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Posts posted by JohnRambo.1690

  1. > Im still seeing a lot of videos where at least half the time power rev is the top DPS in a zerg vs zerg. the other 50% of the time is scourge necros.


    > Idk how good hammer was before but its clearly still strong as hell for wvw


    Yep, hammer rev is still a must have in WvW and is much better than his Condi version in every aspects, except hard CC's.

    I mean, i've been trying really hard to make Condi rev/ren great again after the big balance update but it felt underwhelming in the end.

    It works ok as a roaming spec i guess but will suffer the same problems as every other condi specs : too much condi damage mitigation atm,

    wish is rampant when fighting large squads.


    Btw seems like hammer rev is meta again :)






    > Come on, be real: between the protection uptime in the enemy team from their Jalis Revs, and the notion that support Firebrands after the healing nerfs are shoehorned to run Honor (which means that they are constantly erupting aegis) plus the low damage values current hammer (even running a glass cannon build) the chances of a good balanced guild having problems vs a zerg based mostly in Rev's hammers is really low. Any decent team will endure closing the 1200 unit gap and once in cqc then will slaughter those hammer yolos in matter of seconds...


    Well if your necros and spellbreakers can't strip out these aegis that's another L2P issue....

    Also why the hell would revs always stay on hammer ? When u go melee just switch to 2 x swords + jalis and enjoy the damages + sustain.

    If you are constantly using hammer as a rev nowadays, then you are doing it wrong. (at least for WvW zerg fights)




  3. > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

    > For anyone needing support spellbreaker build, heres a up to date one:


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEwEmosAGG7iJxOxRfa9tB-zVIYf0xXI9kCBFBpWAqeJCwe4t43mF-w


    > Clerics stats is mainly there cause of "Vigorous shouts" traitline which converts power into healing power (250 extra more healing stats added cause of that). When you have might stacks from either allies or from your "For great justice" skill, you also get that conversion applied into healing power.


    Nope, u don't get extra healing power from might stacks.



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