive


    > If you learn to dodge when the attacks are clearly telegraphed it will make a difference, but precision timiung and expert use is not essential in open world






    OK, this is a big help. If I double press V or Space to dodge, what direction will I dodge in? Or does it matter?

  7. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > 1) It can be quite tight, although dodging in advance does give you a second or so of grace period in terms of it counting. More important to be aware is that In solo and light grouping open world you will get plenty of tells on the floor when something devastating takes place - ie a big attack you need to dodge will show as a red area or circle on the ground. That will give you a small window to decide whether to dodge, move, block or just suck up the damage. Plus if you get knocked down in a group, most players will get you up if they can and it is safe to do so


    > 2) Warriors have blocks. Guardians are good at blocking and keeping heals and boons going for surviving. Thieves get the daredevil espec which gives extra dodges. Rangers get an extra dodge on the shortbow. Necromancers have minions to take the brunt of attacks. There are plenty of options across all classes.


    > 3) Player population is strong - at least in pve/open world. Expansion 3 is due this year and it'slikely a big one to be followed by more content. It's not at its peak, but it's not anywhere near its death either


    Thank you! With block, do Warriors and Guardians have to dodge at all? How often do Necros have to dodge? Are pets as effective at drawing aggro and absorbing damage as they are in a game like WoW?

  8. Hey guys,


    1) I'm old and slow as molasses. My reaction times aren't what they used to be. For solo and light grouping content (nothing close to hardcore), how much time do you have to pull off dodge rolls? Is it a pretty forgiving system?


    2) Are there some classes and builds that are more tolerant of someone who's probably not going to be great at dodging?


    3) How's the player population, and does it seem like the game will be under very active development for a long time to come?



  9. > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > The exp packs are perceived as too difficult because the core game does not do as well as it should to teach you how to play. They are actually pretty manageable if you master stuff like reading attacks, dodging and crowd control.


    > The power minion master builds on metabattle in the necromancer open world section has the builds, one for necromancer, and one for reaper, which is the Heart of Thorns version of necromancer.


    OK. Sounds like the open world PvE is a lot harder than I'm used to in games like WoW.

  10. > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > The Longbow Beastmastery build is pretty forgiving. A bear pet can tank mobs for you. Beware of the classic new ranger error though, longbow skill 4 is a knock back, and other players can get pretty annoyed if you push the mob away from their attacks. Good luck!


    > Btw, you should check out the players helping players section, plenty of good advice there.


    Great, thanks again!

  11. Hey guys,


    I'm wanting to play GW2, but I have a left hand injury. Is there a relatively easy and slow (as far as button mashing complexity and frequency) class and build that you guys recommend, and could possibly provide a link to? Something that's forgiving for missed dodge rolls would be ideal. I think about the only class I'm not terribly interested in is Necro, because I don't like the look of the pets.



  12. I'm old and slow and have bad reaction time. I am horrible at timing double-tap dodges in games. Is there a class and build that might work for me, where I wouldn't have to dodge very often? Maybe a tank warrior of some kind? I wouldn't do any PvP or likely any difficult PvE, just open world stuff and maybe some dungeons, if possible. What do you think?



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