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Posts posted by MixolydianGray.6578

  1. > @Teratus.2859 said:

    > Nope you have to tame all pets on each Ranger character individually.


    > Tbh that's one of the more fun things to do on Ranger imo.


    Agreed. I felt accomplished after getting the last pet in the arsenal. (I don't have the Hall of Monuments ones because I never played GW1, but I have all the others.) I was a bit perturbed about wolf being hidden within the realms of WvW, but it didn't stop me from heading over there.

  2. > @typographie.1742 said:

    > In some cases having those weapons on the base class wouldn't even make any sense. You're not going to come up with a build where a non-druid ranger is going to get use out of the staff, or a condi warrior build that justifies using a torch but lacks the Berserker traits. The chronomancer's shield is significant a source of alacrity, which is one of the most important things that differentiates a chronomancer from a mesmer.


    As a druid main, I concur. I really don't see what I would gain by using staff just for the sake of staff. I imagine it's a similar thing for thief/daredevil. The whole point of those weapons is to give abilities to us that we wouldn't otherwise have.

  3. I'd like an app for it. More forums are starting to opt for apps, anyway (or can at least be accessed through Tapatalk), and since the team has recently added SMS authentication, they're already starting to merge the game with mobile devices. Having an app wouldn't be too far of a stretch forward.


    Also, it would make it easy for people to check the forums while in-game. For things like events scheduled through the forum, that could be useful.

  4. I have nine toons (one for each profession), and as of right now, all of my characters are female. That was intentional. It's not because I don't like male characters. I just like the idea of women being heroes.


    I'm not saying I wouldn't consider male characters for the future. However, I honestly have enough things to do with the all-female roster I already have. New characters of any kind can wait.

  5. My main goal was to get as many mastery point unlocks as possible and train mastery tracks. It's a rather nebulous goal, seeing as I don't have a set number I want to get to, but I like the progress I'm making, and I think I'll be able to have a lot of things done by the time the expansion is officially released. Whatever mastery rank I end up having will be a lot nicer than what I had when the expansion announcement was made.

  6. > @Drecien.4508 said:

    > Would love to see an exchange type service to convert older unlimited gathering tools for newer ones. Whether its for cosmetics or for utility it would be a welcome addition to the store.


    I could see this being useful. I didn't have this problem because I'm a newer player and this was my first set, but I know several people who were irked over having to buy the unbound magic tools after they already had a set for a rather long period of time. People want the perks, but don't want to shell out more money than they have to. I don't exactly know how this could be put into practice within the store, but I like the idea.

  7. The whole point of the elite specs is that they're supposed to be different. They're supposed to be special. If a standard necro (to use your example) could use a reaper's sword, then what makes the reaper special? Yeah, you still have the reaper spec, but as someone above mentioned, the elite spec weapons are put together with that spec in mind. Yeah, a necro running around with a greatsword sounds cool, but what would that accomplish?

  8. I think it would be nice to have a few different options for forum color schemes to fit what people like. There could be this that we could call the default, then a dark one (with light text on a dark background). You could also expand on this and have a scheme for certain aspects of the game (Central Tyria scheme, one for HoT, and one for PoF).


    I don't think what we have is bad, but I like the idea of having options for the people who don't like it. Forums often utilize things of this nature.

  9. > @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

    > I suggested this in the old forums:


    > **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


    As I'm still fairly new to the game, I think this would be really interesting. It'd certainly help me understand the lore more.


    > @Nury.3062 said:

    > Already said it before. Every race's child version as mini (real size). Imagine bringing your cub or salad with you to show him the wilderness and how to survive in Tyria.


    How would this work, though, with all races? Sylvari are spawned from the Pale Tree fully grown. There is no such thing as a sylvari "child."


    > @Chadramar.8156 said:

    > _Non-gendered armor_. Let me wear the exact same, beautifully themed, practical and/or impressive gear that men get to wear. No skirts, heels, underwear, b-plates, b-windows or other "strategic" naked skin.





  10. > @Gailrin.1384 said:

    > Adding asterisk(*) after an emote will allow you to sync emotes. Also, the door in Queensdale which says only threatening people may enter, "/threaten" it, it'll open! Some Npcs also react to emotes which can help heart completion, like the lonely cows in the Diessa Plateau.


    > @LadySilverHand.6841 said:

    > Ooo, a fun one is the Ornery Crabs. If you threaten them, they will become normal hermit crabs and run away, instead of attacking. :D


    I didn't know either of these things, but now I'm curious and want to try it. The crab thing sounds particularly intriguing.

  11. As a person who almost exclusively plays PvE, I'm not too concerned personally, but I can see how this would be a problem in PvP and WvW, especially given that pets are supposed to be a certain percentage of the ranger's damage. (I think I read that it's like 30%. I could be wrong, and if I am, please correct me.) Also, as someone who does utilize the Beastmastery spec for the purpose of boosting my pets, that is problematic. At the same time, I can understand how difficult it would be to balance that out without making the pets TOO powerful. It'd be silly to have the NPC pet dole out more damage than the actual player.


    Also, I know this isn't related, but since someone mentioned it, I'm excited to try soulbeast and see how it is. The preview during the PoF announcement seemed underwhelming, but I've heard good things from my guildmates. We'll see how it goes.

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