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Posts posted by Rinagal.9235

  1. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > It seems to me like ranger ranger because you can control the bandits and also there is a trait that is focused on breaking focus/targeting , they would grant you their boons, also the taunt ability etc.


    Mesmer has all features you have listed except taunt. And GL doesn't control bandits the way ranger do, he only summons them.


    > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > About the OP-iness of the final two traits


    First and the most important thing i want to explain that Gang Leader was designed being capable maintain 3-4 bandits constantly with or without King of Thieves trait, lets do simple math, cheapest bandits cost 15 authority and second one of the same type will cost 18, so we have to generate 15*2+18*2=66 authority every 10 seconds or 6.6 per second. We have 2 per second by passive regeneration, 1 per second by spending initiative (1 initiative generates per second) and 0.5 from steal and stolen skills. 3.5 Authority per second, this is what you get by default when you unlock very first trait, i didn't count here any traits or abilities that generate authority or initiative or reduce steal cooldown and authority from interrapting/ killing foes which together easily fill remaining 3.1 per second authority regeneration if you play well. So yeah, constantly have 3-4 active bandits is what GL was meant to be able to do and spamming bandits with King of Thieves trait is what this trait was meant to do.


    Second thing i want to explain is why i think 15-20% constantly damage reduction for GL permissible. Daredevil

    was designed to dodge often and has some traits with damage modificators or damage reduction, Deadeye has advanced stealth and burst damage possibilities, those are ways they survive and fight. Gang Leader designed for open fight, it has no advanced dodging or better stealth (stealth even slightly punishes Gang Leader), not a passive damage modificators (except +20% burning damage in Black Flame trait) or high burst possibilities (being able to oneshot/doubleshot enemies) . So you can't actually expect from thief that doesn't use dodge/stealth pretty often or kill you pretty fast still be vulnerable as thiefs used to be. Both master and grandmaster minor traits provide survivability to motivate Gang Leader for open fight.


    I forgot about Swindlers Equlibrium though, but is till think it doesn't make Covered Back + King of Thieves combination broken. Btw Lead Attacks(15%) + Sleight of Hand(20%) + King of Thieves(15%) = 50% (15 seconds steal cooldown, not 17) ;) .

  2. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > Could be fun to try. I can imagine this with venom share being annoying tho xD


    I think venom share is less annoying thing when you can set 5 traps or 5 Smoke Screens/Caltrops that would be much more annoying tbh :) . However i like this ability because it alone creates many interactions with old utilities that you actually want to try out.


    > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > The thing is this is basically Ranger merged with Mesmer.


    I understand why someone may think it is similar to mesmer, but ranger, why?


    > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > Although putting taunt on the very first level of traits is unusual, i don't say it is bad i just don't know if it wouldnt taunt ppl to pick it (pun intended :) )


    I don't see a big problem with taunt in first trait tier, maybe it should have longer recharge time to make choice unobvious if it doesn't seem to be so. However this trait isn't critical for spec and it may be easily raplaced with something else.


    > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > Also Covered Back and King of the thieves are too OP like really too op.


    What exactly is op, how they interact one with another or each one separatly?


    > @"derd.6413" said:

    > the lore makes very little sense for an espec and also AI blows


    How much lore was behind Deadeye and many other specs before ArenaNet had added them? Kaineng city is a very high populated city with social fragmentation, i think Gang Leader fit this environment pretty well. I understand people want Assassin when we speak about thief's espec in Cantha, but Assassin is already in game and it called Thief, i don't think anet must be bound by nostalgia when they develop something, two hundred years past since first Guild Wars and many things have changed. And how i had said [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/768097/#Comment_768097 "here") this spec isn't neccesary tied to Cantha and may be tied to another theme.

    What is problem with AI?

  3. > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > @"Rinagal.9235" said:

    > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > Profession perk: "Bad Guy Aim!" Your attack speed is increased 100% and all attack skills no longer require any initiative, but you now have a 0% chance to hit your target.

    > >

    > > If you think something is ridiculously overpowered could you say more specifically instead of writing sarcastic comment? Or every single thing here is op?


    > Oh no, lol. I was just joking a bit about the theme of the gang leader. No judgement on the actual implementation was intended.


    Sorry then, i did get it wrong.

  4. > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > Profession perk: "Bad Guy Aim!" Your attack speed is increased 100% and all attack skills no longer require any initiative, but you now have a 0% chance to hit your target.


    If you think something is ridiculously overpowered could you say more specifically instead of writing sarcastic comment? Or every single thing here is op?

  5. Hi, i made a post [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/768097/#Comment_768097 "here") where i asked for help with editing the text i put down below, but nobody answered. It's ok, i don't blame anyone for it, i just want to warn you that there might be "weird" parts of text. This is because i'm not a native speaker and english and i aren't best friends (especially grammar), so let me know if you see something that definitely requres editing. Thank you!


    # Gang leader

    Gang leaders are ones of most dangerous criminal persons in Kaineng City, they have very high authority among all kinds of bandits and gather them around themselves.


    ## Profession mechanic: Authority

    Authority is a Gang leader’s resource Gang leader may spend for summoning bandits to combat. It has maximum of 50 points and drops to zero while not in combat. Gang leader earn authority in combat by performing different actions.

    * Passive regeneration gain 2 authority per second

    * Passive regeneration equals zero while in stealth and 3 seconds after.

    * Gain 1 authority per initiative spent

    * Gain 12 authority on successful steal

    * Gain 3 authority on using stolen skill

    * Gain 6 authority on interrupting foe

    * Gain authority on killing foe

    * Normal: 3

    * Veteran: 6

    * Elite and Player: 12

    * Champion: 18

    * Legendary and Epic: 50



    ## Profession mechanic: Bandits

    Gang leader have F3 and F4 ability slots that filled with bandit type abilities. First and second weapon sets define specific bandit abilities in F3 and F4 slots respectively. Bandit is a new ability type that summon allied bandit npc to combat for 10 seconds. Using bandit ability cost one initiative and authority. Bandit deals damage with base attacks equal to around 6-8% of Gang Leader's chain attacks and have around 2/3 of Gang leader’s survivability from stats. Any other ability bandit performs use stats of Gang leader. All bandit abilities have 900 range.

    Bandit has three stages that may have additional effects related on traits: Summon, Active and Retreat. Summon happens on using bandit ability and always cause summoned bandit to use his special ability. Active is a stage between summon and retreat and while in this stage bandit simply acts like a regular summoned creature. Using bandit ability cost additional 3 authority for each active bandit of the same type. Thief may have maximum 4 active bandits at moment. Retreat happens when bandit duration has ended and he has not been defeated. If Gang leader uses bandit ability while have maximum active bandits, then active bandit with shortest remaining duration retreats.


    **[sword/Dagger] Robber [15 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with sword and dagger to support you in combat. Robber uses Lesser Larcenous Strike upon summon._

    **Lesser Larcenous Strike [½ seconds cast time]**

    _Stab your foe and steal boon from them. Deals increased damage if it hits a foe with no boons._

    * Boons Stolen: 1

    * Damage: ???

    * Damage Increase: 20%

    * Range: 130

    * Unblockable



    **[sword/Pistol] Duelist [18 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with sword and pistol to support you in combat. Duelist uses Lesser Pistol Whip upon summon._

    **Lesser Pistol Whip [¾ seconds cast time]**

    _Dual Wield. Pistol-whip your foe, stunning them, then slash repeatedly with your sword._

    * Initial damage: ??

    * Damage (x4): ???

    * Stun: ¼ seconds

    * Range: 130


    **[sword/Torch] Arsonist [15 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with sword and torch to support you in combat. Arsonist uses Lesser Fiery Blade upon summon._

    **Lesser Fiery Blade [½ seconds cast time]**

    _Dual Wield. Burn edge of the sword with a torch in a swing strike that Inflict burning. Next two chain attacks inflict burning._

    * Damage: ????

    * Burning: 4 seconds

    * Number of targets: 3

    * Burning from chain attacks: 3 seconds


    **[Dagger/Dagger] “Crimson hood” [15 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with two daggers to support you in combat. “Crimson hood” uses Lesser Death Blossom upon summon._

    **Lesser Death Blossom [½ seconds cast time]**

    _Dual Wield. Do an evasive attack over your opponent, striking nearby enemies three times. Each hit causes bleeding._

    * Damage (x3): ???

    * Bleeding (x3): 5 seconds

    * Number of Targets: 3

    * Evade: ½s

    * Combo Finisher: Whirl

    * Range: 130


    **[Dagger/Pistol] Street Rat [15 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with dagger and pistol to support you in combat. Street rat uses Lesser Shadow Shot upon summon._

    **Lesser Shadow Shot**

    _Dual Wield. Fire bullet at your foe, which blinds them, and then shadowstep to them for a dagger strike._

    * Damage: ???

    * Blindness: 3s

    * Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile

    * Range: 900


    **[Dagger/Torch] Trickster [21 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with dagger and torch to support you in combat. Trickster uses Lesser Flickering Fires upon summon._

    **Lesser Flickering Fires [½ seconds cast time]**

    _Dual Wield. Shadowstep and unleash fire attacks on nearby foes with your dagger and torch. Inflict burning, bleeding and confusion on each hit._

    * Damage: ??

    * Burning: 2 seconds

    * Bleeding: 2 seconds

    * Confusion: 2 seconds

    * Evade: ¾ second

    * Number of hits: 3

    * Range: 450


    **[Pistol/Dagger] Marauder [15 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with pistol and dagger to support you in combat. Marauder uses Lesser Shadow Strike upon summon._

    **Lesser Shadow Strike**

    _Dual Wield. Stab your foe, then shadowstep away and shoot them._

    * Damage: ??

    * Shot Damage: ???

    * Distance: 600

    * Torment(x4): 3 seconds

    * Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile


    **[Pistol/Pistol] Gunslinger [21 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with two pistols to support you in combat. Gunslinger uses Lesser Unload upon summon._

    **Lesser Unload [1 second cast time]**

    Dual Wield. Blast your foe repeatedly with both pistols. Gang leader gain initiative if all attacks hit.

    * Damage: ???

    * Might : 8 seconds

    * Initiative: 1

    * Number of Shots: 6

    * Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance)

    * Range: 900


    **[Pistol/Torch] Pyromaniac [15 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with pistol and torch to support you in combat. Pyromaniac uses Lesser Fire Barrage upon summon._

    **Lesser Fire Barrage [½ seconds cast time]**

    _Dual wield. Create a wall of flame in front of you and rapidly shoot through it._

    * Damage: ???

    * Number of Shots: 3

    * Combo finisher: Physical projectile

    * Range: 900

    * Burning from combo field: 3 seconds

    * Pulses: 3

    * Field duration: 2 seconds

    * Number of targets: 5

    * Combo field: Fire


    **[shortbow] Choker [15 authority, 1 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Call bandit with shortbow to support you in combat. Choker uses Lesser Choking Gas upon summon._

    **Lesser Choking Gas [½ seconds cast time]**

    _Fire an arrow that fills the target area with a poisonous cloud. Foes at or above the poison thrshold are dazed. (The same foe cannot be dazed more than once per interval.)_

    * Damage: ???

    * Poison: 2 seconds

    * Daze: 1/2 seconds

    * Number of Targets: 5

    * Poison Threshold: 5

    * Pulses: 3

    * Field Duration: 2 seconds

    * Interval: 1 second

    * Radius: 240

    * Combo Field: Poison

    * Range: 900

    * Unblockable



    ## Weapon: Torch Off-Hand

    **[sword/Torch] Fiery Blade [4 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Dual Wield. Burn edge of the sword with a torch in a swing strike that Inflict burning. Next two chain attacks inflict burning or your next Infiltrator's Strike cause fire blast, depends on which was used first._

    * Damage: ????

    * Burning: 8 seconds

    * Number of targets: 3

    * Burning from chain attacks: 6 seconds

    * Fire blast damage: ???

    * Burning from fire blast: 6 seconds

    * Blast radius: 180

    * Combo Finisher: Blast

    * Number of targets: 5


    **[Dagger/Torch] Flickering Fires [6 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Dual wield. Shadowstep and unleash fire attacks on nearby foes with your dagger and torch. Inflict burning, bleeding and confusion on each hit._

    * Damage: ???

    * Burning: 3 seconds

    * Bleeding: 3 seconds

    * Confusion: 3 seconds

    * Evade: 1 second

    * Number of hits: 4

    * Range: 450


    **[Pistol/Torch] Fire Barrage [4 initiative, 1 second cast time]**

    _Dual wield. Create a wall of flame in front of you and rapidly shoot through it. Bullets Inflict bleeding._

    * Damage (x4): ????

    * Bleeding (x4): 3 seconds

    * Combo finisher: Physical projectile

    * Range: 900

    * Burning from combo field: 3 seconds

    * Pulses: 3

    * Field duration: 2 seconds

    * Number of targets: 5

    * Combo field: Fire


    **[Torch 4th] Mixture of Black Flame [4 initiative, 7/4 seconds cast time]**

    _Spray a special mixture on torch that results in a cone of Black Flame that inflicts burning and blind._

    * Damage (x3): ???

    * Burning (x3): 3 seconds

    * Blind (x3): 1 second

    * Number of targets: 5

    * Range: 400


    **[Torch 5th] Devastating Fire [6 initiative, ½ seconds cast time]**

    _Throw a torch that fills target area with fire._

    * Burning: 3 seconds

    * Number of targets: 5

    * Interval: 1 sec

    * Pulses: 5

    * Field duration: 4 sec

    * Radius: 180

    * Range: 1200

    * Combo field: Fire


    ## Specialization skills: Shouts


    **[Healing] "Scatter!" [24 authority cost/24 seconds recharge]**

    _Shout. You and your bandits cripple yours targets. Heal yourself, grant swiftness and resistance to nearby allied targets. Remove Inhibiting conditions._

    * Heal: xxxx (+xxx for each active bandit)

    * Cripple: 2 sec

    * Range: 130

    * Swiftness: 2 seconds (+1 second for each active bandit)

    * Resistance: 1 sec (+0.5 seconds for each active bandit)

    * Inhibiting conditions removed: 1 (+1 for each two active bandits)

    * Number of allied targets: 5

    * Radius: 600


    **[utility] "Plan B!" [27 authority cost/30 seconds recharge]**

    _Shout. Your bandits swap positions between themselves by shadowstep and swap targets respectively. Confuse nearby foes and grants retaliation to nearby allies._

    * Retaliation: 2 seconds (+2 seconds for each active bandit)

    * Number of Allied Targets: 10

    * Confusion (x2): 5 seconds (+2 stacks for each active bandit)

    * Number of targets: 5

    * Radius: 600


    **[utility] "Burn it down!" [30 authority cost/36 seconds recharge]**

    _Shout. Your bandits throw torches on their targets, inflicting burning to target and foes near them. Grants fury and might to nearby allies._

    * Burning: 6 seconds

    * Number of targets: 5

    * Range: 900

    * Radius: 300

    * Fury: 2 sec (+2 seconds for each active bandit)

    * Might (x4): 12 seconds (+2 stacks for each active bandit)

    * Number of allied targets: 10

    * Radius: 600


    **[utility] "Hurry up!" [36 authority cost/45 seconds recharge]**

    _Shout. Grant quickness and alacrity to nearby allies._

    * Quickness: 1 second (+1 second for each active bandit)

    * Alacrity: 1 second (+1 second for each active bandit)

    * Number of allied targets: 10

    * Radius: 600


    **[utility] "Help them!" [42 authority cost/5 seconds recharge]**

    _Shout. Ammo. Order your bandits shadowstep to nearest downed or disabled allies (maximum 1 bandit per ally) and revive or break stun respectively. If bandit successfully revives ally this bandit retreats._

    * Maximum count: 2

    * Count recharge: 60 sec


    **[Elite] "Follow the plan!" [42 authority cost]**

    _Shout. Next utility skill you will use your active bandits will use as well. Recharge equals to utility's tripled recharge time. Doesn't work with next abilities: Roll for Initiative, Shadowstep, Shadow trap, "Help them!"_


    ## Traits

    **[Adept Minor] Gang**

    _You now have authority resource that earned by performing different actions in combat and may be spent for summoning bandits. Gain access to torches, shouts and bandits._


    **[Adept Major] Bodyguards [30 seconds recharge]**

    _While have at least one active bandit, if you would be disabled one of your bandits swaps with you by shadowstep and becomes disabled instead of you and retreats after if weren't defeated._

    * Breaks stun

    * Breaks enemy targeting


    **[Adept Major] Most Wanted**

    _When out of combat, your authority restores up to 25._


    **[Adept Major] "Hotheads" [9 seconds recharge]**

    _Bandit taunts target foe upon summon._

    * Taunt: 1 second

    * Unblockable


    **[Master Minor] Tactical escape**

    _When bandit retreats, he throws elixir to you that heals you and transfers all boons affecting this bandit._

    * Heal: ???


    **[Master Major] “Benefactor”**

    _Gain one authority when apply boon to an ally (3 seconds recharge per ally)._


    **[Master Major] Ambush**

    _Using bandit ability no longer cost initiative. Gain one initiative when bandit retreats._


    **[Master Major] “Dodger” [1 second recharge]**

    _Gain 3 authority on evade or when foe misses its attack on you._


    **[Grandmaster Minor] Covered Back**

    _Take 5% less damage for each active bandit._


    **[Grandmaster Major] “Kingmaker”**

    _Shouts no longer have recharge time, but cost authority instead. Authority passive regeneration doubled._


    **[Grandmaster Major] “King of Thieves”**

    _Successfully stealing cause to summon bandit with your current weapon set on target. Bandits gain you stolen skill upon summon. Reduce recharge of Steal._

    * Recharge reduced: 15%


    **[Grandmaster Major] Black Flame**

    _Burning you inflict deals 20% more damage. Fire and smoke combo fields become Black Flame combo field. Former fire and smoke combo fields apply blinding and burning respectively. Bandits use Lesser Devastating Fire on their targets upon summon._

    * Burning: 3 seconds

    * Burning application interval: 1 second

    * Blind: 1 second

    * Blind application interval: 2 seconds


    **Lesser Devastating Fire**

    _Throw a torch that fills target area with fire._

    * Burning: 3 seconds

    * Number of targets: 5

    * Pulses: 3

    * Field duration: 2 seconds

    * Radius: 120

    * Range: 1200

    * Combo field: Fire


    ## Black Flame

    **Black Flame aura**

    _Burn and blind foes strike you (1-second recharge per attacker)._

    * Burning: 3 seconds

    * Blinding: 1 second


    **Combo field: Black Flame**


    * Blast finisher -> Area Black Flame aura: 2 seconds

    * Leap finisher -> Black Flame aura: 2 seconds

    * Projectile finisher

    * Burning: 3 seconds

    * Blind: 1 second

    * Whirl finisher -> Black Flame bolts

    * Burning: 3 seconds

    * Blind: 1 second


  6. While i can accept the core idea of thief with greatsword, burst skills and charge mechanic tied to it, even if i don't like it, i find your implementation of it very "half-baked". So i brought some criticism with me.


    1) Charge generation seems very unbalanced, you may generate tons of red charges with GS (much more than you may spend) and even single trait allow you to generate 3 red charges in 9 seconds with any weapon, whereas you may hardly generate 3 blue charges with both trait and charge-up (i'm not counting elite ability, but hey, why do i must sacrifice elite slot just to make core mechanic work somehow?) which requires very specific traits and weapons to be used.

    2) Every elite specialization of any profession (except revenant) work properly without heal/utility/elite abilities assotiated with those specializations, they don't fell to be neccesary and you may see many builds that don't have those abilities in them. Those abilities should extend core mechanic, have interesting interactions with core mechanic, not be a default requirement that makes specialization work.

    3) Some trait choices feel too boring and obvious. If i want to be condi maniac, which traits will i pick? And if i'm power maniac which traits will i pick? Hmm... Even don't know. I see the only choice between damage (condi/power) and some survivability.

    4) The whole spec feels underpowered if you don't use GS with a power direction. You have to sacrifice too much (steal, few slots in right panel) for very doubtful benefit.

  7. Hey there, i have an idea of thief's espec and i have the text done with all info (mechanics, abilities, traits), but i need a native speaker (or someone who is pretty well know english) who can edit it, fix grammar and formulation issues, change some names (check if they sound awkward or weird, specialization name right now is placeholder) and maybe add some fiction descriptions which is hardest part of work for me(but it isn't neccesary).


    Here is a very short preview on specialization.

    Gang leader

    * Summon bandits to combat

    * Can wield torch in off-hand

    * Shout skills for right panel skill slots


    _What is lore behind Gang leader?_

    There is actually no lore base, the whole idea based on asian gangster movies and currently thematically tied to Kaineng City's possible criminal environment. It may be easily "rethemed" to pirate theme for example.


    _What Gang leader is about?_

    Gang leader focused on summoning bandits to fight and having some interactions with them. He always tries to provide unfair fight with advantage at his side.


    _What Gang leader isn't about?_

    Gang leader nas no benefits for stealth, maybe some very mediated interactions with Shadow Arts trait line. Gang leader has one little thing in its core mechanic that slightly demotivate stealth using, but not drastically.


    _What great opportunities Gang leader has?_

    Gang leader has specific possibilities to inflict burning and support allies through torch and shouts respectively, but may be just played like core thief extended with npc bandits at his side. Grandmaster major traits play critical role in Gang leader's playstyle.


    So, if you are interested and would like to help me finish it before i share it with everyone, feel free to contact me in-game or in skype (rinagal-5).

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