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Astra Lux.2846

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Posts posted by Astra Lux.2846

  1. Guild Wars had a limited system vaguely similar to this. You could set certain gear slots to show up only in combat zones/towns/etc, for example. Your idea would be pretty cool for this game. I can't see anything of that magnitude happening, though, without some sort of overhaul or unless they make you use trans charges every swap or something, at which point the system would be rendered pointless.

  2. > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > Afraid I must disagree. I can see all kinds of ways this will be abused. And how it could also be used to troll people.


    In what ways? I can't see it being abused any more than mounts, and other things like skills, are already. As long as the second player can manually dismount (or other restrictions, such as being a party member), I don't see how it could be used to troll with either.


    Also, seconding the auto-follow. I'm pretty sure Guild Wars had it and it was just another in a long list of minor QoL features that were inexplicably trashed.

  3. > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

    > You can, but unfortunately only kanji is shown

    > hiragana and katakana automatically transformed to blank text


    > Here's what I try

    > Kanji: 愛 人 秘密

    > Hiragana: あいうえお

    > Katakana: アイウエオ


    > Result:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/lTJzMvF.jpg "")


    The kana doesn't appear in the log, but I'm pretty sure it appears in the speech bubbles your character emits. It's strange the way they have these things set up.

  4. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > Could you disagree if the discussion is about "the more account you have the more golds you will be able to make without playing" ?

    > Just to know your idea of fairness.


    What is there to disagree about ? Sure, there could be some guy with 100 accounts rolling in log in rewards gold, but are we really going to pretend that's any sort of widespread or serious "problem" or that it's somehow unfair to anybody?


    *You can literally buy gold in this game.*

    Delivered instantly and on demand!


    There is no "unfair" way to obtain gold outside of like, cheating something. Everyone is presented with the same options.


    We're talking about sub 20g, at current prices, per *month*. That's not a big deal. You want to replace that with 10 obsidian A MONTH? Come on.


    Are you sitting on a huge hoard of Mystic Coins and miffed about their recent price decline? I can't imagine any other logically sound purpose for your proposal.


  5. > @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

    > > @"Astra Lux.2846" said:

    > > progress is not retroactively awarded for what you have done.


    > Shadi's shopping list didn't need to be redone in my case. I'd completed it prior to finishing the story and only had to talk to her once I unlocked the griffon collection. So, I believe some things are saved.


    Ah, I see. Good to know.

  6. Replace the most valuable item outside of laurels with items that most players are drowning in and have essentially zero value? .......Why?

    The ascended materials and Laurels are also easily converted into gold too. You might as well replace everything with Piles of Bloodstone Dust.

    Including Fractal Relics, Unbound Magic, HoT map currencies and dungeon tokens also completely invalidates your supposed stance of "reward players for playing", as one could simply sit on log in rewards and accumulate currencies that you would otherwise actually have to play specific game modes to acquire, whilst never touching that content.

    They're called log in *rewards* and I am okay with them having tangible in-game value.

    Mystic Coins are in a pretty good spot right now, I think, with their variety of uses and availability. 20 a month isn't a problem at all.


    > I know that many players would be against a more fair system

    This really feels like you're proclaiming that anybody who may disagree with your bizarre system hates fairness or something.

  7. The real crime is that all the shoes with non-kitten heels (edit: This is not censored, I do mean kitten heels) are ugly. Ugly heels. In Fashion Wars. Unacceptable!! Of course, the ancillary issue here is that heels lop off a few inches of our legs, and have no rigidity so they morph and bend in unfortunate ways. This is why my elementaliste runs around in huge stompy goth boots.

  8. I think the character creator itself could use a few more options, such as the ability to save your appearance. I agree that we should have a few new default options, but I also really wish they would do some other things like make more hair unisex and, for example, add the syvlari women's body types to the human femme selection as I hate the body type selection for humans.

  9. > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

    > I don't think the raptor's tail attack scales properly in the newby zones. The char I just started is doing HPs there, and the raptor is just death from above. My char is 55 (scroll), in junk, and her attacks are scaling, but the raptor's tail swipe takes out 5 at a time. I need those HPs though. I finally just used raptor to travel, it was getting silly.


    This is the main problem I've seen with mounts in lower level areas, especially with the masteries that improve engage attacks. I can one-shot swarms of mobs with engage skills, even ones that I can barely scratch when dismounted.

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