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Posts posted by Sarge.9730

  1. > @"style.6173" said:

    > I think this is a great idea. Of course a number of people from BG will complain, but in general it is a much better system than we have today. Population balance and time zone balance is a big issue. Looking forward to this being implemented as soon as possible.


    Quite the opposite, this is the first real opportunity guilds on BG will have had to recruit new people in years.

  2. > @"trueanimus.4085" said:

    > > @"szshou.2193" said:

    > > 17x 1600 means it hits 17 times for a total of 1600, why is that so hard to understand


    > yes.. but im not seeing ANY numbers over 400.. my marks used to activate for at least 1200 (which is pitiful but as condi to be expected) now they do nothing... no burst at all.. this was not in the patch notes so i want to know if this is a bug or intentional nerf


    Are you actively trying to troll or do you truly not understand the patch notes and the changes they bring? What you are describing is exactly what should be happening per the notes provided and the tool tip info you pasted in.

  3. Lets at least be constructive. The immediate hate spew that comes after every update to WvW does not exactly make it more appealing for devs to be active on the forums.


    The obsidian parts of the skins look fine and I think the colored effect came out well. The base of the weapons and the general theme they give off however appears to be more akin to a circus as opposed to a battle earned tribute to war. I think most people playing WvW that are concerned with skins are going to be put off by the lack of "bite" a skin like these bring.

  4. > @Krypto.2069 said:

    > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > I'd bet 5 silver that they're talking about a certain NA T1 server that shall not be named.


    > I'll see your 5 silver and raise you 2 copper, cuz my money's on the nameless server in question... starts with BLOB and ends in GATE...

    > **24/7 BABY!!!** :sunglasses:


    > (Except when they're trying to pretend to be otherwise, cuz that never happens, right?)

    > "Honest, Anet... we're not 50% fuller than everybody else that's been in T1 in the last 3 months! **HONEST!!!** :smirk:


    Anet made an official statement that several linked and even unlinked servers have more man hours per week than BG in WvW.

  5. > @Evonet.1632 said:

    > 10 ppl are in a spot. A sneaky warrior comes in and drops Winds of Disenchantment. The first hit will immediately strip 60 (!!!) boons because of Enchantment Collapse. Your dodge is still not enough because winds of disenchantment radius is larger than a dodge distance.


    That is assuming the Warrior has literally walked directly on top of you and those 9 other people while you what, just stood there and watched him queue up a 1.5 second cast time skill? The radius is only that big if you are at the absolute center of it and unless you fell asleep at the keyboard AND have 0 scourges in your group that should never happen.



  6. > @Israel.7056 said:

    > Fighting BG is a great challenge overall due to their numbers and their general ruthlessness but there's no reward if you actually beat them in PPT because they just quit the game until they get more people. So either we lose to them and have fights or we try to organize and if we succeed we kill the game. There's no upside to winning.



    Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I don't agree with this for the most part. I will address each of your points with my personal observations




    BG rarely has a huge number of people online at any given time. Its rare to see any borderland with a queue unless its reset night or one of the major guilds is running (and even that's only because everyone in WvW is queued for that map in particular). My personal feeling is that it FEELS like we have a ton more people to those on Mag because your whole server instant queues EB and makes little effort to do anything on any map that doesn't have a castle in the middle of it.




    2 Weeks in a row Mag has flipped BGs Garrison in EB and camped with enough siege to rival YB while chest thumping the whole time. By contrast BG flipped Mags Garrison 2 days ago and... left.


    **"There's no reward if you actually beat them in PPT because they just quit the game until they get more people"**


    The last time Mag was in T1 they tanked on purpose the moment they lost their link and played in the lower tiers until they got linked again. At which point they quickly came back to T1 and are currently tanking to leave again. How is that any different than what you are accusing BG of?


    **"So either we lose to them and have fights or we try to organize and if we succeed we kill the game"**


    There is no precedent for Mag winning on a regular basis outside of Major Holidays and or Expansion releases so... this remains an untested opinion.




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