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Esprit Dumort.3109

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Posts posted by Esprit Dumort.3109

  1. As soon as someone pops it and spams it in Team, it takes most players 30s to load into the map and then end up at spawn. It would take less time to map to spawn and run there by the time the "Emergency Waypoint" actually loads.


    It's probably because the server can't handle 50 people spawning in, but why have it when it rarely works?


    Bonus fix: Have 3-4 random waypoint locations, as most zergs can just camp and kill by the time players map in.

  2. > @"adammantium.8031" said:


    > When the enemy do arrive, siege disablers are your friend. If you can disable the shield gens, then rams will drop fast. Invulnerable fortifications can buy you more time. Have roamers pick off stragglers or anyone respawning who might be returning to the attacking commander with more supply.


    > If you can muster 10-15 heavies around a tag, fight under your siege and focus on bombing around the shield gens.


    > Regardless of that, defensive shield gens do make it so that an organized force (and if you're doing the above, they will need to be organized), committing large amounts of people and supply, can eventually break into your objective if you're not willing to come out and fight, which IMO is a good thing.




    Any smart commander will space shield gens apart, have scouts further up harassing any disable attempts, and have enough redundancy to make sure one or two shield gens down is not a big deal. With rams, sure, disables are helpful, but as most groups do long range catas or trebs, disables are not really helpful if you cannot get there before dying or being interrupted. A small percentage of professions have stealth, so that's not really a counter argument here.


    An attacking zerg can essentially choke out wall defenders from trying to build AC's and other siege already, shield gens provide the last bit of defense needed to make taking towers relatively effortless against a small group of defenders.

  3. I see this more and more, that a 60+ player zerg that wants to take down a t2 or t3 tower/keep will layer their rams / catapults / trebuchets with shields and attack without worry from any defensive siege. Only a zerg can counter this type of play style now, which is frustrating for small groups trying to defend.


    Defensive siege is essentially useless. Catapults, arrow carts, ballista, trebs, and siege disablers are all blocked by shield gens. That's assuming that the attacking zerg has not aoe'd your wall defenses down to nothing.


    Even with Inulnvurable Fortifications, it's often not enough for a counter zerg from another map to save a tower against the multiple shield + 5-6 superior ram combos, especially with a keep waypoint contested.


    The current method of using overwhelming siege makes defense very limited without a sufficient counter zerg to come to the rescue. You might as well just turn each tower into a PvP point that can be captured... the Lord ring, without a defensive barriers.


  4. T4's are meant to be challenging. If you want to play the content at a more relaxed pace, go down a tier or two. The counter argument to that suggestion is people want their Master chest loot from T4's, or that there is too much attack spam or DPS sponges. So instead of rising to the challenge, you are asking for a nerf to end game content where challenging content is already limited (and there are already comments saying it was easy). Also, not everyone can get a 10-man group for Raids. There should be more options for challenging content other than Raids.


    Now playing devil's advocate to my own comments... I rolled my Magi Druid (Ascended armor and trinkets) for the new fractal at T4 (so many lfg's with '87 at last boss, need druid', was a good indicator what was coming) and it was the most frantic healing I have ever done in this fractal content. I felt like I could barely keep my party healed at times, I was mentally exhausted after finally beating it 5-6 tries later. Though as we learned the mechanics better, it was easier to avoid the damage and the panic heals (spam all the things!) were less and less... though I agree that the AoE spam feels pretty excessive.


    However, I was super happy that Social Awkwardness was not among the applied instabilities!



  5. > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > Outside the Rata Sum boundaries.

    > But now that i've said that expect it to be hotfixed.


    That's been that way for years, especially with gliding. In fact if you go far enough the game force maps you to a 'jail'. :)


    That reminds me, in Desert Highlands, you can take the Jackal mastery portal to the Mastery Point waaaaaay above the map. It takes a minute or two to get there, but you are far up there. Also, the floating palace where you get the Jackal mount is a good place to launch from.

  6. Where do you like to fly/glide with the griffon mount? Any recommendations if you just want to glide around easily?


    I like finding places where I can reach high places quickly and go for a quick glide or mess around with (practice) power diving/gliding easily.


    Places I enjoy and hope others can add to:

    * Bloodstone Fen - for Waypoints that are already way up high, the deep pit down to the Unbound Boss location for a long power dive (watch the gold spirals...mesmerizing)

    * Verdant Brink - getting up high is pretty easy, especially during the Night meta (choppers to bring you up)

    * Tangled Depths - from the Chak Gerent Waypoint, you can get up high up on updrafts and power glide tunnels for some more challenging agility runs (watch the wing clips)

    * Lion's Arch - from the lighthouse (is not the fastest, though), but LA offers plenty of places to hop up and fly from

    * The griffon mastery adventurers in the Path of Fire maps are a good place to practice for an easy reset, but you are still limited to the adventure boundaries

    * Fields of Ruin - jump pad just north of the city gets you up high quickly


    There are others, but these are ones I frequent most.

  7. People are saying that this is a 'feature' that prevents 'wall bombing' in WvW ... essentially putting Shades on tower walls and using any of the F skills... allowing the defenders to actually defend by restricting abilities that can hit them on the walls. Unfortunately it has been applied across the entire game, causing tons of issues. It's all because Shades and their skills have been made to depend on Line of Sight from your character, which is buggy in the first place.

  8. To add on to this... was doing Snowblind Fractal earlier today and my Shades couldn't hit the first boss, the Ice Elemental, because I kept getting 'Obstructed'... whether from my Shades or from myself... e.g. if I F5, Obstructed. Obstructed. Obstructed. Obstructed. Obstructed. It looks like a poorly implemented feature that hurts PvE.

  9. > @Aetatis.5418 said:

    > > @"Esprit Dumort.3109" said:

    > > > @Bash.7291 said:

    > > > > @"Esprit Dumort.3109" said:

    > > > > > @Bash.7291 said:

    > > > > > I think people need to calm down a bit. Its very clearly a bug introduced with how they re-did the targeting to allow for the correct number of targets on shade skills.

    > > > >

    > > > > It'll likely take 3-4 months (next balance patch) or longer to be addressed. If it does get fixed in one of the weekly updates, I would be very surprised.

    > > >

    > > > Hopefully it doesn't take that long considering its pretty broken as is, but who knows.

    > >

    > > Necros are one of many who have powerful wall bombing skills, but those classes aren't limited by Line of Sight restrictions. If that was the intent from Anet, please stop Mesmers from spamming clones, Eles from casting AoEs (Meteor Shower?), Ranger barrage, Revenant hammer spam, Thief Shortbow attacks, Engineer mortars and grenade AoEs, etc... Why hobble one class when the others are just as broken?


    > mortar kit takes a lot of practice. you have to aim, stand on the right spot... and even if you jump in the right moment, you will only be able to hit like 50% or less spots a meteor can hit (desert map even worse). if you dont have higher ground, or a little edge in the way, you cant hit anything on the wall.

    > mesmers need LoS aswell, so do revenants... and tbh - necros shouldnt cry about wall spikes. take a well, marks... torch 5. the shades were just super incredible spam and area of denial. shades are bad in open field fights already, because they are on almost 0 cd and do a lot more dmg than any well.

    > the nerf is fine and in line with the amount of abilities other classes have (i just blame meteor to be still so strong. but it got nerfed twice already - its in a better shape than some patches ago).


    That nerf was applied to PvE as well, which makes it frustrating to use. I get that tower/keep walls should provide some safety. Barring a massive overhaul of mechanics, denying enemies the ability to use skills on the walls is the only option. I feel the Shade LoS dependencies should have been split from WvW/PvP.

  10. Aside from the elite players, most people should not consider Necro as a roaming class. It just does not compete with high mobility high damage classes like Thief, Mesmer, Warrior, Ranger, and Ele (or the rest). Perhaps that was never the intent from Anet, to allow necro to be a solo roam class (in WvW/PvP)

  11. Elementalist is one of the more in depth classes to get the most damage from. I suppose you could go Fresh Air, Tempest Air Overload, but it really is not that great for DPS anymore, and is quite boring. As stated above, you need to learn rotations, blast finishers, and mechanics to get the most DPS from Ele. Warrior or Revenant are easier DPS classes, if that's what you want.

  12. > @Bash.7291 said:

    > > @"Esprit Dumort.3109" said:

    > > > @Bash.7291 said:

    > > > I think people need to calm down a bit. Its very clearly a bug introduced with how they re-did the targeting to allow for the correct number of targets on shade skills.

    > >

    > > It'll likely take 3-4 months (next balance patch) or longer to be addressed. If it does get fixed in one of the weekly updates, I would be very surprised.


    > Hopefully it doesn't take that long considering its pretty broken as is, but who knows.


    Necros are one of many who have powerful wall bombing skills, but those classes aren't limited by Line of Sight restrictions. If that was the intent from Anet, please stop Mesmers from spamming clones, Eles from casting AoEs (Meteor Shower?), Ranger barrage, Revenant hammer spam, Thief Shortbow attacks, Engineer mortars and grenade AoEs, etc... Why hobble one class when the others are just as broken?

  13. Scourge is a high risk high reward class. With little to no mobility, stability, or teleports, the class does heavy damage and counters the high boon spam, and relying on the support from the team. In addition, the Shades are static and a highly mobile zerg can easily avoid the Sand Shades.


    OP, you didn't even explain why you think Scourge is game breaking in WvW, but make claims that it is. Please detail why you think so.

  14. > @Bash.7291 said:

    > I think people need to calm down a bit. Its very clearly a bug introduced with how they re-did the targeting to allow for the correct number of targets on shade skills.


    It'll likely take 3-4 months (next balance patch) or longer to be addressed. If it does get fixed in one of the weekly updates, I would be very surprised.

  15. > @dusanyu.4057 said:

    > they will come back down people did not stop playing HoT so lay off the doom and gloom. if you look Everywere looks '"dead" because Halloween farm


    It probably will not come down that much. PoF does not offer rewarding metas like Auric Basin or SW farm. Even after Halloween, more and more players are finishing the Xpac and without a rewarding meta or farm, people will go elsewhere, which means less supply of the named weapons.

  16. > @Junkpile.7439 said:

    > People who come tell about their faster fingers and awesome keybinds don't even know what macro burst looks like. Even if you are world fastest button smasher you are still frigging slow compared macro.


    Cast time and after cast is not mitigated by macros. In fact, macros may hurt more than help because some skill combos do not 'queue' well with others. You would really need a fine tuned macro to account for this and at that point a skilled player can easily compete against macros.

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