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Posts posted by sammokdadd.3602

  1. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > Try delete the Local.dat and the GW2 temp folders:

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1379904#Comment_1379904 (steps 2+3)


    > That thread is about a black screen though. Is it safe to do that in my situation?


    Do not listen to him mate. He must be one of the trihards that are still defending the game (flawless performance) . The game is running on bad performance atm and it is affecting a lot of people. The staff mentioned that 2 days ago as they stated that they are working on it ( but we all know, they care about making money off cosmetics and gems instead of doing a real work ) so not going to happen any time soon

  2. > @"Nicko.8473" said:

    > I'm having the same issues. even set all graphics options to low or off. but I still lag during normal gameplay. a popular event can cause a 30sec to 1min delay. map meta evens are off the table at this point as I'm lucky if that game doesn't crash shortly after it starts. If this gets much worse then GW2 is going to become unplayable


    what does setting graphics to low have to do with internet lag... jeez

  3. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > It's not only you and it's not even slightly rare.

    > Many people are having performance issues.


    > Arenanet even released a statement about working on server-side performance issues earlier today.


    Im not sure if it is the same as mine because mine started 1 week ago.


    It is just even on 30 fps or 60 , the game feel slowish or getting choked .. So the way it feel when i am at 30 fps is not the same as before ( slowish game /Choked fps) is that the same issue you guys getting?


  4. > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > @"Greg.7086" said:

    > > Message from support >>>

    > > **The Corpse Caravan event is currently being investigated. We ask that you please continue to submit in-game bug reports, from the point where the event is bugged, so that the development team can continue to gather detailed information surrounding the issue.

    > >

    > > Furthermore we ask that keep an eye on the forums and future patch notes so that you may know when a fix is initiated for this event**.

    > Well at least this message from support provides some hope. Its really to bad they couldn't post that in the forums... What ever happened to the promise after the mass exodus of employees saying they would be better communicators. Seems like they fell back into their old ways.




    Lol i had the same msg 4 weeks ago ............................

  5. > @"Kleopatrius.1562" said:

    > You can guys join to Dydzio.1320 , he is still trying to find new instance and get his achievment. He spent all days with me at istan to find solution, and knows everything what to do.


    > Remember:


    > -you just have to relog to character select and back to the game all the time

    > - you can start maybe 15-20 minutes before palawadan (or earlier if you see lfg for palawadan, thats the moment when people starting join to map and system is going to create second instance)

    > - always check meta's progress bar, if it appears (check screenshot) - it means you are on fresh, unbugged, working map . You will not see this bar on bugged map, it will always instant rush next greathall 15 minutes after old greathall or it will spawn bugged caravan, imposible to kill. https://ibb.co/TLw5YjQ

    > - Be fast, when you found fresh map few minutes before palawadan, you have to be rly fast. There is instant spawn of caravan at fresh map so instantly check every spawn, it actually can runs to the GH yet.

    > - call up everyone in your party to join your instance

    > - if you failed first one, next one should spawn 5 min after old one so if you have still around 10 minutes to palawadan, you can wait for next caravan.

    > -every map with done palawadan and GH meta's are going to be bugged and will never ever works again.


    > Today i found fresh map AFTER palawadan so we had much time to kill few caravans but that was rly lucky to found this instance.

    > Easiest is to get new istance before palawadan event.


    > Tell people to read this topic, you will find more buddys to join your party and help.


    > The only things which can stop you :

    > -Two working-bugged istances at the same moment ( small chance that you will rush third instance, too less people joins to this map)

    > -New instance will be created too late before palawadan and you will not have time.


    > Again sorry for my defective english, trying my best to explain you everything :D


    > Good Luck !


    False, not possible

  6. > @"Kleopatrius.1562" said:



    > The way to kill that is not easy as hell but possible to do.

    > You just need to find totally fresh instance of Istan. The best way to looking for this is relog your character before palawadan, new istance usually appear before this meta. If you found new instance, you will see working caravan, you can kill it without any stupid builds and you can attack trash moobs. It is working like normal caravan. The only things bugging this event are meta's ,its not working after palawadan and GH, isntance after meta's is bugged and will not work yet.


    > I killed this actaully three times in a row on fresh instance with a lot of people.

    > There is our solution, my english sucks but i hope you understand everything :D




    Would you try to find instance and we can add you and join you later today?


  7. For the love of god please fix this been 2 weeks now and we cannot progress toward legendary vision trinket... Tons of players reported this in game and yet we have no hot fix..

    Been stuck on this alone just to finish my trinket!


    Event to be fixed all related to same reward :

    Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Champion's Dawn

    Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Heretic's Arena

    Intercept the corpse caravan departing from the Astralarium

  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Some players have had success with:

    > Using a VPN

    > Minimizing cut-scenes

    > Continuously moving character or using a skill

    > Changing the 'Streaming' option


    > Other work-arounds found in the 'official' Dev-posted thread, "Storyline Disconnections".


    > Good luck.


    You are a savior. The VPN trick worked. Thank you so much <3

  9. This is frustrating at this point.


    I can't progress the story because of this. After i defeat fraenir , and right when the cut scene pop , the whole game freeze . I tried everything, from restarting the computer, repairing files, checking for missing files, checking for driver updates. NOTHING WORKED. i have been stuck since 3 days now , like what is the point ?? Other cut scenes and stories work fine... I give up .

  10. Yes i know GW1 is still a thing but the game have no updates and player base shrink. What if Anet put a small team to update that game more frequently and get back players in to it ?


    I swear it hurt having the game on my pc but barely touch it due to low population. I miss all the old day of farming, doing FoW/UW/DoAsc runs ect.. its just better in every way.

    Back in guild wars 1 , choosing a proffession meant something. I remember how good i was as a assassin tank and UA monk for SC runs and how when i log in, i get tons of msged asking me to join. I felt i am something important, i felt an achiever. That game was a true holy trinity game. Now in GW2, it just suck , its all about fashion war and and one can have the same gear with gold. The game is a true nostalgia and had a purpose in it.


    Please Anet, revive GW1 in any possible way and i am sure it will work

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