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Posts posted by Skara.7409

  1. Hi, I've recently switched to mainly WvW after having spent a couple of years focusing on PvE. Am looking for a Guild that likes to play WvW that doesn't mind taking on a new member who is still a bit of a newbie (am only Rank 6 Assaulter). I usually play 1-2 hours per evening UK time. Mainly playing Guardian Burn FB at the moment. Also have a Core Mesmer Chronomancer. Open to switching builds as well as servers.

  2. Hi, I am a Guardian (Dragonhunter) trying to get his head around why he's struggling to defeat the Elite Aatxe, in Dark Library part of the Griffon run. I'd really appreciate any advice on a good guardian build to solo this one.


    I've heard the Elite Aatxe should be the easiest of the 4 Elite types, but it seems you have to stay in close melee to prevent it from healing itself!


    Thanks for any help!

  3. Finally managed to get through this and the following dash to the end, with minimal health to spare and down to the underwear!


    Ended up somehow climbing the cliff to the left of where I should have, then managed to glide back to Ruka.


    When I said I can't see where I am or where to go, I meant when you are right up against a cliff or rock and panning camera round everything looks a blur...all the while getting fried!

  4. For the life of me I can't even get up that first darn cliff following Ruka without getting killed for the umpteenth time. Worst thing is you can't see where you are or where you have to go.


    Would be grateful for any tips or advice. I am trying to learn and am usually very persistent but this is almost making me give up on this storyline altogether!

  5. I had another go and finally managed to complete this one, using just a Greatsword and a bit of luck. Despite having to get resurrected twice, still managed to keep his minions down enough to whittle his bar down. Thanks for all your help and advice.

  6. Do any Guardian/Dragonhunters have advice in defeating this boss in PoF storyline (Enemy of my Enemy)?


    Spent ages trying to do this with Hammer+Longbow. Next time will try Greatsword, as have heard this might be more effective in the close melees.

  7. Hi Everyone

    Do any Guardian / Dragonhunter's out there have any advice for beating this Eater of Souls?

    I have read a number of threads on this subject that date back to 2017, some character builds seems to breeze through this whereas other's struggle to the point of giving up.

    I have tried a number of times and have decided to give it a break and come back to it later, I realise there is more I can learn about "break bars" and Crowd Control abilities, but would appreciate any tips or advice from similar builds to mine in the meantime.


    There was mention of "cheesing" this by trapping the Eater of Souls by the chains of Joko's cage, does this still work for anyone? I couldn't quite make this work for me, so far.


    I am using Greatsword and Longbow.



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