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Posts posted by Painbow.6059

  1. either 2 boon chronos (1 tanks), druid, banner warrior, offheal (literally anything that heals it's the biggest leech role in the squad because nobody expects anything but pure healing), dps - or boon chrono (tank), druid, heal firebrand, alacrity renegade, banner warrior, dps. those are the most common pug raid compositions. just to clarify though they are not the best, like you can run double chrono if you want that's still viable, but generally having a boon chrono, condi quickness firebrand, alacrity renegade, druid and banner warrior is better because it has higher damage and utility. if you want 2 'healers' you're best making the renegade play heal in a squad scenario and otherwise the firebrand

  2. Fractals is centred on short burst phases, for the most part, meaning that trying to translate kitty golem numbers into performance is unfeasible. Your damage in fractals will vary largely depending on how good your CC is, along with offensive buffs present. There isn't a good number I can give you to aim for. Practice your rotation on golem, and in particular the cast times of your burst skills so you can use them very quickly in fractals without interrupting them. Also, don't invest anything into defensive stats if you want to do daily CMs and t4's, it's selfish and a waste

  3. I think it's an interesting idea, however, with respect I don't trust the developers to decide what is high or low dps. Furthermore, damage potential varies so much per encounter that implementing a 'simple' meter that takes account of each encounter would actually require a lot of analysis

  4. I don't find it difficult to find chronos or rens via lfg. Offchrono works fine, although firebrigade is superior because it has higher damage and more utility via legends and tome of courage. Jalis for Kodans, Ventari for Boneskinner, Valiant Bulwark for the projectiles on Fraenir and Kodans, Unbroken Lines for WoJ after killing your doppelganger at 25%, or the knockback on Shiverpeaks Pass if your squad DPS isn't good. That's not to say Chrono can't mimic similar utility options, but not as well, and generally at a greater cost. There is also the option of one of them playing heal. Usually on Boneskinner I take a Druid, Heal Fbr/Ren and Healscourge, although Druid and (usually) Healscourge are sufficient if the players are decent.

  5. I would recommend diviners. In fractals, the renegade nearly always plays diviners in groups with a healer, making it easier for you to join groups. In raids, PuG's will typically have the firebrand play heal and look for a diviner ren (although contrary to popular practice having a harrier renegade paired with a condi quickbrand is the best firebrigade heal option) - the same applies for Strikes.

  6. Strikes are not in any way closed to new players, the majority of lfgs have no kp requirement or even specify experience... It's true that there are quite a lot of lfgs that ask for some LI or form of raid KP, but considering faster clears result in greater rewards, and it's reasonable to assume players with raid KP are able to perform rotations better than those who don't raid, it's justified to ask for such. This post is just blowing something out of proportion and making an issue out of something where no issue exists

  7. > @"Xenic.1387" said:

    > Thanks. I haven't been able to get in a raid yet.... There's never anything in LFG. And on the rare case there is, it's always send kill proof, exp only, etc....


    > Reaper is fine but 99% of the time there's just no support players in pug groups, which is why I started playing support necro. I'll still make sure I have a reaper gear set ready to go though.


    If you want to go for a support build for fractals (I assume you mean heal-support), try Firebrand. You provide might, quickness, fury, regen, swiftness, stability, aegis etc for boons and have access to tons of stability, reflects and CC options too.

  8. Scourge is terrible in fractals because it has low burst damage, you should only play it in raids. There is a shaman/marshal gear variant that sacrifices a lot of the personal DPS that Plaguedoctor provides but with stronger, squad-wide barriers and a stronger transfusion while still retaining some epidemic damage. The other two relevant stat combos would be full magis (no epidemic value but maximum heal/barrier value) or just playing DPS scourge (vipers - also probably the closest build to the Plaguedoctor Hscg). It's worth noting now though that if you want to play necro in fractals in (CM's + T4 groups) you should only play Power Reaper

  9. I suppose to an extent class scepticism is somewhat justified when one initially joins the group based on the average player. I agree that a well-played DD, or Reaper for a further example, will trash an average pug DH or whatever, but average pug DD's and Reapers are usually really bad. Saying that I've been joining or making fractals groups in the 150-250kp range with myself on Reaper and my buddy on Daredevil to meme around for the past couple of days, and not faced any negative comments or overly long LFG fills

  10. The build sounds terrible. Why would you use power weapons on a condition damage build? I mean sure it would 'work', but it's pointless. You can mix in some marauder stats with berserkers for open-world content on DH if you want, but for high-end PvE any form of gear deviation from Berserkers is suboptimal for DH

  11. > @"Noodle Ant.1605" said:

    > Due to AP (Assassin's Presence), power herald can definitely be worthwhile in raids; when there is no other revenants bringing this trait, a herald can be considered as GOOD as it can bring ~1.5k additional dps per power dps role.


    > Boon herald has a bench of 28k. Assuming 5 other power dps, the boon herald's theoretical dps value is ~35k, while still bringing additional utility as a boonbot.


    > If there is no need for additional boons, the herald can run a more offensive build (Forceful Persistence instead of Draconic Echo), reaching a projected bench of ~30-31k. Again with 5 power dps, herald can potentially have a theoretical dps value of ~38k.


    > And if there is already a source of AP, a full dps herald can optimise for maximum personal dps to reach a projected ~32-33k, which isn't exactly 'high' but is still a solid number in comparison to other existing dps specs. However, this is possibly where it is simply outdone by condi ren.


    But Herald has terrible burst damage which will make its DPS a lot lower than other power options irrespective of the benchmark number on multiple raid encounters, and though AP is a DPS increase for other power classes, it's not going to be that big of a difference to pugs, while high-end groups will likely require certain classes like Fbr or DH that also provide quickness.

  12. It's very poor in good groups and pretty bad in average pug groups. The utility Herald offers, namely boons (although it does have AP too), is already covered by other classes within the raid meta. Furthermore, Herald has very poor burst damage with mediocre sustained damage (if you were to drop squad wide utility), meaning it really sucks in bursty encounters with multiple phases/burn phases etc, and in fights without phases, it's still a weak DPS class. Saying that, if you're playing in training groups or with a terrible druid, it can be a good build just for keeping up boons through Draconic Echo.

  13. Guardian is one of the best classes for fractals and raids. In fractals, you have Power Quickbrand, Condition Quickbrand, Power Dragonhunter (DPS) and you could even play Condition Firebrand if you wanted. In raids, you have similar options. Ranger is another class which is great in both forms of content, in the form of Power Soulbeast for fractals and far more build versatility in raids, including Druid, Power Soulbeast and Condition Soulbeast. Thirdly, I'm gonna say warrior due to banners.

  14. Reaper is overall stronger. It's better in open-world, pretty good in fractals (scourge is complete garbage in fractals since the burst damage is trash), and probably on par overall with scourge in raids (scourge is good for certain encounters due to epidemic but otherwise it's low DPS).

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