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Posts posted by bountifulmayhem.3018

  1. With regards to mantras (in pvp),


    Would your gameplay change as a result?

    Yes, making them basically impossible to use quickly when necessary during key situations


    Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?

    Absolutely ruins mantra by making it clunky and feel terrible.


    Are you looking forward to these potential changes?



    What are your concerns with this set of changes?

    Nerfing something by making it clunky to the extreme and basically unusable in most situations they were normally good in before is a terrible balance choice. I.E. Chrono shatters, look how well that went.


    What consequences do you expect would come from these changes?

    Essentially mantra mes is removed from the game, which equates to all viable core mes builds as well, due to it feeling absolutely terrible to play if these nerfs go live. Its possible that mantra stays technically viable, but it will absolutely be unfun and feel atrocious, if not just be unusable at any high level, where mantra is, quite frankly, already borderline garbage unless carried by mirage.


    Would be great to nerf things in a way that doesnt ruin the experience of playing a build, dont mess with instacasts requiring you to face a target especially when they almost certainly won't autoturn your character like most other skills. Please don't let this go live.

  2. With regards to the build you posted, you have very little condi pressure, you should always should take mantra heal if you have the trait in inspiration. Additionally, whats the build's role? It seems to be a duelist, but with pu and stealth focus you will lose node really fast and probably will take forever to win the duel against meta side noders, if you can even win.

  3. Not only is the removal of self shattering possibly the most idiotic decision made since the introduction of aoe evade well, placing a 1 second distortion on a 105 second cooldown as your only defensive shatter is also grossly overnerfing and unnecessary. This confirms that no one with any say at Anet has any clue how mesmer works whatsoever in pvp/wvw.

  4. Not only is the removal of self shattering possibly the most idiotic decision made since the introduction of aoe evade well, placing a 1 second distortion on a 105 second cooldown as your only defensive shatter is also grossly overnerfing and unnecessary. This confirms that no one with any say at Anet has any clue how mesmer works whatsoever in pvp/wvw.

  5. Not only is the removal of self shattering possibly the most idiotic decision made since the introduction of aoe evade well, placing a 1 second distortion on a 105 second cooldown as your only defensive shatter is also grossly overnerfing and unnecessary. This confirms that no one with any say at Anet has any clue how mesmer works whatsoever in pvp/wvw.

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