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Posts posted by Sera.2146

  1. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > If U sit an asuran or a small human your problem gets fixed!


    > Did a charr was used in the advertise????




    > :)


    yes, a charr was used in the first advertisement they made. check the first post in this topic and youll see how it all started. >.>

  2. Yep, definitely not a bug. Its a blatant scam that they are trying their best to cover up instead of doing the right thing and making it as it was advertised.


    Honestly, I hope someone takes this higher if Anet doesnt fix it, since people have already been cheated of a product they were lied about to. The screenshots that people have gathered is already enough to take it there. -.-


    I am just disgusted with Anet right now with how they have handled it. Unprofessional and unbefitting.

  3. If they are doing this as a temporary measure until they actually fix the chair, then its fine. I will buy it when they do.


    However, if this is an excuse to not have to make the resize and change the pose for Charr, then this is disgusting behaviour from Anet and they can forget ever getting another penny from me again. I do not accept such rotten and underhanded practices.

  4. I bought the Runecrafter Salvage-o-matic for science. Already owned the Copper and Silver.

    I then bought a total of 40 of the same green glove with runes in them.


    Copper Description - 10% chance of rarer materials. 20% chance of salvaging upgrades.

    Silver Description - 25% chance of rarer materials. 80% chance of salvaging upgrades.

    Runecrafter Description - 20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of salvaging upgrades.


    I manually clicked on each of the glove with each salvage-o-matic, 20 for the Copper, 10 for the Silver, 10 for the Runecrafter's.


    Copper - salvaged all 20 gloves and got 3 lucent motes.

    Silver - salvaged all 10 gloves and got 8 lucent motes.

    Runecrafter's - salvaged all 10 gloves and got 10 lucent motes.


    Anet has completely done away with the recovering of upgrades with salvage-o-matics. They are now either destroyed completely or you get motes and/or symbols from them. The Silver is pretty much pointless now with it's cost despite it having that extra 5% of getting rarer mats. The only way you will recover upgrades now are with the black lion salvage kits or the upgrade extractors. So, gonna have to start coughing up the gems or get lucky with the chest of black lion goods if you want to recover upgrades now.


    Hopefully this will help some people figure out what they have changed.

  5. I personally don't mind if i have to go around the world collecting things, however I do feel that they need to take a few things into consideration.


    - Do NOT lock it to anything that requires groups, e.g world bosses. These are "personal" rewards and the means to require them should be personal as well, not group reliant.

    - Increase the drop rate of these specific items if there are loads of others doing the same.

    - Do NOT time-gate progression, if people want to go hardcore and finish it as quick as possible, then let them. This includes any events that take hours to spawn.

  6. The golem in the special forces training area works, just not in the way that we would like since it only tells us what we are doing every 20% of it's health taken. perhaps have it so that you can toggle how often the golem will broadcast your dps through it's options? ranging from 1% 2% 5% 10% 20% 50% or 100% of it's health, or even 1 2 5 10 or 20 seconds?

  7. I can agree with those that want it to be seasonal only because they don't want SAB to grow stale. But at the same time there are those that love SAB enough to want to just spend most of their time in it whenever they want for as long as they want. If people want to pay for the option of having it permanent, I say just let them have it. It's not like those who want it to stay seasonal have to buy a permanent pass after all... If that's too much, perhaps a SAB themed convenience area (like the Mistlock Sanctuary) could help keep the SAB loving masses happy? Just throwing out ideas. =)

  8. > @"Demented Sheep.1642" said:

    > This is why I've never really supported the idea of adding new races. They already have issues with the races they have. Unless it's a reskined human they are going to add to the problem even more.


    I can fully understand where you are coming from, but these issues are purely down to the willingness of the developers to make it look right in the first place. Don't get me wrong, Arenanet has done a great job implementing Charr and Asura into the game, and a lot of the stuff they have made for them have been exemplary. But its the few things like these that slip through and can really stick out like a sore thumb to those who like to play these unique races. They have proven that they can make clothing work very well for these races, so to see how these greaves were done for Charr is a huge disappointment to me, especially since they did it right for Asura.

  9. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Wow -- these are great, Sera! You have such a delicate touch, I am totally in love with the pencil sketch of Varra Stoutpaw. (Not to mention I love that name!) Or... it is pencil, or digital sketching at the base? I know you color them digitally, but I wasn't sure about the initial source. (I always love to know bits about process, inspiration, theme, names, and all that good stuff.)


    > In any regard, love it and keep 'em coming!


    Thanks Gaile! They start off entirely in pencil, along with the shading. After that I scan it and then go over the lines again digitally then add the colour. Once thats done, the pencil sketch scan is merged onto the digital piece to produce the finished result. Hope that explains everything! =)

  10. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > To much design work to implement, it's simpler and far easier to make skins that are the same style across the board and just resize for the different characters...in case no one has been paying attention for the past 5 years, that has always been the reason why there aren't more armor skins in the gem store...**they take up to many resources.**


    I beg to differ. Over those 5 years they have made the effort to make the footwear for charr look anatomically suitable, some even as far as to look like what i've suggested as a more suitable design for these greaves, like the Ascalonian Sentry Boots, Paws Of Koda, Ghostly Outfit, and the more recent Warbeast Boots, Warbeats Greaves, and Awakened Zealot Outfit. The fact they made the greaves suitable for Asura feet only show that they could have made the same effort for Charr. =(

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