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Posts posted by SLT.1469

  1. > @"Syiic.3724" said:

    > Can someone answer how to increase my uptime and about the cancellation of the longbow autoattack (LB AA)?


    Longbow has a really long aftercast. You want to manually attack instead of sitting back autosttacking. That will cancel the aftercast. It’s normal to disable auto attack on longbow too as it makes that easier

  2. Looking at the log, it looks like you’re running marksmanship (ie.The fractal build). If so, that’s not that bad. However you are cancelling skills far too early. You need to let your lb5 blink before you cancel the after cast. Similar problems with Whirling defense. Let your big skills finish.


    Running skirmishing with the proper raid build will get you much higher.


    In your log you were face on to the boss. You need to flank the boss to get the big numbers. It’s the main reason the fractal build does so much lower sustained dps, as you can’t reliably flank.

  3. I was quite enjoying pvp on Friday/Saturday, got to high gold with a 70% win rate...


    Sunday I logged in: Mesmer bot, next game: FB kamikazes far, next up 2x reapers + 2x weavers all popped twice a minute. tonight I had the same Mesmer bot 4x in a row and in 50 games played since Sunday I think I lost 90%. A few seemed fair games, but most it felt the game was over either from team comp or from having total noobs suiciding everywhere.


    What happened to the decent teams from last week?? Why so many Mesmer bots?? Is this supposed to be enjoyable?

  4. Hi guys


    I’ve been using a Condi/immob build for roaming, with full dire and started to upgrade to ascended trailblazer. At the moment I like the build but would like more damage. Here’s what I’m running now:



    What are your thoughts on stats? I was thinking 50/50 dire/trailblazer? Or full trailblazer? Would you throw on carrion or even vipers for more burst?


    Thanks all

  5. Entirely agree with OP. I've been trying to get friends to join in GW2. It's OK until they play a PVP match and immediately uninstall the game. Even for me, the pve is OK but the PVP is so horrific with the meta that it makes me want to delete this shit.

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