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Posts posted by Tuchanka.5148

  1. We've seen them in Dragonfall, yet they completly seem to disappear, except the NPC for the mount race in Grothmar Valley.

    Where are they and what are they doing right now? What do you think? We know that Caithe planned to move to the grove, I wish we had a bit more information about them. I think they should move where Aurene moves, they are part of the pact, just like the three orders of Tyria, right? I opened this post after I read the news about the weekly strike mission rewards just mentioning the three original orders of the pact and I was starting to think about them. They should have a special interest to guard Aurene's location right?

  2. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


    > **Warrior**


    > * Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.





    **Would your gameplay change as a result?**

    No There Is currently no slot to use this skill over the current ones


    **Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?**

    SBS need a full rework until it might have an impact


    **Are you looking forward to these potential changes?**

    If SBS gets a meaningful interesting rework, I do. Otherwise. No


    **What are your concerns with this set of changes?**

    No practical functionality outside of GvG/WvW where players sometimes use group stealth



    **New SBS: Fires an Orb with his hands ( Orb loos like Guardian Staff 1 but Golden)

    Can reactivate to Detonate! (Detonate looks like current SBS just around the flying orb)

    affects up to 5 targets with Fancy Spellbreaker Sight

    600 Orb Range

    300 Detonate Range

    Ammo Count: 2

    If it hits a target apply:


    + Reveal

    + Root ****


  3. Maybe this is just something that bugs me but, the nameless NPC Pact Soldiers in Dragonfall using Maguuma HoT dialogues if you talk to them multiple times. Still not trusting Sylvari...while facing an ED that just fell through the mists into the ocean. Yes of course the Sylvari are your main problem right now.... e.e

    This is just immersion breaking....an oversight and/or just lazy :(

  4. Suggestion to make offseason interesting:



    Celebrate them like a LW Release just for the competitive players! Not everything listed has to happen all the time during an offseason.

    But sometimes change is good and needed.



    OFF SEASON BALANCE Patch -> Change runes amuletts skills, sigills all that stuff

    Class Reworks!

    New Map Rotations

    New Map Betas

    Special Event Weeks

    1v1 2v2 3v3 10v10 Queues + ATs





    NEW SEASON BALANCE PATCH -> React to player feedback,

    Adjust the "degen. play" builds

    No random full class "reworks"( Let Mesmers live-duh!)

    Show Rewards(like Weapons/Armors/more Lamas?)





    during a season:

    Let the players enjoy and play the game and their class.

    Necessary Hotfixes

    Bug squashing!




    What do you think?

    Maybe it's just wishful thinking .

    No system is perfect.




  5. Can we have some more information about the Order of the Crystal Bloom?


    What are some difficulties you had to overcome in the final episode?


    Can we have a new (not-rigged) election between Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade?


    In the seasons finale. In which direction did Aurene fly after becoming an ED?(over the endless ocean?)


    Some part of the mists are now a part of Tyria are the mist shadow creatures bound to their domain? Or could they possibly roam around Tyria?


    Taimi was drunk, what's the legal age for Asura to drink?



    And final question:

    Where is Zojja? Can't you bring her back as a mute character, because of the Mordrem Pod stuff?



  6. > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > > @"Tuchanka.5148" said:

    > > they've fighted and learnt to hate for years


    > I want to reply to this specific line: there is no place for hate in Guild Wars 2. Hateful behavior should be reported and we regularly take actions about hate speech. If you see any within the game (or on the forums for that matter!), please right click on the name in chat or in the UI, and use the report command.



    I want to excuse my poor choice of words here: rivalry is the word that I was looking for, I'm sorry for that.


    Some mapchat this reset was just really ugly and I think many people were just busy typing something, that was supposed to be funny or just straight up racist. I don't think the majority was really interested in playing the gamemode tonight from my perception.

    I really hope this does not continue, we lost a lot of friends with this relink -for this.

  7. If your goal was to lose players and destroy communities that formed and played together over several years. Congratulations this change worked.

    If you want that people say abusive and hostile things about the new linkserver, they've fighted and learnt to hate for years- you've succeeded.

    If you want to decrease the overall wvw population again-you've succeeded, because I am sure some people will just stop to play your game. For many people over many years WvW was the only thing that kept them in the game with minor to 0 interest about the pve aspect of the game.

    So you destroyed communities with this change just to balance out numbers. Numbers aren't people and people aren't data and I am not sure what made you think that this was a good idea. The cons outweigh the positive things this change might bring. Why should I play with some people that just run amok? For some WvW chest a WvW mount and some other shinies? No thanks I play for and with the community that formed over those years not for the loot.

    Please revert this change asap the damage is already done but we are used to it. Be quick or many will be gone forever.

  8. I agreed with the above. More visual clarity is really needed for the huge zerg fights. After the influx of Warclaw farmers, it really shows how many people just die in AoE, clueless, about what actually just happened.

  9. I want to thank Arenanet for caring about my personal life and well-being.

    After dedicating all my time playing GW2 and WvW exclusively,

    I got the message that this game doesn't want me a wvw player to be a part in its welcoming community, after the edge of the mist, wargliding implementation, desert borderlands, I didn't get that message, Pips and Participation system, alliancesystem announcement- Yea oh maybe there is hope... but now with the warclaw it finally clicked, that I shouldn't waste my time anymore.


    I rate this new feature 9 shish kebap crystal dragons daughters out of 10, 3 greenitems 100 karma and an arrowcart blueprint for how out of touch you are with the everyday WvW player!


    I still love you, even if you don't love me back <3


  10. ErrorCode= 7:11:3:191:101

    Server : Vaabi

    Location: Germany[DE]

    How did this happen: Opened a mail in Heart of the Mist couldn't read it because game/server crashed and continues to crash,

    -repair command doesn't help as well.

    Waiting for a fix

    Update1: Entering EotM Lobby after exiting it, reproduced the above error again, after leaving it.

    Hot steaming coffee for the Server Guys at Anet

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