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Posts posted by Mayga.7241

  1. For me, this is the worst part of story in many years in GW2.


    Three unnecessarily long dungeons with boring and uninteresting mechanics, similar to each other.

    Public content in personal story (lol wat?)

    Inability to create a 5man group in lfg in the desired section, because there is an opportunity only for squads.

    15 even more boring cms.

    Grind this pointless content in order to get a weapon, to get mastery. Look so cool.

    One hour in Dragonfall meta everyday for daily? Are you kidding?


    Today I will finish my achievements there and will not return to these "dungeons". Never.

    Thanks for the "interesting" new content that I don't even want to see in the future.


    You haven't even made any new mechanics for the Primordus minions. You just took meteors from 100cm and copypaste it in gendarran dungeon. Oh wow, you did sooo hard work!


    Okay, you are working on expansion now. But expansion will appear in next year. We will play this aught for another year, because you are too busy working on Cantha? Unpleasant perspective.


  2. > @"Merrex.5384" said:


    > I am worried about the Health of Fractals and how we can make it somehow rewarding for higher end players to come down and teach new players or help them as they try to get more AR so they can also get the better rewards. Right now its a total waste of time for someone running T4 Fractals to do anything else.


    > If you run your T4 fractals You get all of the rewards from the T3 / T2 and T1 so no reason to run anything but T4 and Recs.


    If you are so worried about it, put your own groups in lfg. Create a guild that will help new players. Let the people in this guild unite and go to t1-2-3 fractals.

    If you're worried about something and want to do it - just do it. But don't try to "make the world better" by forcing other people to waste their time on things that they don't care at all.


    I don't have time to "train" someone. I have real life and 1 hour per day for my cms+t4. And I'm really surprised by people who try to force me or lure me into some activities that I dont need and not interested in.


    I studied myself with other 3-4 random ppl with similar experience. I didn't bother anyone and didn't force people to "teach" me.


    There is a very friendly community here. I always help new players if I see them in recs (if they need my help, of course). It's not necessary to turn this voluntary kindness into mandatory daily program. It won't end well.


  3. > @"Tom.1852" said:


    > Maybe they assume the average raid player gets their clear and then farms daily fracs and open world events for the rest of the week?


    Yes. I get my full clear at monday and get my full clear (alt acc) at tuesday. That's enough for me in a week, coz I have many other things to do in game. Daily fractals, yes. Open world events, yes. Achi, yes. PvP and WwW? Sure. Why not? There is alot of fun content. GW2 is not only about raids. This is a huge world with alot activity, you know it?


    If you want more raids with loot - get more alt accounts.

    And stop saying "WE NEED" with caps on behalf of few people.


    > @"Tom.1852" said:


    > And i think we deserve more, some people probably do **3-4 Full Clears a week**, and by experience, those people will slowly get burned out, maybe they even make less gold from raids than they spend because they are sitting around with expensive food on 24/7, and that just feels **unfair**.


    Why are they sitting around with food on 24/7? It looks so strange. I use food only in raids. Everyone I know does the same. Because even 3-4 fc takes several hours. Or you just sitting there at the LA aerodrome with your "expensive food on 24/7" and "slowly get burned out"? So you dont need raids 24/7 - you just need endless food tonic or something :D





  4. > @"Yellow Rainbow.6142" said:


    > 3 scourage + hb alac can do it very easily actually. In Fact, its a go to method for alot of pug for DWD.


    Well, let's see what setup they will choose if they suddenly agree to stream their passage 100cm for dwd. I excluded only the easiest way in my opinion. And of course I forgot to attach the sarcasm sign :)



  5. Dear Anet! Interesting changes. And an interesting position. "encounters with substantial defiance bars be addressed by build changes rather than reliance on consumables"©

    I have a little question. We have already seen your stream, in which you pass 25 fractal. Can we now see your stream in which you are passing 100cm fractal for DwD with any setup (excluding 4 guardians +alac)? Show us, please, how do you perform mechanics of cm fractal you've created (without consumables). I think it will be very interesting for all of us. And you will like it too, I have no doubt.

  6. > @"Suowik.4507" said:

    > Well, I feel pretty bad right now, because I got the skin, but forced my fiancee not to login, so her account won't be messed up, and now she doesn't have same "gift" :disappointed: I need to hide it from her, or she will be VERY disappointed! :anguished:


    Just buy and send her this skin as a gift and she will forget about your bad advice and will consider you as a hero, who fights injustice. Profit :)

  7. > @"Gopaka.7839" said:



    > The guild wars 2 community that actually reads the forums, reddit, twitter, gw2 discords felt arested for one day not being able to play the game of fear not losing their accounts, of fear they can twist the new and the old data, the pure reason many people didn't logged in. We lost progress during this day as well as the players who did logged in after the rollback. I even think the percentage of players who really play the game and enjoy and dedicate their time to the game is bigger than the players who went inside the game after the rollback. Those who logged in are people who a) don't care about their accounts, b) don't care about the servers melting infront of their eyes, c) people who aren't enough enlightened about the game and cannot fact check that there is some problem behind their playing during the day.


    I was in the game during the rollback. I was in the morning gemstone train. It happens in Elon riverlands during doppel meta. Of course I logged in immediately after the disconnect. And I realized that rollback happened. And all 50 people in our train understood the same thing. When I was able to enter the game again (after shutdown), my character stay in Desolation (junundu meta). About 10-15 minutes of my time disappeared forever. In those 10-15 minutes I got some expensive loot.


    And now - who am I on your list?


    "a) don't care about their accounts,

    b) don't care about the servers melting infront of their eyes,

    c) people who aren't enough enlightened about the game and cannot fact check that there is some problem behind their playing during the day."


    Tired of anger from people who dont even understand how the servers work. And that they cannot be broken by logging in to check your character. Stop making references to "good behavior." This is neither good or bad behavior. This is not responsibility or irresponsibility.

    The fact that people logged in could not damage their account. No way. Because servers work differently. And rollback was for everyone. Offline or online - it doesn’t matter. What matters is only the endless anger from people like you. Stop blaming people for all mortal sins. It is ugly and indecent.


    p.s. I believe that the mount should have been given to everyone. as well as extend SAB for 1 day.

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