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Posts posted by TheFrighteningFrenchFry.32

  1. RNG is a no go. I only like 1/4 the new skins better than the base skins, so statistically I'm screwed. 1,600 gems for a reskin that could possibly be only a little better than the base skin.


    It should be 320 gems for a re-skin and 800 gems for an entirely new skin ( like Forged Warhound ).


    EDIT: 400 gems for some of the "re-skins" isn't actually that bad, especially since I was viewing gold2gems at a hugely inflated price. But the RNG still NEEDS to go.

  2. How did you guys get Mirror of Disenchantment? Wiki says to kill a Caffeinated Skritt Burglar that spawns from a chest. But I opened a chest and out came nothing >.<


    So I check the other locations wiki has for the chests, only to not find any of them because they quote "appear randomly". I'm so just ready to be done with this final piece.

  3. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:

    > > > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:

    > > > > Self-Deception. Quit literally, and the trait :P

    > > >

    > > > There's no Deception skill with lower than a 20s cooldown. The average Deception cooldown is 30s, with a minimum of 20, and a maximum of 45. Condi Mesmer in Raids can't typically afford a utility slot to be given up, and even if you do give it up, you're sacrificing a lot of damage output (Sig of Dom/Midnight) or group utility (Sig of Humility/Feedback) or ramp time (Sig of Ether).

    > >

    > > Jaunt, and alacrity from other party members. Sorry, but I just couldn't let you get away with a snidy comment : P


    > 45s Reduced to 33s with 100% Alacrity uptime. Definitely lower than 20s.


    "Count Recharge: 20s"



  4. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:

    > > Self-Deception. Quit literally, and the trait :P


    > There's no Deception skill with lower than a 20s cooldown. The average Deception cooldown is 30s, with a minimum of 20, and a maximum of 45. Condi Mesmer in Raids can't typically afford a utility slot to be given up, and even if you do give it up, you're sacrificing a lot of damage output (Sig of Dom/Midnight) or group utility (Sig of Humility/Feedback) or ramp time (Sig of Ether).


    Jaunt, and alacrity from other party members. Sorry, but I just couldn't let you get away with a snidy comment : P



    > > @Knox.8962 said:

    > > > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > > > @Knox.8962 said:

    > > > > You guys who think scepter + pistol phantasms is better than axe + pistol phantasms must have tested a drastically different game than I tested during the preview weekend. Axe/pistol condi mirage should be in the ballpark of 32k DPS with current numbers. If they buff anything, it should go higher than that.

    > > >

    > > > The only way you're going to reach numbers that high is by using Axe2 which also lowers your sustained dps. In a fight of over 10s, Axe is going to perform roughly equally to Scepter, but with the added disadvantage of having to constantly summon Phantasms.

    > >

    > > We'll just have to agree to disagree.


    > I guess we'll just have to take your word that Condi Mirage is going to hit 32k dps. Yup yup. Seems legit.



  5. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @Knox.8962 said:

    > > You guys who think scepter + pistol phantasms is better than axe + pistol phantasms must have tested a drastically different game than I tested during the preview weekend. Axe/pistol condi mirage should be in the ballpark of 32k DPS with current numbers. If they buff anything, it should go higher than that.


    > The only way you're going to reach numbers that high is by using Axe2 which also lowers your sustained dps. In a fight of over 10s, Axe is going to perform roughly equally to Scepter, but with the added disadvantage of having to constantly summon Phantasms.


    > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:

    > > > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > > You get a lot more conditions from a single Duelist than 3 clones + IH ambush + shatter every 16 seconds.

    > >

    > > Well, now that is an exaggeration. Now I don't know if axe + clones is better than *three* duelists + scepter, but I'm definitely gonna want to check it out vs raid golem.


    > You're right. You can't actually maintain 3 clones every 16 seconds without 2 mainhand weapons.



    Self-Deception. Quit literally, and the trait :P

  6. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:

    > > You can evade while using axe two, that's the beauty of mirage! Yeah, I wish axe 2 reliably generated a clone without some nonsense mechanic, it would make axe a lot better in PvE and PvP.


    > Yes, but that's a forceful application of a bandaid as opposed to addressing the core issue. If you dodge everytime you use Axe2 to accommodate it's predictability, you end up forcing out your own dodges.


    > > > As for the statement about me favoring Phantasm builds over Shatter, that's simply because Shatter isn't a reliable form of sustained DPS and I'm talking about PvE (for the most part).

    > > >

    > >

    > > I don't mean a shatter build per say when I mentioned clones. Clones dish out conditions without shattering them, and then when you have the CDs up, you can shatter and quickly re-summon them to get in some extra conditions from the shatter.


    > You get a lot more conditions from a single Duelist than 3 clones + IH ambush + shatter every 16 seconds.


    Well, now that is an exaggeration. Now I don't know if axe + clones is better than *three* duelists + scepter, but I'm definitely gonna want to check it out vs raid golem.



    > > Also, Exciton, I just remembered. You don't need to run dueling if you're running clones, so you could bring chaos, which would help out with the condition duration loss from taking IH. That's why I was questioning the usefulness of dueling in Esplen's build, but he went with pistol phantasm bleeds.


    > Even in a clone build, you want Dueling for Sharper Images. Especially since clone ambushes will trigger it. And you'd probably still want Illusions because it provides a lot of good minors.


    Yeah, that's a good point. I'd imagine sharper images should probably be better than running chaos, but that is also something to test out.

  7. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:

    > > I dodge to get an evade frame, normally it's slightly before an attack hits, so as to still have the evade frame when the attack hits. I hardly ever dodge just for the movement, but I do occasionally in fractals, simply to get out of melee range when I'm low on health and don't trust my reaction timing enough to continue meleeing. Occasionally this can get me killed, because the boss uses a ranged attack or leaps at me just as my evade backwards is ending.


    > I noted that specifically because as I was raiding today, I realized that I dodged attacks with my dodge button, but most of the time I don't dodge as the attack hits. I dodge to get out of the way of the attack (or circle, etc). There are some exceptions, such as Slothasar where you dodge both for the movement and evade (during his slamming ground attacks).


    > > > These are all things a Mirage can't do. The only time dodging will impact your damage output is when you are in the middle of Scepter3, in regards to a Condi build. Also, Ether Barrage is only a slight damage increase over just auto attacking, and by incorporating your dodge into your rotation, you impact your survivability pretty heftily. We don't have good access to Vigor or Endurance Regen so it's not really fair to say that Ether Barrage is a huge DPS increase. You'll use it when you dodge, but you won't really dodge to use it.

    > >

    > > Good is all relative, but if your going to run dueling, you do get close to 50% uptime on vigor. In fractals, you can run the fractal potion. You'll still only dodge to evade attacks, but it will prevent your damage from falling off when you do. Neither of us have numbers on the exact damage increase of ambush skills, but I find it odd you list trivial traits like 100 extra condition damage , only to scoff at an extra damage skill every 5-10 seconds.


    > The reason why I brought up that trait is because there's no other reason for Condi Mesmer to run Chaos. It is quite literally brought for the stat gains from Minors than any Major it offers.


    > Condi Mesmer (or Mirage) is not wanted or ran in Fractals. The 50% uptime of Vigor is nice, but that puts the stat gain at an effective 75 Condition Damage vs the 100 from Chaos. Arguably, you can get more from bouncing SoI, but nothing is guaranteed when it comes to Vigor as that's not a boon that's necessary for anyone's rotation. If it was, they should be able to be self-sufficient (........).


    > > Yeah, if going to run phantasms, axe is bad. But how does axe + clones work out? I guess we'll have to wait for raid golem DPS tests with Mirage. The axe re-position could be disastrous in certain fights, but in others ( such as some fractals ), it could be safe to use.


    > If you use Axe2, it will almost always spawn a clone in PvE (it has a pretty large range of spawning the clone). In PvP it may not spawn a clone due to enemies running away from the mirror or you. If you have 3 Phantasms out, the oldest Phantasm will get destroyed in place of the clone.


    > > I probably will use scepter, simply because of it being ranged. But axe by no means is to be under-estimated, and I'll be interested to see what it can do once it goes live.

    > >

    > > Bonus: Seeing as other mesmers have in the past misunderstood my criticism of a few of their statements, I should clarify. Mirage is in no way a perfect elite spec, and some balance changes could most certainly help out.


    > Axe is definitely strong, but it has glaring weaknesses. Mirage is supposed to be a mid-close range spec, but Axe is exclusively close range. Axe3 causes you and clones to leap, which means it can get stuck on terrain (there's a reason why Sword3 is no longer a leap even though it's a leap finisher). Axe2 is a very, very strong whirl, but it's not reliable. First, it leaves you vulnerable with no evade (the evade is on Axe3 instead). Second, if you want the clone, it's not guaranteed, but if you don't want the clone, it's almost guaranteed.


    > Yes that last statement is somewhat contradictory, but there's no way to use the ability without guaranteeing you don't get the clone. If you do want the clone, there's the off chance that it won't appear due to the enemy running away from you or juking/kiting.


    You can evade while using axe two, that's the beauty of mirage! Yeah, I wish axe 2 reliably generated a clone without some nonsense mechanic, it would make axe a lot better in PvE and PvP.



    > As for the statement about me favoring Phantasm builds over Shatter, that's simply because Shatter isn't a reliable form of sustained DPS and I'm talking about PvE (for the most part).



    I don't mean a shatter build per say when I mentioned clones. Clones dish out conditions without shattering them, and then when you have the CDs up, you can shatter and quickly re-summon them to get in some extra conditions from the shatter.


    Also, Exciton, I just remembered. You don't need to run dueling if you're running clones, so you could bring chaos, which would help out with the condition duration loss from taking IH. That's why I was questioning the usefulness of dueling in Esplen's build, but he went with pistol phantasm bleeds.


  8. > @Exciton.8942 said:

    > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:


    > > Yeah, if going to run phantasms, axe is bad. But how does axe + clones work out? I guess we'll have to wait for raid golem DPS tests with Mirage. The axe re-position could be disastrous in certain fights, but in others ( such as some fractals ), it could be safe to use.

    > >

    > > I probably will use scepter, simply because of it being ranged. But axe by no means is to be under-estimated, and I'll be interested to see what it can do once it goes live.

    > >

    > > Bonus: Seeing as other mesmers have in the past misunderstood my criticism of a few of their statements, I should clarify. Mirage is in no way a perfect elite spec, and some balance changes could most certainly help out.

    > >


    > If you go for clone build, you won't be able to take dune cloak as you will need infinite horizon. That already loses you 20% condition duration.


    > I don't really feel 3 clones with IH can do as much damage as 3 pistol phantasms. The upside is that you can shatter for a bit more damage but I am really not sure if it can make up the difference.


    > Overall, I am not very hopeful on a clone build.




    Yeah, we'll have to see. In a perfect world we would get IH baseline. One can hope : )

  9. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @TheFrighteningFrenchFry.3275 said:

    > > I'm confused, what builds are you considering? Are you thinking dueling will be better than chaos for mirage? Also, when you say scepter is significantly better than axe, are you presuming triggering illusionary counter off CD?


    > [Condi Mesmer PvE Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRArf7ansICtqhNoBWoBMrhlVDCdLnpKld44BwsELfFA-jRhAhA2KBhU/JY/BQlfA6HAA-e)

    > As such, the comparable equivalent Condi Mirage build will be [as shown](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRArf7ansICtqhNoBWoBMrhlVDDdLcGqCldgjTAw/A2AngA-jRhAhA2KBD2fAS9HQlfA6HAA-e)


    > > You say the only advantage of mirage is not moving while dodging, but, *presuming your version of a mirage build* (not taking chaos, taking scepter, dune cloak, ), these are the real trade offs:

    > >

    > > Condi Mesmer:

    > >

    > > Chaotic Transference - Gain condition damage based on your toughness (10%) = 100 condition damage

    > > Chaotic Persistence - Outgoing boon and condition duration for every boon on you = 15% in an average situation?

    > >

    > > Condi Mirage:

    > >

    > > Mirage Cloak/Ether Barrage: Unknown DPS increase ( no downtime of skills while dodging + nice condi spell )

    > > Crystal Sands: Unknown DPS increase

    > > Riddle of Sand: Unknown DPS increase

    > > Nomad's Endurance - Shatter skills give vigor, which grants condition damage: Unknown uptime

    > > Dune Cloak - Use Sand Shards when you gain Mirage Cloak. Conditions applied to bleeding foes have increased duration (20%): 20% permanent condition duration + extra bleeds

    > >

    > > That's 5 different things, so while your version of a Mirage build wouldn't change too much from base mesmer, it's certainly more than you made it out to be. It will definitely be interesting to see how axe fairs vs scepter when we get access to raid golems.

    > >


    > Ok, I've stated this before but I can't find it and I don't really care to redirect you so here goes:


    > Chaos provides: 100-270 Condition Damage (100 in Raids with 100% uptime) and 0-33% Condition Duration (Minimum 9, average 18, Peak 27).

    > Mirage provides: 150 Condition Damage (??? uptime, not close to 100% unless you have a PS Deadeye with 100% bd or a Chaos Chrono) and 20% Condition Duration (100% uptime in Raids)


    > The downtime of dodging is quite literally 0.75s and let me ask you these questions:


    > ### Do you dodge before an attack hits you or as it hits you? Do you ever dodge pre-emptively to get out of the way of attacks? Have you ever dodged for the movement to reposition or avoid known attacks? Have you ever dodged to cancel a skill?


    I dodge to get an evade frame, normally it's slightly before an attack hits, so as to still have the evade frame when the attack hits. I hardly ever dodge just for the movement, but I do occasionally in fractals, simply to get out of melee range when I'm low on health and don't trust my reaction timing enough to continue meleeing. Occasionally this can get me killed, because the boss uses a ranged attack or leaps at me just as my evade backwards is ending.


    However, IF I was using a scepter condition build and I was in melee range, I'd simply dodge and use the teleport of the ambush skill to get out of melee range.


    Instead of using my dodge to cancel a skill, I stow my weapon. Having done some PvP years ago I quickly learned that using a dodge to cancel a skill was extremely wasteful, while using a stow weapon to cancel costs nothing.


    > These are all things a Mirage can't do. The only time dodging will impact your damage output is when you are in the middle of Scepter3, in regards to a Condi build. Also, Ether Barrage is only a slight damage increase over just auto attacking, and by incorporating your dodge into your rotation, you impact your survivability pretty heftily. We don't have good access to Vigor or Endurance Regen so it's not really fair to say that Ether Barrage is a huge DPS increase. You'll use it when you dodge, but you won't really dodge to use it.


    Good is all relative, but if your going to run dueling, you do get close to 50% uptime on vigor. In fractals, you can run the fractal potion. You'll still only dodge to evade attacks, but it will prevent your damage from falling off when you do. Neither of us have numbers on the exact damage increase of ambush skills, but I find it odd you list trivial traits like 100 extra condition damage , only to scoff at an extra damage skill every 5-10 seconds.



    > Crystal Sands is terrible DPS for what it's fighting for. Assuming all 6 shards hit, you get a decent damage output, but a Condi Mesmer doesn't have free Utility slots (Signet of Dom + Midnight, Feedback vs Matthias). If you're using it vs a boss other than Matthias, that's fine, but Condi Mes isn't brought for anything else.


    Yeah, if there is a utility skill that's needed over crystal sands, absolutely go for it.


    > Riddle of Sand gets out once. You aren't going to shatter to get it out again.


    Yeah, I totally forgot about SoD, so I was thinking of mirror images to quickly get your clones back. It also seems you favor a phantasm build, so shattering would be costly too.


    > Sand Shards from Dune Cloak is less than 700 DPS if you somehow manage to have the 100% perfect scenario (not counting power damage as that's somewhat hard to calculate). [source](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/124783#Comment_124783) The bleeding is pretty minimal, and it requires you to sacrifice the whole reason you bring Condi Mes over Power Mes (ranged damage). Dune Cloak is fine, but Sand Shards should not be considered a damage increase as it is similar to an Ambush: something you get when it happens, but you shouldn't build your rotation around it.


    You, you shouldn't build it into your rotation, but it does provide some extra damage if your in melee range. However, you do bring up a good point, no reasons to be in melee range in the first place.



    > So no, that's really not.

    > And the reason why Scepter is significantly better than Axe is because Axe's high damage (condi) attack is Axe2, because it has 8 whirl finishes. But it spawns a clone, meaning it's unusable in Raids. The Axe auto attacks are roughly the same as Scepter, and the Axe3 is a really, really weak attack. Yes it provides 5 Confusion on an 8-10s cd with 0.75s cast time, but it also repositions you randomly which may put you in a bad spot (gl if it ports you outside of VG arena or into a flaming tornado vs Matthias or into the poison vs Slothasar). Additionally, and I can keep saying this again and again, the point of being a Condi Mesmer in raids is partially for your ranged damage output. By going in melee, what separates you from a Power Mesmer? Next to nothing, especially when you have significantly lower DPS if there aren't mechanics forcing you off the boss.


    Yeah, if going to run phantasms, axe is bad. But how does axe + clones work out? I guess we'll have to wait for raid golem DPS tests with Mirage. The axe re-position could be disastrous in certain fights, but in others ( such as some fractals ), it could be safe to use.


    I probably will use scepter, simply because of it being ranged. But axe by no means is to be under-estimated, and I'll be interested to see what it can do once it goes live.


    Bonus: Seeing as other mesmers have in the past misunderstood my criticism of a few of their statements, I should clarify. Mirage is in no way a perfect elite spec, and some balance changes could most certainly help out.



  10. > @Esplen.3940 said:

    > > @Knox.8962 said:

    > > PvE Condi DPS mirage should be a sizeable upgrade over condi DPS mesmer. Both of those are better than chrono DPS.


    > It's not. Standard Condi Mes to Condi Mirage will trade Chaos for Mirage, netting a more reliable Expertise gain at the cost of reliable Condition Damage. The actual numerical gains is relatively low as Crystal Sands provides around the same DPS as Power Spike (neither of which is brought) and Axe is (as of numbers from beta/previews) significantly worse than Scepter in non-PvP setups.


    > You have roughly the same numbers and the only advantage is you don't move when dodging, which is also a disadvantage.


    I'm confused, what builds are you considering? Are you thinking dueling will be better than chaos for mirage? Also, when you say scepter is significantly better than axe, are you presuming triggering illusionary counter off CD?


    You say the only advantage of mirage is not moving while dodging, but, *presuming your version of a mirage build* (not taking chaos, taking scepter, dune cloak, ), these are the real trade offs:


    Condi Mesmer:


    Chaotic Transference - Gain condition damage based on your toughness (10%) = 100 condition damage

    Chaotic Persistence - Outgoing boon and condition duration for every boon on you = 15% in an average situation?


    Condi Mirage:


    Mirage Cloak/Ether Barrage: Unknown DPS increase ( no downtime of skills while dodging + nice condi spell )

    Crystal Sands: Unknown DPS increase

    Riddle of Sand: Unknown DPS increase

    Nomad's Endurance - Shatter skills give vigor, which grants condition damage: Unknown uptime

    Dune Cloak - Use Sand Shards when you gain Mirage Cloak. Conditions applied to bleeding foes have increased duration (20%): 20% permanent condition duration + extra bleeds


    That's 5 different things, so while your version of a Mirage build wouldn't change too much from base mesmer, it's certainly more than you made it out to be. It will definitely be interesting to see how axe fairs vs scepter when we get access to raid golems.


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