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Posts posted by vanflyheight.6832

  1. There should be a bannable offense to any team that uses all the same class in a single match, like 3 rangers for example doesnt matter the spec either. And it should be not allowed to be able to swap toons to one of the classes that there's already 2 of., whether it be 2 rangers, thieves, or w/e, there should be a bannable offense to any team that uses 3 of the same class.

  2. soulbeast doesnt need anymore nerfs period, they need least some buffs to give em a fighting chance. id say revert the 2 traits that got nerfed in the beastmastery traitline back to what they were or buff em up slightly so rangers can at least sustain better. oh and revert the second skin trait for pvp with the condi meta they need more sustain. Plus give em back their stunbreak on beastmode. least th ey can survive better. And quit hating on rangers, what bout burn guard which hasnt had a nerf like at all, what bout other classes that do need nerfs. mesmer doesnt need anymore nerfs and the nerf to resist on corruption trait line for rev should also be reverted for pvp. 1sec duration less its a pulse is like totally pathetic.

  3. its not the recipes i'm after, its once ya complete the jars of paint that ya have to make the canvas's after. so what happened is that i ended up npcing the paint jars and now theres no way to complete the collection for the 3rd part of it due to how the vials of cobalt arent dropping from iron nodes now not to mention the drop rate for the colored oozes

  4. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > > Being locked to one pet in combat serves absolutely no purpose than to appease the whining of other classes in PVP, a mode which shouldn't exist anyway. Soulbeasts were already limited by the fact that we couldn't switch pets while merged. Making us unable to change pets in combat is like what the NFL would call a ticky-tack penalty.

    > >

    > > Same thing with Elementalists and Engineers not being able to swap weapons in combat. It's just an artificial limitation that somebody at Anet thought was a good idea but is pointless and annoying. Give them full weapon swap like they should have always had anyway.


    > It serves the purpose to make soulbeast not a flat upgrade to the core ranger.

    > Soulbeast was able to do everything a ranger could do, but more thanks to their merge mechanic.


    > Other classes got stuff removed from them to get access to their elite spec mechanic.

    > Guardians replace all their virtues on both dragohunter and firebrand.

    > Engineers give up their elite toolbelt skill (F5) to get access to the function gyro or holoforge.

    > Necromancers give up their death shroud by either replacing it with the reapers shroud or getting the shades.


    > Why should some classes have to sacrifice stuff, while soulbeast gets to be a flat upgrade without having to trade something?

    > The same rules for elite specs should apply to anyone. Elite specs are not supposed to be upgrades to core anymore, they are supposed to be side progression. You can specialise in some stuff, but then you also have to give up some other things you used to have before.



    Soulbeast was done up to be an actual sniper style traitline, core ranger just simply doesnt have the skill or utility to make this possible. druid was mostly done as a secondary healer which has failed due to other classes that can step into that limelight for secondary healer. By crippling or putting limits on soulbeast via pet swap your limiting its ability to be an actual sniper class to counter condi classes that have such heavy condi bomb potential.

  5. This is why i hate whiney players who dont get the idea that your suppose to move out of range of barrage, and thats the whole point of destroying siege inside a structure. its to move em off siege so your side can use rams at the gate. Simply by removing this mechanic wont solve a thing except more who will whine bout something else ranger related. if they dont l ike it then they can switch to another class or just not play. Hey, its our fun too that your interrupting

  6. This is why pet swap needs to be reverted back to its original form, least there was alot more mobility, and build diversity based on having 2 pets instead of having to bond with 1. Plus crippling the original mechanic of pet swap makes the ranger almost unplayable to where its become a kill fest even in downstate. So if a ranger wants to do stomp on downs, thats almost impossible without a pet that can do things defensively. Plus x2 is that playing a class means your doing both offense and defense not having to pick one or the other. And giving other classes weapon swap when 1 class cant do its original mechanic its total pathetic and malarkey. So the best point is to just simply revert the last patch and start over from scratch. This isnt better, its just a trade off on metas from power to condi.


  7. Then anet might as well nerf the mechanics to mesmur's mirror blade cause that gives an insane amount of dmg along with 3 stacks of vulnerability per hit. Thats a stack of 12 vulnerability vs like 10 stacks from rapid fire less someone was to run marksman which id like to think that bout 1/3rd to half do. So why dont we whine, cry and complain bout how op one shot mesmurs are and nerf that as well. "oh we're all bout balance here so soulbeast has to be nerfed" nerfing certain classes that are performing well or above should be kept and buff the ones that are under performing. Core ranger does not need to be equal to soulbeast or druid that totally defys the logic of having a better elite spec. That doesn't mean that core builds are worthless, they'll just be out performed by the higher specs. But still doesnt mean that a core build will out dmg or out maneuver a druid or soulbeast if their built right. The main point is that we got players who lack real skill and using a high dmg spec. So what if they are, just proves that their skill can be out done by a good to pro player. So if a player is decent and does understand the basic mechanics of their class ofc they'll do just as much high dmg as the good to pro player. So by nerfing, you bring down the counter plays necessary to make a team succeed or a zerg/havoc group able to do effective counter plays. There are ways to counter a soulbeasts unblockable. Unblockables have cds as much as everything else in gw, just that they get timed more effectively than stealth, shields or blocks. Doesn't take much to use a block specially since its more of a panic button. Stealth can be used two ways offensive or defensive. So why not nerf stealth or shields so rangers can burst more effectively and timely.

  8. if sic em was the main problem then just nerf that instead of the unblockables. The change to unstoppable union isnt fine, in fact it almost completely cripples the role of soulbeast which is to pressure the other side into know how to combat it. Doesnt take rocket science to understand you dont put up blocks till the unblockable is used. Plus takes a decent to good soulbeast player to know when to time their unblockables. Hating rangers for unblockables is just pure fantasy and a delusion not to mention being on a witch hunt for something that shouldnt of been changed to begin with. What should of been changed was the dmg on gs since i also get bursted by that weapon a lot. Plus i dont think you get the idea that a rangers role is to counter pressure or add pressure from range so it'll force the other team (aka spvp) or in wvw zergs to pressure the ranger instead. you always go for the target that is pressuring you instead of going after classes that dont.

  9. pretty much everyone knows how squishy thieves can be, plus if they were running exotic gear instead of ascended then yes they would be bursted down that fast. If you wanna talk bout one shotting that isnt one shotting at all. One shotting a player is based on a single skill that can do a ton of dmg instead of a combination of skills. Most soulbeasts use either one wolf pack or strength of the pack before rapid fire, that isnt one shotting that is a burst combo. and ofc along with quickening zephyr will more than likely snipe down the mount along with the player if their health isnt high enough to sustain it or they got bad to poor reflexes to out maneuver once their dismounted. Bet a mirage mesmur could do the same thing and most arent even raising havoc on that one with their 2-4sec burst. Now thats more of a one shot even though it takes like 4-5 skills on the mirage to make it possible and since its incredibly difficult to execute in the first place. If ya wanna talk one shot, try going over to perfect world with a barbarian with like 40k hp and get their tail whipped by a caster for 60k-1mil crit, without downstate.

  10. if we wanna talk broken, point the finger also at mesmur with their insane amount of condi/clones/one shot. soulbeast didnt have a one shot burst and even if it did should nerf the dmg on gs instead. What should of been done is kept unstoppable union as unblockable and nerfed the other two. Clarion bond does unblock when swapping pets and so the duration should be nerfed down instead of making it an almost useless trait. Unblock was one of the main ways that ranger could sustain itself vs heavy blocking which is what the role of soulbeast in the first place so now by nerfing it and revamping it, its pretty much crippled to the point of where its almost useless to run. you can not run with 1 solid unblockable vs like 2-3 block type classes, guardian, warrior, scrapper/holo specialy when trying to do a 2v1 in pvp and trying to bait the guard on resing and not able to prevent it from happening. This is total and utter garbage, so ill say this restore unstoppable union to its previous use.

  11. some of it i farmed from nation wars, but since alot of the other high pvp types were 1-2 shotting undergeareds, it became pretty obvious that all it had become was a kill fest with no way possible to be able to counter dmg much less CC skills. So once that crit dmg passive came in, i ended up quitting entirely. cause i wasn't going to regear another class when i had one already.


  12. i can contribute to this, the last game i came from was so heavily about buying that they pretty much killed the game within about 4 years even though its still running. they added the botting system, then turned around and completely nerfed/killed the farming from it. Turn the weekend pvp event (known as nation wars) into nothing more than a means of making in game coin even though there was a fee on exchanging the tokens you earned. Made the gears so stupidly op that the power creep came with it. If it was mounts you buy it, fashion, buy it. gears/armor- some farming in a dungeon/instance that took like 3 weeks to a month to do. Or if it was the high gears similar to legendary, (which was called rank 9) can farm it which takes like 2-3 years to complete or buy it slowly with gold which still takes 1.5-2 years to do. Also adding in other content which was fun for quite a while but had its share of bugs and glitches that weren't ever fixed or were from every 6 months to a year. One glitch from a dungeon run that kept multiplying one of the bosses adds over and over again and players were constantly abusing this which made them level up overly easy to the highest lvl in about a week or two with xp boosts. This is how GAMES get KILLED, no matter how much loot or rewards you put into a game, the game itself just gets killed without fun content to keep it interesting, Not to mention having a gaming company give some effort to balance the game/classes instead of giving out new content without fixing it, or extra rewards just to keep the players happy and satisfied. That kind of mentality of self gratification never works on a game. It only makes the loyal, dedicated players to leave for another that will do the job right.

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