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Posts posted by Arten.3915

  1. Thank you Anet! The 64-bit client now seems very solid as far as not crashing and the keyboard bug seems to be gone. I haven't had either of these issues for quite some time. The "ghosting" problem still seems to be happening, but it seems to be capturing the sky now instead of the land. I'm sure this has something to do with the Ambient Occlusion setting, which by-the-way, keeps defalting to the "On" mode everytime I relaunch the game. I still notice that some of the trees and bushes flicker with what looks like lighting, but that's a minor thing. Also, the round labels that appear on the ground in WvW camps sometimes seem to detach and float around the screen. It's like they're not locked down to the ground. Anyway, I hope these notes keep helping you solve things. Thanks again!


    --Astral Myth

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