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Kenshi Maru.5489

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Posts posted by Kenshi Maru.5489

  1. Ok, I'm the minority here because obviously this patch affects more WvW and PVP scrappers, but I kinda like the direction of these changes.

    The times I play PVP or WVW are on Scrapper, but I mostly do PVE.


    For me the changes are obviously trying to align Scrapper into an Hybrid support role like Druid, Alacrigade or Quickbrand in PVE.

    They seem to be wanting to make Scrapper Stack Might, provide auras and tank by doing damage while also being able to heal others.

    It's either a Diviner or a Harrier build as an alternative to Druid in PVE imo. Which I kinda like, but for WvW I can see how horrible this will end up being.


    What I will say though is that it's a huge rework, with a lot of moving parts and obviously things might not work out as well for every kind of player out there. I'd say we test it out, give feedback and wait for the next update where they will fine tune the aspects of the class that are not working so well. They've been doing it with Berserker and other classes they've been changing so I for one am hopeful with what's to come.

  2. A bit more of clarity to what we can expect would be really.

    I really wish GW2 staff start doing dev blogs and posts just showing the direction things are going instead of just dropping a bomb of nerfs and buffs at once without giving us time to understand the context.

    It becomes just a lot to read and keep in mind at the same time.

  3. Yeah... I have a theory. This is AND ISN'T the last episode of the LW4.

    What if we got only HALF the story to let it sink in and we feel the emotions from the last instance and then we get a mail or something and the story continues leading into LW5?

  4. > @"Hamburger Jack.2543" said:

    > This game is free. This is an optional thing you do not have to do. That's that it's that's literally it there's no "discourse". You do not have to pay for an optional cosmetic item that in no way affects your game play other than Shiny Griffon. I wish I'd seen anywhere near this amount of discussion or outrage over five years with the lack of diversity in this game. But no, mount skins is what sets this community on fire.




    We pay for the expansion. The only reason we have the mounts to start with is that we PAYED FOR THE EXPANSION.

    And payed for the last one, and I payed for one Living World, and I payed for many of the skins and stuff I have.

    That does not mean that it's okay to gate this in an RNG. I WANT TO PAY for the skins I like, I don't want to ALSO HAVE TO PAY for skins that I don't like and won't use.

    Especially when I can pay all of this and NOT EVEN GET WHAT I WANT.


    Say, I buy 20 of these and I don't get the skin I want, well, shucks to be me, I wasted 8000 gems and did not get what I want.

    If you see it like this a SINGLE SKIN that I want to use might cost me anything from $5 to $130. Just to get that one skin.


    Sure, I will get other skins to but many of them I do not want. I saw them all, at least 20 of those I don't give a damn. And it's okay if I get a few of those when trying to get the one I want, but in the end THERE IS NO GUARANTEE I WILL GET IT unless I pay $130 for it.

  5. > @Turk.5460 said:

    > Who would bother buying the non-shiny mount skins when they can just insta-get the most shiniest and most legendary looking ones? No one. You don't need the mount skins. And if you feel like you need it, then buy it. If you don't want to buy it with real money, then farm money to exchange for gold. There is no real life money gambling involved here. How do you entitled people not understand that this game is Free to Play, servers aren't free, staff needs a salary to feed themselves, the ANET building has an electric/water/gas/internet/phone bill on top of what I can only imagine is extremely overpriced Seattle rent.


    > This thread is full of selfish thinking.


    Like, I agree that the concept of loot boxes is that you can create a wide range of content and have everyone be a consumer for all the content whether it's their cup of tea or not. But you can still achieve the exactly same thing if you could choose which Mount you're rolling the skin for.

    You could try to go for your favorite Griffon skin and have to pay 3 to 4 Mount Adoptions to get it, but you'd still only get it for the mount that was relevant to you.

    And you'd still consume/buy the 2 other that are lame or you don't like.

    The problem is having to buy 12 to get the one you like, you know? For the mount you use.


    The Jackal is only useful in certain points on the maps of the expansion, why in hell would I buy a skin for 2000 gems for it?

    Why would I have to get 3 skins for Raptor, even if it's the best raptor skin ever, if I really don't like it?


    I'm not against RNG vouchers for the skins, but each mount is entirely different. If I don't like one I don't see why I should be paying for it' skins.

  6. > @Iridium.6385 said:

    > Many good points have been brought up already. Mine is the following : Take around 20 skins out of that license and put them in the game. As rewards for bosses, achievements, festivals, whatever the hell comes to your mind. We paid for the expansion, we want something to do in that expansion, achievable mount skins would be a great thing to work (play) for.


    > We all know what everybody thinks about black lion chests and the rng... How could it cross someone's mind to put more of the same into the game?


    > And what the hell is up with the prices? 2000 gems for one jackal skin? Where did such a number come from, a random number generator? When I saw it first, I thought it was a typo, then I decided to check out the skin thinking that maybe it was fundamentally different in some way... Nope. It's just another fiery themed skin, not a bad one, but it certainly doesn't cost 2000 gems. I'd price it for around 500-700 gems.


    > Honestly, I'm kind of lacking the words to explain what I think. I didn't realize that this, seemingly, obvious playerbase opinion was so unclear. I hope this was just some weird miscommunication, I don't want to think that this was just an attempt to milk us for more money, that would be really sad.


    TBH I agree that the Reforged Jackal skin is also way overpriced. Like, if it's an outfit you can wear it all the time with any character from any race. If it's a mount skin? you may be using it from time to time in your travels (it's not even the fastest or most useful mount in the game either).


    700 Gems might be too cheap, but when you consider that's what outfits cost and you're always using it 2000 is mind-numbingly expensive. It even feels like they gave all this RNG blowback so that we would complain about the 400 gem skins and not the, let's say, 1000 gem skins being sold for twice the price.


    It does feel like they are preying on the market/consumers because there is high demand for this and so far no skin you can get in-game. Price points are definitely not worth it as they are right now. And this is coming from someone who has time and time again bought gems and the Deluxe version of the expansions and really loved supporting the ANet.

  7. Also I just wanted to add that I really don't think that "You should be able to get these skins in game by playing it!" is exactly productive feedback here.

    Sure, having stuff for free is cool and all, but I like that they offer aesthetic stuff for you to buy and support the devs.

    The issue at hand here is that even if you pay you can sink 2k gems into this and get absolutely no skin you really liked or would use.

  8. > @Nile.5614 said:

    > Here's the real way to "fix" this, or at least make it less of a sting to people that don't want a large pool chance.

    > Because I doubt the RNG aspect is going to be removed, it's just kinda how these things work nowadays.

    > Why aren't these being treated like gemstore dye kits?


    > 1. Purchase a Mount Adoption License.

    > 2. Double-click to use the item once purchased.

    > 3. Select from a prompt window of what type of mount you'd rather adopt: Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal, Griffon.

    > 4. Now the RNG is restricted to only ONE type of mount.

    > 5. This makes targeting easier. This makes people happier with the concept. It makes it less painful and less obviously exploitative.


    > EDIT:

    > And one more thing. The "natural" mount skins should be just obtainable in game. The special ones, like Pyroclast for the Jackal or any of the "magical" ones? Those probably can stay where they are.



    Exactly what I think. You can roll just one mount until you get one you're okay with it and then roll the next one until you get just for the mounts you like using.

    I hate the bunny and the manta, and I don't feel like the raptor's skins are that different/good. So why in hell would I buy something that has AT LEAST 60% chance it's going to screw me over?

  9. > @Noa.7490 said:

    > Anet, like any company out there, exists to make money and it is actively looking for new ways to make said money. Sure, loot boxes isn't new but right now they're testing the waters. The more people will buy the loot boxes the more Anet will invest efforts to provide even more. Don't encourage this practice and it will die out of its own. Simple as that.


    I'm sorry but "testing the waters" is something they did a LOOOOOOOONG time ago with black lion chests. This is already implementing some pretty unfair tactics to grab the most amount of cash from people while disregarding the fact that many of them will have truly poor experiences with the RNG

  10. I, like everyone else, don't really like much this whole RNG lootbox trend that every game has been trying to shove onto players.

    But as someone who works close to the industry I can understand why this is good for the devs and is employed by them.


    What I don't get is HOW it was implemented here. Like, everyone really wants those skins and everyone has been waiting and saving money for when they leased those skins. I mean, we all knew they were coming before the expansion even got released and we really wanted to get them, and to show our support for the dev team because let's face it, Mounts are awesome and the skins they released? While some might not be everyone's cup of tea, mos of them are so amazing!


    But they decided to make this the worst way possible. I understand how lootboxes are there to make it so you can turn 100% of your content into something that 100% of your player base will consume, but when you do it this way it just has no good faith in it. There is just too much RNG involved and it will just leave a very, very bad taste in player's mouth.


    I am one of the guys that whenever I have gems to spare I buy Black Lion Chest keys even though I know it's bad and stupid and mostly not worth it. I don' t like the loot boxes in games buy I buy them from time to time because I want to support the game and I do like what I get from it.


    You know what else good games with Lootboxes system have? A FALL BACK to get what you want. Sure you can get dupes and stuff you don't like it, but you also get "points" to spend on what you want, so eventually none of your money is wasted. On some you can destroy/decraft the ones you got and don't like so you can save for what you really want.


    Here lies the problem with this system: You can buy a few of those and you'll get something that you can use because it's better than nothing right? Well, not really. You might not like to use some mounts, you might get 3 skins for the same mount and you might just get the ugly skins you'd never ever use because you just don't like them.

    And sure, in loot box systems it's okay for players to get something they don't want/like, but on those games you can get some boxes for free AND there is such a wide array of things to get that the chance for this to happen is pretty low. Also you get multiple items from each box so even if half of it is lame, some of it is decent.


    If they really wanted to make it so you'd pay for RNG gamble the skin you'd get, well, they needed to AT LEAST make it so you'd be able to choose for which Mount you'd gamble for.


    **I'm pretty sure if they just did that nobody would be really complaining right now.**

    You always have at least 1/6 of chance to get the skin you want, and who knows? maybe you get one that is pretty great and be satisfied with it. Maybe you get just the one you want and then you will still buy more to gamble for other mounts.


    Right now the chance of "failing" a roll is too high and if they implement more skins to be acquired this way it will only get worse.


    The problem is that no one wants ONE specific skin, everyone has ONE skin for EACH MOUNT they want and to get that or at least close to that they will most likely get many skins they don't like or won't use EVEN for the mount they already got the skin they wanted for.


    Idk, sorry for the long rang y'all, but I just really think that if you could choose the mount type you'd be rolling for everyone would be happy to pay for it, even if it was 500 gems instead of 400.

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