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Posts posted by Zoe.8310

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Zoe.8310" said:

    > > This achievement is a NIGHTMARE solo....

    > >

    > > They _really_ should make required achievements soloable :-\

    > >

    > > And targeting the weakpoints is horrible. None of the targeting hotkeys work on him, and trying to manually click within that tiny window of time is just ridiculous


    > It is soloable.


    Thanks for the curt reply... I didn't say it was _impossible_, I said it's a bloody **nightmare**



    > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > I've tried it for the eleventh time. Still not able to do it. Even with a player boosting me. I'm not a reptile. And the fact that each wound isn't breaking after 3 shots is annoying, I don't have thunderbolts reflexes and I struggle with targeting. Even targeted skills. Have to click then reclick where I want to shoot even when it's set on automatic in my case, now imagine a very fast flight near a dragon where I need to reclick in every beige target to turn them red before clicking skill 1 to shoot. I miss half of targets. What is the most annoying is that for dragonfall mastery, that is the only achievements left.


    > go in with a full group?


    I tried in LFG to find _just one_ person, and after an hour of waiting, I gave up.


    I really hate this achievement :s

  2. > @"Rayti.6531" said:

    > There are people who have completed the achievement successfully - it's definitely doable. But I agree that Aurene can be very annoying in that instance and being able to call her back would help a lot.


    > Once you know what to do, however, she's not that big an issue.


    > What you can do is pick a crystal you want to charge and position yourself in a spot closeby (but outside the charging range of the crystal). Aurene will kill one or two mobs but should still follow you. Kite the mobs and Aurene outside the charging range of the crystal and then kill the mobs there.


    > At this point, the crystal might have 1 or 2 charges from random kills by Aurene on her way to you -that's fine. Now charge the crystal up to half the charge bar by throwing Branded Shards (dropped by normal Branded mobs) onto it (while still standing ouside the charge range). Reaching half the charge triggers the Veteran to spawn.


    > **Option 1:** Make sure to kill everything but the Veteran and then quickly move inside the crystal charge range with the Vet and burst it down there. Now you can charge up the rest with normal mobs.


    > **Option 2:** If you have problems bursting down the Veteran before the next mob spawn, you can try leaving one of the normal mobs alive. That might delay the next mob spawn (not sure about it but seemed like it), but you risk that Aurene kills the mob on her own inside the crystal charge range, so I would only do that if your crystal is really only half full so that one mob can't charge it to full before you kill the Vet.


    > Repeat the above for all crystals.


    > Once you have charged one crystal it gets easier, since you have more room to kite the mobs away from the remaining crystals.


    > I hope this helps - at least that's how I got the achievement on my Weaver (Sw/F Condi at that time, so not much single target to work with either).


    > **EDIT:**

    > Forgot to mention that throwing Branded Shards at Branded mobs pulls them, which can be used for a bit of mob control - just be careful not to accidentally charge a crystal more than you intended to by using the Shards close to a crystal.


    Using your advice, I got it my first attempt on my Mesmer (Chrono) using Greatsword and Focus. I pull all the mobs away with my Focus, use the shards to power the crystal, then range the Veteran with my Greatsword, and when he was down to 15%, I would push him with Greatsword skill 5, and then shatter all my clones on him to kill him.

  3. For a long time I have set my Profession Skills to be:

    * Shift + Numpad 1

    * Shift + Numpad 2

    * Shift + Numpad 3

    * Shift + Numpad 4

    * Shift + Numpad 5


    And I have been using a Logitech G600 with the thumb buttons being the Numpad Keys. Within the last patch or two, these keybinds no longer function. I have this issue on two distinct computers, both computers have their own G600 mouse.


    When I try to re-create the keybind to these Shift+Numpad pairs, the UI wigs out. However, I can create CTRL+Numpad keybinds just fine.



  4. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Zoe.8310" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > @"Zoe.8310" said:

    > > > > >> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > Legendary Weapons can be done in a couple minutes if you have most of the materials ready, which, given that recipes vary very little nowadays is not hard to do. Others can be bought straight out of the TP.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, two things about your comment....

    > >

    > > You comment(s) and also IndigoSundown's comment(s):

    > >

    > > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > > > There's a flaw in the OP's argument. If a prestige item is reskinned, then why would other players _bother_ to inspect? Are we to believe that people are going to go about inspecting everyone at random and then oohing and ahhing that some cultural weapon is really a Legendary? I could _maybe_ see it if the reskin is another very rare skin. That would make it a prestige item on its own merits.

    > > >

    > > > The thing about prestige is that it's in peoples' minds. Sure, the OP says that he believes possessing such an item confers prestige. It's in his head -- and that's all well and good. Whether it's in the heads of others who see his character is another matter. Then again, I guess I'm one of those who don't give a rat's kitten about what others' characters are wearing beyond mild curiosity if a particular skin looks inviting, or whether someone looks at what I have on my characters.

    > >

    > >

    > > Both of you are indeed providing (somewhat) constructive criticism. Both of you are poking holes in my suggestion, but not providing any better alternative.

    > There's no alternative to provide, since we don't believe there is a problem. Again, the problem is personal to you.


    > > I'm not 100% married to Gear Inspection as a 1-stop Fix-All for the issue I am describing, and I would be open to other suggestions. If you can think of another way to encourage prestige and also encourage skinning (since skins are mostly the only rewards end-game), then I would love to hear ideas.

    > >

    > Dude, the game is nicknamed FashionWars 2 for a reason, there's no need to encourage skinning, since everyone already does it extensively, and some times ridiculously.


    > > Maybe there is a Fashion Score on your setup. Maybe there is a "score" you get for how rare an item is. Maybe other players can "up-vote" or "thumbs-up" you cosmetic appearance, thus incentivizing well planned aesthetics and also incentivizing _doing_ the gear inspection.

    > >

    > Again, no incentives needed.


    > > I really am trying to assist ANet by brainstorming ideas how to solve an issue they created where people may, or may not, care about new rewards because they already have a cosmetic look they like, or they are _very hesitant_ to re-skin something that is more valuable with something that is a lot easier to get, even though they might want the look.

    > >

    > That will be a minority issue. True, my ranger does look pretty much the same since 2013-2014. But that's because i like the look, and don't need to change, but then, besides the ranger i have 8 other characters, and when i do change from bows to staff and druid, i do have separate healing power gear that is skin to match the druid theme.


    > > Afterall, we are still human, and the desire to be prestigious is very strong in a multiplayer environment. Other games drive that prestige with power-creep and "bigger numbers" in combat; and since GW2 is not about _those_ kinds of numbers, we need to think outside the box about a _different kind of "number"_ that people can be proud about.

    > >

    > Like i said, there's a lot of "true" prestige items, like auras, legendary armor, etc.


    > > If people lose pride in their characters or their gear or w/e, their engagement in the product will decrease. Less player engagement means less revenue. Less revenue means less new content for us ALL.

    > >

    > If they lose pride, then, that's their personal problem. Arena Net can't be around consoling every player and tweaking the game at each individual's whim. The game has been called fashionwars for 6 years now, and suddenly you decide there's a problem and people don't do fashion enough. That simply reveals either a total detachment from the game's reality and community, or simply lack of knowledge about what you're talking about.


    > > While you may _personally_ not care about this, trust that there are many who do. And it's in the best interest of us _all_ to drive player engagement as high as possible, because we all benefit the larger and more engaged the community is.

    > >

    > No there isn't. Again, most people do transmute skins, the whole end-game of GW2 is about cosmetics, and people play it like that.


    > > @"Zoe.8310" said:

    > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > > Simple, it will lead to discrimination, just like WoW

    > >

    > > The rest of your paragraph kinda contradicts this. Basically, you continue to say that there is already discrimination. There already is people asking for pings of gear or KP. If people want to discriminate, they are going to find a way.

    > >

    > > What I am looking to foster is a feature that allows more personal pride and prestige in all the effort of things we have worked so hard to acquire over all these months ... years... etc.

    > >

    > Except it doesn't foster either pride or prestige. Not to mention, what's the prestige in using a store-bought skin? There's no such a thing as prestige in GW2, outside of owning some extremely hard to get or rare items (which i've mentioned before).




    Okay, how about this for a crazy idea. Since it seems like I am in the minority that doesn't want to reskin a Legendary, what if they made transmuting Legendaries free? Just like stat swapping is free, and rune swapping is free, and sigil swapping is free.....




    Good compromise?


  5. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > Simple, it will lead to discrimination, just like WoW


    The rest of your paragraph kinda contradicts this. Basically, you continue to say that there is already discrimination. There already is people asking for pings of gear or KP. If people want to discriminate, they are going to find a way.


    What I am looking to foster is a feature that allows more personal pride and prestige in all the effort of things we have worked so hard to acquire over all these months ... years... etc.


  6. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Zoe.8310" said:

    > > >> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > Legendary Weapons can be done in a couple minutes if you have most of the materials ready, which, given that recipes vary very little nowadays is not hard to do. Others can be bought straight out of the TP.

    > >

    > >

    > > Also, two things about your comment....


    You comment(s) and also IndigoSundown's comment(s):


    > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > There's a flaw in the OP's argument. If a prestige item is reskinned, then why would other players _bother_ to inspect? Are we to believe that people are going to go about inspecting everyone at random and then oohing and ahhing that some cultural weapon is really a Legendary? I could _maybe_ see it if the reskin is another very rare skin. That would make it a prestige item on its own merits.


    > The thing about prestige is that it's in peoples' minds. Sure, the OP says that he believes possessing such an item confers prestige. It's in his head -- and that's all well and good. Whether it's in the heads of others who see his character is another matter. Then again, I guess I'm one of those who don't give a rat's kitten about what others' characters are wearing beyond mild curiosity if a particular skin looks inviting, or whether someone looks at what I have on my characters.



    Both of you are indeed providing (somewhat) constructive criticism. Both of you are poking holes in my suggestion, but not providing any better alternative. I'm not 100% married to Gear Inspection as a 1-stop Fix-All for the issue I am describing, and I would be open to other suggestions. If you can think of another way to encourage prestige and also encourage skinning (since skins are mostly the only rewards end-game), then I would love to hear ideas.


    Maybe there is a Fashion Score on your setup. Maybe there is a "score" you get for how rare an item is. Maybe other players can "up-vote" or "thumbs-up" you cosmetic appearance, thus incentivizing well planned aesthetics and also incentivizing _doing_ the gear inspection.


    I really am trying to assist ANet by brainstorming ideas how to solve an issue they created where people may, or may not, care about new rewards because they already have a cosmetic look they like, or they are _very hesitant_ to re-skin something that is more valuable with something that is a lot easier to get, even though they might want the look.


    Afterall, we are still human, and the desire to be prestigious is very strong in a multiplayer environment. Other games drive that prestige with power-creep and "bigger numbers" in combat; and since GW2 is not about _those_ kinds of numbers, we need to think outside the box about a _different kind of "number"_ that people can be proud about.


    If people lose pride in their characters or their gear or w/e, their engagement in the product will decrease. Less player engagement means less revenue. Less revenue means less new content for us ALL.


    While you may _personally_ not care about this, trust that there are many who do. And it's in the best interest of us _all_ to drive player engagement as high as possible, because we all benefit the larger and more engaged the community is.



  7. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    >Legendary Weapons can be done in a couple minutes if you have most of the materials ready, which, given that recipes vary very little nowadays is not hard to do. Others can be bought straight out of the TP.



    That is only true if you completely ignore how long it took to acquire and stockpile enough Gold and Materials to do that. Not to mention the all the other things you need to acquire over time.


    Sure, as a SUPER Veteran account, it's very doable in a short time. But, if you had a brand spakin' new account, and only one account, try and remember how long it would take to acquire allllll of that stuff to make and create or buy.



  8. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > Tho you are bound to get ppl going "Reeeee ppl will be able to inspect my green lvl 56 gear in raids reeeee" :p


    With things like ArcDPS, that argument won't hold any water. People will find out after 1-2 pulls that you are under geared. Plus, people are *_already_* asking for Kill Proof (KP), so once again, that counter argument will hold no water.


    Even in Fractals it won't hold water, because the UI *_already_* shows your Agony Resist (AR) to other players.


  9. Since there is very little gear progression, thus very little power progression in Guild Wars 2, most of us are aware that rewards and progression is really just based on either Achievement Points or on Fashion skins.


    Now, there are some prestigious items you can earn, particularly Ascended and Legendary items, and the pride of earning those is only expressible via their skin. I'm not sure about the rest of ya'll, but sporting the same skin for years gets pretty boring. But re-skinning a Legendary destroys the prestige and personal accomplishment of earning the darn thing.


    However, if there were Gear Inspection, you could still see / show that your items are of Legendary / Ascended quality. And if people were able to see that my items were still Legendary, I would be waaaaaay more willing to re-skin them.


    And if I was more willing to re-skin them, I would go after more rewards in game. I would go after Black Lion Tickets and get those skins. I would buy Outfits from the Gem Store. Etc. Etc.


    But, as it stands now, I have no incentive to re-skin valuable items I have spent HOURS earning



    * Gear Inspection => Keep Prestige

    * Kept Prestige => Re-Skinning

    * Re-Skinning => Higher Player Engagement

    * Higher Engagement => More ANet Revenue

    * More ANet Revenue => More Content for Everyone!

  10. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Zoe.8310" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > There's a limit on storage capacity for Materials. You can use the search function to read more about that (or check the archived forum).

    > >

    > > Oh, I am aware of that. My limit is 2,000 ;-)

    > >

    > > I'm referring to stuff like the flowers you grow in your garden that don't go into material storage. Stuff like that.


    > And thats the limit Inculpatus cedo.9234 pointed to they cant put in everything into the material storage since there is a upper limit of items that it can store.


    No, I am not talking about the _number _of items stored, I am talking about the _types_. There are items that are used for crafting or cooking that do not go into storage at all. Not even one of them.

  11. I'd be happy if the "Feature" release was a general consistency pass on the game. There are soooooo many systems in the game you can tell were made by different people without any sort of global Game Designer/Director making it consistent with other very similar systems.


    i.e. :

    * Some chests open instantly, some have an animation

    * Some transformation exit with hotkey 5, some 6, some with 10

    * Some ground targets are considered rings (and are hidden with the Options Menu toggle) some are not

    * Some Mesmer clones are on keybind 4 some on 5

    * Some skills are 10 target, some are 5 (with or without mode-split)

    * Some world bosses are "Champions" or "Legendary" while others have proper World Boss nameplates

    * Some Champions are actually tougher than a Legendary mob

    * Sometimes map portals instantly transfer you, sometimes you press F

    * Some crafting materials stack, some don't

    * Some crafting materials go into storage, some don't

    * Sometimes when you are "Fixated," or Tanking, or Focused-on, you have an icon over your head, sometimes you don't

    * Some ground effects are solid orange circles/shapes, some are hard-to-see rings (just a circle, nothing filled in)

    * etc

    * etc


    What are other things you all have notice that is super inconsistent from mode to mode, dungeon to fractal, map to map, raid to raid?

  12. > @"Ansau.7326" said:

    > Because Veil has a cap limit.

    > Because you need to trait Portal to be used by more than 5 people.

    > Because you need to trait Time Wrap so it affects 10 people.

    > Because you need to trait Mass Invisibility so it affects 10 people.

    > Because Mesmer is the only profession requiring a Grand Master trait to have support to 10 people. Renegades have base 10 people Alacrity and Heralds have base 10 people Facets.

    > Because this is the first time Anet puts 10 people cap in support skills by default, Warrior banners and Ranger Spirits affect 10 people since ever.


    > Because it is easier to come to the forum to cry instead of getting the whole picture and the facts right.


    I am not just "coming to cry" -- I am pointing out that the more inconsistent a game is, the muddier it is to play, to learn, to watch, etc.

    When mechanics are clean and consistent, every facet of enjoyment goes up. People work together better. People enjoy systems better. People are more willing to branch out to other roles.


    When you clutter everything with edge cases , exceptions, and excessive permutations, you stifle people's desire to master the full meta because it's too arduous to memorize all these one-off things they flood you with.

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