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Posts posted by kettering.6823

  1. Getting through season 5 has been grueling for me. I care absolutely 0% about Charr and Charr politics, so the first episode was tough for me. I don't like Braham much either, but Bjora Marches' horror theme was at least enough to redeem it (it's a super cool map, I love it). Now that I'm in Drizzlewood Coast I actually cannot bring myself to go further lol. I hate this map, I hate Charr politics, I hate Ryland and Bangar and to a lesser extent Rytlock. I just wanna fight a dragon. This lacks all the intrigue of all previous story arcs and without any voice acting I have 0 motivation to finish anything. I know the latter isn't anyone's fault though.


    But I'm sure there are some people who felt this way about S2 and HoT and Sylvari so I won't say it's objectively bad. I just personally really hate it and wish I could just skip it altogether.

  2. > @"SLOTH.5231" said:

    > Yep everybody running around looking exactly the same. Same infusions same backpeice same little round bubbles floating around same mounts same dye I mean we are all exactly the same.


    imo this has more to do with a lack of desire to experiment and mix-and-match than it does with the lack of available skins. I have 15 characters and none of them look the same, and most look quite unique to a bulk of other characters I see. One of my favourite things to do in the game is make unique outfits/appearances for my characters.

  3. > @"Mutisija.5017" said:

    > only afk farmers i really want to get rid of are the ones always see hanging out at that one specific heart quest area. i hate all the other tasks for that heart, but i cant just kill bunch of enemies in order to skip all the unpleasant tasks thanks to these farmers hogging all the enemies.


    which one? is it the ghost heart near the wall with the cannons in Iron Marches? I always saw farmers there...

  4. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > @"kettering.6823" said:

    > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > > @"Genesis.8572" said:

    > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > >

    > > > > > The biggest problem for me I find is Sylvari and Asura characters as they specifically only have singular names unlike Humans and Norns which have both first and second naems, I do not enjoy incorporating titles into my character names that conflict with who that character is and where they came from either so it becomes increadibly difficult to find sigular fitting names for these characters.

    > > > > Scarlet *Briar*. Sylvari can have or make surnames for themselves, especially now as they encounter more races that use the equivalent of surnames. They too may opt to adopt them such that they can distinguish themselves from their fellow sylvari.

    > > > >

    > > > Scarlet Briar was not her real name, all Sylvari are born with singular names only.

    > > > Scarlet reinvented herself and took a fake name when she betrayed the world to the Elder Dragons.

    > > > The vast majority of Sylvari keep their birth names and since our PC's are neither race traitors or evil giving them second names neither makes sense nor works from a lore perspective.

    > > > Not a big deal for most but if that matters to you then it matters to you.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Absolutely untrue. I have three Sylvari characters with 'surnames' - Saoirse Foxglove, Fionnlagh Celandine, and Caoimhe Larkspur. Each and every one of those are flowers, flowers that have meanings to their character. None of them are 'race traitors' nor evil; Saoirse loves foxgloves, so tacked one onto the end of her name for fun. Fionnlagh is a revenant who, according to his story, saw a man in his dream and in the mists who he knew he had to find. Celandine was a plant he saw in both his dream and the mists; it has a great meaning to him. Caoimhe really likes humans and wanted to mimic them, so she picked her favourite flower and made it her 'last name'. If you're a stickler for lore, there are plenty of reasons you could come up with for your Sylvari to have a last name, or even just a second name.

    > >

    > > This again all comes down to not being creative enough. 'But lore!' is not really a valid reason when there are many ways you can work around the lore.


    > My main Asura has a surname which she adopted for professional/marketing reasons. Having a back story for your character can make a lot of things reasonable. Here are more excuses for giving your Asura or Sylvari a surname:


    > Was made an honorary member of a Charr warband.

    > Was adopted by Humans or Norns.

    > Is attempting to assimilate into Human or Norn culture.

    > Is rebelling against their own society.

    > Identifies as a Dwarf and/or is trying to revive their culture.

    > Feels that a single name does not serve to express their identity.

    > Believes they are a reincarnation of an ancient hero named ____ ____.


    Exactly! There are so many good, interesting reasons your character could have a non-typical name, it's crazy. I don't think 'but lore!' is a valid argument against it. And as I mentioned earlier in this thread, even if you want a single-word name, there are still plenty of those available. It takes a little longer to find a name that way, but it's certainly possible.


  5. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Genesis.8572" said:

    > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:


    > > > The biggest problem for me I find is Sylvari and Asura characters as they specifically only have singular names unlike Humans and Norns which have both first and second naems, I do not enjoy incorporating titles into my character names that conflict with who that character is and where they came from either so it becomes increadibly difficult to find sigular fitting names for these characters.

    > > Scarlet *Briar*. Sylvari can have or make surnames for themselves, especially now as they encounter more races that use the equivalent of surnames. They too may opt to adopt them such that they can distinguish themselves from their fellow sylvari.

    > >

    > Scarlet Briar was not her real name, all Sylvari are born with singular names only.

    > Scarlet reinvented herself and took a fake name when she betrayed the world to the Elder Dragons.

    > The vast majority of Sylvari keep their birth names and since our PC's are neither race traitors or evil giving them second names neither makes sense nor works from a lore perspective.

    > Not a big deal for most but if that matters to you then it matters to you.



    Absolutely untrue. I have three Sylvari characters with 'surnames' - Saoirse Foxglove, Fionnlagh Celandine, and Caoimhe Larkspur. Each and every one of those are flowers, flowers that have meanings to their character. None of them are 'race traitors' nor evil; Saoirse loves foxgloves, so tacked one onto the end of her name for fun. Fionnlagh is a revenant who, according to his story, saw a man in his dream and in the mists who he knew he had to find. Celandine was a plant he saw in both his dream and the mists; it has a great meaning to him. Caoimhe really likes humans and wanted to mimic them, so she picked her favourite flower and made it her 'last name'. If you're a stickler for lore, there are plenty of reasons you could come up with for your Sylvari to have a last name, or even just a second name.


    This again all comes down to not being creative enough. 'But lore!' is not really a valid reason when there are many ways you can work around the lore.

  6. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Not saying that it would, but if something like this were implemented, then what next? Would it ever end? Would it potentially escalate to something more mature themed?


    I don't understand why you are making such leaping conclusions that something as innocent as including non-binary genders for much needed representation would lead to 'mature themes'. Gender identity is not a mature theme, it is a reality for many people, young and old.


  7. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"kettering.6823" said:

    > > I mean, theoretically you still could. It would just have to involve really good timing on your and the buyer's part, with deleting/renaming your character and the buyer creating/renaming their character at nearly the same time. There would be no guarantee either.


    > I'm not sure it would require precise timing. Going by the number of characters appearing in the introductory instances there aren't huge numbers of new characters being created at any given time. The chances of someone trying for exactly that name at the right time seems very small. It would need planning of course, but I would have thought something like "I'll rename my character at 4:00pm UTC on Tuesday" and then the other person makes sure they're making their character at 4:00pm on Wednesday, so when they're done the name will be available and they can use it. I'd even say it might be worth leaving it a minute or two for the database to update, but I've not tried so I'm not sure how that actually works.


    I would still personally feel more comfortable communicating with someone on Discord if I were to attempt something like that, just to make sure it works. But I'm paranoid about stuff like that. It's all theoretical though, like you said; I've never actually seen or heard of anyone trying something like this, at least not in GW2. In games like LoL though, definitely.

  8. > @"mrauls.6519" said:

    > Years later, and I still can't believe I got this name. I feel you OP. I think they should make it so you can "sell" names for gold.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/9V7F7Js.jpg "")

    > https://i.imgur.com/9V7F7Js.jpg



    I mean, theoretically you still could. It would just have to involve really good timing on your and the buyer's part, with deleting/renaming your character and the buyer creating/renaming their character at nearly the same time. There would be no guarantee either.

  9. > @"Killerassel.2197" said:

    > > @"KelyNeli.4516" said:

    > > The solution to it is simpler than you would ever think.

    > > Just give your character a real life name and surname divided with a space. Simple


    > > @"Neworder.7981" said:

    > > https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/human_gw_names.php will get u all the names you will ever need. Male/Female/Neutral


    > May I remind you that there are five playable races? I don't think there is that much of a problem with human names. There is a huge amount of combinations of first and last names. But the other four races have their own way to name their people. While you can, technically, give them human-like names, they don't fit.


    > Since charr use last names, though following a different pattern than humans, they should be fine, too. In fact with my recent charr I could get the name I wanted easily. It may help that I give them German names.


    > Norn do not use family surnames, either. But using ...son / ...dottir or an "earned" title (e.g. ...slayer) probably expands their name pool enough.


    > Sylvari and Asura typically have single word names. *They* are the ones most affected by this problem. Especially when you don't want your character to be named Xvcxptzrvw or similar. I have been stuck in character creation trying to find a free name for long enough and have claimed that all (proper) asura names are taken.


    > Using random accents or things like Xx The Name Xx somewhat allows you to take the name you wanted. But personally I hate seeing these. There is no way I would use these methods myself.


    You aren't being creative enough with your names. The majority of my characters are Sylvari. Most of the Sylvari in game do not have surnames, no, but what about Scarlet Briar? She gave herself one. There are lore reasons to give your Sylvari a surname. Many of my Sylvari have 'surnames' that are flowers or plants that suit them as a character. Asura can be a bit trickier, but there's nothing stopping you from adding a title to them, or coming up with your own reasons for them to have some kind of surname. Also, as someone else pointed out, that site has name generators for every GW2 race, not just humans. It's extremely easy to google 'gw2 sylvari name generator' and get several results.


    All in all this comes down to 'someone has something that I want but can't have' and that's just a silly argument. There is not a shortage of usable names in the game that aren't gibberish or puns. And even if you do want a single word name, if you do enough finagling, you can come up with one. I came up with a nice one just last week.

  10. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"kettering.6823" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > it took longer then expected for this thread to devolve

    > >

    > > Sorry. I realized after posting that I wasn't doing a great thing. Just feeling disheartened today because I've been seeing a lot of bigoted stuff everywhere.

    > >

    > if it makes you feel a bit better: most ppl don't hate trans ppl, they just hate tumblr (and identity politics)


    my experience as a trans person has told me otherwise, but I appreciate it nonetheless



  11. I've made upwards of 30 characters in this game and have never had a problem finding good names. You just have to be creative. There are name generators all over the internet if you can't think of anything yourself.


    Plus I took a three year break. I would be *unimaginably pissed* if I logged back in only to find that anet had cleared my character names due to inactivity. Just because someone hasn't been online in years doesn't mean they'll never play again.

  12. I'm sorry that you're receiving some less-than-kind responses.


    That being said, I do have to agree that I don't think this would be feasible. Barring the difficulty of implementing such a thing, I think it's something that would be used or even desired by such a small percentage of the player base that the developers have no real incentive to do it. I certainly empathize with gender dysphoria - it is awful and I would wish it on no one - but I suggest not viewing the character as yourself but rather a separate entity, as it is. I agree with others that it's not healthy to project that much of yourself into a video game, and I imagine it's only causing yourself unnecessary distress.

  13. I ask because in years past I made 2 legendaries, but in going to craft a gift of fangs today (it has been over 3 years since I last made a legendary, I took a long break from the game), I scoured my characters and don't have the recipes on any of them. I know I didn't delete the character with the recipes, because I've never deleted a character with 400 in a crafting discipline (bar cooking). I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

  14. something I always worry about when joining new guilds is feeling awkward and out of place. there's always this subconscious fear that I'll try to reach out and find a community and end up falling short. everyone here, however, has been amazing in making sure that I and others have felt welcome, wanted, and included. it's a group of truly great people and I know the community can only grow stronger with some more awesome folks along for the ride!

  15. The way I see it is this: if you're not willing to put in the (quite honestly, relatively small) effort to get something, then you clearly don't want it very much, and don't deserve to have it. If this isn't a priority to you, then, well... sorry? I don't agree with just being able to buy something because you don't want to put in the effort to unlock it. What about all the collections for various skins? The time gated ones? The ones that are a considerably larger pain in the ass to get than the griffin mount? Do you think you should be able to throw 30 bucks at the cash shop to get those as well? Nah.

  16. PoF for me, though I did also enjoy HoT. That being said, HoT was a major reason why I rage-quit GW2 when it released haha. I hated the tiered maps. I found them beyond frustrating. Of course, there were reasons beyond that (new 'management' in my guild, the state of my real life, etc), but had I not been so frustrated by the new maps I might have had more reason to stay.


    But after coming back, I have enjoyed HoT for what it is. I still think the tiered maps were much better in theory than in practice, but the Maguuma jungle is so lush; it's wonderful to look at. I enjoy the meta events as well, especially DS. The story was okay. I do wonder what it's like playing through as a non-Sylvari, because there was so much nuance to it as a Sylvari that I feel other races must have missed. Seeing my character struggle against Mordremoth's call was fantastic. But otherwise, the storytelling was just okay.


    One of the worst parts of HoT for me definitely has to be the enemies. Good lord are there some brutally irritating enemies in HoT. They're all manageable, but I still hate them. Bristlebacks? Terrible when running a character without a reflects. Also terrible on characters with reflects, since (ime) your reflect runs out before they're finished spewing at you, but at least it's marginally less terrible. Smokescales are annoying, but mostly just when you're trying to run past them. I'm sure everyone's beaten on the pocket raptors enough. And the tendrils, ughhh the tendrils.


    PoF, on the other hand, rectified a lot of things I disliked about HoT. No more tiered maps, for one, and being able to solo most of the Hero Points in the new maps is a blessing. The mounts were much more captivating than the gliding system was for me, and I liked that the masteries weren't as much of a grind to complete. I will agree that there isn't quite as much replay value in the maps, but personally I just like running around them, gathering and killing things (except The Desolation. Fuck The Desolation.) I know people have (valid) complaints about the Griffon mount, but I personally really enjoyed the quest for it.


    PoF's story was also much better than HoT's imo. I was thoroughly impressed by it, and wouldn't mind playing through it again. Can't say the same for HoT unfortunately.


    I just wish there were more active meta events on the PoF maps. They're beautiful and well-designed; it's a shame they aren't more populated.

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