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Posts posted by XxsdgxX.8109

  1. Hey this is actually very interesting , finally taking leaps with the balance of the game. It has been so stale for a long time now, specially in PvE since HoT.

    Thank you Systems Team, really looking forward for this next patch day.


    Nice communication too I have to say

  2. > @"aimz.6287" said:

    > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > I've mained Rev since HoT. Dunno why, since I used to play Warrior and Spellbreaker is pretty cool, but Rev still wins out and Herald is my favourite spec. Being a damage dealing support character is such an interesting role, I'm glad that concept is alive and about to get some well deserved attention.


    > I’m thinking that the new herald spec is gonna be more support than dps but will maintain some good dps stil but I feel like we are definitely looking at less dps


    Yeah I get what you mean, that would be a tragedy because current Glint (yes the legend) cant even get to 28k when coupled with Shiro from all the testing I did on golem. And that would just corner Herald into "Active all upkeeps and legend swap on cooldown, dont bother with DPS since it's just terrible"

    If they remove Elder's force and don't compensate for the damage loss then that's just a step backwards.

  3. Yeah don't get me *too wrong*, Herald/Glint did need some help but because I know their history is why I'm concerned about any reworks.

    Anyway thanks for elaborating further guys @"lombomon.7268" @"narcx.3570" I'm not going to lie I was indeed mad because even in my guild there's people who always kept calling Revenant "Garbage weak class with annoying energy mechanics, why can't I use every skill on cooldown?", aka spamming. And it's usually people who boost every character and don't ever want to experience anything else so yeah I lost my patience.

  4. > @"lombomon.7268" said:

    > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > Herald really didn't need to be a strong healer because of Ventari. There is very little you could place on Glint that would have made it surpass Ventari and if you wanted to heal, in a support capacity, you should bring along Ventari because of its strengths in healing.

    > >

    > I didn't say that Glint needed to be completely centered around healing and surpass Ventari in that regard, but the fact that it has no heals means it can leave you without the ability to heal your party for 10 seconds when swapping away from Ventari. This is the main reason (along with Citadel Orders for might/alacrity) why people use Renegade instead of Herald for Ventari healers these days because at least Breakrazor's Bastion can heal in an area while you do not have access to Ventari.


    > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > >We should be looking at the big picture, not just one small slice.


    > I agree and I did not comment much on PvP/WvW because I do not play those gamemodes and I'm sure the last thing players of those gamemodes want is for a PvE player to tell them what's best for them. However, regardless of how Herald performs in those modes, Herald's traits and skills have the same issues I mentioned across the entire game. They lack coherency and are clunky.


    Fair enough, at least you acknowledge the lack of experience on PvP/WvW.




    > @"narcx.3570" said:

    > **The sPvP-only kids can qq** about Renegade needing a rework, and it's justified... But Renegade at least feels current--it even feels pretty good in PvE (and somewhat so in WvW).

    >Compare that to Renegade, which yes, might be terrible in **the only game mode you care about**


    Incredibly shortsighted and selfish. Your very own argument also goes back to you dude.


    Like anyone that is half decent at PvP knows that Glint is a pretty solid legend, very well balanced, that works really good coupled with other legends. Then we have Kalla which is incredibly bad against actual intelligence (players). Clunky and borderline useless.


    For instance, *Swift Gale* which is sometimes labeled as *useless* by some PvE (**Raid**) players gives Glint alot of mobility and works amazing for re-positioning yourself during a fight right after getting CCed. It has alot of good use, like it works wonders when trying to kite a Warrior that just tried to burst you down.

    I can't even understand what are people doing wrong to say that Glint feels "clunky".


    And then anyone that does PvE (raiding mostly) knows that Kalla is damn good at it while Glint is labeled as "useless", even though Glint is god damn strong at other PvE content outside of raiding, even for T4 Fractals it's incredibly strong for carrying groups with its wide utility provision.


    So in other words if it's not optimal for *speed clearing raids* it is labeled as **bad**. So basically any build that isn't included on Snowcrows' Benchmark reddit thread.

    Such a nasty *sheep* mentality.


    Matter of perspective which clearly alot of people lack, but that's a problem everywhere else as well and not just here.


    PvE only players already had Kalla as a really powerful option while **PvP only had Glint** and so far there was zero mention on changing anything outside of Herald.

    So yeah very high chances on breaking Herald for PvP/WvW, being Overpowered or Underpowered are both as as bad. Just look at how toxic Deadeye and Mesmer remained after their reworks.


    **Current Herald in PvP is the most balanced build I've seen in this game so far, amazing balance between Risk and Reward.** And it's about to disappear.

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