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Posts posted by Atronach.8520

  1. I wouldn't recommend core build on godsofpvp at the moment, especially demolisher one. It got repeated nerfs to its dmg on GS and pets and is not really meta atm.

    The Mender SLB one is a very good bunker, basically can tank any condi build, but is weak to power dmg and spikes which aren't really present atm making it a good choice.

    Many people run condi variants of SLB with either bleed or poison as dmg focus. You can try them.

    Druid is subpar, still there are some trollish immob builds.

    Sic em SlB is dead as is most of the power burst classes atm.

    Gl with spvp

  2. I'd say guardian variants - between core, firebrand and DH you have enough flexibility to learn the game and what are other classes doing. You can basically do everything except maybe +1ing. Has viable builds across all tiers as well, played up to the highest level in monthly tournaments regularly and in silver as well. A good jack of all trades class for starters that doesnt require deeper understanding at first, but offers very rewarding experience if you master it. Albeit it's a bit faceroll class.

  3. The stuff people are complaining about is actually Marksmanship traitline, and not pets. Pets themselves do mediocre damage and those that actually deal some are squishy as hell( except smokescale which is the only actually good ranger pet atm). And the damage/cc is not random at all. Ranger can put pet on 'stay away' mode and f1 to actually proc pet stuff semi reliably when it's needed. Not just the F2 ability.

    The biggest problem remains pet pathing/behaviour in some cases, which was complained about since release.

  4. Appeciate you response.

    I tried NM as well, and I agree it synergizes the best with axe MH due to axe3 inflicting weakness as well. But smth, I don't like axe now at all. Feels pretty clunky, might stacking is non existent, and overall the only thing that does dmg is the said axe3. So you live and you die by axe3. Also, enemies that try to dance you in melee can evade your skills just by moving, which is not the case with SB. I kinda think NM is for a more of bunker/node holder build, while skirm is better for pushing far and actually evading stuff.

    I know SB scales poorly with power, but take a look at the axe now - pretty much same story. The thing is SD combo itself has some pretty lowkey dmg now.

    For example a good dmg combo is monarch's leap(cripple), dagger 4(which deals 2 additional poison and 2x dmg to crippled targets, and then serpents strike. This leaves you foe with 7 stacks of poison + some nice power dmg to fill in and every stack of poison is 170ish heal and dmg due to predator's cunning. This is mainly the reason I wanna stick to the SD combo.

    They didnt nerf dmg on serpents strike and CDs are the same on the monarch's chain. I also wanna keep the predators cunning synergy, where there's an argument to drop it if you dont run SBow.

    I don't think the torch is good still, it kinda fits in with the trapper build which has problems atm and ranger has no way to capitalize on burning that much.

    As for WH I agree it fits in with the NM pretty much.

    I would love to make dagger more viable, but it lacks the mobility the sword provides. Worked well when you could run birds alongside the smokescale as you did but imo a bit harder to pull of now. If Dagger3 had some evade or longer distance leap, I would go all in on it.

    I totally agree on the survival package, it's pretty much mandatory in this condish meta. Entangle works well with leadership and I used it pre patch on core power ranger as well.

    Gonna try Rabid more and see how well it fits into all this.

  5. I've been playing mostly this kind of variant of the build since the patch dropped : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAUxjlFw6YSMPmJWcPlv3SmQaA-zZx8USRCkpIoXhQ+KA3OA .

    WS/Skirm/SLB with Wizard amulet.

    Partially inspired by your try to make condi viable before, and partly cause it's been a while since I played condi in any ranger build.

    It's not really broken as a number of stuff atm but a pretty good take, almost old mirage-like due to it's ability to deal dmg while being elusive.

    Due to it being hybrid you can actually burst people in a variety of way and it's good at outsustaining the fight.

    I'm not really sure on the runes here, I've been using 4-5 different ones depending on the situation.

    For 2v2 usually using Bear stance since ally can make use of it too and I'm not pushing far solo like in conquest.

  6. I tried hybrid sw/dagger+sbow, with WS/Skirm/Slb, wizard amy with different runes such as berserker or even mad king. TU for heal, zephyr, vulture stance,LR with swapping elite depending on the situation. Haven't even tried power in any way yet cause of limited time. But honestly, im having so much fun that I don't mind the nerfs. Actually havent lost any 2v2 so far with this. OWP with vulture and mad king runes is soo fun to play with. Before the patch I had p2 with core ranger with tiger exclusively as I kinda expected it to be the next thing.

  7. > @"doogal.9368" said:

    > > @"Atronach.8520" said:

    > >


    > WAIT WAIT STOP...... they removed evade from auto GS !?????? :(


    Some months ago in a previous rebalance. Now instead you can use GS4 full duration without jumping and get a chain skill 'Counter' if you successfully block an attack, which has an evade part to it.

  8. Now it's finally unsplit lol.. for the worse. It seems they want to take power from axe2 to axe3, which somehow reminds me of a rework of GS auto where they took evade and put it on GS4. Which is totally ok, if not for the patch which is about to drop in which they make it do 0 dmg and have 10s longer CD duh. so in the end double the nerf.

    Oh and axe auto is indeed 1/4s but it has an aftercast which basically puts it in 1/2-3/4s range.

    Axe4 is also one of the skills that's gonna feel very clunky to use. It also had a nice power coefficient and could hit two times.

  9. I kinda agree that canines could make a (re) appearance. I used the arctic wolf extensively in WvW before the Warclaw.

    There's a trick where you can use the merged leap and weapon swap before it ends which puts it to 4s CD or so instead of 10s CD. Obviously it works the best out of combat since you don't get 9s weapon swap CD and you essentially achieve better( or at least similar level) A to B movement since it's 2x800 units every 8-9s compared to 1200 range 10s swoop.

    The swoop is gonna be double CD while outside of the heal, owl's F2 is useless mostly. KD and Unflinching are a better combination IMO. You can run Drakehound if you want WI, but IMO it's gonna be even more of a luxury post patch.

    I think Siamoth is gonna be more impactful in sPvP cause of merged Maul, which is much less telegraphed hard-hitting skill SLB will have left. Maybe in combination with sw/wh + GS for the full melee boonbeast which still retains some mobility through weapon skills.


  10. Soulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat. Merging and unmerging with your pet now counts as a pet swap for the purposes of the Clarion Bond and Zephyr's Speed traits.


    So, my main inquiry here is will SLB keep the option to pet swap out of combat? It could be very benefitial for diversity if we kept at least that.

    Anyways, looking forward to the changes and hoping they will be brought out ASAP. Let's shake things up!

    Oh, and #resurrect druid since it's going to be even deader than before lol

  11. > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > Boonbeast is very very good rn. Beats many classes like fire weaver 1v1, while still having much better mobility and team support than most other side noders


    In 9/10 situations equal skill boonbeast loses or has to give up node to fire weaver.

  12. After trying it out, ended up doing similar thing as Eurantien mentioned. Put sigil of courage on axe, along with either energy or cleansing. Annulment and energy on GS. Took strider's for quickness as 100 precision I feel like doesn't matter that much especially when you considered you cap crit chance if you hit from side or behind.

    Also tried taking resounding timbre and using SotP instead of OWP and I feel it's a viable choice since its a added stability source, but on the other hand it's a much higher cast time and it's not that potent with F2 from smoke assault and not shared with team.

    The build's weaknesses are clear though, and minor condi cleanse is basically not-existent. That's why i took brown bear as 2nd pet, since you can merge out and swap for team( and self) condi cleanse. Still, I feel like on your own you can't handle prolonged pressure that well and the build really shines with support since this is a teamfighting build(especially when compared to other ranger builds atm).

    Not really that good in 1v1 as lack of defences can be exploited, but can still catch some players unaware with dmg.

    A fun build to play for sure, plat material.

  13. > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

    > GS/ Axe,Axe with one of the Highenest damages in the game and i know i'm the only one i play it (from Gold3 to Plat2)


    > I have perma something like this but ferecoty and power (power depending to might, in the pic, it's 14 stacks and the build is a might generator and ferocity can drop to 238%, everything else is perma)


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/GcnXKyo.png "")



    Mind sharing the build? I suppose you're running both BM and Skirmishing to hit those kind of numbers. I'm mostly interested in your utility choices.

    Thanks in advance.

  14. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Atronach.8520" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > I got a question what about that attack that has the bear animation.

    > > >

    > > > Was that attack from the GS because its GS nerfed as well? Maul says its number 2 on GS

    > >

    > > Maul wasn't changed directly but Sic 'em was nerfed down to 25% dmg and unblockable got shafted too. It deals only 2-3k dmg itself, it was the dmg modifiers along with other conditional traits that resulted in massive crits you know of.

    > > Now you can kinda do that with core ranger too but the dmg is split between the pet and ranger and to proc moment of clarity+remorseless you need to interrupt with either GS4 of GS5. This is kinda hard as we dont have the staying power we previously had with AA evade.

    > > Also, Maul has one of the biggest tells in the game so it's easily blocked with aegis/blinded or any other counterplay.

    > >

    > > GS would do a lot better if stab/stun breakers were not as common as the whole concept of ranger GS now is burst/CC based.


    > Why would I force myself into a melee brawl situation with a ranger when I can choose to play safely from range? My staying power comes from the fact that I can switch between melee and ranged option on the fly and be equally effective...if I want the "staying power" of a warrior or a guardian, I would play one and that I believe is the same reasoning of the devs.


    I find staying in range harder to do the higher the skill rating is. Good players wont let you freecast from 1.5k range away often and such builds which can get in close to you and force you into GS are usually way to counter the ranger. Cause aside from full 3s block(which I find more convenient now btw but still it was possible before with jumping) you don't have much going on to stay in fight. Also, much more difficult to hold node now. So you're usually forced to disengage while in GS and try to one shot in between.


    Good players like Eurantien can pull that combo more often which is why they still find the success, but it's usually hit or miss type skillset. So I don't think you're equally effective in LB and in GS - LB is much more consistent with dmg if you can use no port spots and kite. However the amount of reflects/shields atm reduce the effectiveness of the weapon overall. You used to swap to GS in there before, but now you can't really stay in teamfights for more than 5 sec. Hence my remarks.

    I don't want to play like a warrior as well, I'm not comparing classes instead I'm comparing effectiveness of the spec compared to other specs in its role.

  15. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > I got a question what about that attack that has the bear animation.


    > Was that attack from the GS because its GS nerfed as well? Maul says its number 2 on GS


    Maul wasn't changed directly but Sic 'em was nerfed down to 25% dmg and unblockable got shafted too. It deals only 2-3k dmg itself, it was the dmg modifiers along with other conditional traits that resulted in massive crits you know of.

    Now you can kinda do that with core ranger too but the dmg is split between the pet and ranger and to proc moment of clarity+remorseless you need to interrupt with either GS4 of GS5. This is kinda hard as we dont have the staying power we previously had with AA evade.

    Also, Maul has one of the biggest tells in the game so it's easily blocked with aegis/blinded or any other counterplay.


    GS would do a lot better if stab/stun breakers were not as common as the whole concept of ranger GS now is burst/CC based.

  16. > @"Dajas.4715" said:

    > > @"Revolution.5409" said:

    > > The ranger is balanced, other professions are OP.

    > > When the other professions have the right modifications Ranger will have more space.


    > Still some op builds with soulbeast..in a pvp setting demolished with mad King rune does crazy damage. Moa stance/plasma/smoke cloud/call of the wind/we are one heal/one wolf pack then just watch hunters call destroy their bar.

    > Build has crazy damage and good survivability. So no soulbeast is not that balanced just like most classes are not.


    Yea since you can instagib people with basically everything including core engi in silver/gold. They double dodge/invuln/block/distort/elixir s. And after that you've used up every utility/heal/pet skills/elite CD available for the next 40+secs to gamble for a oneshot that's dealt over 2+ seconds. OP indeed, running rampant in ranked.

    There's a reason boonbeast is dead even after scourge nerfs which was it's bane.

  17. > @"killerito.7629" said:

    > Anet I appreciate your commitment but until you understand that in pvp, the only class that needs radical changes is the ranger, the game will remain little followed and abandoned to itself, each class needs a minimum percentage of combos or burst to do so much damage to knock down an opponent, the ranger is the only one that any skill presses without logic, even with a single attack he can put the opponent in difficulty, this causes the fact that if the ranger concentrates his gameplay in escaping his pet will make the average of 3k / dps unblockable with stun annex preventing the opponent every move for the next 30 seconds of combat, to balance everything, we must first make the pet of the ranger a support animal and not to level of a normal player in attack, decreasing his every attack by about 90%, then it is mandatory to balance the stability of the ranger to the level of that of the other specializations, and not 10 15 stacks every 20 seconds, after which you can talk about fixing and making the game more competitive and fun.


    > I play in top 50 since 2017 and all season reached always plat3/legendary rank

    > But in the last year I noticed that the ranger is without any doubt superior to any other class without requiring a minimum of skill

    > if you do this, you can start adding pvp modes in single or in minor groups of 2 3



    Can I have some of that please?

  18. > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"kiritsugu emeya.3962" said:

    > > > > > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

    > > > > > > @"kiritsugu emeya.3962" said:

    > > > > > >did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???

    > > > > Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it. Thats why you dont know how to balance it.

    > > > > The evade frame on 3rd auto skill has been in game SINCE LAUNCH. So you just now remembered to remove it? Did MANY ppl complain about it? I guarantee it may have been 1% who did, others didnt even care about it. Rip our matchup with condi mes now, Ranger basically may not be able to get head to head in 1v1s at a high skill match with most of melee classes, nor it can in team fights. The 3rd auto evade was so unique for ranger it gave us room to get toe to toe with mesmers, weavers, staff thiefs, wars, power fbs, timing enemy burst skills with it. Its why i loved the weapon.

    > > > >

    > > > > Nerfed sicem and lb it was fair, nerfing soulbeasts dmg its still fair, nerfed boonbeast fair aswell, nerfed druid... idk why but ok... not many play it anyways because of you. And now you nerf/remove this? Whats next? Rip

    > > >

    > > > Didn't they give us a full block on GS4 to better deal with melee classes?

    > >

    > > Arheundel, you can say whatever you want, but all changes were a nerf for GS. Yes the block now it is a proper block, better than before, but we lost an evade and 1 damage skill , a range skill.


    > The kick after a successful block is also an evade, people tend to forget about it... We lost an evade on one attack and gained one on another.


    That evade on GS4 after successful block is another root that lasts 3/4 s. You can't move and kite with it, like you could with #3 from AA chain. GS5 is still a root too.

    3rd attack of AA chain remains 3/4s when endurance gain is trash and there is a huge aftercast, while both warrior and guardian GS chains have 1/2 s cast time.

    Ranger is in a total mess now weapon wise at least imo.

  19. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > Reaper doesn't dismount and the mobility of a reaper vs a soulbeast is worlds apart , nevermind signet of stone or longbow stealthing. Also I play every meta WvW class and my most played was chrono before it was gutted.


    > My observation is that even when rangers didn't do nearly as much damage as soulbeasts do currently, people would sit on the wall and use longbow.


    Sig of the stone is sort of invuln that is very situational and it is usually a lot better to use other stun break/evade such as Lightning Reflexes.

    Also, Tower Ranger was/is a meme since sitting on a tower isn't an actual content of WvW and a tiny part of GW2 in general. In any other setting, LB is put sub par and put aside. In fact, that's the state of the ranger in general.

  20. As Deax said above, you need to choose either a power or condi route. Ranger atm doesnt have a good hybrid option. So your axe offhand is pure power dmg, as is GS as a weapon. However, you choose Viper's armor which is a pure condi option. You're gonna have a very subpar results. There are good ideas above, so take a look at them and dont change too much until you get a good grasp what are you doing with the build. But choose the route, and get the according armor and accessories. You dont even have to get ascended to get good results with the right build.


  21. > @"Durzlla.6295" said:



    > If they made hornet sting evade at the beginning of the cast instead of like 1/4 second in, I think it’d be fine. Granted I do also like that idea of attacking everyone you roll backwards through, could really add versatility to the weapon by using 3 to chase and proc monarch leap instead of forcing hornet sting into being a disengage.


    > As it is now Hornet Sting feels like it’s singular purpose is to refresh monarch leap/serpent strike.


    Its purpose is there, but utility is weird. If you hit with it just to refresh leap chain, you're most likely to waste an evade( albeit not a good one). If you try to time the evade( which is certainly less than 1/2 s and starts around 1/4 s in), you're very likely not to hit anything. So it's suffering of an identity crisis which is due to sudden change of whole concept of a weapon by shuffling the sword skills. Everything that was there is still there but is forced into a totally different gameplay that's not as symbiotic nor thought out well I believe.

    If they want to make sword more sticky to the target and deal more pressure they should have added another skill that does that, for example some immob or short daze/stun.

    On every one handed weapon in game skill 3 is weapon defining and the strongest skill usually. On ranger is just a situational filler.

    It certainly needs more tweaking but I think it won't be in near future as it's not breaking the game in any way.


  22. How this should be approached is from duelists' perspective: how well would you fare vs certain build that are present now.

    I'm not comparing from a point of GS/LB build as the playstyle and role is mainly different( +1er).

    Looking from a sPvP perspective as well, playing mostly ranger during 200+ rated games this season in P2/1 EU.


    Offhand slot on ranger has three options: dagger, axe and warhorn. All of those offer some kind of sustain and pressure.

    SW is most likely used with WH on either core or boonbeast builds, so it's a choice between the two. WH is essential on boonbeast and another source of pet buff up for core ranger so optional there. If you botch axe offhand for dagger, you lose on a one one skill that actually does dmg on those two bunker builds ( axe5).


    - Condi Mirage - dagger4 would be nice to evade IH procs from clones, but you lose on WH4 + OWP combo which is most likely your only chance to burst mirage which doesn't get reflected. dagger5 is whatever as its dmg i like one axe autoattack and WH5 provides might stacking potential. So most likely lose ability to dmg mirage but add some sustain.

    - Holo( either rifle or prot) - evade would mean you could nullify some of the forge burst better(prime light beam, corona, photon..); The thing is, holo does considerable dmg on every skill including autoattack in forge, so you cant stay in melee. I'd be still better off with trying to kite and buff up meanwhile. Again, lose ability to pressure the holo after forge is used.

    - Warrior : all variants of warrior are multiple high dmg might stacking machines now. The way to win the duel is most likely to evade their burst skills and outpressure them as they lack on demand sustain compared to ranger. Dagger4 could be very useful in evading Rampage rock or Bull's charge which are both used in setuping kills. On boonbeast it is better in my experience to keep siamoth Unflinching fortitude ready to merge once they enter Rampage as it both stunbreaks and negates their dmg. Obviously core doesnt have this but usually runs "Protect me" which kinda does the same in 1v1. Getting unblockable form WH5( you can both might stack and get unblockable on Boonbeast if you know how) might prove decisive if the warrior think he's safe blocking so you can Winter's bite next or axe 4 pull him through block.

    - Condi thief/daredevil - similar to mirage albeit more predictable. You will be pressured by insta cast sw2 and steal/swipe so evade wont help you much there. They usually hide behind LoS object before doing their blitz so dagger 5 aint gonna help much either. I'd still prefer stacking boons and sustaining in between their assaults.

    - Fire Tempest - hard matchup for bunker ranger due to constant pressure in fire attunement and access to invulns/evades in earth/water attunement. Your best bet is to land hard hits or make them waste their 25s CD stunbreaks. Again as holos, their pressure in fire is very high to face tank and staying in melee near them is suicide. It's very hard to kill them unless with +1 cause they can reset the fight swapping attunements and your pressure outside a few skills is not threatening to them. Dagger offhand or not, this matchup stays mainly the same. GS/LB builds have better chance in here as they can pressure from further away and threaten them with one shots due to their low health pools.


    Conclusion: Potential use on core ranger which goes bunkery; boonstacking and burst from WH is a lot better on Boonbeast. If there will be a rework of Skirmishing and/or shortbow we could see some hybrid ranger which focuses on evades and condi pressure. If the druid is reworked, might see the light of the day in a similar fashion. On power, imo not really advantageous, and condi rangers just get farmed atm.

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