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Posts posted by Bellatrixa.3546

  1. The only reason I'm forcing myself to grind DRMs is for the /stretch emote as there was no other way to get it. I really hoped that they'd stick with the initial implementation of emotes (Reward Track end chest as an alternative to make it accessible to players who main other modes), but sadly that hasn't been the case. In fact, I'm annoyed about how WvW Reward Tracks have been ditched since they messed up the Northern Drizzlewood Reward Track, then removed it so it no longer exists instead of just fixing the rewards. I still have the end chest from that reward track just so I can glare at it on a regular basis and be reminded how much WvW is neglected, but that's a whole other topic which goes way beyond rewards. Just another problem I have with IBS to add to the pile.


    The story aspect has caused me to be the least invested I ever have in 10 years of playing Guild Wars. This is something that personally started for me during PoF and has got worse through LS4 to the point that I'm only doing keeping up with story in the hope that I might care about it again, and so that I'm up to date on completion. The fact that DRMs involve repetition of the dialogue, taking up good chunks of the timer to boot, makes it even more tedious and uninvests me even more. I'd much rather have a skippable cutscene so the NPCs will move when the initial events are completed. Certainly in Snowden Drifts, the NPCs could also move faster considering the brevity of the timer in CM. That particular DRM has multiple problems with NPCs refusing to follow you around (for some reason the Deldrimor Dwarf never moves with me but hangs out near the entrance of the boss encounter but I've seen it follow other people in videos), a mob who launches you up and out of bounds of the map so you get forcibly respawned at the entrance to the boss area, another mob who will wander into Ryland's invulnerable dome so you can't do damage to it... While I don't think I'm super awesome at the game, I know I'm competent enough to clear all the other DRMs solo in CM, and this one is a particular thorn in my side, even after watching videos and reading strategies which somehow just won't work for me, mostly due to bad coding or bugs. So yeah, unrewarding gameplay for sure.


    As for rewards, why can't I exchange Tyrian Defence Seals for Prismaticite Crystals so I can at least make the first set of Dragon Slayer weapons before the expansion comes out? Why do the recipes for the next tiers of them also use Prismaticite as currency to unlock them? Especially when the recipes themselves require 5 Prismatium Ingots per weapon (plus the next tier up which will be released on the 9th and presumably require even more)? This would be bad enough for any of the other Living World currencies but given the currency can't be harvested from nodes and you get a measly 5 per reward track completion, it's excessive gating which only demoralises players from bothering to work on these sets. As for the Volcanic Stormcaller weapons, locking a mastery point behind that collection was ridiculous given the rarity of obtaining those weapons. Is something broken with the RNG for those weapon boxes?


    While I mentioned my earlier dissatisfaction with how WvW is treated and that the rewards for that mode are terrible, I'd rather honestly play WvW because, for all its faults, the gameplay makes it worth it. IBS can't even do that.

  2. I think Walmart siege would still have a use, and possibly rise in demand/cost if guild siege making was easier. Considering you need 3 Walmart to 1 guild siege, and Walmart siege can be bought with Badges of Tribute as well as getting it from reward tracks, I see it as actually being a good thing for the WvW economy. It'd be an indirect way of making the reward tracks more rewarding. Not to mention, it takes time to level up a guild to the point that you have the upgrades available to make guild siege. Smaller guilds and roamers would still benefit from Walmart and Superior siege if they can't easily obtain guild siege. Not to mention out on the borderlands (idk, say you're at one of the north towers as an attacker), you can just buy Walmart siege from the Portable Provisioner. That's good for people who might not have perms to pull guild siege from the panel as well as those who would lack access due to guild hall level limitations.

  3. It's funny because I remember last link DB had with YB, we had a reset night where we only seemed to have 50 on map with a queue, and DB+YB had over 80... Short of counting every single player we could see, we had no way of proving they had literally more players than what we've heard the map cap is... But yeah sure, DB aren't "allowed" more than 50 on a map lol.


    ETA: We could see 60-65 directly in front of us fighting us (estimated individually by multiple people as best as we could count), then had a scout call for another guild group of 25-30 who flipped Hills while we were all tied up. We saw that group not long afterwards so can confirm there were more people on the map for DB+YB than there "should" have been according to the map cap. I'm not one to call shenanigans normally, but we saw what we saw and no one on voice comms at the time could explain it. Usually I'm of the mindset that there's hidden pugs and guild groups, but we didn't have strays on the map that reset outside of our 2x 25 guild groups other than about 5 roamers, and had people sitting in queue. Sometimes the maths genuinely doesn't add up.

  4. > @"SwankyMutt.9521" said:

    > I am one of two scribes in my guild. We are not a large guild and use guild catas quite frequently (we call them crack catas for a reason) so we can hit objectives fast. Which means I spend quite some time at the device making and queuing siege.


    > I have to agree with some type of rework to the system. We already got the ability to get tactics out of a box, maybe bring back a modified version of resonance. My guildies would be more than happy to do something like this if it meant I didn't complain every time I had to make siege. XD


    Having been one of the scribes in my guild in the past, I feel you so much on this and know the pain that our current scribes go through spending literally hours even making small amounts of siege. Processing is a killer and takes way too much time, even if you have the ability to watch stuff on another screen/tabbed out while you do it. I don't think ANet fully understands that the processing times for the WvW queue are stupidly long and that we already have the siege cost a good amount to make because of Badges of Tribute. The value of those is enough to keep the value of guild siege high if that's what they want, without adding a time factor into its worth.


    I'd love to see the ability to add guild siege to the guild panel like with ascended food at the tavern too, which would be really useful for guilds that aren't max level because they're new or taking a long time to get there. Ditto spirit banners and heroes banners, as well as increasing/abolishing the cap on the number of banners you can store in the consumables panel. If we can have over 1k guild siege ACs in there, why can't we have 50+ heroes banners and the ability for members to deposit those mediocre banners we get from community rewards and the like? I mean, the system is already there for ascended food, much like the ability to modify processing times exists because Resonance was a thing in the past.


    _*pulls hair out in frustration*_

  5. It sucks that you have to wait to get the mount because of transferring, but if your guild knows you don't have it, they should be able to give you [Warclaw's Blessing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw%27s_Blessing) passively while you run with them providing they have the mastery themselves. I know it's not ideal, but it should at least help you stay with the group until you get your mount. In my guild we often pick up new players to the mode and our tags will either stay dismounted or make sure that they're being escorted by other players with Warclaw's Blessing where possible. Personally I'd keep playing WvW so you can rank up with WxP and gain mastery points to spend because oh boy you're going to need them.

  6. When they designed and released scribing, they had a feature called [Resonance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resonance_(resource)), which would reduce processing times. When they decided to remove Resonance, they never reduced the processing times to compensate, so now we have literally no way to speed it up. Because no one at ANet seems to care about WvW or guilds as a system, we have the current torture of siege processing. I know my guild would gladly be sinking gold for Resonance into speeding up the queue. That being said, I'd rather see the queue not be a thing at all but removing it would probably cause a black hole to open in the middle of EBG or some similar crap because spaghetti code. Bringing back Resonance and making it buyable again would just be re-adding an existing feature. Although that might end up deleting everyone's infusions or something, idk.

    Quite honestly, guilds as a whole need a rework, as does scribing to a certain extent.

  7. > @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

    > Whatever person or system that thought up this ET/DH link is on something for sure. Both servers are dead, but guessing ET must be slightly less dead than DH to be the host. I'm assuming this is an automated gaffe, as DH was a host server and 'very high' and ET was a link to BG so of course would also be 'very high'.


    > Now ET will transfer to CD and DH will stop playing for 2 months...


    Looking at the figures for population history, it might not be that bad.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/dHMgza5.png "")



    I know we've had a couple of guilds join us during that period who will be staying on ET, as well as some of us finally being able to get friends/guildies transferring across again now we're not Full and most people are properly back after Christmas breaks. I agree that the pug bandwagon will move on as it always does and our population will drop some, but I didn't hear of any actual guilds that moved to ET during the BG link just to bandwagon. It was a really ill-thought-out move to make ET a host though, I'll give you that. Hopefully we can make the best of it and use it as a chance to grow as a server.

  8. First experience of WvW for me was I think 2016 when a couple of people in my then guild talked me into messing around on Desert BL. None of them really WvWed (they sPvPed more than anything), and I was a complete PvE only noob who'd only been playing about a year. We messed around for about an hour defending a single tower and got friendly with a couple of enemy players who were also new to the mode. Not long after this, I discovered EotM and fell in love with following a tag and slaying in a group and it became my new home. I found k-training boring so I started looking around for a WvW guild so I could learn more than just the basics of staying on tag and running through Guardian symbols for swiftness. I had an offer to join RESO which I declined because I felt I was too scrub and didn't want to let people down, ended up joining a DB PvX guild after seeing a recruitment message saying they did WvW, but the guy who led WvW for the guild back then was a bit of a douche. He decided he was too good to run with us any more and left, then we had a new driver join the guild who I've followed ever since (gone from rank 300 to 3800), including to another server when DB became intolerable for us. It's now been about 4 years of the mode being basically my life in game lol.

  9. > @"Calisanna.8732" said:

    > Lol at the time I was on CD a Medium server with no link up against the 4 link megablob. Was nice outnumber pips everywhere for the week XD


    Tbh as someone who was on DB at the time as part of that link, it was hilariously fun and Team chat was a blast :D



  10. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > Wasn't it last year that they didn't do new links after Thanksgiving (US) until the start of the new year?


    > yeah but they at least announced it. so far i see 3 servers that have not changed in link ups.


    Also wasn't it so that relinks happened on odd numbered months to prevent the same mistake as the year that Yaksguumabrand Crossing was a link? The same matchup that Gaile Grey tried to initially tell us that we shouldn't complain about because we didn't like the link and disregarded us trying to say "No, you dun goofed"?

  11. > @"Zinchmwah.2067" said:

    > OK. Lets talk about taco and my friend, then. Since that seems to be the only thing people can come up with.

    Maybe people keep mentioning it because it fills a lot of what you're claiming you want from the game regarding signposting content.


    > @"Zinchmwah.2067" said:

    > I doubt how taco works on first use with zero instructions or a readme text file and being some crappy UI that I couldn't find an answer for to get properly working has nothing to do with how someone else experiences the game. And trust me. I clicked every thing and nothing happened. Plus I could have been doing something that I wouldn't know what the outcome of because again, zero instructions. A readme file was the first thing I looked for after extracting.


    **"4. The rest of the TacO setup should be self explanatory through enabling/disabling stuff in the TacO menu"**

    If you don't like exploring your options yourself, there are plenty of guides out there a simple Google away:





    > @"Zinchmwah.2067" said:

    >If its been out for yeas then why does it look so ugly?

    Maybe because it's one dude developing it, not as his main job, and assisted by donations that he doesn't require people to make? I mean, could you do any better? In fact, why don't you pop to [boyC's TacO subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/GW2TacO/) and ask him yourself why it's so "ugly"? Personally I don't care how it looks so long as it fulfils the purpose I need it for. Which it does. If anything, I personally prefer a simplistic overlay that's not going to distract from the game itself by constantly drawing my eye to it while I'm playing. There's enough native UI elements that do that already, some of which can't be disabled.


    > @"Zinchmwah.2067" said:

    > Why does it have to be inside the game? Why can't it just be some tool that runs outside the window while attached to the process?

    Because if you're going to tab out to look at something (seeing as not everyone has multiple monitors), [Dulfy](http://dulfy.net/), [GuildJen](https://guildjen.com/) and [Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page) already exist. Some people like to have the information on the screen as they play so they can follow routes or see where things are as they move in game. Like what you're trying to ask for in your main post? TacO is an overlay. It doesn't alter the game client itself if that's what you mean by it being "inside the game". You don't even need to put the files in your GW2 folder.


    Quite honestly I couldn't care less if you use TacO or not; I'm not the developer or getting paid to advertise it. I'm simply trying to expand upon how it could be useful for your new player friend, despite your own grievances with it, which seem largely formed around being unfamiliar with the overlay and not liking the design. If you want to make your own overlay that does what you want it to and looks how you want it to, go right ahead. I'm sure many people would be interested in seeing what it did that TacO doesn't already, and considering you've not really put forward any concrete ideas on what **your** vision of a better content guide would actually be. Failing that, you can always direct all these questions you've asked of me to the creator of the overlay who would be far better placed to answer them than myself.

  12. > @"Zinchmwah.2067" said:

    > Now, before you decide to comment, please consider thinking as if any of the circumstances were to happen to you and that **every one has their own way of reacting and feeling about something.**

    > **People should not be forced to play the game like you. They should enjoy the game how they want** so long as they are not breaking the rules. That is what the game was made for. To be played. No one on Anet is telling you how. So **you shouldn't listen to others on how to play the game**.


    > If you desire and or are seeking guidance, answers a work around and would openly like to accept an idea if something isn't working for you, then that is fully up to you. If you think someone else's idea sounds appealing, don't be afraid to try it. Just remember that you're not being forced. I personally believe in the community and whole fondly believe that someone can help you. If not, there is always sources like YouTube and /wiki (name of object/objective)


    > As for those with the counter opinion, calm your prides. Don't just say no. Provide an idea. Don't just say that "This is how the game is meant to be played and it makes me feel good because I struggled."


    So I read this first, then this...


    > @"Zinchmwah.2067" said:

    >I tried Taco. All it did was show me vendor icons and a JP path. The icons were stupid small and the interface was pretty much garbage to work with. I don't think my new player friend will enjoy it to much **based on my experience.**


    Maybe TacO didn't work for you, but it might work for your new player friend? After all, you've said yourself that people experience the game in different ways and that you shouldn't tell others how to play it. You're willing to reject the experiences of other people because of your own perceptions, but don't seem to realise that what didn't work for you, might work for your new player friend? Also, TacO has a couple of different flavours when it comes to marker packs. [Tekkit's](http://tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download) marker pack has pretty decent sized icons, as does the [ReActif](https://www.heinze.fr/taco/?lang=en) set up. As someone who's used TacO for a few years now, it sounds like your personal experiences of using TacO were because you didn't fully understand how to use it, or that custom markers/trails are available and can be toggled on and off to suit your own preferences. I suggest you let your new player friend find out for themselves what TacO can offer them and whether or not it suits their needs rather than deciding for them.


  13. > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > - Generally, as a team, **we are placing a greater emphasis on repeatable content** (open world events, world bosses, **WvW,** and yes, even Fractals (hint hint)). We want to make the types of content that have a lasting, positive impact on the game, so expect that design approach to focus on that more going forward.


    First thing I did when I opened this thread was Ctrl+F for alliances. Nothing. Ctrl+F WvW. One comparison and this quote. And that's it? Seriously? 2 years since alliances were announced, this is where we're at now? Thanks.



  14. > @"Rio.4259" said:

    > Seems kinda silly for them to invest time into a "joke mount" when they can invest it into something that the vast majority does not think looks like an abomination, like a GOOD LOOKING pegasus, or good looking mount in general...which would make them much more money. But yes, to each their own.



    Alternatively, if they had wanted to make more money off this, could have released it on April 1st. I don't think people would have cared so much then.


  15. I'm not entirely adverse to the linking system seeing as some of the smaller pop servers **really** struggle to field numbers, even with links. Problem is that 8 weeks can be too demoralising when you're stuck with a dead link. 2 weeks or every reset isn't enough time imo to really get acclimatised to the server you're working with or try to improve your server's link situation, so a relink every month seems fairer to me.

  16. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I find it interesting that the tank-raptor and that mess of a "demon" bunny are considered cool and totally acceptable and this is what people object to.


    > 20 years ago that would have been me too. I wouldn't have dared express the slightest interest in anything "cute" or silly but the more creepy and disturbing you could make it the better. I'm not actually sure when I stopped caring and settled on just liking 'weird' things of all stripes, I don't think I really noticed until GW2 came out and I realised I absolutely would use a bow which shoots unicorns because it's so rediculous.


    "Cute" is fine. "Silly" is fine. "Ridiculous" is fine (I have 2x Dreamers and love my Rainbow Unicorn finisher). This is just hideous.

  17. I decided to wait 24 hours before giving my feedback to give ANet a chance to acknowledge/fix any bugs with the templates and one patch in, I have to say that so far I'm incredibly disappointed.


    I've been a massive Guild Wars fan since I picked up the first game almost 10 years ago, racked up over 12k hours across both games and honestly lost count of how much I've spent on both games, books and supported projects like the Tyrian Tarot. While I've wanted official build templates since I started GW2, I was willing to patiently wait for them to release instead of using ArcDPS. When I finally heard that they were coming, I had my misgivings due to the direction that monetisation of the game has been taking. "But hey," some guildies tried to reassure me, "maybe it won't be as bad as you think. Wait until they release pricing details." I wasn't happy with the limitation on how many build storage slots could be accessed from the get-go, but I still held onto the hope that they wouldn't be as overpriced as I thought they would be. Oh boy, should have listened to my gut instincts.


    Given how much I've spent on the game up to this point, build templates are somewhat optional for me as I have plenty of characters to swap between, but that doesn't mean I agree with how aggressively monetised this feature is, and I can honestly say that I will not give anything further to a company who has become increasingly predatory with its practices. The cost of fully fleshing out 9 characters (one of each profession) with templates is honestly obscene and I no longer feel inclined to support a company that's going to nickel and dime their player base to such an extent over something that a) should have been in the game from the beginning and b) should have been free or at most bundled into an expansion. Oh wait, I forgot expansions seemingly aren't going to be a thing any more.


    But it's not just about the money. I've sat reading the issues that players have been having (upgrades removing themselves, loss of automatic build swaps between modes, legendary gear not being integrated properly, issues with duping, autosaving of builds when tinkering with them, the list goes on) after this system has apparently been 2 years in the works. I've seen that the previous feedback about this system has been ignored. I've seen the issues raised in the WvW forum about how the mode is possibly going to turn into whoever has the most build/equip slots wins - namely because there's been no communication as to whether players are really supposed to be able to swap OOC anywhere on the borderlands after assurance in the past that this would not be the case. If it's a bug, it's a massive oversight and hasn't been addressed within 24 hours of the system going live so I am left to assume (as much as I hate to do so) that this is a feature. As it stands, being able to completely swap your build anywhere with two button presses along with utility cooldowns resetting upon build swap is beyond broken and leaves room for tremendous exploitation in WvW as people are already discussing. If those are intended features of the mode going forwards with these new templates, it's going to swiftly go down the path of literal pay to win which will drive people away from WvW more so than the lack of updates and the perpetual wait for alliances, as well as alienating newer players to both the game and the mode.


    None of it's a good look and while I've been largely supportive of ANet's decisions in the past, this is where I draw the line. After many other disappointments with the game, this has been the thing to finally cause me to lose faith in the studio I've loved for so long because I get the distinct impression that the feedback from this thread will go where all previous feedback has gone - straight over ANet's heads and into the bin. But hey, at least I know I tried to have my say.

  18. DRI seem to be having issues of late. I've currently got a ticket open with Support over a payment that threw up an error putting the money into a Visa Reserve for DRI to take, but no gems were received and there was no receipt given. A purchase for a smaller amount of gems went through with no issue about 10 minutes later though. Apart from one rude GM, my ticket's been handled very well by Support and I'm hoping there's a resolution in the next couple of days. All I want is either the gems I've been billed for or the money back so I can attempt the purchase again!

    So no, it's not just you. DRI are being screwy lately.

  19. I don't use Arc and it happens whether or not I have TacO running, alt-tabbing has never fixed the problem for me either; it's had to be a full client restart every time. No clue about the guys in this thread though: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28266/mouse-cursor-suddenly-visible-while-moving-camera-with-it](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28266/mouse-cursor-suddenly-visible-while-moving-camera-with-it "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28266/mouse-cursor-suddenly-visible-while-moving-camera-with-it")

  20. As a co-leader of one PvX guild and a WvW squad member of another, I can't say I'm looking forward to having to choose which I have as my WvW guild. While I get the whole alliance aspect, I don't feel that the guild I co-lead would find a place in one due to how we're still in the early stages of developing a WvW group. Even if there was a guild made specifically for WvWing that I could join and invite those from the guild I co-lead, we then run into the problem of insufficient guild slots. Overall I'm supportive of the proposed changes, but making people pick and choose between which friends they play with leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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