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Posts posted by BoxerBrute.9148

  1. The reason mat prices have dropped significant value is due to the new meta map Drizzlewood Coast, its far too generous in handing out raw materials as a reward. On one hand its a pretty good map to make gold but at what cost?


    I feel like this is gonna do damage to the overall economy in the long term, really bums me out since I used to make most of my gold through iron ore runs on my characters but sadly it's no longer worth it.

  2. I'm on the very satisfied side of the fence, I've been wanting a focus on the Charr lore of the story since forever and the cutscene with Rytlock and the lion dude got me so hyped. I don't care about raiding but I do appreciate the new group boss content that Anet showed us, it looks more accessible to the average player rather that the 1% of the playerbase.


    And I never cared about pvp and wvw so meh. I'm crossing my fingers for more focus on dynamic events like Hot and hopefully more unique backpacks that can be purchased for a new map currency. Also I do appreciate the free outfit and mordrem glider. ?


    Reading some of the responses here and from other places it seems some people got carried away and were hoping for content fit for a whole new expansion, my expectations were more grounded and I was expecting an extra map fit for a living world episode so I'm not disappointed at all. Perhaps next time living worlds should be announced through blog posts while a full blown expansion should get a theater presentation like this, just my 2 cents.

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