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Posts posted by Sylvyn.4750

  1. > @"ElijahFitzroy.5762" said:

    > You can certainly do it in the long run. I myself am on a low tier server and do my WvW dailies but have yet to get the warbringer while I can get the blood stone backpack a lot quicker and with doing daily ascended crafting (it is expensive) you can certainly manage it.


    > I’ll have to take your word for it for making the warbringer though because that is one back pack that I have yet to make.


    Yeah, most legendaries are so expensive to make, I'd rather just own multiple ascendeds with various stats...Warbringer might be the one exception that I'll go for, since WvW is my main source of entertainment along with open world stories and farming to gear up my toons.

  2. > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said:

    > Are there any other items in the game that have continued to gain value over the past 3-5 years the same way as MC?


    > At a cursory glance I am seeing that most items have become cheaper over time until they flatline. Some items have notable swings up or down due to seasonal events or new content requiring specific mats or items be used, but generally most appear to be stable.


    > The interesting thought about MC is that they have nearly doubled in price from last year at this time, which is the greatest inflation over the past 5 years (when looking year over year). As well the post Wintersday period is usually a decline for MC but this year it kept going up to it's current position.


    > I would think, given how Anet has recently changed the drop rate for various Infusions that were super rare and overpriced as a result, that they would also monitor this situation. I doubt they would do anything yet as this is still relatively early for this new trend of continual growth, but perhaps later in the year we will hear something from them.


    > Lastly, a thought on why this could be happening. This could be a result of players pre-purchasing and holding mass quantities of MC for new Legendary items that might come with the Expac. Not saying they will use these for themselves as I am sure there are some prospectors out there waiting for the crest, but it wouldn't surprise me if there are many hundreds or thousands of MC being held by players just to work on whatever Legendaries are coming with EoD.


    Yes, Memories of Battle are currently twice as expensive as they were a year ago, but this is also tied to when the legendary ring Conflux came out last March, which required a large sum of memories, but the side effect was that buying memories for all other WvW ascended weapons and armor became twice as expensive if you're long on skirmish tickets and short on memories and don't want to wait for them...you only earn 104 memories per week if you finish Diamond tier in the skirmish reward track, and another 15 per WvW reward track whenever you complete the 2nd and 22nd stages, yet need 250 per ascended item along with the requisite number of skirmish tickets.

  3. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > The stats between exotic and ascended are not that big, better positioning, reading fights, playing your class and it's spec properly will carry you through fights more often than just stats.


    > Having said that, I do think wvw needs better cost for their gear. I recently started a new character, and decided to try a couple gear sets for a couple different builds, well guess what, didn't have enough memories of battle to buy one set of actual wvw gear, and the rate you seem to get them is absolutely re.. well let's just say it's bad, and 30g for a stack of memories lmao pass. Decided I was just better off crafting or buying exotic gear off the tp instead to save me the hassle, 1-4g or 30g each oh boy hard choice. I also ran out of crystal desert armor boxes, but still that requires 30+ hours to even get six for a set.


    > Why does the wvw gear even have to have 2 time gated currencies for both exotic and ascended gear? skirmish tickets should be enough of a gate. It's mind boggling the time cost they make up for wvw, even the original wvw achievements had ridiculous time cost.



    Same here...and reducing the ways we get Memories of Battle really hurt, plus having them tradeable and therefore subject to supply and demand on the market...they now cost twice as much as they did a year ago!

  4. > @"Celsith.2753" said:

    > It may interest you but the lack of activity in comparison to the other maps clearly shows that no amount of cajoling, begging in team chat, calling people noobs who are 'too afraid of redbl', demanding that people play in a map they don't enjoy, or insisting that every one just needs to, 'learn the map', is going to make players choose to play there.

    > Just delete it and help reduce the blood pressure of those three people per server who are screaming in /t every time no one will come help them on their beloved empty map.


    Someone posted current stats on this in another thread, and DBL isn't that far off the activity level of ABL...sure a bit less, but not half as much.


  5. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Hard no. I really wish people would stop comparing GW2 and WoW. The business models are entirely different. Transmutation charges are easy to obtain and relatively cheap if one needs to purchase them. I prefer this current arrangement in lieu of a subscription model which would probably turn more players away.


    Sometimes I wonder if a subscription model would help deter bot farmers and griefers using alt accounts...but I enjoy paying only for the extra things I want instead of paying for a month or two in subscriptions that I don't end up playing much.

  6. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > I have spent all day trying to gather enough people to do a few bounties in the Crystal Oasis map. I managed to do it only because today's daily was a bounty on that map but I haven't seen any trains for normal bounties on the other maps today, so if they happen they don't happen often enough and the bounties are many.


    I need a Champ in Crystal Oasis, but the groups were only forming to hit the legendary ones for the daily on NA...go big or go home I guess, don't bother with the Champs anymore.

  7. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

    > > Lots of buffs seem to have a condition counterpart...slow vs quickness, protection vs vulnerability...should they all just cancel out? Seems like that would really hurt condi builds if there were more ways to remove condis in addition to all the traits, skills and weapon procs that also remove condis.


    > that is boon vs condition not condition vs condition


    > OP's idea is pretty stupid.


    > Go search for all the posts complaining about the problems with combos and combo fields. Have you ever seen someone asking "we need to spread this problem to other parts of the game"? That is basically what OP is offering.


    Chill and Burn give my Ele boons, so how far would this cancellation go? That's the question...:)

  8. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

    > > Huh, and here I bought 3 of those bags from the guild vendor using guild tokens and got one of the 8g statues...and my magic find is not even halfway to max, I believe...so yes, maybe less magic find is better as Frizz stated above.


    > Those are not the same bags. The ones OP is referring to is bought with essence of luck.


    Gotcha...I see that now, guess I got the right ones because my MF wouldn't do well with the others!


  9. > @"Tseison.4659" said:

    > > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

    > > Lots of buffs seem to have a condition counterpart...slow vs quickness, protection vs vulnerability...should they all just cancel out? Seems like that would really hurt condi builds if there were more ways to remove condis in addition to all the traits, skills and weapon procs that also remove condis.


    > There's already heavy access to condition cleanses making condition builds not that viable, at least in PvP/WvW so... (I do see some people running condi builds in WvW still don't get me wrong, but in those modes Pwr & Boon builds rule)


    It's a fine line to run...most of us might gear for power/boons, but still spec out for condi removal "just in case"...a little insurance against the unknown...:) (speaking as a roamer here that can't always count on condi removal from nearby allies)

  10. One of the things that originally attracted me to GW2 was the simplified skill bar, this after having played other MMOs including WoW, where I had the maximum number of toolbars up so I could map every consumable and skill on the interface, but all that really did was slow reaction times down. After leaving WoW and then trying to return to it a few years later, having to relearn each skill or consumable icon was daunting, so I left for good.


    Sure, maybe one or two extra slots for a consumable item of your choice, but they really should be looking at a way to allow you to set your food and utility consumables to "auto-consume" when it is time, just like you can set auto-attack for a certain skill.

  11. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

    > > Anet would probably make more money with the same resources if they made some of these skins dual-purpose...have the ox be both a Warclaw and a Jackal skin and allow players to make an irrevocable choice at the time of purchase which mount they want to apply it to.


    > I'm not sure that they would net more money as they would have to make two, different mount skins.


    Is it literally a new skin that covers the base model, or is it a whole new model that takes the place of the old? I've had times when I've loaded slowly into a map and have seen the base model appear first and then is replaced a second or two later with the new one. It looks like the one model is being swapped for a completely new one rather than just the skin being replaced over the body. Maybe that applies only to the ones that have a very different outline from the base model... from jackal to ox in this case. If they can code jackal to ox, then why not warclaw to ox?

  12. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > The fact that this is the jackle and not warclaw is total bull...


    Very punny!




    > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > My guess is that it was made on a jackal skin for more availability. Probably way more players with jackals than warclaws. Probably more in sales this way, too.


    On second thought, however, the Jackal is my least used mount...really only good for the sand portals, which only exist in PoF and later zones. Covering open ground works better with a raptor or roller beetle...so what would sell better, a skin for the least used PvE mount (especially one that doesn't even resemble that mount) or the only usable mount in WvW?

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