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Posts posted by kappa.2036

  1. > @"Za Shaloc.3908" said:

    > A similar thread was created back when the big balance patch hit earlier this year, but since quite a bit of time has passed, I figured I'd start a topic on this again.


    > For anybody who has been running support Druid in WvW, what have your experiences been like? I took about a 4 month break from the game but since coming back I have been playing Druid a lot. So far it has been a mixed bag for me and I don't feel like my opinions on it have changed too much:


    > * Celestial Force is totally trivialized in some fights (siege-heavy ones especially), but a struggle in others. I have found the best way for me to optimize my Celestial Force gain is to try to maximize allied regen uptime. Sometimes though, there just isn't enough required healing and I can't get CA back up for when I really need it. To try to remedy this, I will at times refrain from even going into CA despite my team needing a certain degree of support, which feels really bad. Also sucks to be desperately autoing with staff to try to get CA back up while your team wipes.


    > * Seed of Life cleansing 3 conditions is nice and honestly kinda nuts when you can maximize its value, but it still suffers the same issues of being a small radius with a delay. I can spike to the top of the cleanse meter at times, but in the long run, I can't really compete with the effortless cleansing of Scrapper/Tempest.


    > * Glyph of the Stars is still my favorite skill in the game, hands down. CA version gained a lot of value ever since Warclaw stomping was removed, but with all the Burn Guards running around, it makes it harder to always get value from since CA GotS doesn't stop condi damage. Still though, the skill just feels amazing when you use it at a good time, both in and out of CA. Not sure which version I like better.


    > * Support outside of CA still feels bad. Staff is my biggest pain point with support Druid, especially Staff 2. I don't think I really need to say much on this matter.


    > * I would love a buff or rework to Invigorating Bond. It feels horrible to have a GM trait that has absolutely no scaling attached to it, and no other secondary function. Feels amazing on Soulbeast (ironically), but like total booty on Druid.


    > * The healing numbers still feel amazing. The spike healing potential is totally unmatched IMO. It feels incredible to insta bring someone on the brink of death to full health.


    > I mostly play with pugs, and I feel like the build excels its best in this setting since there are a lot of holes in comps. I know you can't really take pug v pug fights to prove a build's legitimacy, but at the very least I have an absolute blast playing it. I don't feel like I am playing some useless snowflake spec, I feel like I am playing something that has a strong impact on fights despite not being meta. I still have my share fair of complaints about it, but I greatly enjoy its niche nonetheless.


    > Just wanted to share my thoughts here and hear others' experiences as well. Who else is playing support Druid out there? I don't see too many out there.


    This is my opinion. I think Immobbeast is better in organized gvg's and small fights because you can coordinate your immobilize skills with bubbles and wells, preventing your enemies from running away during the bomb. This is the role basically. I also think this "role" kinda becomes less and less effective when playing in biggest groups, especially pug ones, because:

    1- Generally commanders will put you in a party without any kind of support and eventually kick you if the squad is full and meta classes are needed;

    2- Your team support is lackluster. Bear stance duration on allies is 2 seconds (which means max 4 condi cleansed in 2 seconds, that's it), and Dolyak stance is the real ONLY good support skill of the build - but its also your only stunbreak and the radius/duration on allies is kinda laughable.

    3- Its very difficult to go melee with axes and greatsword since you are very squishy and with 0 invulnerabilities, not optimal when you are against 40+ enemies. I think Longbow/Greatsword has better impact than axe-axe/greatsword in bigger fights, just for Barrage, but beside that you can't do really much with the longbow cause of projectile hate and retaliation.

    4- Immob is still good in bigger fights, especially when you are on public discord and can coordinate immobilize with warrior bubbles, shade spikes, and wells. Problem is, the majority of the immobs on the Immobbeast build are melee, which means you have to push with your frontline, and considering group sizes, you will just land your 3 or 4 immoblizes on that push then you will become useless for the rest of the engages.


    THIS IS WHY i think druid is still better than soulbeast in big fights, just because you can still immoblize your enemies on bombs with Vine Surge + other skills, but also rotate beetween staff and CA every 10 seconds, cleansing conditions and healing allies. If druid had a glyph with AoE stability that would be perfect. Also pets are kinda a downgrade, but i dont think Anet will ever remove them on this specialization. Yes it is not meta and probably will never be, but atleast it can be considered useful. Your healing and condition cleansing can compete with fb and scrappers, and you can also have a lot of immobs. Lately im running something like this:


    You can maximize your CA generation with Signet of Renewal (more CA ticks) intead of Muddy terrain, or Healing Spring instead of the healing glyph (more AoE regen - more CA ticks), the important thing is that you NEED CA READY EVERY 10 SECONDS to maximize your support. Staff #3 with Primal Echoes and Quick draw refresh the entire cooldown of the skill if you heal someone so you can basically spam it to blast/heal and reposition yourself. If you feel you need an invuln just pick Signet of Stone (you will lose 1 support skill, but an alive druid is better than a dead corpse). Also Glyph of Unity can grant a lot of healing, just use the skill ONLY in CA.

    This is my experience, sure its not meta, but its definitely enjoyable.

  2. Mine is to have a REAL competitive build - after 8 years - for wvw zerg fights with my ranger without getting kicked from the squad or blamed for not bringing a meta class :)

    Of course i also have firebrand, spellbreaker, scourge and scrapper but ranger was always my favourite class and i would really love to be considered useful with it and on par with other meta classes. I really hope the next expansion will bring something truly useful in this regard :)


    And you? What is your personal wish for 2021? Merry Christmas everyone :)


  3. > @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

    > The problem with Druid is its exactly the kind of class that if you buff it it becomes so incredibly strong that it is almost unkillable and it rightly should not be buffed with the way the current meta is shaping up in my opinion.


    It really depends on WHICH ABILITIES they might buff. Of course if they improve self sustain/stealth/disengage druid can be very difficult to kill, but listen. If anet miraculously decides to buff AoE druid support abilities (like glyphs, or commands, AoE support traits, "support" pets, etc...) instead of selfish ones druid will be more incentivized to play a team-support oriented build rather than a selfish build. AoE support skills and traits take slots, so druid will not be able at being supportive and being unkillable /able to duel at the same time. "Sic em" on soulbeast is a good example: It improves damage but at the same time you have to occupy a skill slot instead of taking another defensive ability. This can also be applied to Tempest that takes an utility slot for Glyph of Renewal. If druid have to slot supporting abilities to be useful, it will be 100% killable in a teamfight.

  4. I appreciated your post, although i disagree on few points. First, it's not true that druid can't be viable without Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Yes, right now those traits are almost mandatory. A lot of us always played druid with those 2 traits on a side-node bunker build FOR YEARS. But i'll tell you this. I've tried a lot of traits/utilities combination and my current teamfight-orientated support build don't use neither of those traits. Of course you need a team builded around it. Also, your suggestions to make druid more DPS orientated will end up by gaining another sidenoder with some sustain. We actually need more AoE defensive AND offensive support options and a Pet alternative mechanic that can interact with the rest of CA kit. Overall nice analysis tho.

  5. > @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

    > -Druid needs some love and adjustments but I don't think it needs a complete redesign nor does it need to changes to the pet mechanic(also close to 0 chance devs will actually do such a big redesign). If you want a tanky pet that does no damage with some support utilities, just take "Blue Moa"(asking for some Moa buffs is also very reasonable). The beauty of the pet mechanic is that you can design a pet to fill a specific role, both in terms of flavor and game play. Now that we know that a new expansion is on the orison, it will make more sense to just ask for a supportive pet which will be favored toward druid. I will even argue that the "Jacaranda" pet of POF, was an attempt to do just that(with some success).


    > -CA skills are fine, only "CA 1" needs a rework - I recommend a channeling skill that heals one person only from a range that ramps up in healing(kinda like ele's Arc Lightning, just for healing). The CA skills are strong with healing amulet + the Lingering Light trait.


    > -I agree with you regarding Staff 2 and 4, both need something... (I have some ideas)


    > -I think that Glyphs only need some boost for its CA version, as it has much more limited usage and should be rewarded for that. I recommend low duration AOE boon based on glyph). I agree that the Elite glyph is not great and not what the druid needs (I have some ideas).


    > -Most revive skills have been nerfed, making spirits more viable in PVP could change the way we evaluate druid completely in terms of utility and support capabilities(easy fixes).


    > Even in its current state druid is viable for platinum game play. I play 2 versions of druid around the 1600 rating(and BTW,non of which making use of the WS trait line), One for healing support and the other more hybrid healing/CC+damage. Better players could probably take the spec further toward the 1800 zone. The issue with support spec in PUGS groups is that your performance is based on your team quality. Doing a good job of supporting a bad team will not give you a win, and you cannot carry with a support spec.


    Every spec can climb to platinum, also i never said that druid is unviable. I have said that the spec is not good at supporting, which is a fact, and i mean, supporting is what the spec is designed for (Dev Irenio said that, not me). Also, the goal of my post is not trying to have a build that carry pugs in solo/duoq matches by supporting them. I want a viable support build that can be paired with tempest or fb when playing with a comp designed around it.

    Also, i don't think spirits will ever be usable competitively. They are just like warrior banners with decreasing health and long casts. Not worth it.

  6. > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > You're meant to be killable not unkillable, nobody wants to deal with perma boon perma resist perma heal rangers, let alone rangers who use GS5 to win abusively. I'm sure there is a support build you haven't found yet that works best for you, or you're probably gating yourself to an amulet or something.


    No one said that druid should be unkillable. I'm asking about being A VIABLE SUPPORT, which means better group utilities. I've never mentioned perma resistance or perma boons. Also I've played druid since HoT beta and i'm sure on what i'm talking about, THERE IS NO SECRET GOOD SUPPORT BUILD TO DISCOVER. Even when druid was considered meta, it was a side-node bunker with some healing and group utilities (fast rez, aoe stealth). It was never considered a group support, Tempest was.



    > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > I don’t honestly want druid to become a support. I feel like a build with longbow and ancient seeds could be good, but they just need to make it stronger at what it does


    Weren't elite specialization meant to give us new playstyles, new roles? Ranger only have side-node or +1 builds and you want druid to be another side-noder? With longbow and that cancer trait? C'mon. EVERY MINOR TRAIT AND THE OVERALL DESIGN OF DRUID IS ABOUT SUPPORT, IT NEEDS TO BECOME A VIABLE SUPPORT.

  7. I mean, Firebrand and Tempest are better support than druid IN EVERY ASPECT. I'm asking too much when i say that druid should atleast be considered on-pair with these supports?


    1) Just get rid of that 20% pet stats nerf and REMOVE the pet completely. Pets have ZERO interactions with Celestial Avatar and die way too fast in teamfights. This is why druid will never be a real support. Also the fact that the druid is able to do some damage through pets while running basically non-damage traits or amulets always led the spec to many nerfs over and over. JUST. REMOVE. THE. PETS. Replace them with some sort of Wisps, Pet spirits, totems, or something that can grant some AoE support.


    2) Celestial avatar is weak. 20 second cooldown is too long AND ALSO you need to generate enough astral force to get into it when Firebrands can just wait cooldowns and rotate beetween tomes (which are x10 better than CA skills)? Even Engi MED KIT is better than Celestial Avatar in WvW, wtf Anet.


    3) Staff IS TERRIBLE. Astral Wisp is the most useless skill in the game, no damage, low healing, no cc, no combos. Utterly garbage. Vine Surge is another bad skill...no damage, 1 second immob. Then you removed the evade on Ancestral Grace, which basically killed the weapon. Also you nerfed the autoattack which is THE ONLY DAMAGING SKILL OF THE WEAPON, just why lol. Half of the staff kit needs a complete rework.


    4) Glyphs are outdated utilities that brings nothing more than cc, condi cleanse, cc and condi cleanse. I don't even want to say something about that 7 second cast time elite glyph ON A CLASS THAT HAVE ZERO STABILITY TO SECURE THE CAST unlike warriors that can grant themselves stability to secure Winds of Disenchantment or eles to secure Overloads.


    5) Search and Rescue and other group utilities got nerfed so hard that druid is basically forced to play Survivals to stay alive. This lead to selfish builds which are not meant to support anyone outside some aoe stealth through Celestial Shadow. I really suggest to decrease Search and rescue cooldown and increase the radius, also Signet of Renewal should transfer less conditions BUT also the cooldown could be lowered by a lot. Protect Me should grant AoE barrier on top of the AoE stunbreak and the barrier should scale with healing power.


    Here is an interesting post (not made by me) about an hypothetical druid rework: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101105/druid-reenvisioned-my-manifesto-of-suggested-changes#latest

    I think you can get some ideas from there Anet.




    PS. Bring back Chronomancer aswell.

  8. What about:

    - all those weapon skills that affect pets attacks like Winter's Bite, Maul, Call of the Wild, etc;

    - all those skills like "Guard!", "Search and Rescue", "Sic em", Signet of Renewal, etc;

    - all those traits like "Fortifying Bond", all the minors in the Beastmastery traitline, "Natural Healing", etc;

    - the #3 skill in downed state.


    I really like your concept but i think it kinda misses a lot of the interactions with the core class, which can be problematic for an hypothetical rework of the spec.


    In my opinion "Spirit pets" can be the solution. You will still have your pet (maybe just with a translucent look), your F2, and ALL the interactions with skills and traits that involve a pet BUT instead of having 2 pets druids could have access to only 1 pet and Pet Swap (F4) transform your pet into a wisp that affect an area the way you already listed. F5 still Celestial Avatar of course.

  9. > @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

    > What other SLB builds you running? Do you have a condi version?


    Currently i have both a power type and a condition type build, both can hold a point pretty well. The power one is generally better against other meta sidenoders (which have a lot of cleanses), but the condition one is not far behind since the damage is hybrid. I'm waiting the meta to settle down a bit so i will decide the optimal one :)


  10. > @"Murshid.9854" said:

    > I would like to share with you **this PvP build that focus around holding points** and creating space, it focus in condi damage and **strong 1v1 that can't be defeated except against better player** specially those who play tier 1 meta build, my advice for you to be patient cause you would need some time to adopt to it but when you do you will like it and you would see how incredible its as bunker/space_creation, I played +200 match with it in conquest and have around 60% winrate, I tried it in 2v2 but it was bad so I would advice you to not play 2v2 with it.


    Ok, i'll try to be constructive as much as i can.

    First of all, this build is not able to hold or bunker a point. Getting stealth every time that you put down a trap prevents you to keep the point contested. Other than this, you don't have any stunbreak or damage immunity, how are you supposed to survive against any competent player? Other sidenoders are basically spellbreakers (which can cc you to death easily), protection holo (conditions just feed them with conversions into boons, also they cc chain you), soulbeast/core rangers (which have plenty of condi cleanses and can also send pets to trigger your traps or hard pressure you from range), condi herald (Infuse Light and resistance, you know), mirage and weavers (too slippery for your traps that can be evaded easily). Also, keep in mind that +1 classes exist (like thieves, heralds, sniper soulbeasts), how are you supposed to survive if they teleport to you or snipe you while revealed?



    > @"Murshid.9854" said:

    > I really think **this build is good enough to have its place between the good ranger PvP builds** specially with latest nerfs.


    I don't want to be rude, but this build can't be effective in higher tiers.



    > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > The build is carried by a runeset..**soulbeast itself can't hold anything**, this is not a critique on your build...just my observation about how bad are ranger elites now, straight downgrades not really worth the price tag


    Not true at all, soulbeast can hold almost every class if builded correctly. Sadly most people just look on metabattle and think that the only effective playstyle available is the sniper one.



  11. Agree, "support" druid....does not support at all! Low healing, bad AoE condi cleanses, no unique utilities outside Search and Resque (which is not usable cause its bad) or Glyph of the Stars (which can be interrupted easily since the spec have no stability while casting it). Also pets don't interact with Celestial Avatar at all, it would be nice to have a pet that becomes some sort of "support tool" when you become Celestial Avatar.

    The problem with druid design basically is:

    - 1) The spec is too much sustainable while dealing good damage through pets so they nerfed their abilities and pets stats to oblivion.

    - 2) The spec can't be a good teamfight support cause 1)Pets die too quickly 2)Core class is not designed to teamfight CAUSE PETS and too much projectiles/single target abilities 3) Druid abilities are designed with PvE in mind and not PvP/WvW.


    How to solve this? Redesign the spec. We already have good options for sidenodes and for +1 (core/slb). Ranger lacks team utilities and support, and isn't druid a dedicated support? Just remove Astral Force completely and give CA a reasonable standard cooldown (20s is too much). Rework staff, especially #2 and #4. The removal of the evade on Ancestral Grace basically killed the weapon especially if you wanted to play in zergs in wvw, give it back. Increase healing coefficents a bit (agree, right now they are too low), and make pets have interactions with CA abilities. For example, Druid pets could become "Spirit Pets" (transparent look, 20% less stats like now, just with a different look) and when you become a Celestial Avatar every CA ability have an interaction with this Spirit pet, and traits and Glyphs could have interactions with it.

  12. _Soulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat. Merging and unmerging with your pet now counts as a pet swap for the purposes of the Clarion Bond and Zephyr's Speed traits._


    Problem is, these two traits have a base cooldown of 15 seconds (since they are designed to interact with pet swap) while Beastmode have a cooldown of 10 seconds. Basically these two traits need to have their CDs lowered to 10s to match the merge CD or the merge CD need to get adjusted to match the traits CDs. Otherwise, i don't think these changes can't work.



  13. Honestly, I would prefer to have a spec like this in a future expansion (perhaps with an appropriate aoe weapon) rather than waiting for anet to do a complete re-design that will never happen anyway. Too much work.



  14. So, running around in Dragonfall i've noticed 2 new hostile animals, the spectral bear and the spectral stalker. They both look transparent and leave a trail of glowing grass while moving. While the spectral bear have pretty basic attacks, the spectral stalker is able to pulse fury/might/swiftness to nearby npcs, can teleport on you and can also knockdown, things that our current felines are not able to do.


    Here are the wiki links.

    SPECTRAL BEAR: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Bear

    SPECTRAL STALKER: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Stalker


    Do you think these two animals might be a sign that anet is secretly working on "Spirit pets"? Will ranger be able to summon spirit animals in a next expansion? Maybe to transform them into some nature-magic based AoEs? What do you guys think?

  15. > @"silentsiren.4879" said:

    > The ranger class is in a sad state already. No matter what current spec or gear you bring. NON ask or wants you in WvW squads. The ranger dont need a nerf it needs rework or a new spec.


    > The ranger class are not vaild in wvw. We are put in "shame groups" (no buffs or as little as possible). Non is ever looking for a ranger in a squad for any WvW play. They laugh at you and say play a real class. Think hard before you kill or change any ability of the ranger. You will kill the ranger, that in its current state a very DEAD, HATED and very USELESS class for Wvw fights. I think its a big shame what some of these haters are saying. Just wanted you to hear from a ranger perspective.


    > Please Buff the class make some use full changes so we are asked to join the fun in WvW SQUAD play. I am so tired of these haters. If you change the class so it makes even less dmg? What use will it be then? Its a horror show already in its current state.


    > To the other players in here please dont flame, or be mean. We can all start to point out what advantages other classes have, I haven't done that. I am trying to keep my arguments clean from hate. Any other class is more wanted in WvW squad play.



    > Ps, I been playing Gw2 for soon 7 years. Before there was ranks in WvW. And mostly on ranger class.


    > Thank you for your time,

    > A bullied ranger danger class ( sad face) that's how some say and laugh at you.


    100% Agree, and i can also say this can be applied for pvp aswell. Everyone in the pvp forum is complaining about Sic em + unstoppable union, but people don't understand that unblockables and damage modifiers are the only things rangers can bring to the table right now. Anet nerfed heals, nerfed ress potential, nerfed boons, nerfed sustain, nerfed EVERYTHING to the point that druid/core are barely PLAYABLE. Cut off unblockables and damage, and what are we supposed to play then? Firebrands, scourges, holos and revs? C'mon.

    I'm not saying Sic Em and unstoppable union are ok, sure they need some adjustements. But RIGHT NOW these are the only things left to rangers, and they will 100% nerfed in the next balance patch, you will see. Be prepared to reroll another class.

  16. The changes makes sense. Ranger's shouts were mostly focused on interplay with your pet rather than buffing allies/debuffing enemies.

    Maybe we will get a full skillset of shouts with the next E-spec to compensate? We'll see.

  17. Here are my suggestions.



    Solar Beam: The beam inflicts burning and heal allies around your target on the final pulse.

    Astral Wisp: This attack becomes ground targeted, and send a wisp to the targeted area. The wisp heals allies that passes through, and can be detonated to inflict 3 stacks of burning and blind to nearby foes. This second effect also acts as a Blast Finisher.

    Ancestral Grace: This skill now grants Protection to nearby allies when you reach the targeted location.

    Vine Surge: Immobilize duration is increased from 1 to 2 seconds.

    Sublime Conversion: This skill now creates a ring (same Spectral Wall treatment) that causes enemies projectiles to heal upon impact.



    Celestial Avatar: The cooldown is decreased from 20 to 10 seconds in pvp.

    Cosmic Ray: The radius of this skill is increased from 120 to 300 (same radius as necro's staff marks). This skill now deals damage to up to 5 targets.

    Seeds of Life: This skill cleanse 2 conditions instead of 1.

    Rejuvenating Tides: This skill now cleanse 1 condition per pulse to you and nearby allies (5 conditions cleansed in total).

    Natural Convergence: The player is now able to move while channeling this skill.



    Glyph of Rejuvenation: This skill now also revives your pet.

    Glyph of the Stars: This skill no longer needs to be channeled. Instead, this skill now have 2s cast time and can be affected by quickness.



    Druidic Clarity: Becoming celestial avatar now cleanses 3 conditions from you and nearby allies. Still breaks stun.

    Primal Echoes: Instead of daze, this skill now cast Gliph of Equality when swapping to staff.

    Verdant Etching: Glyphs grant Stability (1 stack for 3s) to nearby allies when activated and gain 1 additional charge when you become Celestial Avatar. The additional charge will disappear after leaving Celestial Avatar form.



    "Search and Rescue": This skill gain 1 additional charge and grants protection and regeneration to nearby allies on use.


  18. About Druid:


    **Druid: The base attributes of pets have been reduced by 20%.**

    This nerf is not ok and i'm going to explain why. Lower stats on pets means ALSO less vitality and thoughness, not only less damage. 20% less defensive stats on a pet with 15k hp IS HUGE. Pet's already die to everything when not using soulbeast, this is a bad change. I would have preferred a "-20% less outgoing damage" while keeping the defensive attributes. i also think druid should have some ways to revive their pets, as their role should be.


    **Glyph of Unity: Reduced the radius of this skill from 400 to 360, and increased its duration from 6 seconds to 8 seconds. This skill is no longer an elite skill, and it replaces Glyph of Empowerment.**

    This skill is so useless that no one will EVER use it even if will become a non-elite skill. Also the problem was not the duration, but the radius. This skill needs a proper rework in both concept and functionality.


    **Glyph of Rejuvenation: Increased the healing multiplier across both versions of this skill by 40%. In celestial avatar form, the base healing to the druid and their pet has been increased by 50%. Outside of celestial avatar form, the base healing to allies has been increased by 50%.**

    This Glyph already heals for a good amount when running healing gear. 50% more healing is such a lazy change. This Glyph should help recover Celestial Avatar more quickly, right now We Heal As One, Troll Unguent, and even Healing Spring are better at that.


    **Glyph of Alignment: Outside of celestial avatar form, this skill no longer inflicts 5 seconds of cripple or 2 stacks of poison for 8 seconds. Instead, it now inflicts 1.5 seconds of immobilization and 3 stacks of bleeding for 8 seconds.**

    This is a nice change, but ranger already have A LOT of AoE immobs (double Muddy Terrain, Drakehound F2, Staff #4, CA #5). This skill lacks identity, and we already have better options to immobilize enemies or healing allies.


    **Glyph of Empowerment: This skill has been replaced by Glyph of Unity.**

    Removed the unique buff that only druid can apply? Ok.


    **Glyph of the Stars: This new elite skill heals, prevents allies from being inflicted with conditions, and removes conditions already on allies at range. In celestial avatar form, it heals, prevents downed allies from losing health while being revived, and grants boons at range.**

    This finally seems an Elite Skill. Preventing allies from being affected by conditions is great. I'm also curious about the "boons at range", i hope for some resistance/stability ( NO regen/protection again pls). Duration and cooldown will dictate if this new elite is good or not.

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