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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. I don't think these three options are by any means sufficient, its depends alot on how you play/what you play and other such factors. You can make it very easy with an optimal build or a sufficient amount of people. But also pretty hard by just taking whatever you like or just going it alone.


    Also open world is different than instanced content not to speak of WvW/PvP.


    If only difficulty was as easy as too easy or too hard and just right.


    Especially people thinking players are playing wrong are already in the wrong mindset. It just doesn't work that way.

  2. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > Wooden Potatoes kinda summed up my thoughts in one of his recent videos. If you go back to Grothmar (or the first half of Bjora Marches), you'll see nothing has changed, so it's likely these maps aren't as volatile as some players might have hoped. Which is mildly disapointing, because that would just make this living world season 5 when it was hyped up to be anything but.


    This would only be logical, ever since in season 1 people only complained about missing out, and ArenaNet has been pretty adamant since then about not changing previous content too much.


    It is a catch 22 , either the maps and events evolve at the cost of losing content, or we keep everything without losing those and it will be less sensational.

  3. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

    > >

    > > So... pretty much every game ever.


    > Other games end, they don't run on life support.


    Now the problem is that it keeps going? Not that progress ends at some point? Which one is it? Either it ends or it doesn't end.


  4. When I read complaints like this, part of me is like "Do you even game?"


    I mean, jumping puzzles are a part of this game, so I naturally do them to get the rewards. Even if I die a hundred deaths, or need to take a break.


    Yeah, failing is frustrating, but with a game I feel like I can so I will finish it. If need be, with the help of some friends. And I definitely don't like to ask for help, or play with guides and walkthroughs, but if I have to I can.


    Writing off part of the game is not even an option that comes to mind, thats just sacrilegious.

  5. When I read complaints like this, part of me is like "Do you even game?"


    I mean, jumping puzzles are a part of this game, so I naturally do them to get the rewards. Even if I die a hundred deaths, or need to take a break.


    Yeah, failing is frustrating, but with a game I feel like I can so I will finish it. If need be, with the help of some friends. And I definitely don't like to ask for help, or play with guides and walkthroughs, but if I have to I can.


    Writing off part of the game is not even an option that comes to mind, thats just sacrilegious.

  6. > @"Shacka Hacka.7068" said:

    > It shouldn't effect PvP as you can't change your skills, But after 5 years it isn't a exploit to players who are using it, taking it away is a nerf. Dragonhunter has always been nerfed and never buffed, If you've played it since HoT you'd know what I mean.....It's a class that's slowly falling behind, it needs buffs not more nerfs.


    Exploiting isnt exploiting after 5 years? So if youve been cheating for a longer time its no longer cheating? What.


    I dont even know where you would want to exploit traps like this that it isnt overly tedious and takes alot longer than fighting normally without one extra trap.



  7. > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > The biggest issue with this game is that the developers strayed too far away from the original vision of compelling community based content when they started adding more and more instanced content to the game. The tentpoles of GW2 are open world and WvW - they set the game apart from the competition and deserve the lion's share of Anet's attention.


    > As far as how to fix the issue, I can only say - guilds.


    > However, im not saying design everything in the game to be done as a guild - but rather rely on guilds to invigorate the world around them for everyone.


    > I've recommended this before, but let's use a potential example solely using mechanics already in the game. There is a more-or-less abandoned item in the guild crafting system that would serve as the centerpiece - the event flag. Currently, it only triggers one of three events - Tequatl, Triple Trouble and Karka Queen.


    > Step one is to extend that item for use on every group dynamic event and boss in the game - with the same restriction it has now (cannot be used 30 minutes before or after the actual scheduled event).


    > The second system that is underused is guild missions. This is where the carrot comes in. Reward guilds for keeping the world alive by adding a new category of mission - one that centers around open world bosses and events.


    > So, as an example - on a given week, Shadow Behemoth may be a guild mission. Every guild out there will have a flag to trigger Shadow Behemoth. This benefits not only guilds - but the solo players as well, who can count on the boss to be continually active on that given week.


    > Now, as an added piece - to add potential difficulty scaling to open world - they could extend the flag trigger system to include an easy, medium and hard version. That way, guilds can adapt a boss like Shadow Behemoth to their skill level - with guild rewards (such as decorations and guild currency) as the carrot. This would create a flexible system in open world that would include content for guilds of all sizes (from 5 up to 200) while making the open world more engaging at the same time.


    > The same system could then be adapted to WvW - with similar results. The determining factor would be the reward system there - moreso than in PVE.


    > Again, with the exception of the last point, all of these systems are already in the game. They just need to be utilized better to encourage a more active open world across all maps. It could even be used dynamically by the devs to reinvigorate less active content in the game.


    > Just my thoughts, though. I know there are a lot of opinions about this subject.


    Definitely sounds interesting, except that guild missions to this extend would blob the hell out of certain events that aren't build for it.


    It could be more interesting to see these event flag things be more expanded on (guild upgrade eventflag 2.0 ) , where one guild is responsible for a certain area in the game and get rewarded by how good they are managing their area. Instead of an event flag, you would have a territory flag, where group events and other stuff is included in it. It would be more in the style of factions, possibly with visibility on the map or somesuch.


    Although it can also be expanded upon quite easily from there (guild donation system in GHs being used for upgrades that upgrade (more rewards, harder or different events) or customized (adding own rewards to completed events, different vendors or accompanying NPCs or possible defensive structures, weather (idk!)) your guilds assigned area. It might be taking the concept a bit too far, as it infringes on how meta servers are set up with whichever maps a guild member has unlocked or not and such.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > The fact that supporters of this idea try to tell you that OW and raids aren't part of the same game mode should give you a clear idea of it's value.

    > > >

    > > > This is just another thread of people looking for the top rewards from PvE (Legendary Armor) without doing it's hardest content (raids).

    > >

    > > What I don't understand is why the raiders continue to complain they have no content when so much PvE content is released. If ANet can keep the promises with a LS episode every 2 months, and if they have the time to add some other QoL updates from time to time, then adding raids is useless. Because raids & OW are PvE. Or not?


    > Wait, you don't understand the difference between players wanting certain rewards versus certain content?


    > Wanting legendary armor in open world pve is demanding different rewards for the same content.


    > Wanting more fractals/raids is demanding more content.


    > Rewards =/= content....


    Well, if they bring out new open world content which would have the hypothetical new legendary armor.... then you'd have both.


    Especially as you can already get legendary armor from not the hardest content (WvW/PvP), why would getting legendary gear from not the hardest content (PvE OW) be so much different.


    A real reason that I see against more Leg. Armor, is that legendary armor in PvP and WvW probably keeps those modes populated, as well as raids, and as soon as they would put in legendary armor in OW PvE players have no incentive to go in each of those directions. I think PvE OW will mostly populate itself.


    If so, Legendary armor is indeed nothing more than a carrot on a stick in order to get you to play outside of your comfortzone. Sadly in the case of PvP and WvW this is nothing more than a grind.


    The question begs whether this is needed to support those modes or are they fun and good enough to do without.



  9. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > So much misinformation in one thread. Let's clear it out from the OP


    > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > Indeed, let's speak about those gamemodes. Since the start, PvE received 25 new maps since the start (if I count Southsun cove, silverwastes and dry top) what about PvP and WvW? We can't say as much for them. Also, 7 raids! 2 Expansions, 8 mounts! What received others gamemode? 1 new map lastly in pvp, and 1 mount in WvW nobody wanted.


    > You first state that PVE received 25 new maps and then you say that pvp got 1 map. Let's fix that. The game launched with 4 PVP maps and one of them was scrapped. 10 maps were added to PVP over the years, one to replace the map that was deleted. Doesn't look so bad this way right? In addition there were many revamps to the reward system, Seasons, Automated Tournaments. I don't think maps was ever a complaint in PVP, but rather balance is always a problem and having to play only Conquest.

    > WVW got 2 new maps, compared to the 2 it launched with, and one part of a map was re-created to be a new map. There have been new siege equipment added, new siege tools/gadgets, the mechanics (like Bloodlust) and revamps to the rewards. And multiple new World Experience tracks.


    > Compared to how both modes launched, they got -a lot-. Yes they've both been on the neglected side for a long time with only partial updates, and... lies (alliances, swiss tournaments that are still coming) but it's not like the game modes got nothing over the last 7 years. In fact the main problem with both PVP and WVW is that anything added wasn't very well received. Remember the break out events in WVW? Remember old Skyhammer in PVP? The one to blame for the lack of WVW and PVP development is sadly the community of those game modes that express their love over something and when it's released they do an 180. Edge of the Mists was universally loved during beta stages and trashed when it was released, same with Stronghold. Same with the Desert Borderlands (yes in beta people loved it), same with Deathmatch (everyone asking for it, everyone hating it once it's added)


    > Can't really please the PVP/WVW community, which is why they feel neglected, even though at times they got attention.


    > > If some of you remember, we used to have DAILIES AND MONTHLIES. Each of them rewarded you with 1 MYSTIC COIN. Their cost wasn't that high at that moment. 1 Coin for a daily and 30 COINS, yes 30 COINS for completing the monthly. It means that you could earn 60 MYSTICS COINS PER MONTH. How much can you earn NOAW?!!

    > > Bohoo yes, ONLY 20. Yes 20. 2+4+6+8. Quoted from the past for truth:

    > > "Daily is an achievement category earned by doing a set of simple tasks. Each day of the week has its own set of five achievement tracks, though some achievement tracks may appear on multiple days. Completing them all rewards the character with a total of 18% experience towards the next level, a level-dependent amount of coin, one Mystic Coin, one Jug of Liquid Karma, one laurel, and adds 25 Achievement points to the player's account." -Wiki in the past

    > > 25 AP yes 25 AP + a Mystic Coin and a laurel!! What you have NAOW? Experiences writs x)


    > Mystic Coins are worth 1g on the trading post, you get 2g from the daily now. You used to get nothing from the daily (in terms of gold). So in a month now you get 20 mystic coins + 60 gold. In the old system you got 60 coins... honestly you now get way more than you used to so I'm not sure what you are on about.


    Clearly gold value isn't everything to everyone.

  10. I wouldn't be against an option where players can pick a name or the name of a main character which acts as their main nickname.


    I think it is wholly impractical that changing the displayname is impossible or rather breaks or can break people's accounts.


    As long as it's usable as a clear identifier.

  11. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > If this feature were to be introduced - which I personally believe is a waste of time, but some people can only express themselves through decorating a fake space in a fantasy adventure game, I guess - this seems like a reasonably fair way to monetize it.


    Many designs are created in "fake space" before hitting the "real world".


    Ofcourse, a fantasy game is not a 3d design program, but at the very least, putting ANY idea out in any kind of virtual space is 10 times easier than designing in real time.



  12. I don't think the mount "needs" to be buffed in PvE.


    But there's no reason why they couldn't. If it gets to be a bit more usable and utility in PvE, what is the harm going to be? Some people will prefer raptor some jackal. We also have two flying mounts.


    If there's going to be (even) more mounts, then some will compete on one level or another.


    I also wouldnt mind if they reuse any other mount for WvW.


    If they can make work, and make it fun, I don't see why not. GW2 never needed mounts either, but they made it work and made them fun.


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