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Posts posted by Silv.9207

  1. Frequently who can spam so much burn can do it using a lot of skills, wich make them vulnerable and they're damage poor if you clean the burn stacks or have resistance. An example is the Guardian: you can spam your skills and inflict more than 18 stacks of burn, but if the enemy clean it or have reaistance you lose almost all your dps for a lot of time.


    Burn is strong, but is (frequently) a conditions hard to stack or can't be spammed all the time like a lot of other conditions.


    In 1v1 you can control the enemy stacks using clean skills and fighting the enemy wisely.


    In a 3v3-4v4, if you have a single class that spam clean (elementalist, for example), you can ignore the burn damage at all because it can be removed easy spamming heals.


    The classes and builds able to spam it can't inflict so much using other conditions or have different cooldown to keep an eye on, also using a lot of skills, making them weaker in defence or damage if you survive the "burn burst", fighting easy against them if you use your skills wisely.


    Burn is really strong, but you can counter it easy timing your skills

  2. why do a new gamemode if no one want to play it?


    ANet already added a deathmatch map to see if it would be viagle. Highly failed. No one wanted to change they're meta to play it, no one was happy of it, no one wanted to play in that map/mode. Still everyone want a deathmatch mode...

    Useless say that if they add it again it will fail again. And again. And again.


    Different game mode with some NPC to kill/defend and strongholds to defend and destroy with supplies and bonuses? Took a little more time because it was a interesting mode but still failed. No one wanted to change the meta build, learn a new mechanic and more, as always. Failed.


    Different map bonuses and ways to obtain points with the same mechanic as conquer? Spiritwatch grante d the chance to win both with the orb or holding points. Everyone hated it because players had to pay attention to more than one mechanic. The same for other maps that grants points in other ways than holding points.


    Try to have different game modes is good and make the community bigger with ideas and suggestions, but will drammatically Lose, as always.

    If you look, ANet made other game modes hiding them under the actual one to try them out. They immediatly drop the idea because no one want to change they're meta, they're build, they're way to win. No one want to learn a new mechanic, still if it's just a thing like "kill the enemy team, the one that survive win". Too much energy to make a new build only for it. Nah, that will never work.


    Idk why no one want to put a little effort to make a build viable for other modes (like if in sPvP to change build you have to pay...) or just to learn a mechanic that is a little different than "sit in the circle and don't move".


    Anyway, after years and years, I learnt that is useless try to add a new game mode: everyone will hate it, still if it's beautifull.

  3. The main problem is that a large amount of players want a new game mode but NO ONE want to ADAPT to it.


    ANet made different viable maps where you was able to win following specific mechanics: death match, kill the lord, score taking an item and took it on your base.

    The problem was and always will be that players can't play that game modes with they're actual build and they don't want to chance build, and eventually meta, only to play in a different way.


    You can ask for a different game mode and ANet can grant you a new map with that requested game mode but no one will be happy of it because that will force them to change they're gameplay and they don't want to.


    Is totally useless ask for something no one will want to play, as it always was in this game. ANet granted us new maps and game modes but how many players play strnghold? Or deathmatch?


    Don't pretend to change the game if you don't want to change your gameplay

  4. People cry about weakness, people cry about critical rate... Ok, let's remove them both and play!

    That DE build is really weak in teamfights because if anyone see you or spamAoE where you are and you're kneel, you have really few chances to survive.

    High risk/High reward build. If you active any defensive skill or have a passive that grant you survavibility, you make him waste his attack and then he's easy to kill. You're a ranger, then some good dodges or a invulnerability skill will grant you enough time to kill him with a LB2, even better if you knock him back with the LBx to make your burst hit easier.


    That build is really strong in 1v1 if the enemy don't see you come. If the enemy know you're there and is prepared to your burst that build is not so hard to defeat.

  5. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"Phineas Poe.3018" said:

    > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > The amulet in question was in the game at launch. It got buffed before becoming the dominating meta amulet for multiple classes (basically everyone but Thief), then nerfed, then removed entirely only to recently be reintroduced.

    > >

    > > No it effing was not lol. The only amulets that were available at launch were three stat amulets.


    > Three stats and Celestial. Check those wiki links I gave you. Notice how none of them give a date with "added to the game?" Because it was always there. It may have been ignored, but it most definitely was there. I experimented with that amulet in beta.


    > Tell you what, since you believe it was added to the game later, please, find the patch notes for its addition. You won't have much luck.


    It was so weak at the launch that no one used it. It was there since launch but it was just bad and there was not a single class able to use it. When it got buffed, eles and engis discovered it was perfect for they because they was able to spam so much might, fury and protection/regeneration that they obtained the damage of a dps amulet with the defences of a celestial, incrementing all they're strengths.

    Then got nerfed to increase the build diversity and reverted to what it was at launch and only few players used it again. It was cancelled and then re-introduced.


    Basicly, it was meta since it was strong. After then debuff it returned to be useless for almost everyone as it was at launch.

    Then, if we talk about how long it was in the game: from the launch. How much it was meta: from when it was buffed and untill it was nerfed.

    At the start of the game for who wanted to be a pro player the celestial was totally useless but become the most OP thing of the game since when it got buffed. Then it returned into the oblivion because too weak to be competitive.

  6. If everyone unless necros play Power and is better than Condi still if there's all that weakness in the game...what's the problem?


    The real problem is that people hate debuffs, nothing more.


    Necromancers corrupt might into weakness since Years and the Might Spam is Older than necro debuff ability. The necro came up as a debuffer because ANet chose to make a class able to counter the boon spam.


    Might corrupted into weakness is an old story and sometimes someone come up with "nerf weakness!". But after some times no one cares anymore because everyone can kill a necro even with weakness on them. Maybe now with the dps of the scourge is a little harder, but totally not impossible.


    The actual necromancer have the same weakness spam/corruption ability than it has 4 years ago using his skills/traits and corrupting might.


    Talking about Phineas Poe.3018Phineas Poe.3018 post, it's totally useless make a list of weapons that inflict weakness on they're AA, expecially if used in few suboptimal builds. First of all because if no one use that weapons there's not a reason to talk about. Second because that skills that apply weakness are mainly on the AA chain and you will Never find a ele spam the earth staff AA just to inflict you weakness, and you will never be able to spam a melee AA in sPvP, it's obviously impossible and totally useless. Why would I spend my time running around and hitting the enemy with my low damage AA if I can use better skills to support, debuff and damage? Your post don't make sense!

  7. Weakness is no more frequent than it was in the last years, but might is. The might spam is the reason of the weakness spam. Mecause more might you spam more weakness spam by corruption you get.


    Weakness is in this game since ever and is used by few classes and even lesser builds. So, there's only few builds that use weakness, and only the necromancer use it in a way that can grant you problems. If you're not fighting a necromancer probably you will not have weakness on you for more than few seconds in the entire fight.


    The actual Meta is Power (8 classes over 9 use Power) and that's a proof that necromancers that spam weakness don't make Power obsolete at all.


    Weakness is strong, but not the strongest condition in this game and probably don't need a nerf. The only class that can "spam" it have few sources of weakness in his skills and all his spam come from corrupting your spam. It's pretty balanced, don't you think? A necro fighting someone that don't spam might will find hard times to inflict any decent amount of it, for shure not enough to keep him alive.


    Necromancers defence is totally focused on corrupting your boons into conditions and is the only class designed as a boon corrupter. That mean that it's strength is make you weak spamming corruptions and transforming you might into weakness.

    The corrupted weakness duration was reduced to 5 seconds, then in long fight is not so strong if you kite a little and don't spam might all the time granting him an easy way to keep you down.

    At the same time, Weakness is the only thing that make a necro able to survive to your damage. Resistance or a good clean skill will grant you a window to burst down the necro and resolve all your problems about the "weakness spam".


    Weakness is good as it is.

  8. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > @"Silv.9207" said:

    > > No longer condi meta, but people will ask to nerf on condition damage anyway because...they just hate conditions, no other reason

    > More specfically, they hate _necromancers_, and generalize that hate across all professions' condition builds for some reason (in a way they never do when they hate a specific power build).


    That's also true. every time necromancer's been a viable option in PvP everyone was like "OMG is OP! insta-nerf it!!".

    If you add that the necromancer is by himself a condition class (also because the necro Power builds are underperforming in every game mode...) and is main strategy is Corrupt boons, you find the more hated class Ever.

    In the last meta it was a little too much, that may be true, but against a good player a scourge found really hard times to win. Any ranged dps build (no matter if power or condi) was able to burst down any scourge of this game pretty easy, making that build really easy to counter.

    But ehi, people don't want to change his build "only" to be able to fight at the same level with the most used class of the meta, people only want to nerf it to the ground.


    Anyway, with scourge unable to kill as before (still if good in team fight if the enemy don't focus him or if is with someone that care of him all the day long) and no other condition builds in the meta, maybe noob players will finally stop to ask to nerf conditions.


    There's basicly no more meta condition builds in this game unless for a single class. Will everyone stop to ask to nerf condition? obviously no, but let's hope for the better.

  9. There's a large amount of classes that can use Protection and different classes can stack if and have it all the day long. Weakness don't last so much and can be cleaned or even totally ignored (resistance). For example, a warrior don't fear weakness because can handle it really easy with different condi clean and a lot of resistance.

    Also, the two classes that mainly use weakness are really weak to Power damage. Thief and Necro can be quickly slaughtered by any Power build in this game (expecially if with ranged weapons) and they're only way to survive to them is use weakness because don't have other good defensive ways to survive (the stealth of the thief grant him a good survaibility, but hit him in the right way can grand a fast kill without so much effort).


    For shure be covered of weakness while fighting in a team fight against classes that already don't fear Power damage is a problem, but at the same time, in a team fight there's classes and builds that grant to you and your allies a high amount of condi clean, enough to face the weakness spam of a single class. Expecially now that necro have his shade corruptions reduced and that his weakness skills are mainly 1 target.


    By itself the conditions is seriously strong, but if you look to a more big teamfight enviroment it's effect can be highly reduced.

  10. Make the players able to play with they're friends will make the game more balanced and grant players to make a strategy and play different classes and builds in viable ways.

    There's diferent ways to make that balanced also for who play alone or with few friends.

    The MM can use the win/lose and rank of the higher of the team only, that will make people unable to play in lowers and farm killing noobs.

    The MM can chose premade first and try to don't make premades fight against full pugs but at least against 3+2 or 4+1 teams.

    Improving the LFG system and suggesting to players to use it should be a big chance to make players do teams and play with players at the same level, making a strategy and finding players that don't go afk at the first problem.

    There can be a increased reward rate for teams based on how much you are, making players interested to do teams instead of play alone as casuals, even increasing the reward by up to 50% if that will make people play as a team instead of go solo in a Team Based Game.


    There's a large amount of things that ANet can do to make players do teams promoting the game in a more full team way to play.


    If there will be a lot of full teams in sPvP the game will be more balanced and there will be lesser afkers and ragequitters, lesser players that play "naked", that go in the match only for the fun of see they're team lose, and more.

    That can also be used to improve the game and make players unable to stack the OP class of the moment blocking the log in option for that X character on the player that want to swap before the match start. There's different games that do similar things and they're not big as GW2.


    The Solo/DuoQ is one of the first things that runed GW2 sPvP and made it totally unbalanced and unbalaceable.

    No one can play his faorite class in the way he want because can't make a strategy, there's a large amount of builds that are strong but need a teamwork to be played and then no one can use them because no one can make a team to play.


    "Force" or grant higher rewards to players to make them play as a Team will highly improve the game, the Quality of Life, reduce the flame that is making players stay away from spvp and spvp forum, will increas the buld diversity by a lot and grant players to play with they're friends, increasing the sPvP community by a large amount.


    Make players play as a team and everything will go better in few time.

  11. To inflict conditions you have to hit the enemy, if you hit the enemy you active Retalation. it perfectly work against both the damage sources.

    If you think that condition skills hit faster and with lesser animations and castings, that increase the strength of Retalation against them, inflicting more damage (more hit->more damage).


    If your suggestion is to make every tick of every conditions to inflict the damage of Retalation on the enemy, that would be insanely OP.

    Example: if the enemy hit you with a single hit that inflict you 2k he will suffer 300 damage but if the enemy inflict you a X condition that inflict 2k over 5 seconds he will suffer 1500 damage, only by hitting you once. And that for Every kind of damaging condition he threw you?

    You will be able to inflict more than 1k/sec to the enemy just sitting in the place and spamming retalation.


    That make no sense at all.


    Do you want to fix conditions? increase by a little the damage of conditions and reduce both the condition and condi-clean spam and you'll see a bright tomorrow for GW2. Lesser conditions that still inflict a reasonable amount of damage (enough to make sense to play a condi build) and enough condi-clean to don't get slaughtered by it without a chance to win.


    Increase the amount of counters to Condition will only force ANet to improve conditions to match the new difficulties to play it.

  12. There's 2 Big problems:

    1) that game is balanced arount a team of 5 players with different classes that cooperate to win a Conquest map Match and for that the actual balance will never work for a 2v2/3v3 deathmatch match and will force ANet to make fix to adapt different classes/builds to the new mechanic, weakening them for the teamwork. It all can end worst than it begins...

    2) your "whu is lukiest win" will never be fixed playing in 2v2/3v3 because if you find a bad player it will be even more a problem for you. The Only solution is force players to make teams and play as a team, like in PvE dungeons. improve the LFG System and force players to cooperate and adapt, make guilds and play with friends. No other way you'll be able to fight in 2v2 as a single player (unless you're so skilled to be able to play also for the eventually bad player you'll find on your team)

  13. Scourge is a glass cannon and for that can survive only if you're really good to use it. But 90% of the scourges you see in this game are glass cannon builds really easy to burst.


    Looking to the actual scourge meta build, it's basicly a glass cannon. It have 560 of vitality but with his incredibly low amount of defensive skills (of every kind and also they're really bad anyway) can't survive to a burst anyway. The only way for a scourge to survive to a fight is win it, if the scourge can't win the fight can't not even survive to it. The main survavibility of the necro come from cripple and weakness, with some boon corruption to reduce a little the enemy strength. All the other defensive skills are more or less useless to seriously stop the enemy to kill you.


    No mobility, bad defensive skills, defensive skills that don't scale based to the number of enemies, the damage is highly chained to the Fx skills, that Fx skills are immobile (still if the same skills also act from the necro itself), Fx skills grant both damage and defence to the necromancer and you have to chose if inflict damage or obtain defence and if the necro don't have enough LF can't inflict good damage and can't survive.


    That build is really strong but can be heavly countered by a lot of classes and builds. The fact that you don't face only a single enemy but a full team is not so much important because that's the same for your opponent.


    The only thing a necromancer have is it's AoE condition damage, if you remove it you remove the scourge from the game.

    Nerf it to the medium tier will make it totally disappear, with no other effect than remove a class from the game.


    There's different things to do than nerf it's damage, like nerf it's cripple spam and it's AoE area in different ways. That should be a good nerf to make it weaker enough to make medium players don't cry too much and good players able to fight it and fight with it at high levels.


    At high levels in sPvP there's not so much scourges and they're not so insanely strong.



    That was the same thing as the old DragonHunter. It had strong AoE damage with traps and huge point control. two of them was able to totally control a point, exactly as the scourge actually do. But at high levels against skilled players tha DH was mediocre, the same is for the scourge.

    If you play scourge find someone that know how to fight you, expecially if use one of the different builds able to Counter you, there's no chance for you to win.


    Scourge is really strong but have different counters that can kill it fast because the scourge don't have good defensive skills and can't flee because don't have mobility.

  14. In the past a single build was able to invalidate all X playstyle. Eles was able to totally invalidate any kind of condition build in this game. Engis was able to make useless every direct damage build, expecially with low stability (in the past I seen engis survive to 3-4 power builds while holding the point all the time for more than 5 minutes and no one told a word about that). hammer/mace warrior was able to CC enemies for days while providing support and capping for ages.


    Every ranged build can kill a scourge, while the scourge is strong against the majority of the melee builds (use a warrior and burst that scourge down, if you really want to play melee).

    if a class can do great things but is heavly countered by different builds it's not a huge problem.


    In the past only necros was able to kill eles and necros was heavly countered by tons of builds. Maybe now the necro is lesser countered than before but if a simple power ranger or power mesmer can totally remove the "scourge problem" from the match, that make the scourge strong but not OP.

    Every class able to burst from range is able to kill a scourge without too much problems. Ranger, Mesmer, Revenant, Thief, they're the best classes to burst a scourge, removing it from the game.

    If you have one of that classes and you see in the enemy team a scourge, just ask to him to kill the scourge every time he come in the fight and you'll play 80% of time in 5vs4 because the necro will be in respown all the time. Expecially if the necro is focused and can't obtain enough LF to be dangerous.


    If you seriously hate a class/build and think that it's OP, find it's nemesi and kill it every time you see his face.


    Put a Target on the necro, spam some ranged power skills and you'll make him unable to play.

  15. A single spec can counter a specific playstile, expecially if all the others playstile counter it. There's a large amount of ranged builds and every class can use a ranged weapon to kite and kill a scourge still if it's not it's main damage weapon. And other builds have enough condi clean/resistance to fight a scourge anyway (warrior).

    In the past there was a large amount of builds able to totally counter a specific playstyle. For example, eles countered All the condition builds of the game and engi countered All the direct damage builds of this game. Other builds was able to decap and spam CC (frequently with low/mid damage but a big effect on the match making the team work easier), making all the builds with low stability useless.


    If a build can kill a large amount of builds but is also countered by a large amount of builds there's no need to nerf it.

    The scourge is strong and might need a little nerf in the AoE range but out of that it's killed by all the builds able to spam damage from range (ranger, mesmer, thief for example).


    Anyway, as it is in more or less every MMORPG game, range>melee, expecially in PvP. There's some exeptions if the class/build have high mobility or strong defensive skills (like thief and warrior), but in all the other situations, range is better than melee. Is easier to inflict damage, you start to hit first and have a range to use to flee and use the terrain as an advantage.


  16. In a large amount of games (expecially rpg) ranged>melee, nothing's new.

    Different classes have enough defences or movement skills to reach the enemy and kill him still if it's using ranged weapons. Thief and Warrior for example have enough movement skills to catch an enemy. At last, if you hate ranged classes equip a ranged weapon and use it until you go in melee.


    Looking to different maps, there's maps that grant advantages to range, others to AoE and others to movement skills (like teleport) and in few areas the ranged classes have problems to keep the distance.

    But that's like this since...ever?

    I don't think that ANet will change so much the maps to make a better balance.

    ANet made some balance on the Battle of Kyhlo to make melee builds able to catch ranged builds in the mid and different little changes had been made to balance the overall game.


    But, as always, range>melee. Like in every single game.

  17. If that go on, the problem will be that a lot of classes can spam every kind of boon and have them uptime all the day long, making them barely immune to conditions. A boon share mesmer will make your team immune to conditions (if not all to a large amount of them), for example.

    That will increase the amount of boon remove/corrupt to compensate and also increase the amount of boon spam. But that also will kill every class/build that don't spam boons, making a lot of classes unable to play because they will suffer from all the balance needed to make conditions able to fight in fight where they would be unable to if there will be no corruption or huge spam.


    increase the way you counter condition will only increase the way conditions counter you.

    The only way to fix conditions is to Reduce both condi counter and condi spam at the same time.


    There's already traits and skills that remove specific conditions (expecially movement imparring conditions but also poison and burn), a little increase of that kind of skills/traits will not be bad. But it have to be small and maybe a way to make traitlines/traits or weapons/skills useful in PvP while they're actually bad or need a little power up to be really viable.

  18. > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    > > For the life of me, I cannot understand why players are so headstrong about getting off their current class and getting on one that can easily deal with scourges.


    > Yes we should all just reroll to 2 classes because of scourge. Rather than you know, having a healthy and diverse meta.


    > Oh and nevermind that Soulbeast and Deadeye are worthless against everything but scourge which means you won't actually kill the enemy scourge because you'll get counterpressured and rekt by the Scourges teammates. Players have adapted to Scourge, players have discovered the best way to handle a Scourge is to bring your own Scourge, and players have learned that anything other than the 3 builds that can coexist with scourge is no longer worth playing.


    > Oh and I hope you realize that Scourge is itself a ranged class. Or have you not noticed that Manifest Shade, scepter, and staff are all ranged?




    Mmmmm.... do you remember the cele-ele meta? That meta that forced every team to have an ele (or two) or just lose the match, without any kind of possible counter to that build? There was Literally Not a Single Counter to that meta. That meta build was so strong that ANet was forced to make Necros able to kill it because there was not a single class able to kill a skilled ele both in 1v1 or team fight. But ANet forgot to make necros able to fight other classes out of eles. That made necros the only class able to corrupt boons and kill eles and that granted to necros a spot in the meta but at the same time there was so much counters that a necro needed an ele to survive... the class it was made to counter.... But that's ANet logic, we're not here to discuss about that.


    We had seriously worst meta OP classes and builds in the past.


    The actual necro is seriously insane in team fights if the enemy team is all in the center of the point waiting to get killed. But any decent focus can kill a scourge pretty easy and fast. Only play scourge with firebrand make it able to survive a real fight in the middle against someone that know how to play. But different classes can still burst down a scourge if they want, still if it's under the FB protection.


    Also, that post don't say to play Only the things that counter scourge but that if you really hate it there's a lot of classes able to kill it.

    If you hate so much the Scourges just play what kill them. Basicly every ranged dps class can kill a scourge and some can burst it really fast.

    The reason is that the scourge is mainly a ranged class but also it's main damage is chained to one (or more) Ground Target Immobile Shade that can't move and anyone able to hit the necro from afar and able to move enough to go out of the Shade range can easly evade 70% of the scourge damage. A melee build would never be able to do that because the scourge can stay near the shade and the Fx effects also hits in the range from the necro itself, making it a perfect class to counter melee builds. But a ranged build can.

    Ranger, Thief, Revenant, Mesmer, they all can kill any scourge in 1v1 and in different situations also burst it down during a team fight. Maybe a revenant lack a bit the ability to fight at the same level of other classes in terms of fight enemies that aren't a scourge, but all the others are really strong also against other classes and there's different builds they can use and pretty much every build they use can kill a scourge if they have a ranged weapon.


    The scourge is strong but can be hard countered and heavly bursted down by a large amount of classes. That make it balanced and totally not OP if you move out of gold rank.


    At last, nerf the damage of the scourge will remove the only thing it have. No mobility, no survavibility (not a decent one, at last), no support. Reduce it's damage without grant it anything will only push it out of the meta and nothing more.

    A large amount of players hate the scourge but the point here is not make it weak but make it counterable by other classes. For example reducing a little it's AoE (maybe in sPvP only) and reduce the Cripple spam. That will make scourge lesser OP and more of the other classes able to fight it.

  19. The scepter is used only because is the only condition weapon on the necromancer weapon set. The scepter isn't strong enough to compete with all the other condition weapons of this game. In a lot of situations the scepter isn't enough to inflict damage and the AA is one of the lesser rewarding thing you can spam using a necromancer (any kind of necro build).

    Maybe for some low rank players a corruption on the 3AA may look insanely OP but at the end of the game that corruption don't change the game and don't make a necromancer win. If a necromancer win (expecially if win corrupting your boons) is because there's a large amount of Other skills that corrupt or remove boons and have other skills to inflict damage.

    A necromancer that AA with the scepter is a necromancer that missed something, that don't have anything else in his pocket to throw out and spam. And you don't have to fear a necro like that because will be so bad that will never kill you.


    In the end, the scepter AA don't even grant you LF, one of the reasons no one stay there to AA, not with a scepter. better AA with the staff and spam marks to be able to spam Fx skills and corrupt More boons (maybe aiming to your stability with a fast and huge corruption spam) and inflict hugely more damage with shade skills.


    If you want to nerf Scourge, you're really doing bad.

  20. SoloQ have single Big problem: the game isn't balanced around a single player playstile but around a Teamwork system.


    The game always was balanced thinking about the Team Composition. If you have a good team composition there's no problem at all against condi spam, you can manage it. You can chose the class combination and make different classes and builds other than "meta builds" really viable because you can play in a coordinate way. There's not even match manipulating, if you're in a Team made by yourself because the only players you will make lose would be our friends and eventually guild members.


    All the game is balanced about make a team and fight with every player knowing the strategy, the other party members builds and fighting in a competitive way.


    That make SoloQ really bad because you can't play with friends (DuoQ isn't enough to make a strategy and teamwork with the other players), you can't make a strategy and can't fight in a competitive way because there's no one that know what's the others build and how the other players play.


    That's a Team Based game Balanced around play as a Team that try to be viable for players that Don't Want to make a Team and Chose to make Everyone Unable to make one.


    My syggestion is the same since the SoloQ was proposed:

    change the SoloQ in a TeamQ and Improve the LFG System for who don't have a giuld or friends to play with (a systemthat perfectly work in all the other game modes and can work even in this one).

    With players "forced" and Able to make a Team balanced around the personal Rank (platinum, gold, silver...) there will be a good chance to make players able to play as a team even if they don't have a way to make one by themselves.


    That will make sense with a Balance System built aroun a team and not around every single class of thes game (that is basicly impossible looking to this game build mechanic)

  21. If you have problems to fight random casual burn guardians in the actual meta... there's something really wrong in your build or playstyle...


    One or two condi clean or a single resistance buff will grant you enough abilities to kill any burn guardian in this game. Actually it's one of the worst build you can play.

    Easy to counter, easy to kill, what's the problem with all that? You clean the first (and maybe only) condi burst with a single condi clean skill and then the guardian damage is reduced by 80% until he obtain his burst back.


    You can liteally Jump torch skill 5, that show how bad is that weapon design and how easy is counter that builds.


    Anyway, if a FB want to spam burn he can still do that, only a little harder with that two skills nerfed, but nothing more.


    And cheer ANet when they nerf useless builds instead fix real problems is one of the big problems of this community.

  22. > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

    > > @Silv.9207 said:


    > > The problem is that in this game no one want to be "ok", everyone want to be OP and then no one want to play ele anymore.


    > From the Silv that complained incessantly about how bad necro was during times when it was solidly in the meta.




    Sadly true. I wrote a lot of posts in the past, frequently useless and unhelping.

    I left the game for a while, than I turn back to gave it a chance and now I know a lot about how bad I was as a forum user. Forgive me for my intollerance.

    Actually i don't even play necro XD (I don't like scourge mechanic, still if it's insanely strong)


    Anyway, my post is true (I hope). The ele was meta since the first time I start to play in sPvP years ago and changed a lot of roles since then. DPS with Fresh Air (don't say you didn't had a dps build because that one was really strong), a God build with the cele D/D meta (that meta was good and top tier for years, I think, and made eles be top heal, top damage and top survavibility a large amount of times. So much strong that ANet had to make necromancers able to corrupt boons Only to make someone able to ounter an ele!).

    After HoT the ele meta in sPvP was more about Support and Survive, making other builds barely viable. That made a large amount of ele players unhappy finding they're all mighty ele be confinated to be a healer. But still then the ele was a Top class and frequently a good ele was able to change the match. In a match between a team with an ele and a team without it there was no game, the one with the ele was the winner at 90%.


    Sadly, the guardian now (finally) play his main role and instead of pew pew people can support and defend them better than anyonelse (like it had always to be).


    If you want to look, there's a recent post on that forum that show a really interesting build for the Weaver that seems to be able to kill a large amount of classes in 1v1 and do really great things in Teamplay. And it's good to dps the enemy, as you ever wanted (maybe not able to burst down but still able to kill fast). That show that there's still hope for this class. The weaver isn't for shure an easy elite to master (for shure the hardest ever made by anet) but with a lot of practice you'll be able to win your battles.


    here's the link if the post move away and you want to find it:


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