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Posts posted by GROMIT.7829

  1. > @"Diku.2546" said:

    > Since we're looking at Adjusting Capacity...Can we make it part of a larger plan to fix the WvW game mode?


    > A ) REBOOT - Can we Reboot WvW before we start?


    > Let's go back to the basics that made WvW uniquely server community based - For full context - Click - WvW-Reboot



    > B ) REDESIGN - Then Redesign & Replace the game mode by swapping the old one for a new one to minimize risk.


    > Match-Ups redesigned to be Player Driven, but Anet Controlled - For full context - Click - WvW-Redesign



    > C ) REOPEN - Then let the New Redesigned game mode adjust capacity to impact both performance & competition in a healthy way.


    > Examples to adjust capacity:


    > 7. Adjusting the number of maps within a Globe helps to increase or decrease "seat" capacity of a Globe to host more or less players that are battling inside

    > 8. Maximum Globe "Seat" Capacity is set by ANet

    > 9. Seats are Reserved based on the following - [ Home Team - 45% ] / [ Enemy Raider = 40 %] / [ Referee = 15% ] - (Percents Adjustable)


    > Redesign should be built-in & naturally allow capacity to scale based on player demand - For full context - Click - WvW-Match-Up


    > We ought to have A Serious Step-by-Step Road Map & Vision to save the WvW game mode by transforming it...imho


    If they shut it down to do work do you honestly think it'll get turned back on again ?.

  2. Sup my dude, WvW has been abandoned again and the little they do do is simply to stem the whining in their eyes.


    Can't wait for Guild Wars 3 to come out with no World Vs World because you can gauntee they don't want that headache.

  3. What i would like to know is when is the hammer F1 kill going to get it's damage back, I spend a resource and take a massive risk using that skill in PvP and WvW. for thatk ind of risk there should be considerable damage.

  4. I'm looking for a large and well established EU PvE guild with tonnes of active players on voice comes all the time to chill out with. I would really like to get back into the fun PvE grind that I used to do back in the day before I found WvW. I love my WvW guild but find myself having a lot of dead time to fill with no one to fill it with. I play most classes but prefer Warrior and Mesmer for PvE. I'm in my 30's so I'm looking for a more mature guild, I've had my fun in edgy guilds and I'm just wanting to chill with good people now.


    Mail me in game or PM me on Discord. I hope to see you all out in the world soon.


    Discord = GR0MIT#3532

    Ingame = GROMIT. 7829


  5. It's ok it took my server in wvw 18 months to get a botter/hacker banned with multiple vieos, screens shots and chat logs etc. The report function only serves to accomidate those with hurt feelings, it doesn't really get used as a tool to punish anyone outside of that.

  6. Guardian


    -Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

    If this is the case then we'd need a 5-10% cooldown reduction to balance this change out.


    -Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants aegis or retaliation.

    This affects the trait "Stalwart Speed" which is currently a major component in the meta, we need the quickness to reduce activation for other abilities, this change makes no sense.


    -Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE.

    The current meta in WvW is very boon corruption and condition application heavy, removing the 3rd condition cleanse for this ability will increase the potency of an already incredibly oppressive meta based on conditions.


    -Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis.

    This is another one that ties into the trait "Stalwart Speed", this change plus the change to "Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines" essentially makes "Stalwart Speed" redundant, the other two traits are not optimal or required as no self respecting guard would run out of charges on their mantras.


    -Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires.

    Interesting change, not sure if i like it or not :).


  7. > @"Blackarps.1974" said:

    > It just sounds like a mini-world boss. I personally don't think they are the correct way to go about making an easy mode for raids. I'd rather see them just change scaling in normal raids. Reduce the HP, add more time, put perma chill or something on bosses to make them easier. I wouldn't change it too much or mess with mechanics because the easy mode should be a training process to get into "normal" raids. Then just disallow players to get marks and reduced rewards for the easy mode and that be it.


    > I think one person said it well. Strike Missions just sound like more content to abandon in a year from now. Keeping it tied to raids would be a lot better.


    I think it's more about the fight mechanics rather than the scale of the fight, probably instanced as well so it's party or raid size without travel, environment, and puzzle aspects. Helps us noobs get a boss fight with what i'm guessing will be much lower rewards which is fair as the raids are a lot of work.


    Looking forward to it myself as the world boss mechanics are still very old and simple while these ones might be much harder and hopefully timed.

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