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Posts posted by McPero.3287

  1. > @"biff.7209" said:

    > This is the worst mechanic in the game imo, the ability to spam spawn monsters in the FFA arena and waves. Someone has been sitting on it just spamming it to BM everyone in the arena. Why put in a mechanic that allows one person to ruin the experience for the whole lobby? (monster/wave console in champions rest in HoTM).


    Because they won an mAT and their reward is to have a little fun with the plebs down below.

    FFA arena is FFA does it matters if you get ganked by a player or a beast or a massive wave. If you want to duel go on a custom server.

  2. > @"Wisely.4819" said:

    > Condi meta is unfun to play as/against, everything happens too fast with elite specs, with all the visual clutter you can't even see what people are casting anymore. legacy pvp mode without elite specs pls. also make trebuchet at kyhlo manual target again :(


    Wasn't 2012 condi meta?

  3. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > snip

    > >

    > >

    > > Heal Tempest >>> Heal Scrapper in PvP. Heal scrapper doesn't offer it's team much other than spam cleanses, and Tempest easily accomplishes that with less effort thanks to smothering auras + soldier/trooper rune. It's not terribly difficult to train down a support scrapper because it generally runs 1 stunbreak tops (Elixir Gun toolbelt). It needs to be in close proximity to it's allies to heal which means forcing it to kite greatly limits its ability to support its team. Meanwhile Tempest can kite and support by simply spamming auras.

    > >

    > > Heal Scrapper >>> Heal Tempest in WvW. In fact that's my problem with it. I wish it wasn' t so good in WvW so that Anet couldn't use that as an excuse to let it suck in other game modes. This is the first time in a while that it's been better than Holo as a dps bruiser in PvP, and that's literally it's whole schtick. There's very little reason to ever run one, dps or support in PvE. Even as a noob carry, heal scourge does the job 10x better.


    > Did you actually watch the recent tournament?...There was like a single ele...and it was a tanky weaver played by @Blam ...who didn't accomplish anything all match and his team lost miserably


    > -Tempest is no more meta

    > -It got easily replaced by Healbreaker and Scrapper


    > "Support by simply spamming auras"?...I think you should jump on Healbreak and see for yourself what survives better and heal for more on top of better condi clear for the whole team.....I mean do you see any team dropping a Healbreaker for a tempest?


    > I think you missed the memo where Tempest got nerfed several times during the last few months , the only reason teams had to use Tempest was the "Glyph revival bug", with OF and mistform CD almost doubled, TOP teams had little reasons to run an ele instead than a Warrior or engi fro support


    > Also.....**Aura effect are melee range** so dunno where you took your "Kite away and support" strategy from


    Aurashare and Warrior shouts are same range 600 and they are both main way of supporting your team. Tempest is not a bad support but currently Warrior is just stronger because its harder to kill. Core support guardian might be better than tempest as well. Both guard and warrior have high armor value while ele has low and in power meta that is pretty important. Scrapper is not a support you can play it but its very bad. Scrapper is sidenode bunker with good damage output and utility in form of strong rezes. About tempest nerfs, glyph interrupt cooldown reseting on attunement swap, being able to cast glyph while mistformed and mistform cd being increase from 60 to 75 (doubled btw) were sizable nerfs but it was not the reason warrior became played over it. Support warrior was just not well known and played by few people in soloq. But realistically support warrior would still be better than Tempest at the time of MOTA. Reaper, power thief, nades holo all heavy power damage builds and only condi build was condi rev which was sidenoding so ele didn't meet it much and sometimes core necro. Ele rez signet is mostly better than banner because banner can be blinded blocked ect even after the mentioned tempest nerfs. Warrior just outputs more healing, has boonstrip, shares some really good boons (resistance), does good damage if played properly, is very tanky vs power damage, has a block, has team cleanse and is mobile. Tempest has some better utility in form of shocking and reflect aura it has invun but big problem is being forced into either earth or fire. Fire gives good cleanse for team while earth makes it tanky vs power and gives protection to teammates. But usually you don't face full power or full condi so you will always have a weakness to one form of damage.


    Fireweaver however is really good at the moment. If you think Blam did nothing in that AT you have poor understanding of the game. Fireweaver should normally not die in any 1v1 and pressures people of node in most match ups. It also has very good sustain and can survive +1 often. When scrapper is nerfed Fireweaver will be the go to sidenoder in competitive unless people are not willing to pick it up even though it is not hard to play. Maybe strength spellbreaker will be played since it can kill fireweaver.

  4. > @"TrOtskY.5927" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"TrOtskY.5927" said:

    > > > I actually agree that trapper rune stealth should be removed, because I think it will help expose just how bad a state guardian is actually in now

    > > >

    > > > Superspeed stealth of course is a strong mechanic and it seems odd that something so powerful would be based in rune choice rather than class and spec choice.

    > > >

    > > > Quite frankly playing anything other than condi DPS or a variant of condi DPS on guardian is straight up trolling. Guardian has always suffered more than any other class a severe lack of mobility and a total inability to kite away from chasing players.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Delusional guard mains you love to see it. Yes Healbreaker is better than core support guardian, but playing core sup guardian is not trolling it won NA mAT vs a healbreaker. And healbreaker is likely to get nerfed and hello second best support in the game core guaridan. You can play core power dps or sagebrand in ranked at any level and its completely fine. Aeon played core bunker to sidenode in one of the serious AT games. But yes keep telling yourself guardian is in a bad state and that burn dh is just a cheese build. Trolling means you are playing things like staff ele or heal chronomancer.

    > >

    > > If you don't like identity of guardian which is being slow and not having ability to kite outside of jumping puzzles but have good damage and many boons then I don't understand why you are playing this class? It is a class made for beginners where you are strong without making mechanically demanding plays. Instead of using your weapon skill to evade enemy attack you just block it with aegis. I'm not saying it doesn't take skill to play guardian well but its mostly your positioning, big brain plays instead of mechanically play.


    > There is also no way support guardian is better than any support class that can actually bring multiple forms of cc\stun. Support guard is not better than support ele.



    > Do you really think playing guardian solo queue is the same as playing in an organised team in AT?


    > Tell you what, why don't you go player power guardian or support core or whatever else build you think is good and show me when you get to platinum on it. Because at this point I am comparing my personal extensive experience with your tertiary anecdotal evidence and I know what I trust more, especially considering I can fairly consistently make mid plat if I try hard in solo q.


    > Even worse you don't address any of my suggestions about nerfing permeating and removing the ridiculously OP maw>sword 2 combo that currently defines burn guard.


    > Nothing delusional, no need to be hostile mate. Chill out. Learn to communicate without being a kitten, trust me it will pay off in real life too.



    First of i'm not gonna play most boring and lowest APM spec in the game to prove something. And to make it even better a support, good one.


    Core guard support sees more play than tempest in ATs right now, if you think otherways you aren't really following much. And core guard winning mAT is anecdotal story apparently.

  5. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > > DH obviously wasn't designed to be a roamer with stealth and superspeed. DH obviously needs to be nerfed because it is dumb, unfun to play against and unhealthy for new players. But I think nerf to insane damage would make it more skillful and more fun to play against than the nerf to the Trapper Rune. If you remove Trapper rune DH is just a sitting duck that will still farm people at lower rating and be memed as the worst spec in the game by high rated players.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > In that play after DH stealths you made the mistake of walking into the road that leads to mid point and that way you couldn't possibly see if he went left or right because line of sight. If you stood near where he stealthed you would have seen all 3 possible ways he could have gone.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yup, kind of besides the fact of the matter though.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I made a point that it is my opinion that I don't think Guardians should be thieving & mesmering like thieves & mesmers. End of story.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I never claimed DH was OP. I never claimed Trap Rune was OP. I made a statement coming from a place of game design & mechanics in general.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think they can have mobility stealth, just not with that many blocks, insane damage and cc you can't evade out of. I was mainly pointing out that your video is misleading as it showed as if DH somehow had 10+ seconds of invisibility or that superspeed would allow him to cover insane distance in 3 seconds. You just positioned in a way where he easily ran away while you stood afk on that road.

    > > >

    > > > But he did though. What do you guys not understand about the physics of this game?

    > > >

    > > > You know what, here you go, watch this demonstration so you can see the realities of this run that the DH made:

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > No he didn't. In the first video he used some traps before he started running away from you so he couldn't possibly make 4000 range escape, you just positioned in a way where he needed only one trap to escape. You seem to be the one not understanding the concept of line of sight. Also moving 4000 range by using 4 utility slots seems kinda fair to me? What is DH supposed to do when he gets on the node and there is someone else there? Use his weapon skills lol? No stunbreaks also btw.


    > Nothing you've said in this post makes any sense whatsoever. I've clearly demonstrated in the 2nd video what it requires to make that run while completely stealthed. He did not make that run with 1 trap. You're doing some denial of truth argument again like "No, apples look blue to me so I'll argue with you about them being red or green" garbage. Just stop man. The video shows enough clear visual footage to the left, the DH did not make the trap in 1 run. He was not revealed neither visually on the screen or with his icon, which would have appeared on the mini map around that corner if he had used only 1 trap. The video I made shows very clearly that he would need 3 traps to make it from his position to the side of the mountain and then use JI, or 4 traps to make it without JI.


    > @"Assyr.3296" I think you did not see the 2nd video posted. Scroll up a bit.


    > Also:


    > 1. The DH is no where on the mini map or on the screen. The video very very clearly demonstrates this. I don't what is wrong with some of you guys. Some of these claims or arguments you point are out are as nonsensical and weird as if you had claimed to me that you saw 2 warriors in the video attacking me, or that the game I was streaming wasn't even GW2. Just please stop. Go watch the video again, there is no Guardian anywhere. So you explain to me where did he come from? If you want to argue this further, please give me a timestamp from the video of where you somehow spotted a Guardian either in the mini map or on the screen approaching me.

    > 2. I blocked his burst, yes. But he did TOUCH me with a small stack of burn, and that small stack of burn was enough to bring me from 100% health down to 3% health. This point that DH mains keep making here is quite flip flopped. They act as if "oh the burst is ok because you blocked and survived it" when in reality the video shows a small stack of burn completely trash my health bar, just the small stack of burn, encompassing only about 10% of what his total burst value is worth if it hits directly. In my opinion this footage demonstrates how inordinately high the damage burst is, not that it is OK or underpowered, or w/e these DH mains are trying to encourage with this footage.

    > 3. Yeah I trashed the Guardian because I'm a player with 20,000 games played in GW2, and he was a bad DH. If he had been a good player at all, he wouldn't have went in for a burst like that without using Focus 5 and having an F3 ready to go to support. In the video he uses neither, which is indication of his bad judgement. I'll say it to you as well: "If a strong player on a meme build beats an inexperienced player on a meta build, it does not mean that the meme build is strong and it does not mean that the meta build isn't overperforming. It means there is a large gap in skill level between the two players." And as much is indicated from his lack of use of Focus 5 and F3.

    > 4. I couldn't have chased him down easily. For starters, I had no idea where he was going. Secondly, I'm on a glass cannon spec. I can't afford to go chasing in at something that is stealthed, that is dropping 1shot trap stacks all over the place. That's a dumb move. The only thing I can do is wait to know where he is if I want to play safe and not allow him an opportunity to turn around the 1v1 and 1shot me with a trap stack.

    > 5. **Watch the 2nd video I posted. DHs are definitely ganking/rotating/disengaging like thieves.**

    > 6. I don't need to play DH myself because I regularly play ATs daily, where I have teams stacked with 2x DHs + Supports, and in that case DHs become godly lords of the team fight, and their performance is quite easily read. I posted a video of that as well somewhere in this thread.


    > Removing or altering Rune Of The Trapper will not kill Guardians, but it will curb this DH build. I don't care if they have 1s of stealth & super speed per trap, that's fine. 1s per would allow them the detarget value for team fights. But the way it is right now, it's too much stealth & super speed to where it's dumb and thief like. End of story. If DHs are so weak that they need this Rune to operate, then DH itself needs buffing. And in that case, the rune still needs to go. We don't need to be balancing the class DH around the rune. <- This is a serious fundamental fumble in the design error, to be balancing an entire class around 1 rune.


    So you are actually admitting you don't understand a core mechanic of how minimal works? If nobody on your team sees enemy they won't appear on the minimap. You were not in LoS of him because you stood there like an egg being confused crying about it. Now stop embarrassing yourself and end this.

  6. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > DH obviously wasn't designed to be a roamer with stealth and superspeed. DH obviously needs to be nerfed because it is dumb, unfun to play against and unhealthy for new players. But I think nerf to insane damage would make it more skillful and more fun to play against than the nerf to the Trapper Rune. If you remove Trapper rune DH is just a sitting duck that will still farm people at lower rating and be memed as the worst spec in the game by high rated players.

    > > > >

    > > > > In that play after DH stealths you made the mistake of walking into the road that leads to mid point and that way you couldn't possibly see if he went left or right because line of sight. If you stood near where he stealthed you would have seen all 3 possible ways he could have gone.

    > > >

    > > > Yup, kind of besides the fact of the matter though.

    > > >

    > > > I made a point that it is my opinion that I don't think Guardians should be thieving & mesmering like thieves & mesmers. End of story.

    > > >

    > > > I never claimed DH was OP. I never claimed Trap Rune was OP. I made a statement coming from a place of game design & mechanics in general.

    > >

    > > I think they can have mobility stealth, just not with that many blocks, insane damage and cc you can't evade out of. I was mainly pointing out that your video is misleading as it showed as if DH somehow had 10+ seconds of invisibility or that superspeed would allow him to cover insane distance in 3 seconds. You just positioned in a way where he easily ran away while you stood afk on that road.


    > But he did though. What do you guys not understand about the physics of this game?


    > You know what, here you go, watch this demonstration so you can see the realities of this run that the DH made:







    No he didn't. In the first video he used some traps before he started running away from you so he couldn't possibly make 4000 range escape, you just positioned in a way where he needed only one trap to escape. You seem to be the one not understanding the concept of line of sight. Also moving 4000 range by using 4 utility slots seems kinda fair to me? What is DH supposed to do when he gets on the node and there is someone else there? Use his weapon skills lol? No stunbreaks also btw.

  7. > @"Fenella.2634" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > So which races can have kids? Norn + human seems possible. Meanwhile anything else seems hard to believe.

    > Nope, not possible. That's something the devs ruled out very clearly from the very beginning.

    > Relationships, yes, sometimes, but never kids.


    > Btw, humans are very different from norns, as they are basically aliens. They may look similar as long as we ignore that norns are basically bears / wolves / whatever, but their genetics shouldn't be compatible.


    Ahh cool ty for clarifying that.

  8. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > DH obviously wasn't designed to be a roamer with stealth and superspeed. DH obviously needs to be nerfed because it is dumb, unfun to play against and unhealthy for new players. But I think nerf to insane damage would make it more skillful and more fun to play against than the nerf to the Trapper Rune. If you remove Trapper rune DH is just a sitting duck that will still farm people at lower rating and be memed as the worst spec in the game by high rated players.

    > >

    > > In that play after DH stealths you made the mistake of walking into the road that leads to mid point and that way you couldn't possibly see if he went left or right because line of sight. If you stood near where he stealthed you would have seen all 3 possible ways he could have gone.


    > Yup, kind of besides the fact of the matter though.


    > I made a point that it is my opinion that I don't think Guardians should be thieving & mesmering like thieves & mesmers. End of story.


    > I never claimed DH was OP. I never claimed Trap Rune was OP. I made a statement coming from a place of game design & mechanics in general.


    I think they can have mobility stealth, just not with that many blocks, insane damage and cc you can't evade out of. I was mainly pointing out that your video is misleading as it showed as if DH somehow had 10+ seconds of invisibility or that superspeed would allow him to cover insane distance in 3 seconds. You just positioned in a way where he easily ran away while you stood afk on that road.

  9. > @"TrOtskY.5927" said:

    > I actually agree that trapper rune stealth should be removed, because I think it will help expose just how bad a state guardian is actually in now


    > Superspeed stealth of course is a strong mechanic and it seems odd that something so powerful would be based in rune choice rather than class and spec choice.


    > Quite frankly playing anything other than condi DPS or a variant of condi DPS on guardian is straight up trolling. Guardian has always suffered more than any other class a severe lack of mobility and a total inability to kite away from chasing players.




    Delusional guard mains you love to see it. Yes Healbreaker is better than core support guardian, but playing core sup guardian is not trolling it won NA mAT vs a healbreaker. And healbreaker is likely to get nerfed and hello second best support in the game core guaridan. You can play core power dps or sagebrand in ranked at any level and its completely fine. Aeon played core bunker to sidenode in one of the serious AT games. But yes keep telling yourself guardian is in a bad state and that burn dh is just a cheese build. Trolling means you are playing things like staff ele or heal chronomancer.


    If you don't like identity of guardian which is being slow and not having ability to kite outside of jumping puzzles but have good damage and many boons then I don't understand why you are playing this class? It is a class made for beginners where you are strong without making mechanically demanding plays. Instead of using your weapon skill to evade enemy attack you just block it with aegis. I'm not saying it doesn't take skill to play guardian well but its mostly your positioning, big brain plays instead of mechanically play.

  10. DH obviously wasn't designed to be a roamer with stealth and superspeed. DH obviously needs to be nerfed because it is dumb, unfun to play against and unhealthy for new players. But I think nerf to insane damage would make it more skillful and more fun to play against than the nerf to the Trapper Rune. If you remove Trapper rune DH is just a sitting duck that will still farm people at lower rating and be memed as the worst spec in the game by high rated players.


    In that play after DH stealths you made the mistake of walking into the road that leads to mid point and that way you couldn't possibly see if he went left or right because line of sight. If you stood near where he stealthed you would have seen all 3 possible ways he could have gone.

  11. In situation you gave with support, necro, dh, thief:


    0. Whoever overextends and is an easy kill.

    1. DH since it deals most damage and doesn't have insane defenses.

    2. Thief if you can hit him.

    4. Necro (depends on spec).

    5. Support (depends on spec).


    Generally you focus whoever overextends, is low hp, is easy to kill fast. Healbreaker can actually frontline because its very unkillable while core guard and tempest are easier to kill but they will usually stand where you can't hit them a lot. DH will probably be in the frontline so you normally try to poke him down with ranged abilities. Going into DH melee when he is not pressured at all is suicide. DH can also try to port engage on your team in that case you wanna focus him and avoid trap damage. Necro depends if he is core condi or reaper. Reaper will want to go melee into your comp to deal massive damage you focus him if he does that. Core necro will probably just poke with low damage from range so he isn't high priority target and DH will probably control terrain in a way where you can't get into melee range with core necro. Thief is an easy kill if you can catch him since it doesn't have high armor or hp.

  12. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > I don't think new elements as attunment is reasonnable option. Even if it's just modifying minor effect on the preexistent weapon skill, the amount of work needed is just to big.


    > Personnally, I'd prefer if the e-spec allowed the elementalist to specialize into an element.

    > You get an F5 (only modifiable while out of combat, Let's call it _primary attunment_) that allow you to lock your attunment (skillset/glyphs) to a chosen element while F1-F2-F3-F4 (_secondary attunment_) only allow to proc the core traits they are associated with. Obviously that mean that the weaponswap would be now available while in combat for this e-spec.


    > The trade would be less weapon skill flexibility for more weapon range flexibility.


    Yeah I agree I don't expect them to do that.


    I think maybe your idea could be changed to where attunement swaps have like a minute long cooldown (effected by arcane trait cooldown reduction) but you can swap weapons on normal cooldown. New elite skills would just reset your attunement cooldowns kinda like how Guardian resets tomes with Renewed Focus but instead of invun it could perform a powerful skill that is based on your attunement you are in when using it. Skills on new weapon would be more versatile and they wouldn't go into this attunement is supportive, this one defensive, this one condi, this one power but they would all have most of that. It would be pretty busted in PvP hahah.

  13. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > Rev is really not an easy Profession to pick up, and high performing players on Rev have bashed their head onto the Profession for so long in order to produce the results.

    > >


    > Well you need to distinguish build from build.

    > The new shiro renegade even tho hated by everyone I consider a really hard build to master, need great energy management and class knowledge.


    > Condi herald on the other hand is pure ape-tier and you can be a good at it after 3 matches.

    > Power herald is a little bit harder, but still, herald traitline is huge carry, while renegade resemble more skillful gameplay imho.




    Hardest Rev build is sword sword staff power herald. Power renegade is much easier but it's not simple.


    Condi herald was much easier to play back when it was mostly a bunker but now the meta build is to actually play damage. Its still easy to do well on as bad or new played to it.


    Kalla bunker renegade was the worst. Spam circles never die.


    Comparing traitlines Renegade is better than Herald mostly and less skillful.


  14. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts

    > > > > >

    > > > > > CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.

    > > > >

    > > > > The air signet doesn't synergy with any viable strategic trait composition because signets themselves suck outside a niche meme condi tempest build - the glyph is more or less in the same boat...was used for condi weaver initial burst...was as the build is useless anyway now

    > > >

    > > > You are wrong, air signet is best stunbreak together with twist on weaver. Best weaver players play it. Not running the trait and not having synergy doesn't matter because its just that good. Glyph is not great but I was just pointing out that there are short cooldown stunbreaks.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > > > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > His balancing is just like his gameplay mechanical skills, I wont say if its good or bad, if you know, you know. The thing that he played ele makes it even more hillarious after seeing 'updates' on this class.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I think his balancing of weaver is good and fire weaver is in a very good spot. Tempest nerfs (not bugfixes) however weren't the best. And core ele is unfixable, you buff core to be in okay spot tempest/weaver are broken.

    > > > >

    > > > > **good balance means that the enemy can effectively kill you without being oppressive....an enemy unable to outplay you is not good balance**.

    > > > >

    > > > > Weaver has good balance? .....lol......and about core ele, there are many ways to buff core ele without affecting the elite specs and having a strong core class doesn't seem to be a problem with everything else but engi possibly

    > > > >

    > > > > P.S you may want to cut on the pointless "personal BIAS" talk, I can effectively play 5 different professions, enough to be a threat in most situations, ofc I won't go and say "I am this and that" as right now I don't spend nearly as much time as before in GW2, but still I have playable knowledge of 5 different professions [ele-ranger-warrior-guardian and necro] shared across a 12k+ hrs experiencen from the last 8 years. The only reason why I am still here is because I can play other professions outside ele and did so for years now....if you want to point fingers looking for your common "main class Bias"...do so in another direction

    > > >

    > > > So how would you buff core ele but not make elite specs broken?

    > > >

    > > > What are you talking about? Quote me where I accused someone of main bias? You are the one accusing Anet balance team of biased balancing. You may wanna cut on saying things that are not true.

    > >

    > > @"McPero.3287"

    > > Saying balancing has been bad is also just wrong game has been getting progressively better after PoF launch disaster and CMC has more braincells than to listen to unreasonable mains crying on forums why their class is weak and how other class is OP. "

    > >

    > > How to make core ele viable again?

    > > -Adding a 5th attunement mechanic, they have the technical abilities as shown with Core rev , mesmer shatter, necro shroud, warrior burst mechanic etc etc etc

    > >

    > > That would be an example, there are many more in the 16+ pages thread in ele subforum and the only objection against buffing ele is ....**never a legitimate one** , you consider people on the forum as unreasonable for pointing out **the bias at design level**, it has been explained before already, the bias you think of it's not the one exposed here : nobody here thinks that a dev go and directly modify a profession **consciously** , the biased balance happens at **subconscious level** , despite of what idolatry you may have for Anet..at the end of the day they're still human.

    > >

    > > The truth is that elementalist is stuck with the **GW 2012 design ideology** which was more closely related to GW1 aka skill and efforts = Rewards ; an ideology that doesn't sit well with the "insta gratification" generation , these days people play a class that does 1-2-3 and deal massive aoe dmg ....deluding themselves in thinking to be the hottest thing around.

    > >

    > >


    > It had been getting better ... until the *disastrous* february megapatch. That one immediately made everything worse than it has ever been at any point in the games history. And no, CMC isnt a good balancer, we have him to thank for delivering another deathblow with the february megapatch.


    Explain why February patch was bad? Because you cant press rampage and cc someone to death? Because half the classes don't have perma 25 might? Because firebrand autos in tome don't heal for 3k? Because firebrand is no longer only viable support that would poop stability and make cc irrelevant? Because fire weaver can't stand afk with primodial stance killing someone?


    There were obviously bad things in the patch but the general idea and way of changes was correct. Random things that didn't need a nerf were nerfed, certain things were forgotten and stayed strong. With each balance patch things that are OP get nerfed and then some other OP shit is found but eventually everything will be brought on the same level apart from core ele and engineer.

  15. That will probably not happen but I wanna share it since I think it is really cool.


    So with overload and mixed attunements mechanics exhausted I think there really isn't many other ideas how to make a new Elementalist Elite spec. You can add another attunement but that is kinda not that exciting.


    So what if new elite spec would actually change your current attunements into completely new 'elements'. These new elements would be Dark, Light, Ethereal, Undead and it would change your old weapon skills with what kind of boons/conditions they apply (based on already existing auras) and they would change visually but how skills itself work would stay the same. For example dagger 2 in fire would be breathing some dark energy that applies torment.


    Fire would become Dark and instead of burning it would apply torment but still grant might. Water which is opposite element of fire would become Light (opposite of dark) and instead of giving regeneration it would give retaliation, it would still apply vulnerability but chill replaced with slow. Ethereal would replace Air and instead of weakness, blind and vulnerability it would apply confusion and give random boons (like chaos aura does). Earth would be replaced with Undead (which is kinda opposite of Ethereal since ethereal means something heavenly and undead is far from heaven) and bleeding would be replaced with poison and resistance boon instead of protection. Now 3 of these elements have their own aura already dark light and chaos aura, undead would either get a new aura which would apply poison on hit or grant resistance or both or it just wouldn't have an aura.


    The elemental and arcane talent trees (basically core trees) would be similarly adapted when using this new elite spec. For example trait that gives you boons on swap would give you new different boons on swapping to this new elements for example might, retaliation, random boon (out of swiftness, regen, aegis), resistance, the talent that gives you 33% chance to put condis on enemy on crit would now apply torment, vulnerability, confusion, poison. Than for example lighting rod proc would give apply 5 stacks of confusion instead of weakness. In Water (now Light) instead of cleansing on regeneration it would cleanse whenever you grant retaliation. I didn't really think about how to change every trait but I hope you get the idea.


    Now for the weapon it would be longbow or shortbow both are fine. In Ethereal one of the skills would grant you invisibility, maybe you would have chaos aura or ethereal field which you can leap for aura. In Light you would have a block (on bow I know lol). Basically these new elements would kinda have visual flavour and how skills actually work of other professions (Dark = Corruption Revenant, Light = Guardian, Ethereal = Mesmer, Undead = Necromancer). New heal, utilities and elite I didn't think much about. Maybe one utility could be a new conjure weapon combining all 4 new elements.


    Not sure how good or bad this spec would be in any of the gamemodes and it would probably be really hard to make since it would partially change all core talents and it would require visual rework for all the old weapons and it would have to change some utility skills as well. In a way this spec is also really boring since it is just core ele with new weapon and visual rework of old weapon skills. I guess builds would change in PvP since you would apply different conditions and Air (now Ethereal) would be condition attunement which was before power attunement. And Light would probably become main power damage attunement (previous water which was supportive).


  16. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts

    > > > >

    > > > > CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.

    > > >

    > > > The air signet doesn't synergy with any viable strategic trait composition because signets themselves suck outside a niche meme condi tempest build - the glyph is more or less in the same boat...was used for condi weaver initial burst...was as the build is useless anyway now

    > >

    > > You are wrong, air signet is best stunbreak together with twist on weaver. Best weaver players play it. Not running the trait and not having synergy doesn't matter because its just that good. Glyph is not great but I was just pointing out that there are short cooldown stunbreaks.

    > >

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > His balancing is just like his gameplay mechanical skills, I wont say if its good or bad, if you know, you know. The thing that he played ele makes it even more hillarious after seeing 'updates' on this class.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think his balancing of weaver is good and fire weaver is in a very good spot. Tempest nerfs (not bugfixes) however weren't the best. And core ele is unfixable, you buff core to be in okay spot tempest/weaver are broken.

    > > >

    > > > **good balance means that the enemy can effectively kill you without being oppressive....an enemy unable to outplay you is not good balance**.

    > > >

    > > > Weaver has good balance? .....lol......and about core ele, there are many ways to buff core ele without affecting the elite specs and having a strong core class doesn't seem to be a problem with everything else but engi possibly

    > > >

    > > > P.S you may want to cut on the pointless "personal BIAS" talk, I can effectively play 5 different professions, enough to be a threat in most situations, ofc I won't go and say "I am this and that" as right now I don't spend nearly as much time as before in GW2, but still I have playable knowledge of 5 different professions [ele-ranger-warrior-guardian and necro] shared across a 12k+ hrs experiencen from the last 8 years. The only reason why I am still here is because I can play other professions outside ele and did so for years now....if you want to point fingers looking for your common "main class Bias"...do so in another direction

    > >

    > > So how would you buff core ele but not make elite specs broken?

    > >

    > > What are you talking about? Quote me where I accused someone of main bias? You are the one accusing Anet balance team of biased balancing. You may wanna cut on saying things that are not true.


    > @"McPero.3287"

    > Saying balancing has been bad is also just wrong game has been getting progressively better after PoF launch disaster and CMC has more braincells than to listen to unreasonable mains crying on forums why their class is weak and how other class is OP. "


    > How to make core ele viable again?

    > -Adding a 5th attunement mechanic, they have the technical abilities as shown with Core rev , mesmer shatter, necro shroud, warrior burst mechanic etc etc etc


    > That would be an example, there are many more in the 16+ pages thread in ele subforum and the only objection against buffing ele is ....**never a legitimate one** , you consider people on the forum as unreasonable for pointing out **the bias at design level**, it has been explained before already, the bias you think of it's not the one exposed here : nobody here thinks that a dev go and directly modify a profession **consciously** , the biased balance happens at **subconscious level** , despite of what idolatry you may have for Anet..at the end of the day they're still human.


    > The truth is that elementalist is stuck with the **GW 2012 design ideology** which was more closely related to GW1 aka skill and efforts = Rewards ; an ideology that doesn't sit well with the "insta gratification" generation , these days people play a class that does 1-2-3 and deal massive aoe dmg ....deluding themselves in thinking to be the hottest thing around.




    You realise adding 5th attunement to core ele would lead to Anet having to develop 20 new skills for weapons, that attunement wouldn't have it's traitline (if 5th element is arcane, arcane traitline needs to be reworked, which would make it unplayable for weaver/tempest). What they did for other core specs were minor changes adding maybe 1 button 1 mechanic. What you are proposing here is that core ele gets a rework in size of a new elite spec. Not to mention it would actually break PvE balance potentially.


    CMC can currently only change numbers as far as I am aware so he can't do what you propose even if he wanted to.


    Only way to make core ele be in line with weaver, tempest is that weaver, tempest traitlines and mechanics get their numbers nerfed by quite a lot and then to compensate utility, elite, heal and weapon skills get massive buffs.


    Can you seriously stop with this? I am not talking about any bias.


    Most elite specs were powercrept at some point and some still are. And yes core ele together with core engineer are by far worst specs in PvP. But to say that core ele is more skillful than some of the elite specs is laughable. Yes some elite specs are just mindless spam. Core ele being bad doesn't make it skillful it's just bad.

  17. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > > > >

    > > > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

    > > >

    > > > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.

    > > >

    > > > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.

    > > >

    > > > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.

    > > >

    > > > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts

    > >

    > > CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.


    > The air signet doesn't synergy with any viable strategic trait composition because signets themselves suck outside a niche meme condi tempest build - the glyph is more or less in the same boat...was used for condi weaver initial burst...was as the build is useless anyway now


    You are wrong, air signet is best stunbreak together with twist on weaver. Best weaver players play it. Not running the trait and not having synergy doesn't matter because its just that good. Glyph is not great but I was just pointing out that there are short cooldown stunbreaks.


    > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts

    > > > >

    > > > > CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.

    > > >

    > > > His balancing is just like his gameplay mechanical skills, I wont say if its good or bad, if you know, you know. The thing that he played ele makes it even more hillarious after seeing 'updates' on this class.

    > >

    > > I think his balancing of weaver is good and fire weaver is in a very good spot. Tempest nerfs (not bugfixes) however weren't the best. And core ele is unfixable, you buff core to be in okay spot tempest/weaver are broken.


    > **good balance means that the enemy can effectively kill you without being oppressive....an enemy unable to outplay you is not good balance**.


    > Weaver has good balance? .....lol......and about core ele, there are many ways to buff core ele without affecting the elite specs and having a strong core class doesn't seem to be a problem with everything else but engi possibly


    > P.S you may want to cut on the pointless "personal BIAS" talk, I can effectively play 5 different professions, enough to be a threat in most situations, ofc I won't go and say "I am this and that" as right now I don't spend nearly as much time as before in GW2, but still I have playable knowledge of 5 different professions [ele-ranger-warrior-guardian and necro] shared across a 12k+ hrs experiencen from the last 8 years. The only reason why I am still here is because I can play other professions outside ele and did so for years now....if you want to point fingers looking for your common "main class Bias"...do so in another direction


    So how would you buff core ele but not make elite specs broken?


    What are you talking about? Quote me where I accused someone of main bias? You are the one accusing Anet balance team of biased balancing. You may wanna cut on saying things that are not true.

  18. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > > > >

    > > > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.

    > > >

    > > > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.

    > > >

    > > > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.

    > > >

    > > > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.

    > > >

    > > > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts

    > >

    > > CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.


    > His balancing is just like his gameplay mechanical skills, I wont say if its good or bad, if you know, you know. The thing that he played ele makes it even more hillarious after seeing 'updates' on this class.


    I think his balancing of weaver is good and fire weaver is in a very good spot. Tempest nerfs (not bugfixes) however weren't the best. And core ele is unfixable, you buff core to be in okay spot tempest/weaver are broken.

  19. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"McPero.3287" said:

    > > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > > > Seeing a dev on a certain class. Reasoning that this might be the reason one specific build of that class overperforms (which it doesn't btw.).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Oh dear...

    > > > >

    > > > > Yeah DH in ratings where majority of people play isn't overperforming at all, good one. DH is just stupid design and needs to be changed or if that is not possible currently, nerfed. It is very unfun to play against and bad for new/learning players.

    > > >

    > > > Lol un fun to play against, I love reading players writing this. Thief is also unfun to play against, mirage,a power splbr when it could actually do damage, holo, necro and its spec, revs(especially condi), renegade, druid and so on so on, the games gotten to a point thru bad balancing that not only are most classes unfun to fight but thier unfun to play as well. Players helped anet get it to this point as well with their incessant constant biased crys.

    > >

    > > In PoF release game wasn't fun yes because of insane power creep but right now Warrior (damage one), Holo, Necro, Mirage, Thief (apart from Deadeye) are all fairly balanced and fun to play against. The most toxic rev build is shiro builds not condi, condi rev actually dies now and plays damage traits in corruption instead of full resistance spam, but I guess here comes low elo mentality that anything that is condi is not skillful even though it has more counter play than power builds. You know rev is overtuned when bad players do well on it which seems to be the case at the moment. Saying balancing has been bad is also just wrong game has been getting progressively better after PoF launch disaster and CMC has more braincells than to listen to unreasonable mains crying on forums why their class is weak and how other class is OP.


    > Power warrior is fun to play against for all the wrong reasons and unfun to play for the same reasons. Power Warrior has been kitten so hard of course their fun to fight in a way, u get cc'd who cares u took 0 damage even though u made a mistake and didn't avoid a easy tell and predictable skill and u have forever to stunbreak before the second hit of 100 blades goes off OR u simply avoid the warrior's eviscerate and warrior becomes a easy target. Ever since the feb patch warrior has become a melee class that is of little threat in most situations and a bubble bot in wvw. Fun....


    Strength spellbreaker mains were spoiled because their class was so easy to do well on. Everything did damage great sustain, perma 25 might for more damage, great defensive capability. Now Warrior actually takes great skill to play. You don't have insane damage from might and sustain from signet and you cant just chain cc kill because cc doesn't do damage. Strength Warrior is not bad atm, if you feel like its bad its probably you.

  20. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > The devs don't use codes to give themselves items in game, that weapon and armor require a huge time sink to get...it's safe to assume that he's a guardian main..., as it has been admitted in the past by the devs, the more people play a certain class in the office...the more input it will receives during balance meetings AKA **bias at subconscious level** where a profession which should be nerfed by , for example , 40% will get instead nerfed by 20%.

    > > >

    > > > I won't call out any "hidden agenda"...I am simply pointing out the truth of the matter : the more devs play a profession, the easier it will get off the hook in a way or in another, meaning that **the nerfs will be always targeted in a way that the profession will remain at its peak**, it's common sense really, if the guy making the changes , plays also the class receiving them...well nothing much will change in terms of output

    > > >

    > > > It's no secret that **no dev plays ele actively**, heck "one dev" ( I won't give out names for obvious reasons ) was surprised about the elementalist low HP when he tried to showcase : Tempest prior to HoT Launch...people can find the video on youtube.

    > > >

    > > > Another class like guardian is **Necromancer** and by a small margin **Engineer**.....revenant is a rather..."shady business" and let's leave it at that.

    > > >

    > > > Am I wrong?...So what professions will I see being played during devs streams?......

    > >

    > > By that logic guard wouldnt have seen its builds decimated and been relegated to a b-c tier otp.


    > I spent close to 1k hrs on guardian, being it my 3rd main, even went as far as to craft a 3rd legendary armor for it, also I main ele on which I have 8k hrs and in the end I experienced nerfs on both classes: I "cried" for the soft removal of the hammer burst which was my first official to go build on guardian but that didn't stop me from using other different builds ...and that's the fact...**nerfs on guardian are always class tailored, so when you lose something ..you always gain something else** and that's the opposite of ele where when you get nerfed...that's it..there is nothing to cushion the fall, you lose that gameplay option forever...jump on the next viable build waiting for it to be nerfed out of existence also.


    > So no...I don't need nerfs on guardian and I know exactly what you mean by B-C tier talk but that cannot stop me from telling the truth of the matter : "the professions mained by the devs tend to have an easier life in this game" and I have given a clear logical explanation on why that happens.


    > If you are a dev and play that class, you know what it makes it rumbles...you know what it needs and in what quantities, so the nerfs are not as destructive as with elementalist : they merely nerf the class based on what is being cried on in the forum **without bothering to see if the class is still working after the change**; they increased the CD on Twist of Fate as people were crying....now the class has a full set of 60s+ CD stunbreaks......they nerfed **fire weaver saying too much burning dmg** while on guardian I can burn snipe people with Spear of Justice or torch or the sword spirit.


    > The problem with this game and why I don't even bother with it anymore is that **the devs themselves don't play their own game and they "balance" based on forum cries** so what is not being actively used by few devs...get hacked to death with nerfs making the class virtually unusable...but all is fine as long as Timmy stop crying about it on the forum...that's what I mean with my posts


    CMC is balancing PvP and he plays the game so you are objectively wrong. You also have 25 second stunbreak that blinds inflicts vulnerability and gives you 25% movement speed out of combat. You have 30s stunbreak that increase damage on your 5 next attacks and they apply conditions, so don't say ele has just 60s + cd stunbreaks. Also CMC is a warrior main why is sidenode warrior not being played all the time by your logic that devs make their clases op? No true warrior main loves playing healbreaker support warrior that is best support in the game right now so don't give me that.

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