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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. > @"Cromx.3941" said:

    > Elitist idiots demanding Snowcrow's builds literally turned me off from strikes.


    I have cleared all strikes repeatedly for months after the release and have never seen anyone demanding snowcrows builds. Yes, they will try to get the essential supports but rarely have I seen demands for specific DPS builds.



  2. Do it when it's daily. Woj and Bone are a bit harder but especially Woj is doable with most pug groups. Depending on who you get, it might take a few tries. I've gotten through it with all sorts of players but if you have a guild or friends it will be easier if you have 5 decent players that can avoid mechanics and still do their job. It's only the last 25 % that can get hectic, the boss will throw a bunch of mechanics and pug people tend to scatter and possibly down all over the place while you still need to group for the green ball. HSc is really useful here for ranged ress and the wurm cheese and can make this fight easy mode.


    Mechanics that you need to worry about.

    Icicle attack that targets everyone. Can be eaten but does nice dmg so should be dodged. The dodge is a bit tricky because the attack comes with just a little bit of delay compared to the circle telegraph. Now perfectly everyone should dodge this and not delay dps. But if people are not confident in dodging they should make sure that the red circles don't overlap so they don't eat several icicles. What pug people tend to do here is run like crazy to the edge of the arena and then fail to dodge and get downed. If you are getting downed by this attack you might as well get downed somewhere close to the others.


    After 75 % he will chain one (or 2?) of the players. Other players should not cross the chain as it does big dmg. So people should not run around and beware of the chains (both the chained player and the rest).


    Green ball/circle. Does big dmg to one person. Dmg is shared between players in a circle so as much as possible should stack in the circle. This attack happens after he teleports to the edge of arena before the last 25 % and is not an issue because at that time the other big attacks are on pause. The last 25% can become a problem if people run all over the place.


    Last 25 % he will summon a barrage of slow-moving balls that shoot out of him to the edges. You need to move out of their way. In combination with other attacks, this is the pug killer. People tend to panic here, scatter all over the place, waste dodges and forget about other mechanics and get downed all over the place. The point is you don't need to run around as much as most people do. The attack is indicated by red arrows. You only need to move a little back, out of melee because at melee you will eat the orbs as they spawn. They shoot out in a predictable line indicated by the arrow so just make sure you are out of the line and make sure you don't get killed by other mechanics.


    tl;dr: Don't run around like a headless chicken.

  3. All have a variety of difficulty. For me, the Griffon are the easiest but because I like them the most, are fast and easy to repeat. JPs, the hardest for me are not those with hard jumps, but those that are hard to figure out where to go. Ember bay for example. It's frustrating when you just don't know where to go and you miss the way and have to redo it all again just to try to guess the way again. Not that I want to change that, it's part of the challenge.

    You can also put adventures with these. A fungus among us is challenging for example.

  4. > @"realviizz.4982" said:

    > To those people saying that there is no such thing as "price manipulation" as it's a player driven market: There is over 400k buy offers placed for mystic coins at exactly 2g. 200k+ at 2g 5c and over 80k at 2g10c to simply prevent them from dropping below those points at any time. If it was not meant to keep prices above those threshholds, why would every other price point above and below feature a max of 500 orders?

    > Edit: I saw someone else mentioned that exact problem before :) Just that there is now an extra 200k buy offers at the 2g5c threshhold.


    First of all, you all seem to be very well informed what the intension behind those orders is.

    Second regardless of the intention that is still supply and demand. You're not required to have honourable intentions behind investments. Actually, most investments are for personal gain, to make money.

    Thirdly the fact that new orders are popping out actually shows that the 2g orders are realistic. Now maybe he is building a wall and spending almost a million gold on it. And it will be his loss if the MC price is overpriced. But maybe it is not overpriced and it will continue to grow (which I think is the case due to the fact that most mats for legendaries are dropping in price) and it was a smart investment. The only true thing here is that we have no clue but it is still just market. Sure you can call it manipulation. But every purchase, selling is price manipulation, this is what the market is.

  5. I like underwater combat, like that it uses different weapons with different skills and how it functions in 3D. I wouldn't mind more underwater areas and some refreshment of skills. A separate set of traits for underwater would be nice.

    I am disappointed how underwater areas in LS maps are so bland compared to the core game and expansions. There is so much potential for underwater areas with unlimited 3D movement.

  6. I've watched that video when it was published and it has nothing to do with market manipulation, it is a farming video. It's a very drawn out video that can be summarized in know your market, don't sell basic mats rather convert them (craft, mystic toilet) into the goods that have the largest added value (for example legendaries). If you do that spirit shards, gifts of exploration and such become a bottleneck and give tips on how to farm and acquire them.

    It also says that the best way is to play what you like to play so you don't burn yourself out and work together as a community to craft items with the largest added value. Which means if there is a guy that likes to do exploration and has lot's of gifts of exploration and there is a guy who like to farm mats they can work together and add value to their farm. This is the furthest of any manipulation possible.

    I think it also gives a perspective on how much gold the richest have and it even mentions that one of those people is not able to affect prices on TP long term.


    All you guys are just spewing this term "market manipulation" without any explanation. If you are unable to get 1k gold over years of playing, this has nothing to do with market manipulation. it just means you are doing it wrong if that is your goal. I've never farmed for gold in this game, made legendaries and have full material storage and a few k gold excess just naturally. Don't really care about it.


    Also this.

    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > I’m not going to watch a drawn out two hour video but i want to point out some things which are NOT market manipulation:


    > * Using the gap between buy and sell listings to make a profit

    > * Speculating that the price of an item may go up and hoarding those items for when that time comes

    > * Seeing that a certain item is now required for a recipe and buying them up while they’re still undervalued to then flip them when the price inevitably increases to reflect their new value


    Selling high and buying low is not market manipulation. It is common sense.


  7. But putting out an order for 400 000 MCs is a demand. And it looks like reasonable demand since people are putting out listing above it in large quantities.

    It's not much different from the real world. When money is cheap (low interests, lot's of money on the market) people invest in other limited goods like gold or real estate and the price of those shoots up. The price increase of MCs is not even that high.

  8. I still think server pride would be a better way to go. This can serve everyone, guilds and solo casuals alike. Hey, they can even implement it in a way that would attract people that don't play WvW.

    One idea, similar to what I saw in an old Korean grind game. Server instances that could be shaped by the top WvW guilds. It would be public to anyone on the server, visitors welcome. Top WvW guilds on the server would own and shape estates, similar to guild halls. They could add merchants and mini-games that would bring revenue to the owner guilds.

    Guilds would be loyal to the server because you couldn't be on the top overnight. Guilds would spread over the servers.


  9. I don't really have a good idea of how alliances would be set up here. But I have played games where alliances were a thing. Basically, guilds forming alliances to fight a war like game mode (castle wars) also involving taking and holding objectives.

    One thing always stayed the same. There were always only one or 2 alliances that were by far the top dogs. All the strong guilds with the best players were concentrated in those few top guilds. Noone else even played the mode because it was pointless, you couldn't do anything. And of course joining those guilds involved 2 things, being one of the best players or paying them lot's of gold (limited spots). Oh, and the balance of power literary stagnated for years and only broke due to internal drama when another alliance took over for following years. Luckily I was an officer in one of those guilds, but I knew players that never even saw the game mode.

    Now I'm not saying a scenario to that extent can happen within the rules of WvW. But one thing I noticed during my long time as a gamer. Players will not make matchmaking fair to promote good fights. They will try to skew the odds in their favour as much as possible.

  10. For most collections that are not fractal specific you only need to do tier 1 fractals. Those are quite easy. A power berserker renegade/shiro dps will do well. But herald will work just fine in tier 1. Actually, anything works in tier 1, it's more important that you pay attention to the environment and mechanics and don't die too much.

    It would be good to know what your skills do. Some will save your life and you should know what CC is.

    So quick guide for tier 1 fractals only. No alacrity boon support, no diviner gear, no condi options, just basic power dps. This is actually a bad guide if you want to progress further. In tier 1 people don't stack and often have no clue what is going on. 1 player can carry a whole group.

    Get berserker gear, exotics for starters, try to get ascended rings, amulet and trinkets those are easy or whatever you have access to. Sword/sword and staff. Make a build that focuses on power dmg. Elites will help. Get a full set of proper runes and sigils those will help a lot. Know what your skills do, learn to CC. Learn what agony resistance does (prevents dmg from certain mechanics) and get as much as the fractal you want to do requires (would recommend you start with early fractals that don't require any). Get into fractals, mash buttons that do dmg on monsters, CC when blue bar appears. Observe mechanics and try to carry them out. Survive. Win.

    If you do that you will probably be above the average tier 1 player. And that is fine for tier 1. Berserker set is always useful so you want that anyway.

    If you like fractals and want more than just those few tier 1 fracs for collection work on boon support alaren that the previous posters described. A basic build for that should be available on meta battle or anywhere because it is one of the mandatory builds for harder content.

    In the end, you can just join some tier 1 fractals and wing it. It's what many do when they first step in there and that's just fine.

  11. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > GW2's problem, imo, is that 99% of the content is incredibly easy and soloable, making the 1% that isn't extremely frustrating or daunting for the average player.

    > While if that was more balanced, with the game encouraging much more (gradual) skill increases in players and/or the formation and maintaining of social networks within the game, the whole experience would be a lot more engaging and memorable - and things like tough HP's or even content like Fractals, Strikes and Raids a lot more accessible for a lot more players, due to pre-existing groups and communities to play with and slimmer skill gaps.


    Fully agree with this. There has to be a certain amount of content that requires grouping. And from my experience with other mmorpgs it is beneficial for the community that such content is also present in open world. This way these groups are not isolated in instances and practically unseen by the rest of the community and promote further socialising.


    > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > Whenever I look back to memorable MMO experiences in the past 1-2 decades, it's almost exclusively those experiences of having to group up for some character or story progression moment, meeting people, forming communities etc.*, maybe a few moments of overcoming some though challenge alone, and next to non of running around alone hitting mobs which aren't remotely a threat.


    My experience also. Pretty much all my memorable experiences from multiplayer games come from group activities, community drama, socializing. It's usually not even some in-game challenge but just funny community events, conversations or tensions between different groups. The most boring grind can be fun if done with a group of people and the most interesting boss will fade away fast if it's just another solo endeavour.




  12. It's just low quality. Much lower than fractals and also many story missions. They are like generic world events. You do those once and move on. Not content you would want to repeat often.

    I like the idea of story missions that can be played by up to 5 players with challenge motes. Many players were asking for this after Hearts and minds. But make quality missions with the story, interesting mechanics and diverse fights.

    Look at Forging Steel. It has long pre-events, it's long in general. It's essentially just a long escort mission with a boss. But it's quality and interesting and I repeat it often. I know what's it about and I don't usually follow story much. I hardly distinguish the first 3 DRMs from each other and did play them enough to get all the CM achivs.

  13. I like that there is a pvp mode - WvW where you use gear that you obtain in other game modes. For me, this is the end game and what a RPG game is all about. Gearing a character through all means available and then using it against other players.

    SPVP is all about balance and level playing field, which is good. It was meant as a competitive mode. WvW is inherently unbalanced on the small scale. It's war. You're not supposed to be able to have balanced fights all the time. Server wide coordination and exploitation of these unbalances is the name of the game. Harassing the supply line, avoiding the fights you can't take and attacking objectives where the enemy is weak is the point of the game.

    Besides the difference between exotic and ascended is so small that only the most skilled players will notice it. A new player will not notice it.

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