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Posts posted by Atros.9607

  1. Hey guys,

    I am trying to access the guild emblems from an API call that I have, but no matter how I make the HTTP GET, I am returned the same values. Essentially, I am trying to get the most up-to-date guild emblems from the game as the websites that exist do not have the newer emblems. This is my current response:



    guild_name:"Shrouded Warband"









    Where would I go from here?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

    > **Fall damage reduction is important in WvW.**

    > We hear you that fall damage reduction and gauging whether a fall will kill you is something that is considered regularly as a part of WvW. However we would like to see how the WvW meta adjusts before making additional changes.


    As a primary WvW player, this is not an answer. A succinct yes or no is what is required here. Either way, please elaborate on how fall damage reduction is considered meta, when a normal zerg does not engage in jumping off cliffs to hit an enemy.

  3. While I appreciate the changes to scourge in both shade placement and fixing the target cap to a more standard variation, I believe the corruption potential of the class is still open for discussion. The firebrand/scourge meta came to be due to the amount of power both classes have in close quarters, and this change feels like we are giving more to scourge and taking away from firebrands. Admittedly the corruption cap has gone down with a single shade per scourge, I can possibly see more gearing into healing and an extra scourge running per subgroup with no actual change to the meta.

  4. So can we expect ALL unblockables will be transferred over to this new system that you have implemented to Call of the Wild?


    Signet of Might still casts 6 second of unblockables: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Might

    "Nothing can save you" still casts 4 seconds of unblockables: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Nothing_Can_Save_You!%22


    Seems like this Call of the Wild change was a "let's do something about this unblockable skill that is affecting sniper soulbeasts", rather than reduce the damage coefficient of the skills in general.

  5. Hey,


    Saw your post and have been totally spacing on replying.


    I run a warband guild called shrouded warband. It’s a wvw guild that’s based out of Fort Aspenwood and deals in small, oriented gameplay. We run Mondays and Saturdays and often roam outside of our play hours. In addition, our guildies do PvE play. We would also be able to get you through dungeons and their paths if you had some in mind although that would be something we would set up outside normal guild time.


    Feel free to check us out: https://discord.gg/ZEEJxTn


    PM me in game or send me a discord message


  6. Shrouded Warband [shW] is recruiting players novice and veteran in WvW on Fort Aspenwood or her links.


    **Our Creed**


    ShW was born out a desire to play the game with small group focus in mind. We like getting into fights where we are the smaller squad and coming out with big dick energy for as many bags as possible. We will support tags and other groups as necessary, but tend to leave ojs to the thicc groups. We play for the fun of the game as its evolved over time and are prepared for any changes coming our way. Every day is meant to be played like a group of friends are shooting the shit with an emphasis on finding what we like to play.


    **Our Rules**


    — Respect each other: We are adults and will share adult humor all the time we raid WvW, so come prepared.


    — Be willing to learn: We all know this game changes on the monthly, so learning is an inherent part of WvW.


    — Join voice comms: I hate my voice too, but we gotta do it for the sake of not dying to premature pushing.


    — Respect real life first: It happens and if something does, tell us or respect that some may not be available to play.


    **Our Raids**


    Mondays at 8pm PST


    Saturdays at 7pm PST




    We need all classes with a preference to people willing to multi class as situations change rapidly.


    **Our Videos**






    Message me here, in game: Atros.9607, or on our discord: https://discord.gg/ZEEJxTn

  7. Heya. Shrouded warband guild leader. My guild is currently based in fort aspenwood and themed around the lore of charr warband in the mists. We’re not a fully devoted rp guild, just a guild with roots in rp and a theme of charr (mostly) in the mists.


    As for other wvw guilds, there are some themed ones that try to keep to the guild’s name as best as possible, but mainly adopt a broad theme to encompass every player. For example, MR does their all one race theme.


    Other guilds do not have a real theme but do themed zerg nights. Themed nights are fun because there is a mixture of memes and general fuckery in a night of wvw.


    Feel free to message me in game if you ever want to know more. Atros.9607


    Obligatory edit: I saw your reddit post and totally forgot to comment in it too because I was spacing out at work.

  8. Since the induction of soulbeast, the ability to merge pets and interact with the environment has been tough to micromanage. I had found another issue that’s persisted since PoF launch and would like to had addressed since it could mean death for the poor soulbeast.


    In Earth Keep, the asuran pads that transport you to the mortars cause the soulbeast to be unmerged with their pet AND lose ability to weapon swap or use weapon skills.


    I made a reddit post and uploaded a small 7 second video just to show recreation of the bug and make replication easier for the team.


    I am not sure if the bug can be replicated in PvE as I have limited time but for sure the bug affects players in the earth keep of WvW and being without weapon ability means life or death.

  9. > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > **The goals here have been mainly to improve the damage components of the dagger** to feel more fluid, while also giving more counter-play to the condition side of the Soulbeast. _With that said, we'll continue to watch the new elite specialization at and after launch, making changes where applicable._



    I look forward to playing this spec as ranger main is my love. However, it seems the team was more focused on the integration of dagger main hand over the horrid synergy the spec has with the base traits and vanilla shouts. Hoping to see more work on the spec soon.


    See you in the desert.

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