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Posts posted by Kabansky.9160

  1. Thank you for making me feel like I've done something wrong by not spending 2 minutes to log into a broken game. Really glad for the people who did and got compensated with a free 1200 gem item. Maybe I'll even get a free bonfire later if I'm lucky enough, not that I expected any compensation in the first place.

    Off to Sorrow's Furnace in GW1 now, hopefully it'll be taken by the end of the day.

  2. Mosa's entry is replaced with a duplicate of a different one, some are missing text after the "keep reading" button, some just close automatically when you try to read them.


    I understand it's not gamebreaking or anything, but hey, if you've wasted your development time on making the book in the first place then you might as well spend an extra half an hour to add the missing lines somewhere between the episodes. Right now it feels like they don't even care (which is probably the case anyway) so if it's not fixed before ep6 it's most likely never fixed at all.

  3. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > Are you doing any other events with that character? If you leave a character on one of the maps and that is the only event you do then you will run into that issue. It is the same for all events in the game.


    That can't be the case since I have a dedicated daily wyvern slayer parked in VB and not once had a similar issue in 2 years or so.

  4. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > I insist folks: as long as the sigils remain at the 9 to 12G boundary, alt-farmers will keep supplying them. When crazy ppl ready to pay all that much are done, and the prices start to go down, no alt-farmer will bother, and ppl that weren't ready to pay those prices, but still want to get the armor, will have to start playing 25 alts to lvl 64.


    Doesn't that scream bad design on Anet's part though?

  5. > @"Nina.5706" said:

    > Probably bit late to comment. I also have this problem. It has happened quite a few times, and it is starting to annoy me a lot. I only do the event for the mystic coin and when I don't get participation for it, it feels like a lot of time wasted. I don't leech, I do the event as fully as I can and do my best in it. Not getting rewards sucks a lot.


    I've been doing it on my main ever since. Hasn't bugged once, excluding Unstable Magics not spawning occasionally after the fight. Might have something to do with the Shadowstone quest(?) chain which I don't have completed on my other characters.


    I've also encountered the very same issue on random other boss events like the Forged Demolisher in the Desolation (Maws of Torment meta).

  6. > @"Jijimuge.4675" said:

    > Had the same problem, but managed to do it (after several tries). What worked for me was to kill everything from long range, ensuring that Tonn's trigger to destroy the tower only happened after every mob (krait and undead) was dead. I cleared as much as I could before triggering the "clear the beach of the unded" then ran back and killed everything before letting Tonn head over to the tower and blow it up. I *think* the issue may be that if Tonn gets into combat after having destroyed the tower, it changes his status in some way.


    I can more or less confirm this. Not letting Tonn get into combat after blowing the last tower up seems to be what fixed it for me. Just clear everything, trigger the tower, then run back and shoot the last spawn from max range.

  7. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > Most of this thread is Russian to me, but can it be that the Russian government is limiting your internet access? They have had some plans to do so to block services like Google, Amazon and Telegram in your country.


    That's pretty much the case, only it was all about Telegram, and Google and Amazon are simply collateral damage. The hilarious part is that Telegram still works just fine.

  8. > @"Omatsuri.4250" said:

    > ну так все IP серверов авторизации гв2 находятся в блок-листе https://blocklist.rkn.gov.ru уже как несколько дней. Т.е. они официально должны быть заблокированы на территории РФ.


    И всё бы ничего, только датой везде стоит 2015 год...


  9. It will likely be fixed by tomorrow (oh, the backlash... what a shitfest it's gonna be when people wake up and find out half the internet's been blocked overnight) but a long term fix on Anet side would be like, REALLY helpful, if possible in the first place. Either way, don't give up on russian community just yet. We're not quite as easy to get rid of ;)

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