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Posts posted by javier.9786

  1. I think there are a lot of ways to fix the heavy, medium and light armor diference other than armor value diferences.


    For example: you can add some game related buff to the armor like 2 stacs of stability for heavy. Vigor, swiftness or might for light, medium armor with a middle point between heavy and light.

    Maybe some number bonus like vitality for heavy and power, condi damage, healing, precision and/or ferocity for light armor, and again, some middle point for medium armor.

    You can think about how it feels diferent when you wear light vs heavy clothes and try to bring that feel to the game throw numbers and buffs


    If you gonna make something about this issue, please, make something that make you feel rewarded (not punished like it is right now) about being forced to use a certain armor type.


    Other thing you can do is allow every class in the game use every type of armor.

  2. I'm lazy to read that much.


    So core elemental class mechanic is to have 4 weapons insted of 2 within the same weapon set, also by changing attunements you activate those sigils "on weapon swap" effect (with the internal 9 sec cd of the sigil). Also elementalist weapon effects are half or less the effect of other classes (not sure about this) and you usualy don't use the 4 attunements (heck if there would be 6 I would use 8, I swap a lot my attunements, all my 4 elements)


    And some ppl like it and some ppl don't. Those who don't, are asking for a balance to core elementalist because X reason they don't play elit spec of elementalist.


    Am I lossing something?


    I think it would be good Idea to make "elemental attunement" from arcana, base part of the class... or maybe (if it's true that weapon effect from elemental are half or less the effect of other clases) balance up weapon numbers so fire do more condi, water more heal, air more crit and earth more tank, that way you use your 4 attunements and not only 2.

  3. :open_mouth:

    I just got lv 80 and unlock tempest, still don't feel like I get the class core mechanics/rotations/understanding xD tomorrow I'll unlock weaver and would totaly try your builds, also, awsome knowing about the encounters, I suck at dodging xD completed darksouls but suck at dodging :lol:


    Ah! I, also, feel like elemental is realy, like realy soft, I spend a lot of time on the ground trying not to die :cry:

  4. As I read the post I wonder what guilds are you in, with what people.

    Those things you say do not depend on the guid but on the members of the guild, I've being on a lot of guilds on a lot of games and I can totaly say yeah to point 1 and 2 but no to the others.


    It's easyer to ask for help to the guild since you share a common chat and you can talk to them all the time they are in game, not like the mate you run 1 lfg dungeon.

    Also you can meet ppl mind like since, again, you share chat and can talk to every time they are in game so you can have your group/team to do things, but it's up to you if you want to close in with them and leave the rest of the players outside, totaly up to you.


    For your last point, it's part of social psychology dynamic, it happens with religion, politics, towns, heck even with your group of friends at the school, your hood... everything realy. That doesn't mean it's ok nor it's bad, it's just something that happens, and if you want it to be good you must accept or refuse if you don't.


    I for my part like to be in guilds because its makes the game easy and fun, if not, I'll be playing an rpg, not a mmorpg. Also, I for my part refuse guilds that request 100% rep, I don't like to feel someone controling me. If the game allows me to be member of more than 1 guild, I'll totaly embrace it (that's something I love about GW2).

  5. Today I couldn't play, passed more time on the ground dying than on my feets playing because every 5 or 10 secs got stuck for 3 to 6 secs.

    Also I think to my self "This cosmetic is really good, gonna buy it" then I think "should I buy it? I mean, the game is really laggy and those fps drops... yeah, maybe latter when the game run better" so that's it.

  6. I miss the feeling i had the 1st time I played gw2, you must master the weapon in order lo unlick the skills, that was fun and less overwealming.


    I'm comming back for a leave of 2 years of gw2 and I start a new character, elemental as its the closest to wow shaman. I get to lvl 50 in 5 or less days and it was hard to get used to 40 weapon skills for staff and trident, not to talk about the conjured weapons, only 30 sec to read the 5 weapons skills and make an idea.

    Btw I was wondering why do I die so fast so I check the elemental forum and it leaves me with the thought that maybe elemental are the worst class of the game (?)

  7. So sad, I was comming back for a leave of 2 years of gw2 and lately I was playing shaman in wow so when I came back to gw2 I start a new character as elemental since its the most close to shaman and my 1st impression was "why do I die so fast? Maybe I'm doing my rotation bad" so I came to the forums and this is what I found.


    Btw I read on another post that heavy and light armor can get the same damage output but they have a huge diference in armor, is it right?


    Also, I wonder (but already have the idea) can elemental play as tanks? I love the idea of an earth theme tank

  8. I'm comming back to gw2 for a leave of 2 years more or less, and lately I was maining shaman in wow so when came back to gw2 I try elemental since its the closest to shaman. I saw this I wanted to try it but I'm not 80 yet.

    Btw it would be great for the new exp to give ele some sort of totem or banner skills like warrior's

    Also I was wondering since I can't tank with my shaman, can I cant with my ele? Is it possible/viable?

  9. Hi everyone, got this problem, did the repair thing and now it doesn't crash but it stuck


    Mar 09 21:15:21 arcdps 20190201.144336-287-x64

    Mar 09 21:15:23 client: gw2 0x7FF77CC00000-0x7FF77F108000 (0x9455B404)

    Mar 09 21:15:23 client: arcdps 0x7FF9F16F0000-0x7FF9F179A000 (0xF32BFAE3)

    Mar 09 21:15:23 client: d3d9 0x7FFA23D00000-0x7FFA23E97000 (0x854147BF)

    Mar 09 21:15:24 error: couldn't find attach point: 56

    Mar 09 21:15:24 config: loading from "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\addons\arcdps\arcdps.ini"

    Mar 10 04:54:57 error: intercepted crash from client assertion fail, terminating

    Mar 10 04:54:57 error: assertion: "..\..\..\Engine\ArenaWeb\CoherentUi\AwCohContext.cpp", "Coherent host crashed", 325


    hope this help to fix it

  10. > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

    > Your focused to much on leveling then enjoying the play bro.


    Maybe but that's just 'cuz I'm anxious.. when Anet release the way to get warclaw I'll focus totaly on having fun on WvW (even though some times I lose track of time and exp with zergs runs and I love that) if I already meet the requirement.


    If you think about PvE mounts, you can get all of them in 3 days or less if you have the gold and the contracts.



    Btw and just saying... what if you cratf the mount?

  11. I'm a PvE player and I do not agree.

    Because of warclaw new I start trying WvW and I plan on staying.


    Yes WvW is hard for a PvE player, you lose much more than you win but when you do it feels so nice, in PvE there's nothing like that.

    Usualy I go solo roamer and it sucks when a group of 4 ~ 15 gets you, and I understand, its WvW not 1v1.


    I just wich my world have more squads for this game mode and some guilds with training but as I've seen WvW is frozen.


    Worst of all, I dont even like warclaw's skin so as soon as I can I'll buy another skin.

  12. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > With the boosts those 34 ranks is really just the eqvivalent of a dozen ranks. Its takes some work sure, but you know those guardians/scourges in chat linking 40+ lootbags in one zergfight when your scrawny kitten got like... 3... yep those are the ones that get the ranks.


    Yeah, as Firebrand you get lot of bags but not much more exp, per hour or so I make 1 rank with all the boost I have

  13. > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > all those points are mute to me cause i already have all the gear i need please read the other points might learn somthing


    If you mute yourself to something you'll learn nothing from it


    saying> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > People have continuously replied to you as to why wvw needs no amulet system, with valid points, good arguments. You disregard most - if not all-different opinions, based on "i feel wvw is weak", "wvwers like geargrind" or something along this line. Despite being proven wrong.


  14. I'm a PvE player, because of the mount news I'm playing WvW and I don't love it, but I'm starting to.

    I'm rank 26 or so, from DB and I feel like its really fucking hard to level up fast even with boost, foods and all that stuff (I've been playing WvW like 5 hours per day since warclaw news, more or less). So I hope they ask for rank points like gliding or any other mastery point in WvW.

    And I hope they ask like 15 to 25 points to unlock first tier, 'cause if they ask 350 rank... GG WP to me, like in a year or so I'll have it.

  15. > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > You may be right, but I would still prefer wvw not to have them.


    > I'm only bringing it up cause wvw is kinda weak right now. The one thing I used to love about wvw (the fights) really doesn't pull me anymore


    Men, I used to love watch Barney the dinosaur when I was a child but not any more, things changes, likes changes.


    This system let you use your PvE gear on a "PvP" way, so you must play PvE and be good at crafting, because you can't buy HoT nor PoF gear, to play WvW with the gear you want, you must earn it and it's much more interesting than making 5 clicks to suddenly change from Celestial to Harrier or Minstrel.


    My point: WvW is more like "(PvE)vP" because you must play PvE to play a good "PvP" and I love that.


    Btw, if you don't want to have 5 sets of gear, make a legendary gear set.

  16. > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > These are my three major guardian elite specialization ideas:


    > * **Vindicator:** Virtues now let you transform into a sort of angelical avatar, increasing your health and boosting your damage. [Polearm](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/712235/#Comment_712235) (two-handed longspear) is the new weapon, and glyphs are the new slot skills, with different effects depending on the status of the transformation.

    > * **Stormcaller:** Inspired by the Ascalonian relic, virtues now let you summon Ascalonian Ghosts to fight by your side. Warhorn is the new weapon, and banners are the new slot skills, both having good synergy with the ghostly minions.

    > * **Chaplain:** Virtues work like herald facets now, providing passive buffs to nearby allies. [Fists](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/712235/#Comment_712235) (one-handed fist weapons) are the new weapons, and wells are the new slot skills.


    > You can read more about these ideas in [my guardian redesign thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/24508/how-would-you-redesign-the-guardian), where I expand them a bit more.


    I'd love to see all of them.. I mean, I'd love to have a polearm out of water, also the Stormcaller's virtues could be as renegade's utilities

  17. Hi everyone, I'm Javier from Chile so I speak spanish and a little bit of english (I can understand though), I play mostly my Firebrand as roamer and I got lot to learn (also have a chrono, necro and renegade but my hands are used to guardian <3).


    what else can I say? ...Oh yeah! I'm casual / semi-hardcore player but I'd love to be total hardcore yet my time has to be splited...


    Also I playe with some friends and we are all from DB so I hope we all can join the same Guild.

    With nothing more to say, I hope you all have a great day (or night xP) and see you soon, bye <3

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