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Posts posted by KGUN.8374

  1. quick question,

    Do the cone of mantra skills not work on enemy/ally when casting it at them going up hill? is it going into the ground? in other words only directly forward/horizontally? Curious, ... I'm wondering if someone can replicate this Mantra hill thing, test it see if you're hitting enemy's while going up a hill with an offensive mantra. To me, visually, it looks like the whole skill goes into the ground. I Think that's part just how the game works, but The skill itself I'm not sure if the CONES effect is working when going up a hill casting the mantra. I might be wrong.


    **Just wondering really.**


    **I mean to me the mantra, even if going up a hill should sort of go with the terrain, right? or.. is that too complicated?**



    Thanks for any answers, or if anyone tests this.

  2. Hello, can someone explain this trait specifically the " **and charge your Justice passive effect twice as fast**." - I've asked a couple people in game and they're unsure, or don't know.


    obviously it has to do with the justice passive but how does it actually work what does it do specifically, I'm not going to guess or through ideas out there, I'm sure someone on here understands it fully..


    also I want to note this post by Kalix // @"Kalix.1406" -

    ..Search, : **Symbolic power double symbol stack clipping**

    or if this link works,





    Where they posted in the bug forum about this trait, .. And I also ask there about the symbolic power + **permeating wrath combo** (if there is such a thing) idk


    **Thanks** in advance - please respond






  3. The suggestion is:

    Make spirit weapons 'cast symbol UPON impact'


    keep in mind this doesn't mean casting a symbol on the ground (except bow of truth)*and maybe shield spirit,see below)

    I believe this would be a a great change, and have synergy with other symbol traits, Permeating Wrath and others.


    I'm not sure of the specific things like damage duration of symbol what effects they might have I'd leave that to the Devs,

    But for the community/players feel free to respond with the 'effect of symbol' ideas

    also feel free to think of other things spirit weapons might do in combination with symbols added to them.



    Quick back story which enabled me to even think of spirit weapons having symbol on impact:

    I was using one of the spirit weapons in player combat, non-spvp, and I Noticed with sword of justice I Could use it but they'd run right out of it with ease sometimes barely getting hit.

    I like the way they work currently in that they are a casted skill and arrive at the enemy ..or start at their location.

    - I really think there's room for improvement, and adding symbol on impact to spirit weapons would be nice.


    I Think the spirit weapon symbols could have more unique effect too.


    Just thinking this up real quick(IDEAS)-Although I may have ideas wrong about how symbols work. like crippling, seeing it's a 'light' deal.


    all symbols on impact, except bow of truth would still be casted on ground.(*maybe shield of avenger also could be casted to the ground, but still have the 'fly out' effect)


    *Bow of truth..

    -(Command the Bow of Truth to barrage a location with healing arrows) + creating a symbol of regeneration(pulses) + cleansing conditions(each pulse)


    *Hammer of wisdom..(also I Think this should come down like that rev hammer skill- NOT come from where I'm standing then out to the enemy)

    (Order the Hammer of Wisdom to knock down your foe) + creating a symbol that cripples each pulse.


    *Shield of the Avenger..(now that I'm thinking of this this one could essentially be changed to a on-ground casted skill(like the bow spirit), the shield could still fly out to the location(Creating a symbol))

    (Command the Shield of the Avenger to form a protective dome, and then shatter, flying out to weaken nearby foes.) + creating a symbol on impact which pulses aegis(even more synergy) and pulses vigor. -* I realize this would need change to the function of the skill, If I Remember correctly it bounces, Right? This would need to change.


    *Sword of Justice..

    (Will the Sword of Justice to appear beside your enemy and attack nearby foes) + creating a symbol which INSTANT chills(once-AOE-on impact) ..and bleeds in pulses.


    Remember these are just some made up ideas I thought of right now, feel free to give your own.

    -I Realize some of the ideas COULD be OP, but I Just wanted to try something, give some idea for changes to spirit weapons.....




  4. I want to say that I talked over email with one of the support techs, did some things that might of helped. Although since the problem of game not starting upon clicking play/launch is random (it seems) for me, .. there isn't really a way for me to tell if it was fixed except just playing and seeing if it doesn't happen anymore.


    Some things they had me do was clear the cache folder and bin folder.

    Also I have the most up to date Nvidia driver.


    I haven't been having the launch issue as of a week+ ago.


    I'm going to use the -log command for my gw2 shortcut, for if it does happen I Can HOPEFULLY catch the error/problem in the log.

    I May be doing a new PC build, hopefully Soon, so hopefully no issues on that one too.


    Good luck all.

  5. Thanks for that @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" - Much Appreciated. I see the text doc which displays current stuff that's going on.


    I can't seem to replicate the game not starting, It seems to happen sometimes but not often. --- But with that command you showed me I Notice I have a lot of errors coming from my client in that file.. I Submitted a ticket with the first few minutes of being on, ..tracked in the file.

  6. @"Optimator.3589" & others.


    -Some have said to run the game with a command -windowed . . I know this doesn't fix the issue, but it might be effecting how the game starts without a system issue. SO I set a shortcut to open gw2 in windowed mode, then (if I'm correct remembering) ALT+ENTER to go fullscreen, I Think it loads my previous fullscreen settings automatically with the Hz and whatever else. So I just load from the shortcut and hit alt+enter good to go. We'll see how this goes.


    As for the game not starting problem, I know my gw2 takes some time to load up, I Feel like it could be a system problem loading the client to be official 'on' and running. Unless it's a graphical problem.


    Hey @"Optimator.3589" - Do you know if there's a place where errors go (on my comp in a folder or something) when gw2 crashes, or fails to start at all from the launcher?? . . . - This would be so helpful in finding the problem!!!

  7. I hope it works for you, @"Loki.2359"

    but for my situation I just did a fresh/new install of windows 10 not long ago, I don't think I need to re-install gw2 when I Just installed it on a fresh windows 10.

    Another note- But I Don't think this matters, I'm using Classic Shell for windows 10, mine basically makes it 'look' like windows 7.

  8. I have an issue (for a while now) where I Can't launch the game from the launcher, I click play and the launcher closes / game doesn't start. (initially the game-launcher shows up in the task manager programs(apps/processes), but as soon as I click play it all closes down(the launcher)) - I Don't see any gw2 background programs running after everything closes.


    -Logging out of windows then back in seems to fix the issue temporarily where I Can start the game and play.


    -Wondering if anyone else has this issue.....?


    I'm using Windows 10 - Up to date.

    I'll try to submit a ticket at some point.


    is there something else you'd need to know for you to help me?

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