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Posts posted by FairyNuff.3452

  1. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > Most likely, PoF - or Season 4 - will end with us learning who took Balthazar's power and is now the god of war. It will be Menzies or some nobody more than likely. If it is Menzies, I hope they don't continue Peter Fries (iirc - maybe Bobby Stein?) on twitter saying Menzies is pronounced Mingus.


    That is how the name is properly pronounced though.

  2. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > * Yes, in Ghosts of Ascalon it is noted that some pollen falls from Killeen's hair.

    > * We have no example of this, but we do know that sylvari appearances change based on their mental state and if/when they suffer trauma. If we have a sylvari who has a fear of snow, they could change during the winter or when in the Shiverpeaks.

    > * Same as point two.


    Ok so following point 1.

    * Does this mean that Sylvari's flowery bits can be fertilised?

    * Any records of Sylvari growing fruit from themselves that is edible?




  3. How plants like _are_ Slyvari?


    * Do they produce pollen/spores from any flowery parts? If so could you be allergic to Sylvari?

    * Are there any deciduous Sylvari?

    * Do Sylvari change with the seasons?


    I mean I've not seen much written about their physiology but it seems like an interesting topic.

  4. It definitely would be nice to have enemies you could use finishers on in PVE.


    Maybe only certain enemies like champions/elites/veterans but with the caveat that they can be very easily killed from attacks when downed so if people whoi find it tedious could just do a couple of attacks instead.

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