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Posts posted by Marcelo.4210

  1. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > I concur with the OP. I understand that it's much easier (and considerably quicker) to remain in the routine of content patch cadences, but other systems are creaking and in need of some love.


    > There are many systems that just need expanding. Guild missions remain an exceptionally popular way to bond a group together - but lack of variety and system expansion has led to boredom and abandonment. Such a pity. AGAIN wasted potential. It seems to have become a mantra.


    They are still done for a few reasons, but making new ones, reworking some old ones would already bring some much life to the idea itself. It is kinda sad to see old stuff forgotten, BUT, we have been seeing in the last months they changing and updating past stuffs, so voicing and keep voicing our concerns, ideas and all is key to get those things updated!

  2. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > > I really wish that guild missions got some love. They feel so old and often still glitchy.

    > > Would be cool to have more bounty targets, trek locations, races, etc., especially in HoT and PoF areas.

    > >

    > > And the lack of things like a TP or proper bank in the GH makes it not work so great as a hub for people to hang out in.

    > >


    > Remember guild RACES? What about guild MOUNT races?! Let's gooooo!


    It would be really nice to see a 2/3 player mount for Guilds. Or something guilds can unlock for the mounts. At least more Mount Skins with Guild logos/Flags on it would already be reallyyyy cool!

  3. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > One more thing: We need a Guild Hall set in the Mists, similar in theme to Armistice Bastion, for WvW guilds. This type of Guild Hall would have many of the same features, like being able to see the WvW map, and access to team chat, etc.


    > Maybe even players from other servers who join the guild could enter as enemies there, too. They could still use all the same services (neutral to NPCs), but would be automatically assigned a Guild Hall PvP team red, green or blue based upon server.


    > (This ties into making Guild Hall PvP map-wide and using WvW balance, like I suggested earlier.)



  4. I mean, we could have a Guild Hall type/map shift for those who wants to be like a fort, to accept GvGs, imagine opening your guild in a lobby for other players to raid your map! That would be awsome. An entire guild can come and raid you, other just a small group/random players. Guilds could have 2 GHs, a normal one(the ones rn) and a raid mode GH. With that we could have allied guilds, some maps that the Halls get added to. That is alot to make, so I doubt this will ever happen, but, imagine how awsome it would be, you press a button to open the guild hall to raids, and random enemies come to fight you. It would be even better with PvE and PvP raids.

    The Guild halls should be the Guild base of operations, their home, fort and everything. Having visiting players, stations, raiders, should be part of it. Imagine how much life that would breath to guilds, and to the game.

  5. > @"Harak.8397" said:

    > The guild Halls feel huge and impersonal to me. What IS there to do in there with all that space? The garrisons in WoW gave you something to do. Hell the housing in ESO feels more interesting. You're not going to get 500 people in a GH at the same time anyway, two thirds of the active and online guild roster aren't even representing at any given time. That brings me to another tangential point: It may be an unpopular opinion but I think being allowed to join as many as 5 guilds was a mistake. The filter feeder approach is neither conductive to actual guild growth ( besides inflated roster) nor member retention. In short guilds don't matter.


    Well, even if I agree with parts of what you said, there are some really cool houses in ESO, I feel that if we speak what we think, give Anet our ideas, we can get some new cool stuff! It worked before, and it is working now, the new mount update, capes, and everything! There is cash aswell in guilds!

    I think that limiting even more the amount of guilds one can join would be kinda bad, I mean, there are guilds for PvE, farms, Raids, WvW, all the things! I love the idea of being in multiple guilds at the same time!

    Right now, guilds almost doesn't matter, and in some parts of the game, they don't even exist, that is true, still with a few updates, I think that they could bring alot of life into the game! In WvW they are already used, for alot of reasons. I don't think that they should have an use in PvP, but in the rest of the game, it would be awsome to have more stuff! But I mean, Guilds should be their own thing, they should have unique missions, areas, and stuff like that! Not limiting other players, but kinda rewarding group play!

  6. > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > Yeah I'd really really love more stuff to do with guilds in the game - the game is literally named after guilds!


    > I love that they still bother to add decorations, but they could do so much more. I'd also love to be able to upgrade the guild cape from "basic" to something more extravagant :)

    > I would love to see new capes! And true, I miss new guild stuff outside of decorations.

    > It could be fun to have more NPCs in the GH - bank/trading post at least.


    > Obviously I'd really like GvGs to be a thing too... but people have been asking about that since launch and I've kinda lost hope on it :)


    > Having new missions would be cool too! Could have a weekly guild strike, dungeon, raid, bounty, world boss, event... anything really.


    I agree 100%, having more things in the GH would be awsome. Cool missions really bring some fun, and adding some visual rewards to it would be awsome(like more Guild Shields, Capes(Imagine a longer cape, a Guild Royal Cape, Etc) and armour, even other stuff, hell, decorations for those would be cool!). Having a Bank, TP, Mystic forge, that all would be nice as hell!

    GvG's would be cool, but I feel that, for them to happen at GH outside of arenas, they would need a visual re-work, and that might be quite alot. Still would be awsome! Imagine a WvW map that your part of the map is decided by the GH you own! That would be cool.


  7. We have been getting some really cool stuff, players asked for capes, and boom, underwater stuff, it is coming, new Exp, and there we go, so I think it is time!

    Well, I see a few threads from times to times about Guild Halls(asking for new ones, new features, or even praising new decorations), Guild missions, or just the guild system that exists right now, and I think it would be a great time to re-work at least a little bit of the Guild system! I mean, adding new missions, new stuff to do at the Halls(Like at the EotN we can buy the crafting stations and TP, we could bring them to the Gh!) Adding more stuff to the Arena, more baseline decorations, heck, even a defense mode to the hall(of course only the guild wants to play those!). I think that the addition/rework of the system right now would bring alot of content, and as in any Player controlled ambient/Guild Ambient, we would see a larger life, if kept with even small updates! We have alot of great threads around with awsome ideas, but I really think that a small re-work would do wonders for the system as right now, it is sadly forgotten! Anyway, thank-you for the read!

  8. > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > Any new use for the Bjora's ice shards? (I still didn't play the new episode) I have around 10k shards and I don't really like to fill the guild hall with small shrines or hundreads of giant ravens. These trees look like a good way to spend a map currency.


    You can't use the Ice Shards to make the new one, but they are pretty cheap and easy to farm. Trees cost 100, you have a few mobs around the map that drop them so no worries! But, the smaller shrines(Unlocked with the Drakkar meta event) stay great near those trees, using the fog machine that Op talked about, and snow makers, you can make a snowy, cold forest norn themed zone!

  9. Hello! It's me again, the guy that only talks about Guilds and Guild Halls. So, the new decorations, and the fact that we are always getting them, is awsome! The new trees are awsome! Thank-you for those news itens(And the ones from the past updates!)! In the last update, with the Eyes of the North, we got the chance to upgrade for a not so expensive price, the new HUB, getting a bank, trading post, new merchants, crafting stations and portals. Those ask for specific itens, and other stuff, that, in my opinion, could be used to make, new updates for the guild halls, as they are not only super expensive, but also sadly, doesn't bring alot, for most players. I know it's only a small thing, but let's say that, they won't kill cities, otherwise, eyes of the north, and the hubs, multiple active cities, places with crafting, the pvp, wvw and everything wouldn't exist the way they do. I know a few Guilds that are on their way to craft and max their halls, but, get hold back on the idea that will still lack alot of those, basic things. I know the original idea is that the Guild halls are "Heart of Thorns" Content, but with the recent updates, giving us those new decorations, the way that players have been reacting and talking, we could start seeing new stuff, even if small things coming to the feature, updating with Icebrood Saga, and even maybe with the new expansion! Well, we could also check in new ideas, I remember a forum post with a Trello talking about ideas to guild halls upgrade aswell! We still have players asking for such updates, so, I don't see harm in adding those! Well, anyway, ty for reading this long post! And again, thank-you for the new awsome decorations! The shrines, trees and even the crystal devourer are awsome decos!

  10. Yes! We really need new Guild Missions, alot of new PvE missions. We could use the ideas of Strike Missions(Like the Puzzles, but a bit harder), have some special ones for Guilds. Weekly ones, simples ones and a few harder. Some Open map legendary enemy would be cool as well.

    I know this is really hard to happen, but, some new guild armour would be awsome coming with those new missions.

    Seeing some guild missions with chapters would be cool too, imagine, first, you trek something, second you do a puzzle connected, third you hunt some enemies, and at least you have a "strike like mission" boss fight. Well, just some ideas.

  11. > @"LARFERA.3749" said:

    > Suggestion:


    > 1. Can you guys create different types of cape version of bag or shoulder?

    > 2. Please change the outfit. Make it like a wardrobe where we can mix and match it. If it's possible, Separate the chest armor into two pieces (inner and outer) I think it will be more exciting.

    > 3. Gloves option - can choose different gloves on both hands. Example: left arm: radiant vambraces / Right arm: leystone vambraces.

    > 4. Please add more hairstyle - adjustable to make it shorter or longer.

    > 5. Please add more mount skin option. Example: we can change the saddle style and mount feature (face and other) of the mount. (like a wardrobe - mix and match)

    > 6. Make the mount not to disappear option: example: make it looks like it will follow you after dismount like a ranger pet or stay in a certain distance (applicable only to the last mount you use). Call option when it's time to ride.

    > 7. Miniature option: can change the name, outfit, height, colors. Add options where it can also give a bit of a buff, remove conditions, and others. (feature can is only applicable in world exploration- no effect on PVP or PVE)


    > I think this will add revenue to the game and makes Guildwars 2 more exciting.


    > Thank you.



    3 seems hard, but really cool. Same goes for 6, but, just like Zephire.8049 said, the game is already "visually noisy", that would make it alot worst, only, sorry, still, cool ideas.

  12. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > Or dunno, make a easy craftable item to let you try the "capture the guildhall" mission again, since that was basically a mordrem invasion anyways.

    That would be cool as well! I think the idea I had was more like, as this is your home now, as the idea of capturing the guild hall even says, as in finding a home at it, of more of defending your home, not recaping. Still I like your idea of recaping the place.

  13. Around the game, we always see and partake on events, that happens all the time, being killing a veteran, defending someone, holding waves, and many more. I know that guild halls are kinda dead, but still, it would be cool being able to activate enemy attacks, like waves and stuff like that, even with low to no drops, just in order to do something funny at them. The idea is being able to activate something that calls enemy NPCS, as in a way to spice up Guild Halls, having higher level guilds calling higher level events/monsters.


    I think thats a nice way to breath some nice fresh air in the Guild Halls, and to guilds itself, in a PVE at least.


    (Edit)That would also work as a nice Guild Mission, as a way to bring new guild missions!


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