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Posts posted by TheComedian.3740

  1. I rarely post on forums or comment on game play changes, but I think some of the recent adjustsments to the Revenant class should be reverted or at least be reconsidered.

    It is the only class that I play and, more to the point, I refer exclusively to the changes made to WvW.


    First off, the general DPS reduction is totally fine by me. No problems there.


    However, weapon gameplay (especially the Hammer) has become super stale right now and that's due to the changes made to weapon cooldowns.

    With most of my Hammer attacks having cooldowns of 10+ seconds, I have no choice but to spam my auto-attack, which, quite frankly, is extremly boring.

    Range-oriented gameplay is extremly important in WvW and the hammer is the only viable choice that I have.

    My suggestions:

    - reduce the CD of "Coalescence of Ruin" significantly and reduce the damage coefficient accordingly

    - keep or increase the CD on "Phase Smash" but increase its damage coefficient slightly so that we can use it as spike damage

    - rework "Field of the Mists" (Hammer 4) as it provides no real benefits and feels somewhat useless


    Also, Hammer 2 is still buggy and it's about time that these problems are being addressed.


    My biggest complaint, however, lies with the removal of "Empty Vessel". That change should be reverted as some of my stun breaks are extremly energy-intensive (Dwarf elite, Riposting Shadows) and therefore not always accessible when I need them. Fury generation is a non-issue for revenants due to skills and traits like "Riposting Shadows", "Invoker's Rage" or "Facet of Darkness" which makes the addition of "Contained Temper" completely pointless.

    My suggestion would be to revert those changes and add a cooldown to "Empty Vessel" so that it doesn't provide a stun break every 10 seconds.


    That's about all I have to say right now. Thanks.


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