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Posts posted by KhainPride.3987

  1. my hammer skills seem to hit better than gunflame LMAO overall.


    I was thinking of the same changes. But then I thought that anet wants beserk mode to be aggressive.


    So...how about something more than relying on RNG gs arc divider(enemy dodges at right time, none of the 3 hits will touch them LMAO)


    Right now its not a good 1v1 spec nor a roaming unless no one focus you. In zergs this berserker mode is shining honestly. Im switching all my SB back into berserker before we get nerfed.


    The 20% dmg modifier needs to be split. 10% baseline and 20% while in berserker mode

    also grant fury boon upon entry


    the major condi trait(fire thing), needs to have like 7%/14% split in additional condition damage.

    right now it doesnt add any dmg


    eternal champion should be +450 thoughness (meaning we will actually have +150 thoughness)

    also eternal champion needs stability on enter(3 stacks, 3 seconds duration)

    bring back pulsing stab(1 stack 3 second duration, every 3 second)


    Also we need pulsing boons every 3 seconds:





    on entry:



    stability(1 stack, 3s)


    **All rage skills should provide adrenaline when not in berserker mode**

    when in berserker mode, no adrenaline but extend duration


  2. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > I don't understand why so many people are disappointed with the berserker changes.


    > After a few hours of quing + 1v1s, the spec seems incredibly strong.


    > 1. I'm consistently doing 30-40% of my team's damage and healing per match.

    > 2. I can facetank 2-3 people with the amount of stunbreaks/raw stats/stability warrior has access to.

    > 3. The new gs f1 is completely shredding through everyone's health.

    > 4. I can essentially run at someone nonstop while attacking.


    lmao, i went to pvp after 2 years. I went into that arena(free for all) in heart of mists.


    I just realized how nerfed it is compared to wvw/pve. (like defy pain/last stand cool downs).


    I put on berserker amulet, scholar rune. my normal spec in wvw..no matter gvg/wvw open/blobfest.


    Without defy pain/last stand, I last so long and easily in PVP. I was in the free for all, for perhaps 4~ hours or longer.

    Its like, you dont even need defense traitline anymore in Pvp.

    **The balance must be strong. **


    In Wvw, its a different situation. I do less damage overall and only the GS skill burst does the damage. When im not in berserker mode, I am doing way less damage than before the patch.

  3. beserker mode needs this:


    stab on entry(bring it back for eternal champion)

    2 condi clrs(bring it back for savage instinct)


    grant Fury on entry


    take out the berserker cooldown when you leave the berserker mode. Or atleast give it the same cool down as other burst skills.


  4. When i first head of the changes, i was very excited.


    We lose 300 thoughness

    We lose condi clears

    We lose stab on entry

    We lose normal burst skills


    WE have to wait for full berserker CD before we can re-engage it

    **all for the increase in power???**


    Nope, not really. **I do way less damage now. **


    The only nice burst we have now is the new greatsword spin 2 win arcing divider.


    Before this build patched, I was playing top top bottom berserker warrior.

    My auto attack, skill 2 and 3 did more DPS with axe without going into berserker mode and my whirlwind/gs2


    now I do very little dmg as if im playing spell breaker.


    going into berserker mode now, it seems its at the same level in terms of damage as before the patch(using 20% dmg modifier as well and the fun part was, i didnt even need the % modifier in previous patch)


    **This seems like very hard to UNFIX**. So we wont get any changes thanks to the history of the devs. Back to core warrior it is

  5. with warclaw you can bait out enemies skills and tank damage


    then dismount to finish


    and if your like me without PoF


    dont engage or even bother chasing it, you cant cc it or even walk or kite to it(im a warrior)


    you have to play defensively, might have 2 play ranged


    when enemy mount is dead, they still retain their full skill/hp




    if your fighting a class that has superior mobility that can on will go out of combat, they can remount and your F**kED

  6. banner elite skill should get CD reduction from 180s to 150s

    cast time from 2s to 1.5s

    instant pick up is nice

    if you die and you forgot to pick up the banner, you will lose the cd reduction because banner is no more


    in 1v2 in wvw it kinda sucks if AND ONLY if their friend doesnt instantly try to go for the res.

    in blobs it will suck because skill lag

    in gvg this will be very good I believe

  7. lmao some warrior with this skill ran into a group


    i saw him pop his elite, bubble went up. 1 second later he had to cancel it to kite away ROFL noob


    banner is nice, could see a overall cd reduction from 180sec to 150sec and cast time reduced from 2s to 1.5s


    i just had bunch of 1v3, 1v2 and even in 1v2...people can res their downed friend faster than dropping banner


    banner will be useless in blob fights, perhaps even in zerg fights unless your intention is to revive your friends

    because of skill lag + long cast time


    good for gvg, roaming with a friend or 2

  8. I dont know bro, I dont care about surviving. I been running full zerk scholar forever! I jump in zergs..its all about the dodge, whirlwind and now the new bulls charge which is amazing for its evade + the 10% dmg bonus you get from using bulls charge


    Yeah, rifle is okay. Killshot can see a boost in damage though. Yes, the other day i got 26k kill shot, on average my level 3 KS hits around 16k~22k. I got 15k whirlwind against heavy class other night. Last night fighting against blackgate, i got 30k 100b on an downed tempest ele(whatever the new class is called..pardon me).


    Bring back pierce on auto attack for pressure damage against multiple enemies and gain of adrenaline.


    Why the 1800 range?, well why not? first off all at that range, your pretty much sure you will be out of combat. Atleast we can have a chance at shooting someone down with KS who tries to teleport/leap/run to-out of combat. its not the range that matters here, its the bullet traveling which seems very slow and not instant. Shouldnt it be instant? The bullet travels so slow, so give it more range so people cant walk away from it.


    What I meant to say is, if ANET can allow spellbreaker to deal only Level 3 burst damage or at the very least a a level 2 burst damage. Then I can see myself buying PoF to try it out. Till then, im not switching for a weak output damaging class..it seems more like a support class with nice cc,boonstrip etc.



    Adrenaline is only important for adrenal stacks, berserker power stacks. Not for damage. I would like to see a damage comeback because at this point of life, only Killshot seems viable and motivational enough to get the 3 bars of adrenal to use a burst skill.


    Eviscerate?? lmao..only use it for adrenal health/beserker power.(and leap through stealth field, water fields etc and running away/juking people) Damage is weak.

    hammer?? nice leap + blast(good for escapes + healing or for chasing zergs)...but lmao @ damage and cc in this meta

    Longbow?? doesnt seem viable in big group fights unless you have signet of might..reflects op

    mace?? i think this is very good right now because maybe people dont expect to be stunned or dazed + the block. I got 9k burst on vanilla last night, 6k(3rd chain auto) and what not; Its great with paired quickness trait.

    sword?? something is off, i cant put a name to it. It seems okay but something is off by using flurry burst. Sometimes i dont get adrenal stacks.


    Seems like axe 3 is the new finishing move/eviscerate. long range instant 5k-10k on low health enemies.


    these numbers i put out, its not easy to live like this. You have to play very glassy and give up a lot of sustain but I seem to do well against the average WvW'er which counts :disappointed: , it doesnt matter in blobs, because no one is out there to focus you unless you do get just..focused haha.


    oh and what happened to healing signet.. It seems so useless now. I use the new defiant stance heal now. It seems it has gotten buffed to last longer. Great skill for offensive position

  9. Rifle:

    Bring piercing back on auto attack

    lower cast time for killshot to about 1 second

    increase range of killshot to 1800


    Unblockable F1 burst skill



    Faster auto attack, why? im a bloody warrior with lots of strength. Were not using heavy arrows, if we were then it would do a lot of damage??

    Vanilla elite skill:

    Reduce cool down to 40 seconds for Signet of Rage


    New upcoming elite for vanilla warrior(banner):

    Battle standard cool down should be reduced to 120 seconds


    new spellbreaker:

    I dont have spellbreaker but from what i see is:


    Why do you treat the normal burst skills as level 1?** Bring it up to level 3 for the bonus damage. **You dont have to programatically increase adrenaline/berserker power stacks, you can easily impose the limit on that.


    perhaps maybe then I can actually feel motivated to unlock this fine beast. As of now, i am doing okay as using vanilla warrior. Why waste money on junk.


    we have thieves jumping up and down spamming 15k damage in WvW and they have easy access to their own killshot variant


    **As a warrior, we have to focus on getting adrenaline up and rising. Why? so we can utilize burst skills which can help us clear conditions, do more damage and have pressure. **


    I have about 6k hours and 95% of those hours have been on warrior.. I know probably not enough to merit a simple opinion of mine

    Been playing since beta with a lot of breaks in between

    I usually and mostly play WvW






    if you put level 3 burst damage into Spellbreaker, it will motivate me and others to buy PoF

  10. hey long timer here


    I just came back from a long break. Something is very very wrong with beserker, something is off about the way the adrenaline and berserker cooldowns are managed.


    Rifle should get back pierce on auto and sustain its adrenaline bonus on hit. To build up our adrenaline.


    Make killshot unblockable or reduce cast time a bit or movement while killshotting so enemy doesnt kite away while we kneel and pray the enemy doesnt go out of combat


    Make longbow F1 and skill 3 unblockable, i guess remove adrenal health/beserker power bonus when it hits no one


    Flurry doesnt grand adrenal health bonus on burst in WvW. So flurry is not considered a burst skill anymore, what game have i come back to.


    For this new meta I have been witnessing, Signet of Rage should have reduced cool down(40 seconds).


    Rampage is actually fun, probably be nerfed I guess


    Can we get back, 10% dmg modifier when not full endurance? make warrior skillful again :disappointed:


    Perhaps, let Beserker power proc before hitting while using burst skill like in old days, so our burst skills can get added benefit of the % dmg.


    give Hammer F1, unblockable, reduce cast time on skills 4 and 5 by a tiny bit



    Balanced stance, the stab should give about 2 seconds and not 1 s and reduce CD to 30 s

    Berserker stance, pulse resistance for 2 seconds and not 1 s


    this way we can maintain and up front warrior bruiser type...were supposed to be in the front lines right

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