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Posts posted by courin.2314

  1. I bought the new node from No Quarter, but it does not show up in the Home Instance. I tried exiting the game and ensuring a full patch, but still no sign of it.


    Update - after reset I did home on the toon that bought the node and she was able to see it. In the afternoon, it was a toon that had not bought the node. Will test tomorrow to see if a toon that did not buy the node can see it, now that I know the one who did can.

  2. > @"Cameron Rich.3905" said:

    > This was unintended and we have a fix coming soon™. Individual players should be able to earn achievements even when partied together, as long as it makes sense in the context of the achievement.

    > For example, Electrophobia is a personal responsibility achievement, and should be awarded to individual players based on whether or not they completed their individual responsibilities (in this case, not getting hit by lightning). Stubborn, on the other hand, asks that you complete the instance without using any of the helpful buffs, so either the whole group participates and earns the achievement, or no one does (we made this a choice of the instance owner in the conversationdef, but you get the idea.)


    Cameron, thanks very much for replying and clarifying this.


    I do of course understand that the 'individual' types achievements (i.e. avoid getting hit by xyz) should be solely dependent upon the performance of the player, and should be eligible regardless of playing solo or in a party. The reason I raised Electrophobia was because in our run through, at least one person in my group who wasn't the instance owner and felt they had met the criteria didn't get it.



    Any idea if, when 'soon' comes and this is fixed, players who already 'earned' the achievement in groups will automatically get it, or will we have to do it again?





  3. Given that GW2 is a MMORPG (where one of those "M" stands for "multiplayer"), it frustrates me no end how often achievements aren't possible when playing in a party, without having to do multiple run throughs.


    For example, if you are playing in a party, only the instance owner can 'earn' the achievements "Crystal Circuit Racer", "Stubborn" (and I have heard "Electrophobia" but I've not personally confirmed that one) in "The Crystal Dragon". So, if you like playing as part of a group (in my case, a group of 3 as it's me, hubby and kiddo most often), we have to do the same story 3 times for everyone to get the achievement. It's very immersion breaking, and it seems needlessly gated.


    I'd love to know for sure if it's intended this way, and if so, why? From my perspective, it's punishing to those who play the game with friends, and I just don't see the logic in it. However, if there's a good reason for it, I'd be happy to hear the arguments 'for' this design decision. Though it would be really nice to have it noted in the achievement itself (i.e. something that says "If playing in a group, only the instance owner can earn this achievement") so that it's KNOWN that this is the way it's intended and people don't get frustrated by a false expectation.


    On the other hand.. if this is a bug.. plox fix?







  4. I know this has been brought up many times, but I'm going to post again. More and more players are maxing out on MF on accounts and have nothing to do with Excess Luck. Several suggestions have been made over the last few years, including conversion to other 'currencies' like Karma, Spirit Shards, etc etc. There have been minor additions (items for Guild halls) but these have been extremely limited.


    I assume ArenaNet hasn't done more yet because it's not a problem that affects that large a percentage of the player base, and I can understand not wanting to put a lot of time into something that only affects a small portion of the player base, but the more time goes by, the more people will max out. Any form of sink has to be carefully considered for how it might impact the economy as well, and I completely understand the need to make such a decision with a great deal of thought.


    In the interim (until it becomes enough of a problem or until ANet decides what course they want to take) I humbly request the addition of refinement from exotic to legendary, just to help on storage space? I have a mule full of stacks of luck and I just KNOW that the minute I finally delete them, a use will be added.


    Even if you were to do it at a conversion rate of 3 Exotics to 1 Legendary, a loss of 100 luck, it would be a nice compromise for those players who are holding onto their luck in the hopes that some day a use will be created for it.

  5. > @Bunter.3795 said:

    > Another thing I noticed about this is that when you forge the green raptor to make the blue, the green doesn't unlock in your wardrobe.


    This has been the case for most of the 'mini progression' collections, afaik. When you use a mini in the forge, you do not automatically unlock that mini for the purpose of your wardrobe. That's part of what makes mini collections so expensive. I assume that this part is working as intended, because it was the same for the Mini Tom and the Halloween/Wintersday mini collections as well.

  6. It appears as though this collection is blocked, as the recipe that is given for the Black Mini is not currently being 'accepted' in the Forge.


    I was able to make the blue (3 greens and 2 unid dyes), the red (2 blues, 1 green, and 4 unid dyes), the yellow (1 blue, 2 green, and 4 unid dyes), the white (2 yellow, 1 green, and 8 unid dyes), and the silver (2 white, 1 blue, and 12 unid dyes).


    However, the tooltip for black (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow and 8 unid dyes) does not work no matter what order you enter the listed items in. Because we cannot make black, we also cannot make gold, (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 black and 12 unid dyes), ice (1 white, 1 silver, 1 gold and 20 unid dyes). Because of this block, the recipe for Fire is unknown.


    I'm not sure if the tooltip is wrong (I tried every combination I could think of but could not get black) or if the recipe just isn't entered. Either way, you cannot complete the Raptor Mini collection as it stands now.

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