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Posts posted by trooper.2650

  1. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > but Mirage is about the most fun I've ever had in an MMO. They really produced some interesting playstyles here and I hope they can manage to maintain that feel while simultaneously bringing balance.



    This to a point where I do not give a s..t if Chrono is OP. I just do not like it. I still play Mirage because it's fun and when playing a game I want to have fun. I do not care about FotM class if it is not what I like playing


  2. I would make two changes:

    The warden applies protection if you stay in the bubble range. That would make it a safe shelter vs prjectiles and would also give you some damage mitigation when fighting on point/melee range.

    The other thing is when placing the curtain it breaks enemy targeting. And while I think of it, it would make sense, because being a cluncky weapon, it is the only one (except pistol, which is primarly a damage weapon) that does not have an immediate defensive "oshit button". Think about it... torch lets you blind and disappear with the press of a button, sword lets you block and we all know what shield does. So focus is the only one that requires you to place the curtain AND activate it in order to defende yourself. When being chased, this is the last thing you need and one if not the main reason why focus has fallen in to oblivion in pvp: anyone with stability will laugh at your "pull" or cripple.

    If both things are too OP togehter (I doubt it, few seconds of protection will change nothing in reality) I would keep the break-targeting things.

  3. I am sure everybody knows about the “on-steroids” Chrono-Phant build that the pvp forums are complaining about.

    I tried to make a version for mirage and more condi oriented.

    These are two ranked matches in mid gold, which I am aware do not say much… but I wanted to hear about what you think.


    [https://youtu.be/A5rkQGapW4M](https://youtu.be/A5rkQGapW4M "https://youtu.be/A5rkQGapW4M")




    The build

    [gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAndWnsICFqhlpBWqBMMjlejyMAugMyP8P/2/MFKhWD-jJxHABA8EAEf/hBOFAFVGAA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAndWnsICFqhlpBWqBMMjlejyMAugMyP8P/2/MFKhWD-jJxHABA8EAEf/hBOFAFVGAA "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAndWnsICFqhlpBWqBMMjlejyMAugMyP8P/2/MFKhWD-jJxHABA8EAEf/hBOFAFVGAA")


    Things to note. The CP version has all phant doubled up and this means double might per phantasm summoned and double quickness.

    Going mirage, I cannot have so much might and quickness. In order to have that much might I should go inspiration for Illusionary Inspiration (2 mights per phant) and Illusions for Phantasmal Force (2 mights per phant when they become clones), but in this setup I would feel not tanky enough. Not wanting to drop Chaos, I tried to go with inspiration to take full advantage of the celestial ammy. I could try to switch to illusions and have some torment on shatter instead of quickness for more pressure. In this case celestial could possibly not be the right choice. Which other amulet would you reccomend?


    The general feeling was good, not overpowered of course. But I wonder if the disenchanter and defender utilities do indeed make good synergy with CP because it is a power based build (the latest version I saw was with Knight amulet) and not so much with my iteration of the same build because I am trying to make it work with a more condi/hybrid version.

    PS: dropping the two utilities would defeat the meaning of the Signet Heal and phant build in general.


    For the weapons, if I had to drop focus (legitimate) what would you go with? Sword or torch?


    Let me know, thanks


  4. Hi


    There is this guy running around with purple glow all over and a very tiny outfit who did not want to tell me the name of what he was wearing. Can you help me to find out what it is?

    I was able to take only few pics but not very detailed...

  5. > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

    > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > > @"trooper.2650" said:

    > > > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

    > > > > Mirage needs their dodge stomp nerfed

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Nobody says anything about scrapper gyro stomps or dare devil elite skill. It's part of the package. Live with it

    > >

    > > Thank you. If safe stomps are to be removed, then remove all of them. Don't just target mesmers for that.


    > No offense - a little note;


    > Scrapper Function Gyro is bugged, it is CCable and has a bad AI. If you are somewhere that Gyro can’t reach, you can’t be stomped. And when you CC it, Scrapper can’t stomp for the rest of the game (lul).


    > Daredevil stomp isn’t safe stomp. It takes up an elite slot and they are still CCable while casting it. - It has a significantly higher cast time to stomp.


    Someone mentioned elixir S...

  6. > @"Egorum.9506" said:

    > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > > > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > > > > > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > > > > > > Isn't it funny that the class which is supposed to rely on confusing its enemies to defeat them has become an invuln tank? Not sure why Anet has decided to give mesmer so much invuln/block/evade. I thought after the disaster for balance that HoT release was, Anet was trying to move away from this kind of boring gameplay.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Since the game launched I stood behind the idea that block and evade should just be merged. They perform the EXACT same function, which is completely mitigation of incoming damage with the exception of condi ticks. In addition, evade doesn't have any counter play. While block has unblockable skills available to multiple classes. As it stands evade should NOT be baked on to offensive skills. Defensive skills? Absolutely! But the ability to evade and deal high damage to the opponent is out of proportion. It always been. Its just that in the recent years its become a lot worse.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Fun fact Evades have counter play but hey that’s just knowing what skills are in game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Certain skills and effects cannot be evaded, they include:

    > > > > > Skills with area denial purposes: Line of Warding, Ring of Warding, Dragon's Maw, Unsteady Ground, Static Field, Slick Shoes, Spectral Wall, Temporal Curtain's cripple, and others.

    > > > > > The pull skill for Guardian (the chain skill of Binding Blade) and Hunter's Verdict for Dragonhunter (the chain skill of Spear of Justice) are also not able to be evaded.

    > > > > > Passive effects that trigger when the enemies are attacked: Retaliation, Auras

    > > > >

    > > > > This doesn’t fit the narrative and will be quickly shot down using the pretext that they don’t count.

    > > >

    > > > I know right?

    > >

    > > It’s almost like you’re trying to have a political discussion with far left or far right minded individual and instead of listening to logic they just... ignore it.


    > Right, I even made a video of it. I have very little experience with mesmer and still was running 2v1s. It is broken as kitten.




    The only thing this video shows is 1. Some bad people 2. Your Mes skills are not bad or above average because there is no way you can faceroll a chrono with few matches 3. Mirage can be killed. You just did it @ 4:00. Period


  7. Hey guys, thank you for the feedback. I guess you were all wondering how this crazy project turned out :-D

    Well, I must say that I 100% agree with what apharma.3741 says in the other post (about interrupts traits). As soon as you switch from CI in Chaos to PB in domination you see a definite improvement in the game flow. CI needs a big overhaul if Anet wants it to stay updated with the game (like so many other traits, to be honest)


    I have switched the focus of this build to suit me better, and I am now running a signet condirupt dom/dueling build, with high emphasis on bleeds. Here is the link:




    Being wvw expensive, I have been testing it mainly in pvp using rabid amulet and mad king runes. It works wonders. Does it work in any situation? Probably not, but which build does?


    I already know some people will not like dropping EM for Dune Cloak, but the incoming nerf to EM will make the switch less painful (on top of that I never use EM anyway. I always preferred IH, but due to the synergy with bleeds, DC is almost mandatory).

    The axe/pistol combo gets me up to 30/36 bleeds in few seconds, plus decent stacks of torment and a bit of confusion too (not counting the ravens on top of all that).


    Now, I started working on the wvw gear (where sometimes I switch torch for focus, for mobility). I know rabid works, so it’s just a matter of finding the right balance.


    I have recorded some clips, and show you some when possible.

    If you have any criticism to the build please, feel free to write it.


    PS: krait runes works too but I prefer more power than having more condi damage. What do you say?

  8. > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > @"trooper.2650" said:

    > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

    > > > I’m looking at this build, and I just don’t understand why if you trait for all the interrupts, you run axe over sword. With the traits you have now, sword full power is best, throw some settler/knight mix to get a touch of toughness, I run this on my power setup with settler amulet, captain and knight rings, marauder armor FTW. You can roll with the staff as a purely defensive/utility weapon and burst with sword.

    > > >

    > > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" I see you took one from my play book :wink:

    > >

    > > I don't like sword much. I defenitely prefer the axe feeling. The gear you suggest is purely power based. I would prefer either a more hybrid or condi based gear. I know domination tree has little to do with condis. Yet...

    > >

    > > @"yiksing.9432" thanks. I'll try that as soon as I have the time to log


    > But for what you are wanting to accomplish as far as interupts sword is hands down better. But axe has better condi application. This is where I think you are putting yourself into a corner by spreading yourself too thin. I would pick either condi interupt or Power interupt. You say you want condi so I would drop the vipers for the most part and pick up trailblazers. Since the confusion nerf our best conditions are burn(limited application) and torment from ax and shatters. The rest are inconsequential unless running dueling for bleeds.


    > Ultimately do what makes you happy but I would get armor to 2500, power 2k plus, crit chance to hover around 30% or better, 18k health, and condi to be 1k or better.

    > I’d drop Dom and pick up illusions for torment shatter or dueling for DE, bleeds on crit, and blind on shatter.


    These are really good tips, thank you. I have to say that myself too, have thought about dropping Dom.

    The reason I am not letting it go yet, is because I want interrupts to be punishing. Say you manage a crucial heal interrupt and don't have Dom. and only Ci... The immobilize will not guarantee you a win whereas power block...


    This is all theory crafting and I won't be able to take a direction until I have time to fully test the various options. But this won't be till tomorrow. Till then, thank you for the inputs :)

  9. > @"Arlette.9684" said:

    > I’m looking at this build, and I just don’t understand why if you trait for all the interrupts, you run axe over sword. With the traits you have now, sword full power is best, throw some settler/knight mix to get a touch of toughness, I run this on my power setup with settler amulet, captain and knight rings, marauder armor FTW. You can roll with the staff as a purely defensive/utility weapon and burst with sword.


    > @"Jace al Thor.6745" I see you took one from my play book :wink:


    I don't like sword much. I defenitely prefer the axe feeling. The gear you suggest is purely power based. I would prefer either a more hybrid or condi based gear. I know domination tree has little to do with condis. Yet...


    @"yiksing.9432" thanks. I'll try that as soon as I have the time to log

  10. Hey guys, thank you very much. This kind of feedback is exactly what I was looking for :)

    @"Dawdler.8521" You are absolutly right. I feel the staff is too slow and axe forces you to go melee. But first I want to say that I dont care about big group fights.


    Thing is I do not want to go full power/GS usual build which I find effective, yes, but boring. Lockdown builds suit it, I know it. But I wanted something that lasts, sort of attrition build which is, at the same time, a pain to fight against. I met few holo, mirage and thieves, So much damage and all, but when you freeze them in place with a nice interrupt (CI), well they all chicken out, go defensive, run, and you just have to wait when they come out of that invulnerable state and finish them off.

    But I noticed that CI on its own is not enough and to capitalize the succesfull interrupt I needed something more, hence I picked domination for powerblock.


    Anyway, staff may be slow but it serves the purpouse: it may throws in some random interrupts. If it does not interrupt, confounding suggestions can still trigger. In middle/close range is excellent and provides room for breathing. It's good in attrition fights.


    Running dueling instead of domination would be more ideal, but I do not like easy things :-)


    @"Jace al Thor.6745" I will try few pieces of trailblazer, change things here and there and see how it goes. I'll let you know ;)


  11. Now that the season is over, I was experimenting in wvw and, like I always do, I never go for the meta build and try out different builds.


    I was having kind of fun running axe /torch /staff with a condi/lock build, chaos, domination and Mirage. The fight I lost, I blamed the gear, for I was running viper that is what I use in pve and does not suit this play style.


    What do you think the best gear would be if I wanted to go with a build that looks like this:



  12. Anet should decide if they want iwarden Aoe or single target. If Aoe, phantasm should spawn close to the target /s and deal melee damage. If single target, it's good that it spawns close to you (so you can actually use it as a shelter) and that it uses projectiles.


    For what it matters, I think focus could be a good weapon if the above issue is clarified and if we could have the old immobilization back.


  13. > @"iamseb.5198" said:

    > I'm right there with you. Due to bad timing I'm 14/15 for Daily League Participator, and everything else complete. Oh well, at least I've learned to pvp now and will be back for season 11.


    Do we know when this will start?


    Can we still play S10 on Tuesday 13/03 or it closes at 12:00pm today?

  14. @apharma.3741


    I agree with what you both say and this is why I opened this 3D. The trait could be ok, but the game has moved forward while it stayed with a vanilla flavour which makes it not worth picking. As already stated, in the end only BD is worth using.


    I do not wvw lately and from what I understand Chaos is a common tree in that game mode, and that is probably the reason why it is going to get the nerf bat... not in one, but two traits. RIP?


    In Pvp, the tree was already borderline and now it will not be even looked at, which makes me sad because I used to like the interrupt play style a lot, but I think we can forget about it now. This is defenitely a RIP



    > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > The current meta power build is an interrupt build, though not too focused on it.



    This summons it up quite nicely


  15. S10 is drawing to an end, and my bad, I'm still missing 4 wins with a third class to complete the achievement.

    Unluckily though, I wont be able to play till tomorrow. Although the seaon will be over, do you think that queuing ranked will count toward the achievement?



  16. > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    >Power interrupt is already strong enough.




    But no one uses Chaotic Interruption anymore.

    If you go chaos, you take Bountiful Disillusionment. Full stop. There is no question about that. (even Pu has fallen off the radars but that is just for the better and the game as a whole can only benefits from it)


    But it used to be a great talent and I would like to see it back because I used to have a lot of fun in the old days. Can you think of a build that can compete with current both power or condi builds in high pvp settings? If yes please, let me know


  17. I was wondering if you all agree that Interrupt traits are not worth taking (only exception power block and maybe, just maybe delayed reactions)(pvp mode mainly)


    I mean, wouldn't Chaotic Interruption need an update? It used to be the king of these traits. Comparing it now to Bountiful Disillusionment, to me is very weak considering how difficult is interrupting someone nowadays. If I decide to go chaos, I would pick the latter any time.

    Is there anyone who is actually using it seriously?


  18. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"trooper.2650" said:

    > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

    > > > . And it’s not because of torment on shatter.

    > >

    > > You could be right. But when I shatter, aside from the direct damage I deal, I expect something _bad_ to happen. Letting the enemy walk away with a small dent in his /her hp bar and gaining few boons from Bountiful Disillusioned, regardless of how good the trait is, it does not appeal to me. But you are right in saying this is purely subjective. The fact that cannot be denied is one provides a defensive play style while the other an offensive one. Illusions tree defenitely boosts your damage not only because of MtD, though.

    > >

    > > So far my experience showed me that in pvp offensive builds pay off more than defensive ones, but I could be wrong. In the end it is always down to personal taste so we can go over and over about what is best but it is always you and the way you play that should draw you to the tree which suits you the most. No right or wrong unless one keeps losing badly in several duels but even then you need to factor the skill level

    > >

    > >


    > In PvE, at least, chaos is really better at both offense and defense for condi mirage. All of the shatter traits - while much better than anything chaos has to offer for burst damage (critical in PvP!) - are a sustained DPS _loss_. Compounding power is probably more or less canceled out by chaotic transference, and I would have to say Chaotic Persistence, Descent into Madness, and whichever GM boon trait you take contribute more damage altogether than The Pledge possibly can. On the defensive side of the coin, it's no contest. Illusions brings nothing to the table.


    I'm with you with all that. But my previous reply was in regards to what Curunen was saying about wvw and I asked if it also could be valid for pvp. I primarily was talking to pvp :)

  19. > @"Arlette.9684" said:

    > . And it’s not because of torment on shatter.


    You could be right. But when I shatter, aside from the direct damage I deal, I expect something _bad_ to happen. Letting the enemy walk away with a small dent in his /her hp bar and gaining few boons from Bountiful Disillusioned, regardless of how good the trait is, it does not appeal to me. But you are right in saying this is purely subjective. The fact that cannot be denied is one provides a defensive play style while the other an offensive one. Illusions tree defenitely boosts your damage not only because of MtD, though.


    So far my experience showed me that in pvp offensive builds pay off more than defensive ones, but I could be wrong. In the end it is always down to personal taste so we can go over and over about what is best but it is always you and the way you play that should draw you to the tree which suits you the most. No right or wrong unless one keeps losing badly in several duels but even then you need to factor the skill level



  20. > @"joeherbert.6431" said:

    > I disagree, I don't use the Chaos line at all and I play condi PVP all the time. I second your kudos to the development team!

    > I do have a video for how I run my build as a condi mesmer in pvp, if you are curious about it:



    I think they have been talking primarily from a pve Point of view, possibly wvw. For pvp I think illusions is still superior to chaos


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