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Posts posted by Vexev.3298

  1. OK, out of the match, but it won't let me queue - it keeps saying "Match is in progress". At least I'm out. When I switch characters, it says "You cannot join the PvP game in progress because your character has changed." When I log into the main character, I get a "The game client is unable to gain access to the login server..." Code 19:9:19:1714:101



    During the last balance patch, all Mesmer traits that had non-standard recharge reduction rates were standardized to a flat 20% recharge reduction rate. For example, “The Pledge: This trait now grants a flat 20% recharge reduction…” and “Chaotic Dampening: This trait now grants a flat 20% recharge reduction…”.


    However, the Mesmer trait “Duelist’s Discipline” was accidentally missed. Since all other Mesmer recharge reduction traits were changed to flat 20% rates, this one needs to be also.


    So, please fix the “Duelist’s Discipline” trait so that it will grant “a flat 20% recharge reduction…”, like all other Mesmer recharge reduction traits now do. Thanks!

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