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Posts posted by Mantrix.8329

  1. People use different builds on some of the classes for **different game modes**

    and that number **often is more than 6 different builds people use.**


    Maximum 24 slots for Build storage and only 6 slots for Build and Equipment templates is not what most players expected to see.

    **Build storage is not essential for players to use because loading builds from Build storage when 6 Build templates aren't enough would be a chore.**


    Build system should empower players to use legendary equipment

    **on the same character without the need to transfer the gear between different characters of the same class**.

    Because it was stated that using legendary gear between different characters

    because they didn't want players to accidentally break equipment templates on one character by removing a piece of equipment on another.



    Also **it looks like that only Build storage is unlocked account-wide**

    while Build and Equipment templates we will have to buy on each character separately.


    If we will be able to have maximum only 6 Build and Equipment templates on release

    **Many players will be forced to play some classes on 2 different characters and will have paid for upgrading templates on both.**


    **And if in the nearby future** with a possible UI update **more will be added**

    **we will have to buy** Build and Equipment templates **on every main character of each class.**


    **Can we get definite and final answers to these questions on the final build system soon?**

  2. In original Guild Wars Build Templates are free to use with no limits to save or swap.


    For Guild Wars 2 it was a promised feature before SAGA episodes by Mike Zadorojny on April 02, 2019:



    With no signs that the feature would have a cost

    and so far features of rune and sigil salvaging, max cooking level from 400 to 500 are available for no charge.


    A lot of my friends see that paying would be reasonable for Equipment Templates and not for Build Templates and Build Storage.

    Players were promised that pay-to-win features will never appear in gemstore and only cosmetic and convenience items.


    **Main question: why Build Templates and Build Storage are getting priced as it potentially causes pay-to-win situation.**


    I would like to **elaborate why it's possibly pay-to-win.**

    People with enough templates will have builds prepared in World vs World suited for:

    Roaming, zerging, range combat, underwater combat, destroying siege, defending siege, defending gates from inside, killing lords.


    Such gameplay to change builds will make WvW alive again and more interesting

    but the need to buy more build templates will be seen as pay-to-win.

  3. > @"CeNedro.7560" said:

    > > @"Mantrix.8329" said:

    > > My **WvW** guildies were helping each other

    > > to farm the nodes

    > > and guild chefs were making lots of food

    > > and **different types** of food for **specific needs**.

    > >

    > > You often have to jump to a different border

    > > and food needs to be **dropped often**

    > > because it **despawns too fast** when it's placed.

    > >

    > > A lot of people aren't interested in that farming and getting seeds

    > > It's not even a gemstore material...

    > >

    > > Ok, if you nerfed nodes gathering

    > > at least **give us 3 harvests from each node**

    > > or **increase the duration for food to stay up in the world**

    > > please!


    > Well, you can get variental seeds from WvW:

    > 1: Get skyscale hatchling mining tool from the gemstore

    > 2: Put Glyph of alchemy into your farming tool

    > 3: Get varietal seeds out of Synthesizer(it seems like you don't get pepperseed but you get tons of the other ones)


    I'm talking about ascended cultivated harvests, not seeds.

  4. My **WvW** guildies were helping each other

    to farm the nodes

    and guild chefs were making lots of food

    and **different types** of food for **specific needs**.


    You often have to jump to a different border

    and food needs to be **dropped often**

    because it **despawns too fast** when it's placed.


    A lot of people aren't interested in that farming and getting seeds

    It's not even a gemstore material...


    Ok, if you nerfed nodes gathering

    at least **give us 3 harvests from each node**

    or **increase the duration for food to stay up in the world**


  5. 1. Was the order of the Crystal Bloom just created for the Episode 6: War Eternal

    and was disbanded after Aurene becomes an elder dragon or we will see it later too?


    2. Aurene absorbed the power of Kralkatorrik, did some of his magic escape

    and reached other remaining dragons too or it's solely hers now?

    (we know that when a dragon dies, his magic gets absorbed by other dragons in a distance)


    3. Now that we know that dragons can hold multiple magics. Was it the same with Glint?

    Did she pass the "light" magic to Aurene on birth or it got transformed as from Kralkatorrik's magic?

  6. With the release of "All or Nothing" we did not get any new decorations, even the Beetle Racing update introduced ramps.

    I would have liked especially Glint themed crystal decorations.

    This looks like a missed opportunity for a new currency.


    Was there no time for it as it was being worked on by the same Episode team?

    Will we get anything a bit later before the next episode?

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