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Posts posted by Ithamir.5928

  1. ![](https://i.imgur.com/UWsWa0V.jpg "")


    What is the Elite Spec about?


    * Anti-Stealth for Competitive Modes

    * Hopefully having at least a pseudo rotation in Raids

    * Verastile enough to be used in all modes


    How does it accomplish these goals?


    * Tons of Reveals. Both for the thief itself and the enemies

    * Access to Revealed in hopes to stay away from 5111.. "rotation". Stolen Skills Bar for a pseudo weapon swap

    * Sword off hand means you can tailor different weapon combinations for different roles and even game modes. Thanks to Dual Attacks! (skill #3). Something previous Elite Specs couldn't since they provided a 2 handed weapons


    Why the Assassin name?


    * Nostalgia

    * Fits the new Factions expansion

    * The utility skills (And some traits) are all heavily inspired by GW1

    * No Stealth like the GW1 Assassin


    What are the core elements?

    * Reveals themselves and their enemies. Stances. Off-hand Sword




    Can skip the rest




    Indepth look:


    Utility skills: Tired to have a negative effect to them as I enjoy that playstyle (like the Necro's Corruption skills) as it adds depth to decision making in realtime


    * Heal skill - Vampiric Assault : Each Thief heal skill removes different condis. The combat condis (as they're referred to by the Golem in Aerodome) were "missing". The heal itself fits the Assassin theme and playstyle perfectly imo

    * Utility - Aura of Displacement: Very strong effect, I know. It can have a short duration and long cooldown to balance it out. But I do love the idea of it as it's my favorite skill in all GW1

    * Utility - Shadow Form: An "Oh Shit!" skill like the Mesmer's Distortion but with the huge side effect of not being able to use skills. Stunbreak effect is before the pulsing Daze on-self. Long cooldown obviously

    * Elite - Dark Apostasy: Huge effect with a matching side-effect. Can be used both offensively and defensively

    * Stolen Skills - Mirrored Stance: Like the WvW Core Swap Event. Once entered flips to "Break Stance" that you can activate only while Mirrored Stance is active


    Weapon Skills: The most unimaginative part of this for sure. Just copy-pasted skills from other professions I thought would match well. Of course they would be a bit different to match Thief

    * Dagger/Sword needed Stealth access but I didn't want it to be instant. You need to work for it and there's counterplay around it


    Traits: Affects your active gameplay. No boring attribute points or damage modifiers. Revealed and Sustain.

    * Minors: Revolve around Reveal and changes the way you play Thief

    * Adepts: Access to Reveal

    * Masters: Advantages from being Revealed

    * Grandmasters: Augments F1, F2 or Elite spec core mechanic respectively



    Indepth interactions:


    Interactions with current traitlines:


    * Shadow Arts: The big one. While it has clear counter synergy it actually has one very good interactions; Flickering Shadows. The thief wouldn't be able to Stealth like they used unless they heavily play around it, which was one of the main points of this Elite Spec.

    * Deadly Arts: Mainly Revealed Training. Most thief builds in Raids revolve around using this trait effectively. Which lead to the 5111.. "rotation". Hopefully all the Revealed sources from this Elite Spec can solve this issue. Improvisation may also be very good with Mirrored Stance, especially when traited with the Middle Grandmaster Trait (x-x-2)

    * Critical Strikes: Great interaction with the Bottom Grandmaster Trait (x-x-3)

    * Tricekry: Is a must in PvP since day 1. May be good in Raids for Boon Assassin (see Acrobatics for more info)

    * Acrobatics: May be useful if the Mirrored Stance from Raid Bosses can apply boons. Doesn't even have to be all the boons like from Detonate Plasma.


    interactions with current skills:


    * Shadowstep with Utility - Aura of Displacement (And Steal - Cut) for insane mobility albeit risky

    * Assassin's Signet Funnily enough fits perfectly in PvE with the Assassin Elite Skill for an insane burst potential. Especially good for fights with many phases

    * Signet of Agility with the Revealed on dodge trait

    * Triated Signet of Shadows Can be great for Open World PvE. With constant Stealth which leads for more Revealed

    * Any Stealth skill for both Stealthing and Revealing oneself

  2. _Who we are:_

    We're in EU. Our purpose is to kill Qadim CM. We'll do it by nailing mechanics and not by DPS racing. We can take breaks but it will take time to get the kill, so have time, patience focus. Provide input on how we can improve our chances in a mature manner.


    _What we're looking for in players:_

    * **Experience**: Know the fight and your role very well. Need to fill the role from the #builds section. These builds are tweaked Meta builds especially for Qadim CM. Dealing with the CM mechanics as much as possible. This is not a speed kill. We're going for safety rather than speed.

    * **Maturity**: Be able to receive as well as give criticism for the sake of improving our chances to get the kill. Keep it civil. No flaming.

    * **Dedication**: It will take time to get the kill. You need to be able to stay with us for at least 3 hours at a time. With breaks in between ofc.

    * **Communication**: Be able to listen and talk on Discord.


    More details @ https://discord.gg/8GbkwA

    PM me @ Ithamir.5928

  3. **What are we about?**

    Relaxed, fun, stable and fast full clears on Fridays and Saturdays.


    **Who are we?**

    We're veteran raiders. We go for first tries and not speed clears. We love to chat and laugh on and off the raid.


    **Who are we looking for?**

    Social, talk active, mature, friendly and experienced raiders. Able to play DPS and support.


    **How to get in touch?**

    **Send us a mail in game:**

    Ithamir.5928, elkwisit.1392

    **Or send us a message on Discord:**

    Ithamir#2083, effut#0979

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