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Posts posted by LxndrSonGoku.1034

  1. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > @"LxndrSonGoku.1034" said:

    > > As every season happens, it comes that moment when you get that 10+ losses streak and all games end up something like 500-50. May be my issue or not, but it just looks rigged. Have been doing pretty fine this season so far, more or less balanced matches, till today. What's up with Matchmaking?


    > You think a-net has 'rigged' their match making to make sure that you specifically lose?


    No, this was your assumption so anything you said after that makes no sense.


    And no, I don't believe in luck.


    No, of course it was not 10 x games at 500-50, it was a metaphor that anyone could catch without any issue, anyone but you.


    I simply stated a fact that at some point a lot of matches in a row stop being balanced, in every season I've participated, and I only decided to speak now because I had nothing else to do at that moment.


    My guesses were low population or some coding issue, and I was curious.


    What your point is, is stating it is just matter of "luck" or "L2P". The usual unload of cliches you use when you don't really know what to say but you feel the need to say something anyway. A point that cannot be proved right nor wrong, so pointless. If you have nothing constructive to say towards the thread and don't share the problem you can just walk on.


    I also cannot comprehend why you took it so personal.


    Conclusion: next time keep your steam blow offs for yourself.


    EDIT: if threads like this come up everyday, there is a reason, and it is called feedback. And what should be done is look into it instead of looking the other way, like you would do. Just because you don't have a problem it doesn't mean everything is fine.

  2. > @"alphafert.6730" said:

    > Why is there never threads about runs of winning games?


    Because they don't happen as often. As someone already stated, yea it can be the usual L2P thing, but what I am talking about is a more or less balanced amount of games, in which I've earned my rank, and then suddenly, in the same exact division, a streak of losses. I would understand the simple statistical explaination, but what doesn't feel right is the fact in all those matches we never stood a chance. So no, if I was able to decently pull my weight till where I'm now, I won't accept the "it's your fault" kitten. Those streaks feel too different from all the other matches, that's what makes me suspicious.


    EDIT: Not to mention that most of the times, the players in the enemy group were mostly the same people, like I was constantly put against the same players over and over. And also, not to mention the fact that now that they allowed class reroll before a match, I've had quite a few matches in which I had a couple base guardians and another random class in my team, VS a team made of necros and mirages. Not cool, not cool.

  3. As every season happens, it comes that moment when you get that 10+ losses streak and all games end up something like 500-50. May be my issue or not, but it just looks rigged. Have been doing pretty fine this season so far, more or less balanced matches, till today. What's up with Matchmaking?

  4. So, let's start with saying that it's not all about min/maxing and how SC thinks a warrior should be played. But for sure they know how to check the capabilities of a DPS class, and directly from their last update we've got to know that:

    "With an overall DPS loss from around 10k DPS the DPS Berserker Build had to take the biggest loss of all dps professions, which makes it completely unusable in any PvE scenario."

    Now, I've never whined about DPS losses or changes that have been made in the past, since all I care about afterall is the fun I get even without being meta. But my question is, how can you call "balance" sending a class from being top tier, down to the depth of hell of nothingness? I'm just curious. Are they planning to let warrior be a support class? Was it not intended? Was it intended?

    I mean, a warrior should be one of the first classes you think about when you need a DPS, not the last, at least in my honest opinion. xD

    In hope they revert a bit of these changes to at least let us warrior main pull our weight in a group without having to be there just for banners, I wish Anet's balance team a good work!

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